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Captain Pogue

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Everything posted by Captain Pogue

  1. I'd still like to find some chargers though. I've checked the web and can't find and period chargers.
  2. Thanks for the response, but I'm not into live firing. Yet, anyway... I've already created a holster with a modified cartridge box attached to it. But it has always bothered me. Pirate, water, cartridge just sitting in a box... I wanted to get something that was a little more water-resistant for my next holster. I do appreciate the response. I want to get into live firing sometime in the future and I'll be hitting up everybody for advice on that. Gotta get a real pistol first. I'm currently on a waiting list for one of the new flintlocks over at Middlesex Village. Here is a pic of my last holster.
  3. Does anybody know a good place to buy period wood or tin black powder chargers? I'm open to constructing my own but the lack of proper tools and workspace would result in something a bit simpler than what I would like. Read as hollowed out dowel rods. Thanks, Pogue, still not wearing pants...
  4. I like Iron Bess's comment about Pixar. Financially it would make sense to continue producing something. There's a website out there full of people that just love the movie I'm sure. Look what they did with the Hell Boy franchise, a sequel is in the works and they've put out two direct to dvd cartoon movies. Low production costs, don't have to fly everybody out to an island, and just bring the cast in whenever they are available. As long as they don't turn it into a children's show that be fine by me.
  5. How about "The Good Ship Venus" The figure head was a wh*re in bed, sucking a dead man's pen!$. The cook's name was Freeman, and he was a dirty demon he fed the crew on men..... stew and hy... fried in se.... I can't bring myself to type it out... fun as hell singing in the car though. I got it off of the Rogue's Gallery CD, produced by Johnny Depp and Gore Verbanski, the perfomances of the songs are hit or miss with me.
  6. All this Fop talk reminds me of the fops in Japanese Literature. Sometimes it amazes me how similar different cultures are. Of course it was read for a Japanese Literature course focusing on Love, gender, and sexuality.
  7. You better believe I looked at it quite a bit... I'm still bouncing around a hat lining. I'll be wearing a rag between my head and hat so I'm waffling... I think I'll stay away from the edging for now. I'm still working on a way to make sure the hat stays on even in windy conditions. Would chin straps(more like strings) be accurate, if not I've got to go with staples... Glue will just clump up my hair. Thanks for the compliment Carlislekid. It is scary how much I didn't spend on this one compared to my Capt. Jack.
  8. It is blocked... Not as extreme as yours... Do you think I need to re-block it?
  9. I just got my hat finished. Thanks again to everyone that contributed. Here's a pic, with my pipe stuck in the band. Still Pantless Pogue, but I got a new hat...
  10. Here's some I found interesting... http://www.uniquecanes.com/store/ http://www.stanleylondon.com/ Ebay - search for brass telescope or brass compass (you'll get cheap to pricy)
  11. The Dutch painting would be accurate. The Japanese had heavy trade with the Dutch during their period of isolation. They were just limited to Dejimi, if I recall correctly, and some smaller ports.
  12. Patrick The cowboy hat was a right fine idea. I just so happened to have an old cowboy hat that I was looking at trashing. Instead of a coffe can I used a planting pot. It looks beat up and distressed, but has the shape I was going for. As soon as I get my digital camera back I'll post a picture. Thanks for the advice. Pogue
  13. Most nice swords won't come with scabbards. Scott Wilson at Darkwood Armory is making a ascabbard for mine. The other option is Triton Scabbard Works www.tritonworks.com. They have some really nice looking scabbards and are quite affordable. The only drawback was when I checked he was back logged by nine months. Then you send him your sword to make the scabbard and he'll get it back to ya. I was too impatient to wait for that. You'll probably want a scabbard for protection, for the blade, you, and others. Also legal issues if you go to a faire or festival.
  14. Mr. Hand, is that sarcasim? Slapping a katana on your hip doesn't quite seem like the Patrick Hand I've gotten to know thru your posts. If your sincere, there is a katana on MyArmoury.com's MarketPlace for sale...
  15. Roy Here is what I got from Mark Millman from MyArmory when I was in your boat, er ship... "Your big problem here is that few manufacturers seem to make swords from the period in which I suspect you're most interested--the Golden Age of Piracy, 1680-1710 or so--and custom work will be beyond your price range. I've come up with a few possibilities, however, which I've listed from least to most suitable. Museum Replicas Limited http://www.museumreplicas.com/ http://www.museumreplicas.com/webstore/eCa.../p...anger.aspx You know them; you're conflicted about them. Still, the consensus is that their quality has been im- proving, although there can be some inconsistency. The Pirate Captain's Hanger is their knockoff of Johnny Depp's sword from Pirates of the Caribbean, but it's actually one of the more accurate and attractive items they offer--my biggest problem with MRL is that as their products have gotten tougher and more durable, they seem increasingly to be throwing historical accuracy out the win- dow. But this looks like a pretty good product (note that I haven't seen one in person, so I can't speak from experience), it comes with a scabbard, and it's only $160 plus shipping. The two biggest issues are that it's basically the same as many of the military hangers that the next choice offers (and which you can often find for less), only with an antique finish rather than a shiny new one, and that everyone and his brother will have one of these. G. Gedney Godwin http://www.gggodwin.com/ http://www.gggodwin.com/swords.htm G. Gedney Godwin are primarily an eighteenth-century sutlery, supplying French and Indian War and American Revolutionary re-enactors, so most of their swords are from thirty or more years after your period. However, a lot of the styles are very similar to those of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. I'd particularly recommend the Monster Head Hanger [#661]; if you cut off the guard's side branch, and perhaps replace the grip, you'll have a pretty good, and fairly distinctive, cutlass. Armour Class http://www.armourclass.co.uk/ http://www.armourclass.co.uk/Data/Pages/17...ntury_Main2.htm http://www.armourclass.co.uk/Data/Pages/17...17Century_8.htm http://www.armourclass.co.uk/Data/Pages/17...17Century_7.htm Armour Class are in Scotland, so shipping may prove costly, but their prices are very reasonable, which may make up for it. I recommend some variant of the 17C7 17th Century Shell & Ring Guard Hanger, which is the sec- ond item on their 17th Century Page 2 . Armour Class offer 26" (66 cm) and 30" (76 cm) blades in sharp and "re-enactment" (meaning re-enactor society combat blunt) varieties, single-edge (which they call "back edge") and double-edge, and fullered or diamond-section. You'll want the 66 cm back edge fullered blade, though I'm not sure whether the sharp or the blunt is better for your pur- poses. I think all the photos are of the blunts. Note that their blades are straight and not curved, which may not appeal to you, though it's not incorrect for weapons of the type you have in mind. The item page shows several examples with small shells turned toward the blade, but you should ask for one or two large shells turned toward the pommel. You might also consider the 17C6 17th Century Tower Hanger, which is the first item listed on 17th Century Page 2 but appears under the last link above, especially if you can get them to make it with- out the branch that connects the side knuckle-guard to the front knuckle-guard. You'll want the same blade as you'd get on the Shell & Ring Guard Hanger. Even with that modification, it might be a bit early in style for you, though it wouldn't be absurd or inappropriate. Darkwood Armory http://www.darkwoodarmory.com/ http://www.darkwoodarmory.com/baskethiltedswords.shtml Darkwood Armory are very well known and respected among both re-enactors and historical martial artists. Their prices are on the high side of your range, but it's still worth considering them. The most obvious choice is their German Baskethilt (1700) known as a "Sinclair Hilt", second to last on the Basket Hilted Swords page. Although it's out of your price range as shown, if you get it with the Dusagge blade and the hammered finish, it will drop to $425--waiting a little longer to save up the difference is certainly an option I'd seriously consider. There is another, and perhaps better, option: Get the Dusagge blade with a simpler, and presum- ably less expensive, hilt. I'd suggest that you ask Scott, the armorer, to make you something like this: http://www.myArmoury.com/review_odf_hanger.html Other examples are here: http://www.olddominionforge.com/swords.html (Old Dominion Forge are well out of your price range--I think their prices start between $600 and $800--but their shell-guard hangers and cutlasses are exactly the right sort of thing for a pirate im- pression. The examples on the pages I cite just above should be illustrative.) With luck, he'll be able to make you something similar that will be within your preferred range, es- pecially if you stick with the hammered finish. "
  16. Darkwood armory Dussage 16th Century Sinclair hilt. It's not current GAoP weaponry but it is appropriate. I haven't got it yet, but dealing with them has been very pleasent. They are quite affordable and have a good reputation amongst the SCA re-enactors.
  17. No problem. I was looking for a good period sword before I found the Pub. I asked a couple questions and got an essay on swords of the period and forges that make them. Gentleman of Fortune might belong over there too with his knowledge of period weapons...
  18. If you want to go a bit funky the following ebay stare has POTC buckles. http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZQ2aacmeQ2abrand
  19. Where does one find an assortment of buckles large enough for a 2"-3" belt. I've got my brother sculpting a cthullu inspired buckle with tentacles and a wing. But it would be nice to find some nice period... yet funky buckles. Anyone know of such a place? Pogue
  20. roytheodd, Besides the bevy of piratical knowledge floating around here you might want to check out www.MyArmoury.com. They've got a lot of reviews on swords as well as the people that have had their hands on just about all things bladed. They know more about weapons than someone should and someone is bound to have had one of the swords in question. Check out Callenish Gunner's (sp?) posts, he sells guns and swords that are pretty much period. He also has pictures of his wares in a post regarding PIP in the Events section. Pogue
  21. I've found www.hatshapers.com for blocks. Don't know if they have blanks.
  22. Aye, that'd be about what I'm looking for. Maybe minus the side flipped up. $65 is not bad at all! Thanks for the pics, uh Pyrateleather
  23. Billy Bones - I'll have to look into HatCrafters, thanks for the tip. Patrick - Used cowboy hat, that's a fine idea. I don't know if I could find one down here in Texas... If I do, don't they hang you for that? Just adds to the excitement, thanks for the idea. Sebastian - Two years? Is that there standard turn around time? What did you order that took two years? Or are they just that busy? Do you have any experience with Capt. Jack's Hats, if so how does it compare for quality and price? Pogue
  24. CrazyChloeBlack, Did you ever come across that link for the British site? I've got a hat maker that was interested in checking them out. Thanks, Pogue
  25. Has anyone had any dealings with Dirty Billy Hats, they actually sell a Capotain. http://www.dirtybillyshats.com/
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