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Captain Pogue

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Everything posted by Captain Pogue

  1. They can handle the small stuff, but I fear they just can't handle the big important issues. Economic armegeddon and they took Rosh Shashana(sp?) off. Didn't they just had August off? It's great to see they're priorities. My boss isn't a slave driver, but when I need to get things completed my wife understands why I might have to cancel something important, our future livelyhood. Good to see that congress feels the same way.
  2. Here is an interesting look into how we got where we are. The article is dated 1999! http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...mp;pagewanted=1
  3. Captain Bogg and Salty I celebrate their entire library
  4. I think it'll work in the short run. Humans being what we are, somebody will find a way to cheat the system the bailout sets up. Then we'll be back to where we are are now.
  5. I got $425.00. If it was an English billion it would be $85,000,000,000,000.00 and come out to $425,000.00. 85,000,000,000 / 200,000,000 = 425
  6. New word on Pirates 4... http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?c...=3&id=60516
  7. Yay, word has English - Canadian spellcheck! Aboot time I found that, eh?
  8. Given the current political state and all... Would this be bad or good?
  9. For women it can get kinda pricey. Thankfully Steampunk let's you fudge intead of being PC. My' wife's shirt is from Target, her dress she got at a women'd clothing store in the mall on sale... The cape is antique though and the corset was a bit pricey. Were as my vest and shirt cost $50 from a Mr. Formal tux rental and sales place. It is fun looking for stuff that will work. It's more difficult to do with Pirate stuff and try and keep it PC.
  10. Thank you. I count myself very lucky for my wife.
  11. It is all about the goggles That was the first thing I made, just didn't seem to be right not making them myself... I don't have a pocket watch yet, just a pocket watch ammeter to measure amps and small container for my Altoids
  12. You have no idea... I know some of the pirates take what they do very seriously, Black John being one of them, but I think most of them still know that they do "the pirate thing" for fun above all else. Regardless if your historically accurate or hollywood. I've seen Black John and others be critical of some people in the context of historically accurate, when asked about historically accurate issues. They've got the experience and knowledge, they're great resources to get a very well educated answer from. Hats off to Black John and all the others that have helped so many of us But, some of the people over at Brassgoggles take it way to serious... It is a pretty diverse group though, there's always bound to be issues. But it doesn't beat the atmosphere over here at the Pyracy Pub
  13. I think your after the infamous Airship Pirate; Silas P. Morgan.
  14. Patrick, I just came across this thread and recognized your dino gun from BG. I go by Samuel Crowe over there. Your name got mentioned on Friday night at a Portland Steampunk meetup. Emily, apparently her brothers are big into pirates. Thought I'd say hey and that we were talking about you Can't wait to see your finished guns
  15. Happy Birthday! If yer gonna live to be 100 you might want to clue the scientists in on your secret. Currently, Tai Chi, skipping meat products, and community involvment are thought to be what's keeping people alive to 100. Hope it's filled with plenty of rum, and don't forget the peanuts
  16. Matt, I don't know if your interested in anything along these lines. http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12469 I haven't gotten scales on the billhook yet. We've been getting ready for the move to Portland next Saturday. It's top of the list once we get up there
  17. I got it yesterday, it is beautiful! Thanks Matt, great job. I'll post some pics when I get the handles on it. And, there are different variations on the shape if anybody wants to get one and have it be different. Pogue
  18. Already been shipped I'm just waiting on a tracking number. It turned out real well though. And I do believe period accurate...
  19. It is a cool dress, it laces up the front underneath the buttoned flap on th front.
  20. Sure do. Let me know if you have any questions. Nothing has been used over a couple times if that. It's too hot in Texas... Beautiful Ravenswood Leather Surcoat with removable Pirate Sleeves. It is one and a half years old, has only been worn once, and is just like new. The regular retail price is around $800. We're moving and I've only worn it once so it's time to find a new home for it. Surcoat Ravens Men's Sleeve Styles : Removable Sleeves Pirate-Style 1 Size Chest : 50 Size Waist : 46 Grommet Color : Nickle Closure Style : Button Nickle-Bright Accent Color : Royal Blue Main Colors : Black Asking: $450 + shipping Saberist Dress Size Waist : 32 Size Cup : C Size Bust : 34 Grommet Color : Nickle Accent Color : Black Main Colors : Black Button Color : Nickle Asking: $350 + shipping Warrior Belt 6" wide 46" waist Asking: $ 50 + shipping Frogs $25 ea. + shipping The Warrior belt has clips to hold a frog.
  21. Hey all! We're moving and I need to get rid of stuff I don't use. I've got a Ravenswood Leather coat, Saberist dress, Warrior belt, and two rapier frogs for sale. They're piratey, just not period accurate. I think I'm letting them go for a good deal. Let me know if anyone is interested and I'll post some pics, or when I get a chance to upload them. Thanks!
  22. Aye, best wishes and good health to you.
  23. My wife's Hollywood breeches are a pair of Liz Clairborne drop-font trousers she had hemmed, button holes added to the leg, and fancy buttons. She also picked up a jacket from Target that looked like a gunner's jacket. So far we've seen pants and some tops that seem to be inspired by the GAoP... They said Capt. Jack was everywhere, even women's clothing! Which brings up another point, when do the guys get some good GAoP inspired clothing... instead of the garb we pull together? Just doesn't seem fair
  24. I'm a bit disappointed. If they're gonna go that route and pillage fashion from a previous era at least don't use camo.... I'd take the piratey stuff HildeKitten has shown on the pub over most of what Galtier just showed....
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