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The Touring Gentleman

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Everything posted by The Touring Gentleman

  1. I only met her once, but I sang along with her - and the rest of the Belles - enough to remember the clover song. She was a talented performer with a strong stage presense and a keen sense of timing. We'll miss her voice and the smiles she brought. The Touring Gentleman
  2. I'd heard of them, seen their artwork... ...But I hadn't read any until recently. Right now, I'm in the middle of Howard Pyle's great work, "The Book of Pirates." Considering the age, there are probably a few publishers, but mine is the Dover edition, ISBN: 0-486-41304-7. Richly illustrated with black and white sketches throughout the book with several color plates in the middle. I recommend it.
  3. Shoulda lined up the 'ole crew that way, Captain. In one brief moment, you could've redefined "broadsides."
  4. And a fine portrait it is, Deacon... Though maybe it was the lighting, you're looking a little sea sick there.
  5. Well done, mate! At least you found one 'earty that could brag he had balls. Cannon balls, that is...
  6. Now THIS sounds like a good time! Capt Gary on the Royaliste, no? Either way, it's a good Captain that has a grasp of sign language! The Captain (or crew) might consider giving ESPN a call to see if you can get your hooks into a tape. I'm sure they got it captured on an air-check, so call for fees and see if the Royaliste got some air time. There's also the possibility of a rebroadcast...
  7. Many great examples here. To these, I might add Cyrano de Bergerac to the list. It's been years since I've seen it, but from what I remember, it had some great swordplay in it. See if you can find it: It has been twice as long since I've seen the José Ferrer version, but I seem to remember a good bit done in there, too. In either version, it's worth watching just to see him compose the poem during the "duel" (for that matter, Steve Martin did a good Edmond Rostand cover in "Roxanne").
  8. Browse, browse, browse; then: What's this? 'Ello, lass, nice to make your aquaintance. A costumer, you say? And what, exactly, do you costume? Got any samples? Mad Gracie and myself are always on the lookout for resources. Brains to pick, if you will...
  9. This avatar, what we call the "MI" skull, is an adaptation of an original crest/logo. It has been in use for about ten years, and is peculiar to a particular group of friends and associates.
  10. Thought I'd add my two pence to this thread: Mad Gracie plays track 5 ("Swords Crossed") over and over... I can attest to this, I've had the track burned into my ears. 'Course, I may have played it myself a few times. Hats off to composer Klaus Badelt, and my favorite producer Hans Zimmer (himself composer of the memorable, powerful scores to "Crimson Tide" and "Blackhawk Down". For those that haven't heard it, or only glossed over "Swords Crossed", let me set the stage: The music starts on a low note, bass strings... very ominous. Very slowly, very gradually, it starts building. More instruments ease into the mix and you almost don't notice how the sound is growing around you. The music tells a story all by itself. You feel that something is up, that something is moving through the mists, getting closer... 1:11 into the track - a transition! The pirate flag is going up, yet nobody has really seen it yet. The slow fuzes are alight, yet the town is asleep! 1:24 The sword is flying and the victim has no idea what is about to happen. It is building and building and building until the tension is unbearable! 1:41 BROADSIDES! The Sh*t has hit the fan! Imagine power chords from an entire orchestra! 2:30-2:31 A pause in the score. Silence. It has ended on a dramatic - BAM! It hasn't ended at all! It slams you on the other side. Like a horror movie, you are a surprised by an attack from where you least expect it. 3:15 The coda wraps nicely into track 6 "Walk The Plank", keeping the tension high as it hands you off to the next scene. And that, ladies and gentlemen... and the rest of you pirates... is how to a score a movie! A 21-gun salute to Badelt, Zimmer and Bruckheimer for the soundtrack of the year.
  11. Ah, TLAP is over... I'm back to the King's English. Yes, my dear, it is a shame... yet these unfortunates you describe are as inevitable as mosquitos in a swamp. On the bright side, without candidates and nominees, we wouldn't be able to celebrate the "Darwin Awards."
  12. Hmm... thar be many a Central California pirates, mates. Hopes they rise to the challenge, I do. Not a bad plan as fund raisers go. Burbank's Disaster Volunteer Program has a budget that's hangin' by a- ::SNAP!:: Damn it all, there goes the budget again! 'Scuse me, won't ya?
  13. Arrr! Even I be talkin' wit' da gravel ta-day, mates. ...And to think TLAP was started on a raquetball court. Thinking "what kind of pirates be these?" was I, but then I remember that curse-ed little ball. Beaned by a broadside once or twice meself, I was. Iffin thats what it takes, so be it.
  14. Preordering is nice, might get you the DVD a few days early, but there's just something intensely satisfying about laying down a shilling and walking away with the goods in your hands.
  15. Another link of interest: The Sword & Stone in Burbank, California. These gentlemen did a few of the swords seen in the movie, namely: Barbossa's, the British Cutlass, the Captain's Sword, Sparrow's Cutlass, a Treasure Sword and Will's Cutlass. Very friendly folk, and while I've never ordered from them online, I have them to thank for a fine rapier. I live about five minutes away and they've been there for a while (the legendary Jody Samson started there), so I would regard them with a high degree of confidence. The Touring Gentleman
  16. I'm quite certain I'm the only one that missed this detail, but some who may have planned early might've been caught by misprinted dates. On the website, for some time, the festivities were listed for September 20th and 21st (and until this week, my Entourage calendar was so scheduled). However... That date was a mistake. The site has been updated, the dates are now correct: Ojai Renaissance & Pirate Faire September 27th and 28th Be certain to double check your schedules and confirm you've blocked the correct dates. Passers-by will look at you funny if you show up a week early. Good day to you all, The Touring Gentleman
  17. Ah, the mistress of steel... Never fear, ma'am, we frequent on a semi-regular basis (usually odd Thursdays), and it shant be a problem to hoist a pint in the near future. Until then, adieu. The Touring Gentleman
  18. For those unable to attend, the Port Royal Privateers did a fine performance of the Tryal of Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Allow me to set the scene: Imagine you're in the marina, in the barn, around the corner from the Ocean Education Center. It is a beautiful day, the crowds are milling about... and suddenly a piratical procession breaks out. It's a parade of sorts as the officer of the court brings an uncooperative pair of accused pirates to the courthouse. Inside, an audience has assembled to witness the tryal. A crier focuses our attention, bringing us to the time and circumstance surrounding these proceedings. With the blessings of Red Maria, member of the Port Royal Privateers, key moments are illustrated in the Pyracy Pub photo album (a search of "Dana" should round up the four photos). A certain irony... I'd post links and show the pictures directly - and in sequence - but the forum code chokes on the gallery's listing code. So, in order, look for: 1) Introduction of the tryal of Anne Bonny and Mary Read 2) The judicial panel for the tryal of Anne Bonny and Mary Read 3) The Charges are read and finally... 4) Read and Bonny react to the charges If you missed it at Dana Point, don't miss it in Ojai. The Touring Gentleman
  19. In so far as posting pictures: Very well, then. With the permission and blessing of said Point Royal Privateer, I shall post a small series in the Pyracy Pub Photo Album, the Pyrate events section, and perhaps create a link in the Dana Point folder as well... [Edit]: It is done. 4 photos of fine performances. Keyword "Dana" should bring them up without additional fuss.
  20. Bess, you are certainly invited, as is anyone reading. Not that we've got a lock on the establishment, but I firmly believe where alcohol and song are present, the more the merrier. Can't miss us, I'll be the blond gentleman accompanied by a fine auburn-haired lass. We usually show up around 7:30, sometimes earlier, sometimes later... but usually around 7:30. I'd post a picture of my person in civilian attire, but modesty prevents me. I'd rather post one of my mate, but if she didn't approve, I could find myself hanging from my own yardarm.
  21. Royaliste, I envy your accomodations. Someday I hope to enjoy similar, but my vessel will be powered and rigged for diving expeditions. Until then, I am captain of an apartment and commodore of a two-Jeep fleet.
  22. Claire and Maria, your descriptions are invaluable and I thank you very much for taking the time to give accounts. I actually have a few pictures of this presentation from the recent Dana Point engagement. I could post one or two if you are so interested. Tizzy's unending supply... now that was a ruby atop a hill of gold. Very well then, it is settled. My first mate (only mate, actually) and I are in discussion with certain members of your organization. Guilding appears to be an attractive option. For those so interested, my first mate and I will be meeting with some of your brethren at the Tam O'Shanter tommorow evening (Thursday, Sept. 11). Unless plans change, we have also persuaded one of PRP's long lost members to join us. You may remember her as the dear Brigit McGinity. The "Plowboys" will be the musical diversion for the evening (or at least half of them will be there) and I expect we'll all belt out a shanty or two before the violin forces us to douse our ears in rum.
  23. Ah, splendid! To the Captain of the Royaliste, you are, by all accounts, a man among men. My first mate and I will certainly make way toward your encampment to give our regards. ...Though I must admit, during the description of your nautical credentials and bona fides, I suffered a moment of confusion. Somewhere between "no jive" and "thousands of sea miles", I had visions of pirates with parsols and I was suddenly under the impression you were in sore need of shore leave. The salty talk came clear a moment later. My apologies, sir. Batten down the black powder and may your overland journey be free of assaults by the marauders of moving violations, the Dread CHP. I look forward to meeting you on the shores of Lake Casitas, sir. The Touring Gentleman
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