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The Touring Gentleman

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Everything posted by The Touring Gentleman

  1. Ahoy, sailors of questionable intent! A query for you veterans of piratical sociability: What can one expect at Ojai? I've viewed the propaganda, attended the Ren faires at San Bernardino and Long Beach and even reconnoitered the brethren at Dana Point. What makes Ojai different? Make no mistake, I'm looking forward to passing through for sake of inspiration alone, but as I have an obligation in Burbank at 4pm on Saturday (and 3:30 on Sunday), it's a long haul for an all-too-brief visit. So, does Ojai really feature the brethren or will my first mate and I be stepping around another parade toward the royal court? Simply curious, The Touring Gentleman
  2. Good afternoon, pirates and privateers... The show is over, but I did have the chance to wander through the marina. A couple of impressions for anybody considering attending the next festival: The collection of vessels was pleasing and the crews friendly. It's certainly not the largest tallship festival you'll see, but the atmosphere is warm and unassuming. Even the Ocean Education Center was fun and very "hands-on." The "Spike Africa" is indeed a beautiful schooner, but my first mate kept mumbling bits about "Joe" and and some volcano as we toured through. Wish I could've seen the cannon battle, but regrettably, my employment pulled me away. Perhaps next year, I won't be obligated on the weekends... I do feel obligated to plug the cause of their premiere ship, the brig "Pilgrim." Her foremast was discovered to be rotten to the core but the Ocean Institute loves her too much to scuttle her. They're working, largely with period tools and processes, to restore the brig to her former majesty. Should you have any inclination, allow me to point the way to where you can learn more: Save the Pilgrim. She is indeed a beautiful vessel:
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