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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. I'll have to look for it....good idea, never thought of e-bay (bet the library won't have it)...come to think of it .......I don't have any of the other Pythons....(Holy Grail...still me favorite)
  2. And then ye can all line up fer the fullmoon competition. Pretty sight that should be and may the best cheeks win. though......I'm giving extra points to those astrologically born to it....as the dear captain is.... If I visit the Lady in Marina del Rey/Long Beach....do ye do a "moonlight cruise" ? I'll tell my friends to line up on the shore for it, cameras ready
  3. What patterns have ye used.....what can ye recommend and what gave ye some problems?
  4. you are not fair...not fair at all. I do try to spend some time in me other life.......(you know, the one that supports me habits ) now I have all this joyful lot to work through too.....sigh.........
  5. The buttons are great!!!........and a very nice price for the quality. Broadside....hope yer Gram is OK. Best wishes there. Good sash work! Like the fringe!
  6. she promises to be a wonder! How do ye say "shark" in french? anyone else looking at the moon just now? beautiful!!!!! A perfect pyratical moon!
  7. Yeah, I'd like to see the swords reversed - whatever the heraldic opposite of "at-rest" is...but I love the crown for the Royaliste on the skull. Great idea! Ahhh, the sword arrangement (R>L L>R.....) was never considered, except that I tried it with crossed bones and it did not look "regal" enough. "Cutlass at rest?" had I known I would never have considered it......easy enough to reverse...if I understand correctly......... Dead Fred is still hanging around? What a loafer! (or a swinger?) Put the fellow to work!...really.................. Thanks Quill!
  8. ye got me laugh'n dear in case ther be some seriousity....................................... depends me darl'n on whether ye wants more hair on yer head or less on yer back...some ladies love a furrrrrrry male....more texture..... rogain (it does work..but ye have to keep it regular (like yer bran) and wax'n (fer...fur...yer back....wax'n hurts at bit (done properly, not too awfully) the first times but eventually slows the growth of hair).....if ye want more and less.......ladies been waxing their legs for .....the fullness a' history.........)....or transplant if ye got loads a' plunder to toss around (an if ye do........call me........) just kidding dear..... Personally I've always threatened to stop wax'n me legs and knit it into stockings......but it's thinned out in me age.......ye might consider it fer the winter............ good fortune! and...........whoaskedmeanyway..............? one white russian.........honest
  9. I'm to understand then.....that ye be so pained as to not take up the professorship....sorry I am to hear that Sir and on both counts...(I'm imagine'n it pains yer appendage too......)....ye have the greatest protean proclivity for unprosaic proclamation of my experience.......... Aye, maybe just as well, the crewmajority hereabouts seems unlikely or unneeding for such..... thar seems to be an echo.....
  10. do not tell me Sir that ye are reachin for a drink........I never pictured yer hand without one..........yer good hand that is............not the one that ye injured..........well.......................I'm certain ye don't want to talk about that............................................................................ ...............................................................................
  11. do not tell me Sir that ye are reachin for a drink........I never pictured yer hand without one..........yer good hand that is............not the one that ye injured..........well.......................I'm certain ye don't want to talk about that............................................................................ ...............................................................................
  12. Aye, I'm hopeful of importuning the irrepressible and erudite Captain Barquentine to share the verbage of his many travels and tautomological skills with those of us who be not so gifted by nature in expressing ourselves in a manner so abundantly scurrilious.....but e' seems pre-occupied lately with press'n health matters (an' we all know nothin be more important than yer health after plunder......rum..........ale................companionship...........anyway..... .....). So I'm ask'n ye mates to put forth yer favored Pyratical imprecations....and if ye have none.....then stir yer turgid rum saturated pox lesioned grey matter incite yer ______.......neurons... The Pyatical Thesaurus of Vile Verbosity........ ........ye get no points for "berps"..........no points at all....................unless they be artful.................
  13. Aye, well this is look'n to be another of those wild parties where I drop bye briefly to toast the birthday, Happy Birth Day Seaskull! leave a nice gift (a lovely pewter tankard off a' S. Tudor's ship...aye he'll be in 'is cups before he's even well in the door he'll never recognize it, but I thought the large "S" (embossed on it.......) Well...all the shops were closed on a Sunday! (place needs more Pagan shop-keeps!) and I couldn't arrive empty handed (not planning to leave empty handed either....). And spend some time admiring Rosalindas work before slipping out a' side door..... I'm standing there SSSsssssoooooo impressed! Darl'n it's outstanding!!! And ye'd best put it in a safe place...the mellies are beginning to fly......and I recognize some in the crowd who are not above......well, store it away for 'im lass, it be precious to lose.............
  14. If you wore the bodice with the Mermaid costume, could we all sing... "My Bodice Lies Over The Ocean...?"
  15. got a' bottle a champagne chilled in anticipation....
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