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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Oh lord, thar ya go! Strings a' skulls on the feather tree instead a' popcorn! Pyrate ship instead a' a simpering angel!....... Aaarrrr good lad! light Jolly Roger? What do ye form the lights on to ta' hold the shape? Martha....I think she did that....a show on pyrates....me clients told me about it.....I never watch ...aside from the fact that I'm always working......I'm too tempted to return to a previous life and try to make all the silly goodies...........Aaarrrrrrr (again)
  2. Sounds pretty mornal to me...
  3. Is there another way???
  4. Yeah but so was Henry Morgan and he was a backstabbing bastard! "Yessir!!!..Men 'afore their own time!!...Why, If'n they wuz around today, they could be Gov'nor or President!!!!"
  5. Wonderful! You are amazing! I can't wait to see her under sail! Congratulations!
  6. Pours some to the earth in each of the four... drinks the rest Blessings and Good Fortune to the Land Shark and her crew! Joy and Success in all ventures!
  7. Putting up the lights today......swags of seasonal herbage (Pagan symbology inclusive...tis the season )....wondering if ye more creative types work yer pyratical into the embellishments?
  8. Aaarrrrr when the seas not in yer blood it's too easy to grow red-tape worms in yer head.........................set Fred on em'
  9. saw the movie......at last.....thought the portrayals fantastic........as I'd imagined them.....Wonderful!Fantastic!.......Killick was a dear! The story-changing never (rarely...allowing for some perhaps I've forgotten) measures up to the original books ...and who was that cherub? home alone meets master and commander? From another book? was the scene of Stephen doing his own surgery from another book? (haven't read 'em all)...seemed excessive.... curious ...ye pros...the flying splintered wood in battle ....actual or exaggerated a bit? Loved the authenticity!!! Great sea, great storm, great ships, great crew....really wish they'd done the first book....hope they'll do more....must have been a fantastic experience for those involved!
  10. bloody motrin?Aaarrrr won't really help ye recover much but ye will be less aware of the problem....... I did have it in the list somewhere........ I was was gonna list meditation but thought anthing to do with thought unlikely.....used to do back office med-tech....left when the pre-paid thing became the vogue.....
  11. Aye, they do, but you'll never see a man put one on. Toilet seat covers are designed to send seat and lid slamming down as soon a a gent begins to take a pee! If you're not fast, ol' "Mr. Happy" might get a crushing blow as the seat falls. And, of course, if you're peeing, there tends to be a mess. So there you are, mopping up pee, "One-Eyed Johnson" sore, and you're cussin' like.. well... like a pirate. Then the Mrs. comes in, reading you the riot act for peeing on the rug that matches the toilet seat cover that caused the whole problem in the first place! A Word of Warning: Toilet Seat Covers turn your toilet bowl into a Penis Guillotine!
  12. thinking a' painting them on the seat......intimidate people inta' being more neat
  13. Cordial, aye....I like cordials Nemo...no........waiting to be trapped into watching it with a friend (an' their younglings) trying for master and commander today.......
  14. magnolia flower, maidenhair, maitake, male fern,manna, marigold, marjoram, marshmellow, mate', mayapple, meadowsweet, melatonin, milk thistle (.......an if it isn't ye should be take'n it anyway), mistletoe, motherwort, mountain flax, mugwort, muira-puama, mustard, myrrh? ........... maalox, metamucil, methysulfonylmethenemidol, mitrolan, motrin, mycelex, mycopolusaccarides,mylanta, myo-inositol......multivitimins and mineral supplements......?
  15. It's a long story....and quite colorful at that. But, he promised to always buy the rounds...so, who's to argue with the little guy. Actually...it be a quote from a movie. Right before..."I'm a natural blue."
  16. Arizona Viagra..... I didn't say it.....what a prick................
  17. The image that did come to my mind...on seeing the caption .....had nothing at all to do with a vehicle..........I was........amused (highly) perhaps it was the influence of reading "privy wall" just prior
  18. no, he (Fred) was most decidely well hung....and for so long that the port authorities (cough) became involved..... Morning Ryann...happy turkey....... how did the seamonkey get your money?
  19. good to hear, I'll add it to me "Christmas list"...didn't rush out for it...sometimes music that works wonderfully in the movies doesn't on CD....
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