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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. It be no wonder I'm not gett'n me work done. Interested in the thread about makn boots...(found it)... to bad our local Tandy moved on.......
  2. Arrr, mate, ye lost me in the fog........
  3. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere on the boards (could be I even found it here and forgot) but this link takes you to a fella's site what works at some Renn Faire or other and assembled a list of sound clips and step by step advice on several dialects - not just writing it, but speaking with the correct accent. In this case, a "piratey" one. I found it pretty helpful, actually... http://jackytappet.tripod.com/pirate.html
  4. reply inserted****** Master Zephyr, I actually be familiar with yer name sake and yer description be more than wonderful to be sure.****thank you ******* Exactly what I be asking fer. The real reason I be asking was that I know of another artist that be known to go by a similar name and I thought you might be them tis all. I would have been very surprised if you were they.******they be not the chatt'n type? I were surprised, I put the name into search and came up with a wealth (sigh) of Zephyrs! I Had no idea....well, it's hard to be new anymore and I do understand there be nothing new under the sun, I suppose that applys to the moon too...though in the dark it be harder to tell....sorry me minds wander'n, tends to do that on me day off......***** Arr and back to yar t-shirt project. Now it’s been a while since I’ve done any heat transfers, tis fun indeed. How do you get yer design from paper to the transfer material? I use to be able print to transfer material stock using basic copy machines or color copiers at the local print shop. Now a days I’ve seen that they have the transfer material for color printers for sale at the local computer store, haven’t tried it out yet though. *** I should consider it, habit has me us'n the old fashiond way (partially), I skip "free hand" unless it's a project of some spiritual importance to me, though I usually end up doing a bit of adapt'n the original anyway, I'll scan it, enlarge it (sometimes making quadrants of the proper size, draw it to tracing paper (quadrant at a time) to refine it, draw over the tracing paper with a "iron on transfer pen (sulky is the brand in hand)", and fabric pen over or paint over depend'n. What I see of the copy store transfers, they don't last as long.....wash'n 'em (getting drenched in sea water)...unlesss they be improved??? I also be budget'n, the booty be'n at ebb tide******** Do you just use a regular hot iron to do your transfers to t-shirt (I did) or did you invest into one of those uber clothes press steam heat thingys? ***investment in anything is out until some rich galleon come me way for plnder'n. Ye old cheap iron works well enough. If I transfer lightly (unless ye be paint'n over it), I can get three uses out'a the transfer before having to re-ink it******* As for the Dover Publishing, here’s a link to their web site and a link to their nautical section. If the nautical section link doesn’t work, just type in nautical for the on their site. Dover Publishing http://store.doverpublications.com/index.html http://search.store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/nsea...&query=nautical I’ve already got the Ready-To-Use Old-Fashioned Nautical Illustrations, there be lots of ship images in there. Most of them are way to small for what you be wanting to do directly. But with a couple dollars spent on Xerox copy enlargements at the self-serve station at the print shop, you should have what you be after. ****I'll be look'n at them, thanks for the navigational tip (pointing right direction) mate! A time saver indeed, was try'n to find em off the internet seas...most lose their detail enlargen even a bit......*******
  5. I've read Under the Black Flag and Sherrys Rebels and Raiders...while I'm looking at the Young Sea Officers Sheet Anchor may as well get the free shipping ehhh? What do ye noble literary pirates highly recommend? (I did find the Cordinglys book a' we bit biased.......... not, to my memory, one word on press gangs.....he speculates that most pirates came from merchant ships because life in the navy were kinder :angry: .....rather than the fact that merchants were the common targets......) anyway..... I was looking at Pillaging the Empire (Kris E. Lane) The Buccaneers of America (Exquemelin) A general History of the Pyrates (by Defoe or Capt Johnson...???) Ave ye read em? What do ye think?
  6. Very good quiz! the ring...I do remember see'n the ring! A fair question, it was well displayed in the scene.....and that it was an animal, just couldn't place which one.....Pieces of 8....eeek had trouble with eht parrots accent....and the years, darn, ten years since the Pearl was taken....yes? I did get the ride date because, unlike many, I remember when it opened.......me an' me friends, stood in line a few times to ride it until our parents lost patience (reallyyyyy long line). Had dreams about be'n a pirate when I was young, (sometimes still do...and a Buddhist monk.....)...after the ride opened used pirates for themes of few too many art projets until teachers suggested counseling......ah well (they'd have done the same if I used Buddhist monks) Are you going to expand the quiz? I mean as time goes on......
  7. Ask any bellydancer..... there's a story of one of the pirates, after returning to England, being caught because a barmaid went to move his coat and found it too heavy to lift. She alerted the coppers and they arrested him, finding a wealth of gold and silver sewn into this coat...one of Averys crew I think.....another reason it's safer to wear closer to the skin. Funny, a holed 8 reales was what I was looking for.....
  8. Gota' check out the quiz tomorrow (off to work....), but, in the scene where two of the cursed pirates are talking about what they will eat first (after the curse is broken) and Elizabeth is sneaking on board to rescue Jacks crew...(monkey falls on to the cannon, slides into the water).......are there french fries on the table (standing upright)...or are they bread sticks? (an' why the ell would I notice that?)...probably in the quiz
  9. Well friend, what be ur thoughts on this project? I'm listen'n to all suggestions (especially if they save me nights of freehand draw'n, occupied as I am...) and thank you kindly
  10. sounds good, I'll go look for it, many thanks!
  11. "Beds have topsheets,not ships. All sails have sheets for trim. " That always puzzled me...and worse, my dictionary does offer a "sheet".... 5.a sail, as on a ship or boat. Along with a sheet of almost everything else (fire, ice, water.....) and....."a rope or chain for extending the clews" (extending the clews?) three sheets in/to the wind.......? aside from the generally understood meaning......??? sheet anchor? ......... (no sheet mate, we be in trouble deep?) can one recommend a good book on this subject (etymology, not sheets)?
  12. That sounds wonderful. Probably discussed somewhere else (I'll never catch up on it all), can you sail her by yourself?
  13. Early show, maybe different at night (or after school). I can picture the frenzy (DVD), like 5th Potter book............I like your ship!
  14. I'm givin up the coin quest (for the while). It's been an interesting search leading of fascinating historical materials and sites, and they've been the better part of the journey. The search otherwise has ranged from the out-of-my-reach$ to the dubious to the can't get enough info from the-sellers-to-be-sure-which catagory. Do you live (completely) on your ship? Must be fantastic.
  15. That would be an honor indeed! Though, truth be told, the easiest/fastest art to work with would be a b/w photo, profile showing GREAT detail, or an etching...be n' why I thought to pirate an old picture and sketch it larger...... I did find my way to this site lookn for 8 Reales coin info and tall ship photos for paintn', though I imagine the Royaliste has had 'er portrait done before. gotta run....... the shower be waitn'........
  16. Aye, it be hard to be out pillaging and plundern and the lyke, when ur sittn' in ur craft room paintn' and makn' things. I be paintn grapes/leaves/vine and southwest designs on glassware most a' last week, gettn gifts ready for the seasonal, got lots more to do an' I'm burning (npi) to be startn' me costume.....Arrrrrr
  17. I DID make the time to see PotC again yesterday and sadly, enjoyed it again as much as the first time (sadly, because I'm going to have to find time to see it again.......oh well). Two silly yacking women (loud) two rows back...visions of the crew in pirate garb, climbn' up or the seat backs, daggers in their teeth to enforcen' the code on any an' all who violate the Bretherns code on SILENCE durin' the best lines! Only six people in the theatre. Wonder if it'l be out much longer..... The curse on the coins is depending on bing mortal and takn' one (or more, I assume) from the cask, "The Heathen Gods put a curse on the gold...." neither William or Elizabeth ever took their coins from the cask... Do ye' 'ave a favorite scene? I couldn't pick one (but then I'm not very decisive generally). Aside from the ships and the fantastic dueln', the whole sequence from Elizabeths falln' from the rampart (while the self involved Norrington dithers off into HisLand) and Jack SPRINGS into the water ta' save er....to Jacks escape....it's great! But lyke I said, it be one of many...... and ta' think I almost be go 'n ta' Tuscany Sun......
  18. Thank you, excellent site! My worst weakness...the arts and crafts.....
  19. Looking for skull beads? Just received a copy of Fire Mountain Gemstone catalog and they've got some great skull (bone) beads. They have a website...somethinglike www.firemountaingems.com.....they should have pictures of the beads...
  20. I'm drawing out a design for a t-shirt back for friends (seasonal gift thing), thought to do something with PotC, but copyright aside......all those colours), plan is a large pirate ship centered and "on the account" below...your expert advice...........which ship would you recommend? ...and is the wording properly ...."On the Account" or "On Account"........ maybe a skull and X on the "pocket" area front...... made some "Hogwarts" crest shirts, too cute for some.....
  21. !Aye, 'ur wits be as sharp as 'ur cutlass! Tis rare for me to sit here laughn aloud but it be me common experience at the PUB! Me hearty an gracious thanks to you both
  22. You just keep on looking, Sir... There's an 18 to 30 year old out there just waitin' for you.....
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