A pub crawl is just that: a pub crawl. If you like them, fine. If you don't, also fine. I've certainly done my fair share of them in any number of costumes ranging from the utterly ridiculous to the approximately historic. Does the pre-Easter Bad Hare Day pub crawl make us a group of "Rabbit Reenactors"? No. Not all, at least.
Reenacting, to my mind, is performance. To my mind, it is done for an audience. Sometimes that audience is the public, sometimes it is your fellow reenactors. More and more I am convinced that I am not now, never was, and will never be a reenactor.
Now, camping, shooting, woods-walking, and the like with like minded company who just also happen to be carrying nothing they couldn't have carried in the 18th century (excluding mindset, of course)...that's not reenacting, that's just something we do...