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Quartermaster James

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Everything posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Okay. One more link then I am leaving this discussion: Systematic Misinformation about Thujone in Pre-ban Absinthe I look forward to seeing those of you interested in Absinthe over at the Wormwood Society forum.
  2. Additives? I do not understand this question. To put it concisely: Absinthe is an anise and wormwood flavored spirit, distilled from anise, fennel and absinthium wormwood. Absinthe takes its name from the main adjunct flavoring aside from anise, Artemisia absinthium, the common French name for which is “grande absinthe”. Copied from: What is Absinthe?
  3. On Fire & Absinthe Postscript: Mixing opiates with Absinthe was not a common practice. People who took laudanum may have added it to their drinks, and they may have drunk Absinthe. The jury is still out on this, but the historical evidence of this as a common practice among opium users is scant. But this is not Twill
  4. DrinkUpNY Unfortunately they have just run out of stock. This happens. They expect to ship again around the end of the month.
  5. This is probably the single biggest myth, spawned by 150 year old bad science and hysterical politics. As to Alcohol levels, current Absinthes range around 50-70% (100-140 proof). Thujone Madness Is Absinthe A Drug? Is It Poisonous? Is it Dangerous? The FAQ Short Form
  6. There's a lot of bunk and myth surrounding Absinthe. Bad science and bad politics too. Come join the Wormwood Society forum if you're interested in learning more or in just sharing the joy of Absinthe.
  7. : Putting the "Cosmo" in Cosmoline, since 1961!

  8. Damn! Just effing damn!
  9. Kudos! You've come a long way mate!
  10. My votes for teak. Maybe cut a spiral groove in it and lay in some twisted wire. Depends a lot on what you're going to do for the guard. Looking forward to the pics. Have you worked with antler? Oh! And you might just find that the rust, if it's not too far gone, cleans up to a nice browning.
  11. uh...Portlandia...Oregon...
  12. http://pyracy.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=2760 Contact me if you have any questions.
  13. Tsk tsk, study yer history, plantation work is for slaves and indentured servants...
  14. Do I see the first juried pyrate event on the horizon...?
  15. I love it! but it makes me wonder bout ya Quartermaster... If'n Molly had half as much fun as I did in these shots, well then I had twice as much fun as her!
  16. It's a flip-book, let it all load...
  17. I know this has been posted before, but it's good enough to post again: http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/seamansgrammar/
  18. Not worried about being overwhelmed as much as bored, but glad to be offered the refuge of the Tales camp against either. :) If weapons are peace tied, I'll sooner leave mine at home. What's the point of carrying a custom made, one-of-a-kind, reproduction GAoP sword if you can't draw it for admiration? Aye Eye! I looks forwards to finally meeting you, amongst others, in 3D, you rum crusted son of the seas!
  19. Found at Harbour Freight: 900 ft of Beeswax coated Flax twine. Don't have a micrometer handy, but by tape it looks to be just about 1/8" thick. Rated to a 39# work load. Looks good for marlinespike work.
  20. Ah! Vallejo! The memories! Just the sound of your name brings them rushing back like the hot slap on the end of a wet fist! But I digress... So, NorCal, eh? Never been. How is it? Is it great on Saturday and petering out on Sunday? Looked at the website. Couldn't find anything about permitted weaponry. Doubt I'll carry any firelocks down to the PRC, but what are the rules on edged weapons? Do they let one carry them or do they tie them down?
  21. Hopefully the Bacon, Cheddar, Chili Corn Muffins made up for any inconvenience. :)
  22. A pub crawl is just that: a pub crawl. If you like them, fine. If you don't, also fine. I've certainly done my fair share of them in any number of costumes ranging from the utterly ridiculous to the approximately historic. Does the pre-Easter Bad Hare Day pub crawl make us a group of "Rabbit Reenactors"? No. Not all, at least. Reenacting, to my mind, is performance. To my mind, it is done for an audience. Sometimes that audience is the public, sometimes it is your fellow reenactors. More and more I am convinced that I am not now, never was, and will never be a reenactor. Now, camping, shooting, woods-walking, and the like with like minded company who just also happen to be carrying nothing they couldn't have carried in the 18th century (excluding mindset, of course)...that's not reenacting, that's just something we do...
  23. I've at times mixed equal parts of Cruzan's Blackstrap and Cruzan's high-test Clipper 120 to make The Black Clipper, 50% ABV. Of course, ol' Vic Bergeron was always throwing multiple rums into his drink recipes.
  24. We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair.
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