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Mary Diamond

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Posts posted by Mary Diamond

  1. 1 hour ago, Mission said:

    "NIDGERIES, (Nigauderie, Niaiseries, F.) Fopperies, Fooleries, Trifles."


    "NIDGET, (Nigaude, F.) a Ninny or meer Fool"

    (Source: Nathan Bailey, Universal etymological English dictionary, 1724, not paginated)

    Nidget to be added to my vocabulary, immediately. 😊😄

  2. Which got me thinking about loblolly pine… from the Wikipedia entry for Loblolly Pine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinus_taeda, under Etymology:

    The word "loblolly" is a combination of "lob", referring to thick, heavy bubbling of cooking porridge, and "lolly", an old British dialect word for broth, soup, or any other food boiled in a pot. In the southern United States, the word is used to mean "a mudhole; a mire," a sense derived from an allusion to the consistency of porridge. Hence, the pine is named as it is generally found in lowlands and swampy areas.[8] Loblolly pines grow well in acidic clay soil, which is common throughout the South, thus are often found in large stands in rural places.

  3. 2 hours ago, Duchess said:

    For a first go round I'd suggest just your original thought, a square of material that each person could print on. I could likely source some cotton blanks to use, similar to the one here. I would recommend that we keep the number small, say 5-10 participants for the first go round. Send all the squares together along with some fabric ink. Just given the nature of printing it is easier to print all at a time. And we'd want to make sure that the finished product is not going to wash away without forcing everyone to buy ink. I can work on putting this together as event later this summer if you like. Curate some tutorials for different ways to make a block and work up some directions on size etc. What do you think Stynky?


    Oh my word, 😂🤣 that print!

  4. Presently at my limit of lanterns (and hats, and sewing machines, and woodworking tools…), but I thought I would offer this selection of lanthorns for review…


    USA made, this beauty can be had for about $3,000, if you don’t want to bring your antique one. The last antique one I had seen were going for $890.


    Want something a little more budget friendly? How about less than $40?


    Something for every budget 😊😄

  5. Good day! As the merchant, Mistress Mary Diamond, I have attended GAoP events from Utah to Maine, Wisconsin to the Florida Keys, for the last 14-odd years. I am happy to moderate Crafting Kit, and look forward to seeing all your exciting and inspirational work, as well as learning and sharing new skills, tips and tricks.

    I welcome your creativity, solutions, enthusiasm, and questions - we can all learn from one another. Be kind, patient and supportive, and please do let me know if I may be of any assistance.


    Mary Diamond

  6. Good day! As the merchant, Mistress Mary Diamond, I have attended GAoP events from Utah to Maine, Wisconsin to the Florida Keys, for the last 14-odd years. I am happy to moderate Crafting Kit, and look forward to seeing all your exciting and inspirational work, as well as learning and sharing new skills, tips and tricks.

    I welcome your creativity, solutions, enthusiasm, and questions - we can all learn from one another. Be kind, patient and supportive, and please do let me know if I may be of any assistance.


    Mary Diamond

  7. Nicely done! Had you applied any fabric or wood treatment to protect the piece?

    I had come across this video while wandering through bushcraft videos, and was intrigued by the possibilities for protecting a wide variety of materials (canvas, rope, etc.) without substantially changing their color (as with Townsends video on oilcloth). NeverWet by Rustoleum is also in our paint locker, awaiting a trial…


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