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Everything posted by John_Young

  1. Doubt it. That list is for fake Internet pirates who think that whole "Pirate vs Ninja" thing is funny and not a 5 year old joke that should have been buried in a catbox.
  2. The premiere Pirate mag? Of course when the forerunner and truly superior NQG are having problems and the rest are put out the monkeys with a printing press in their parent's basement...
  3. Bingo! Yeah I could deal with the "Ren faire pirate" advertisements offering leather garb and really cheesy stuff. I could deal with 1 blurb about potc. I could deal with "pirate romance" stories (although it would be cheaper just to buy a Harlequin book). But their repeated lateness is just unforgivable to a subscriber.
  4. Yes you do. And while your style of writing may appeal to some... it is not my cup of grog. I'm sure the editors, writers, contributers, interviewees are very nice people. Pyrates Magazine, just isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Maybe I'll give Pyrates Way a chance in the new year.
  5. Nah, potc 2 and 3 weren't so bad. They were fun. Matrix 2 and 3 where fun too. Could have done without the 1/2 hour rave in M2 though.
  6. Fine, "Pirate enthusiast". That's fine. "Pirate Pop Culture", fine. But a constant "Look here's the guy who powdered Pintel's butt on the set" run of articles just gets old fast. PotC went the way of the Matrix Trilogy. Should have stopped at the first one. A Fourth and Fifth movie will be an ultimate downfall. Will I see them? Hell yeah. Will I dress up and work the crowds on opening weekend at a local theater? Hell yeah. I might even have fun. But it doesn't mean a 4th and 5th movie need to be made. Are the majority of potc fangirls hot babes that I'd lie through my teeth to just to plunder some booty? Hell yeah! And a Potc cartoon? Oh yeah... because a cartoon version of ANY Disney property do so well don't they? Alladdin, Little Mermaid, Timon and Pumba, etc... The only tv show cartoon adaptation that I think did well was the Lilo & Stitch show and even that was too "pokemon".
  7. There is a word for what that kind of pandering is. It is very unsuitable to be called it. You DO NOT have to put PotC in your magazine. Those fangirls will be gone after the next fad comes along and Who will be left? No one, because you offended them with too much PotC. Non-PotC reinactors are where the money is. We constantly work on our kits. Upgrading, we have the money to spend are willing to do so. We are your demographic, do not forget that.
  8. Jan/Feb is the last NQG I have too. I thought it was because I didn't have money to renew again this year. Huh. Sad.
  9. Annoying was last year I went to the Clearwater faire... and Pyrates was there with the latest issue in stock. As a subscriber, I got it exactly a month later. Since when do the people who pay get it later? Now bear in mind... While I still do historical events I find "Hollywood" piracy much more entertaining I did than in previous posts. But too much potc spoils the pot!
  10. I was a bit shocked to find issue 5 of Pyrates magazine in my mailbox yesterday. Seeing as I got it only for a year and I rejoiced when issue 4 came. Too much nonsense in it. First off, if it is a subscription then I should probably get it before the pirate festival advertisement is almost a month past! Secondly, could you please have an issue that doesn't deal with POTC? The DVD is out. The trilogy overstayed its welcome. Enough is enough. I do not care nor need to read about a minor actor... nor about how to be the best Jack Sparrow you can be. Know what? Every convention I go to has at least 3 Jack Sparrows at them. Too many. Pyrates Magazine will no longer get my hard earned coin. From now on it is only No Quarter Given. Now if only we can get them back on track like they were 10 years ago...
  11. Why would he be wearing a kilt if you're looking for Picts? Pics, not picts...
  12. So are there Vampyr Pyrates that practice Magick? Heh. I always thought it was just a great way to spell it. Now there is a difference between Crew/Crewe and Krewe...
  13. Star Wars, PotC, 007, Superheroes, Stargate SG-1... Whatever the genre, I have not been disappointedin DK's series of Visual Companions. Well true some of the books leave out some items that need to be addressed, but hey all books do that. Incidently, Sam's Club (for those that have one) has the PotC Trilogy update companion for a nice price.
  14. In the scheme of Reality TV... Pyrate reinactors are actually perhaps the most normal for this show logically. Now for other shows... perhaps a Ghost Hunters, Who Wants to Be a Superhero, or Deal or No Deal... then yes, we'd be the crazies. Instead, the one show they have where we'd be the baseline... they go with people you hated in college...
  15. Hmmm, a couple of thoughts. 1) P.E.W. - If you seriously watched the show for only that little bit of time, you really didn't see enough to judge it properly. 2) The stupid girl who couldn't swim... now I seem to remember filling out the application for the show. A major requirment was a) being able to swim and swim well, and knowing how to work a ship. So the mere fact she was a horrible swimmer just means they went with stupid twits. I'm tired of reality shows being filled with Firemen, Lawyers, Bartenders, Strippers, and just plain crazies...
  16. Last night's episode was interesting. What will it take for JD to get overthrown? On any ship the food and money situation would have been enough to get him voted off.
  17. Friday is coming! Huzzah!
  18. So Cpt Thighbiter had a problem with the loose cannon saying it wasn't believable? But the skeletal pirates, Davy Jones and his crew, the Pirate Lords and their 9 pieces of 8, Calypso, resurrections, Multiple Jacks, stony crabs, Krakens, and Will Turner having a kid were the logical parts of the trilogy? Suspension of disbelief. Would someone answer this... Why on Earth go see potc3 and tell the pirates on duty at the theater that pirates are lame/gay/etc?
  19. Well yes. I have read Dracula. But unless a ship is carrying a huge load of food type people... he'd have to have a ghoul to feed from. But still Dracula is one of a few vampires that has to sleep in a coffin and native earth. And what's to prevent the pirate ship being attacked and the coffin exposed to sunlight?
  20. Funny though... It is quite reminiscent of the Singapore costumes... wonder which came first his or theirs? And now we can look forward to all the Sparrow dressers at cons pretending they're in the lockers... oy.
  21. Oh Good... I didn't do my usual post movie trip to Wal-Mart to purchase the soundtrack since movies tend to burn ya on songs you like. Does anyone know of the guitar chords for it?
  22. Saw AWE last night 8pm showing... It was an interesting movie. I say interesting, not because I hated it (didn't)... but because it really wasn't like the first two movies. Not that it's a bad thing. Loved the new song. Didn't really like how Will turned out. Thought Crazy Jack was interesting... wondering if he's been seeing them for a while? Maybe since he was first marooned? Would explain alot. Love flaming flying undead cannonball monkey. Actually have respect for Hector now since he can sail pirate circles around Jack anyday. Sao-Feng... built up to be a big enemy or ally... in previews... toys... etc... is in the film a total of what... 15 minutes at most? I liked it. Only complaint was that it was tying up too many storylines... so it felt a bit rushed... but otherwise thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. Now I just need to find that song...
  23. But Vampires... running water... urg! Even if you're not going Black Court... er I mean Dracula mythos Vamps... last I checked ships sailed on a big light reflecting surface. No guarantee of not poofing into ashes...
  24. Pearl and I talked earlier... I'm laying aside the shot for now.
  25. I only met her rudeness with my own.
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