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Everything posted by Roberts
Aye! well done Ransom! 'Tis gracin the shelf in front ofme picture window wi th' others! I shall enjoy al of them and the posts here as well.! Red Birthday Cat Jenny
Roberts was glad at the direction the conversation was taking. For it was away from him. If they warn't askin, he warn't offerin. He wished no ill to Mr. Tar, an figured that if the Captain was willin t' throw in his own lot, as well as his ship that there must be some truth to his story. He'd seen the man fight, protect n provide fer the small group over the last two days an didn't believe him to be th type t' mislead em. 'Course caution told him he didn't really know the man, and some used honey t' bring others to th slaughter. But as Captain Tar an these women seemed t' have a history he though there was no more trickery than mayhaps t' convince em t' go along. He resolved to wait an see what the outcome be. Seekin out th bottle o rum which had made it's way about th small circle agin, he found The Cat held onto it like a prize. "Oi now, give ere gerl, ye wouldn't want ol Roberts ta do wi' out now would ye?" She shot him another look an passed the rum along..
Breaking into a wide grin Roberts said "Aye, that she has..careened in a few days time I'd imagine" He recieved a hearty "Aye!" from the Cat. The mast he had looked for above the hidden cove, only it's top visible from the docks if one really looked sharply, had been gone. He'd not been sure where, it if wern't for the signal from ol one legged tom. Which had confirmed the ship had been spirited out and was on it's way to a small unknown island in the SouthEastern Caribbean to be careened with her crew an wait f' their Captain. Who sometimes took time off. Leaving the ship to her able first mate and the pirate crew to their camp there.
The night air, slightly damp with the salty fog o the nearby ocean cooled Roberts head as he walked out n settled himslf near th others. He glanced at his friend as if t' say why're we still about? Red Cat shot him a warnin look, took a goodly pull, n passed him the bottle. He laughed a moment, the merry glint returnin t his eyes, n' a bit o gold showin in his smile, before his face turned serious agin. Aye, she new 'im well. The Cat usually knew how t 'calm his mood when he'd rather act then talk, r' jest take 'is leave an be done wit it. He took a goode taste himself n passed the rum along wit out a word. As he handed th bottle, Roberts considered Jane, who had just steped from the shadows, all toughness n questions despite her more fragile appearance compared t' th others. He considered that tho she may have heard n seen some in the past, she'd likely know much less than he did about his dealings, or her late husbands. He'd always suspected that if she knew everything she'd have left th bastard long before he'd knocked her about. Then again, if he spoke up, it would be his words and more in his control.
Roberts sat there a moment...so this is how it was going to be were it? Slowly every muscle began t' tense up... though it was almost imperceptable to the others..
Roberts blue eyes met with the lass' mossy green ones. Or were they more honey colored? He paused a moment holding her gaze. It was worth takin th time t' find out. He began to thank his good fortune that he'd found himself among so many firey an....beguilin lady pirates. The large man with thick black hair n blue eyes, who wore his swagger as one would a medal or favorite trinket, silently wondered what he'd done to deserve such fancy. Somewhere in the back of his mind, which held fast volumes of lore an superstitions, a tiny voice repeated "Bad luck t' have a woman aboard!" He stoically ignored it. "Well lass," he said "Much as I appreciate yer assumption, I been first mate n Quartermaster, but Captain? Nay. Too much responsibility" He shook his head as he spoke. Roberts didn't mention that he'd sailed under Red Cat two years ago, as he knew she wouldn't Captain this particular trip. Sides she were still asleep anyhow. "Ye be wantin t' address Captain Tar ere or this fyne lady t' across th table" Roberts gestured at Ransom but kept his eyes on Silkie.
Johnathan Roberts set his tankard down and watched the exchange. He'd naught been in the company of so many fiery and determined women at one time and was curious how it would turn out. The newcomer called Silkie was obviously known to them, but it seemed Jane was dubious about her signing on so quickly. He wondered if there were some old discord between 'em or if this was simply feminine rivaly. He sat back to watch, throwing Captain Tar a merry eye and attempting to quash a grin.
Roberts despite his uncomfortable feelin about what he'd just seen, couldn't help but smile at the Cats good fortune. As conversations went on about the table, he leaned near to the new lass who'd joined them.."Wot ye think o this..healin water aye?" He inquired. Jane looked his way as he spoke and he gave her a quick wink. He also thought he sensed a glimpse of skepticism in her eyes as well..or mayhaps it was somethin else. He drained his tankard an excused himself ta go n smoke his pipe outside. He'd gotten a little emotional an needed t' collect himself a bit. Plus it was a fine night.. full of promise fer anything..or nothig at all..
With surprising agility, the tall rogue swept the Cat up and spun her around. Then brought her near to th pub's large warm hearth. She drew from her coat the wallet, kissed it with drama "Mwwwah!" an tossed it into the flames. Smiling and looking Roberts in the eyes she gave him a big hug , he spun her once more as they laughed a private laugh and headed back to the table and the others.. As they did she noticed Silkie and waved her over to their lil corner o th world..
As Roberts spoke he looked only at her. The big man leaned in a bit, and spoke softly as if conspiring on some secret matter. "This mornin I saw... well....." Another pause as the Cat's eyes widened. "Tis gone ye know..." Cat gave him a blank stare. One would think she had no idea what he was talkin about, but in reality she was waiting for the next part of the sentence. "Well I seen it" he thought about this for a moment "r' actually I didn't see it.."Able to stand the worried look Cat was tryin t' hide no longer he said "But walkin the dock wit yer fine friends ere I also seen Ol One legged Tom. Well.. he gave me th nod an.. spoke wit his hands as he does" Aside from his peg leg, One legged tom was also mute and spoke with hand signals. He owed his lack of speech to birth, but there was a shark what owed him a leg. He'd seen Roberts looking out over the cove and given him the sign from a distance " I believe it was..." Roberts paused one last time enjoying the buildup. He looked up as if remembering "Southeasterly..?"
Roberts liked when she called him by his first name. He didn't allow many t do so. Aye, she called him many things..but this one he could abide by. Quickly glancing round the table which now had turned their attention to him, he fixed her with a stare. Trying to communicate wit his eyes that he'd summin important. Best test the waters.. Roberts took a swig from th tankard in response t' her jest an then leaned foreward his elbow an tattooed forearm on the table. He paused for a long moment...
Adventure? Roberts eyebrow raised as he toasted Captain Tar..hoping mayhaps to join the group. Specially if there were treasure involved. He suspected there were. Especially after the stories he'd heard this day. Considerin sailing to far away places, he suddenly remembered summin from earlier in the morning. He looked about the table at Jacky, Ransom n Chloe unsure if this were the place t' bring it up. He needed t' tell Red Cat, but how to do so. Roberts stared into his tankard in thought, rubbing his thumb on the ornate handle.
Happy t' see th Cat lookin more like herself.. Roberts was enjoyin the company n the libations. Bein at sea f' a month, it was good t' see new faces. He looked about an decided he liked this lil band of scallywags Red Cat had attached herself ta. Feelin generous, he bought th next round. After a time an some shanties, the crowd thinned to just the five o them. Ray cleared the many pewter dishes an empty bottles replacin them with fresh drink at Roberts expense this time.
The cart rolled along on the gravel n sand bumping occasionally. Jacky Tar looked genuinely pleased as he walked along. Ransom n Jane spoke of may things, ocassionally leaning in to whisper followed by giggles. "Captain Tar" was heard once r twice as they went on..Roberts thought he caught his name a few times and smiled, his step gaining a bit more swagger. Seein the look of consternation on Red Cat's countenance, he walked along regailing her with memories of their early days. They laughed remembering how their friendship had started . They'd almost come to blows outside the tavern in Tortuga which had no name, but everyone knew of. They'd ended up drinking an laughing until the sun come up instead. In short order they neared the pub. Roberts lifted the Cat from her unusual transport, an she threw an arm about him an Jacky with the wimmin in the lead. The view was much to Roberts delight, an he said so with merriment in his voice. Red Cat rolled her eyes "Johnathan!" she said laughing.."Will ye never change?" He gave 'er a squeeze an said "ye know I be true only to ye" ..."Right.." she said laughing again.
Thankfully the lass had averted her gaze, which caused her to miss the change in his expression. Roberts had locked eyes with the lady pirate and was only half listening to her words.. which fell about his ears as a soft murmer. He was too busy noticing the flecks of gold in the green, which were set off by her blond locks. The name suddenly struck his conciousness..Zachary Melchart. It was as if her face came suddenly into focus. He recalled a slightly younger lass, in flouncing skirts trailing a ribbon from one shoe. He'd bent to assist her in tying it and as he stood their eyes met just as now. No wonder the feeling was so familiar despite his not being able to place her face. As she looked down at her ribbon'd shoes now, his mind went to thoughts that she may have seen, heard things. He resolved to wait and be careful around her until he could be sure. At that moment Jacky Tar was waving towards them and she turned quickly seeming to be grateful for the chance to escape the questions paused on his lips.
The gerl had a fire to 'er as she faced him. Roberts enjoyed a woman who didna scare so easily. The lass looked a bit nervous and had spoken more quietly, but she didna step back. As she spoke he studied her face..having met many women in his lifetime under just as many circumstances, but he still wasn't sure. At this close distance, there was a somewhat familiar look about her which became more apparent when she'd mentioned New Yorke. She had referred to Anne's Revenge, the merchant carrier he had sailed up an down the Atlantic under contract with a man. Aye, that had brought a tidy profit. Curious, and enjoying the proximity of this feisty creature, he stared at her. His expression unchanging except for the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Go on....." he said. She stood for a moment, seemingly unable to speak and he chuckled. stepping back a pace, he swept his arm in mock gallantry "please..."
Roberts headed back towards the inn with Ransom and Jane chatting away. He felt better. He knew what was going on now, possibly more n the others. Red Cat was safe an alive, there was promise of drink in the near future and the salty morning air filled his lungs as he strolled along with 2 lasses. Life was goode. Then the one called Jane....the one with those green eyes that had darted in his direction now and again when she thought he wasn't lookin, spoke t' him. He stopped dead. Bowing slightly t' Ransom he said "Scuse us a moment dearie" He grabbed Chloe by the arm a little more n gently. But not harshly. He led her to the side of the dock. The charming tone never left his voice, but his face showed otherwise. "Now how did ye know that? " He asked releasing her gently,, with a look of apology.. but not stepping back. She could have stood on his boots he stood so close. "assumin it' were true?" he added. and waited for a reply.
As they walked, Roberts had an ulterior motive. Not that he wasn't also indulgin hisself with the womens company... From a certain vantage point on the dock he could make out in the far distance the area above a little known cove, and just the very top of a mast...which was no longer there... He smiled.."Sooo, thats what ye were up ta Cat... he thought. Smiling again he returned to the conversation and company at hand.
Out front, Roberts stood by, rocking on his heels with his hands behind his back as was his habit sometimes. He listened to the two women who obviously knew each other well.. converse. As he took in their differences in appearance, he enjoyed their lively exchange. False Ransom once again relayed the story of the night before. Of the Dead Monkey, The Fancy Parrot, Silas and the attack. Jane eyed the silent pirate as Ransom explained he'd been face down in the sand. The victim of a nervous horse and an unfortunately placed rock. Despite his appearance, she'd have thought him a coward or an opportunist if it weren't for the fresh wound on his head peeking out from just below his scarf an hat. Roberts bristled a bit not likin bein judged so by two women...even if they be pirates like he. Specially in front of him. But they went on, catching up on this n that. Roberts explained that Red Cat had a matter of importance to discuss wi Jacky, an bein as it would take a while, he suggested they walk along the dock and see what opportunity might perhaps present itself for later "speculation" as he put it. Plus...he fancied the image of himself walkin along accompanied by two such comely lasses, an hoped they'd happen upon sumone he knew. He needed to know a bit more about Jane anyhow. He figured watchin the two women talk would tell him what he needed to know. Roberts was a pretty savy judge of people and had learn't from Red Cat that listening quietly sometiimes provided more plunder in information than his usual rather direct method of gathering what he wanted t' know.
Roberts had re lit his pipe and stood with one foot on the cart. He chewed the end thoughtfully for a moment, as he studied somone approaching. She were a lady pirate, he noticed green eyes, set off by her pale skin as she walked briskly towards them. Roberts moved naught but his eyes, smiling slightly, the pipe in his teeth...waiting to see what news or reaction this newcomer would bring to the small group.
Roberts had cooled his heels, he warn't one t' dwell on such nonsense anyway. He'd tucked away his pipe and replaced his scarf an hat. He turned as Jacky Tar came down th stairs pullin his coat about himself. After exchanging nods the two men stood side by side for a time, facing the docks and watching the action thereupon. Jacky glanced at Roberts a moment. He wanted t' ask the man what had gone on in there, but as men do, he said nothing. T'wre his own business. "She's eaten an I believe we kin move her t' the pub" He said "I've arranged fer transportation just down th road ere".. "Aye" said Roberts as he turned and walked along with Jacky Tar. He smiled to himself takin more of a likin to Captain Tar who had wisely let matters be. He was also a man who didn't have need for such talk and was more comfortable in action.
Roberts had stood for a while before eating. Instead, he chose to watch her. Part of him was still worried she wasn't ok. Though he knew it to be otherwise. Captain Tar asked him summin which interrupted his thoughts "Eh?" "Yer head" he said agin "How's the stitches?" "Fine Sir, thankee.." He stuffed down his breakfast and walked ouside pulling his clay pipe from his belt. Too many people in there. He was more comfortable alone. He lit his pipe and looked down towards the docks where nets were being hauled in and gulls were stealing from the morning's catch.
As Jacky entered escaping Ransom's flintlock, Roberts looked like a puppy that had just been scolded. "Arse" Johnathan though to himself. "She thinks ye were goin fer a grab" He was really just so concerned about her, he was trying too hard. The pirate was used to being different with women and he felt awkward. She'd recently been his boss fer God's sakes. . But when he had drawn close..just for a moment he remembered..and then it was gone. He cursed himself fer bein stupid an clumsy. He'd explain it t' her later when they mayhap would have a chance t' speak alone. For now he could bear her ire, he was used to her fits of temper though they weren't frequent. Red Cat had a long fuse. "Aye, she's awake, n well on er way t' her old self I'd say" Roberts grumbled the last part of the sentence a bit, accepting a roll, some meats an tea, "Thanks mate" he gave Jacky a nod. He settled against the window sill and watched t' make sure she ate. Wondering what had transpired in the short time he'd been gone, Jacky shot a quizzical look at Ransom.,
Roberts mood was fast improving.. the thought of breakfast had started it, and now Red Cat was awake an talkin. He delighted in her deep brown eyes. She'd cried out during the night, and fearing fever, he'd secretly been worried he may not see them again. He moved to her side and brought some water to her from the pitcher that remained.
Roberts heard Ransom stir as he sat against the wall with his knees drawn up, pistol beside him on the floor. He had his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his weathered hands. The combination of drink and the rock he landed on created his own private hell. Nested just between his ears. It was subsiding as he rubbed his temples. He gingerly touched the fresh stitches, wincing at the tenderness there. He heard someone move past him and looked up to see Ransom standing over Red Cat. Glancing towards the door in the dim light, he saw Jacky was still sleepin. The man had spent all his energy huntin her and her assailants last night. "Aye, how is she?" he called in a husky whisper "She had a bit of a time durin the night" Ransom looked towards him. She realized he must have been up sometime during the night as they slept. She wondered if the man ever slept at all. His eyes were softer and looked wearied in his tanned and windburned face. He had removed his scarf but tied his thick hair back in a que to keep it out of the stitches. "She's sleeping" She whispered back. "Aye, goode " he replied and to keep up appearances gave her a half smile, showing a flash of gold. He was a proud man and didn't want to let on just how tired, worried and hungry he was. Ransom noticed the tone in Roberts voice, it was deep and warm though only a whisper. She hadn't noticed that before now. He was an interesting fellow. No wonder The Cat kept his company..