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Everything posted by Roberts

  1. A loud rukus and shouting traversed the decking above and headed towards Mr. Tar's cabin.. he an spoons barely had a chance to look in the direction of the scuffling and voices raised in anger. A pause..more muffled voices could be heard arguing and then a loud thump as the bulk of a man hit the deck...rather hard. Tar's door was flung open and Roberts stormed in lookin about wildly. Seeing Spoons and Jacky, who was now holding the back of his head gingerly an wincin just a bit from th noise..he stopped and a look of confusion mingled with the anger present in his face. A moment passed in silence... Roberts quickly shook it off trading thoughts for action.. "Wot in th bloody *&^$ hell happened?! " He looked at Spoons, the only other man present, as if he had all the answers and had been reponsible for the whole mess. The Cook shrunk back.. stunned into silence..thankful his Captain held a loaded pistol... Roberts, despite the low beams of the cabin, was drawn up to his full height, his face dark as the storm clouds that had rolled in. His fist was clenched about drawn cutlass and he had the look of one driven to an absolute rage....it was clear the hulk of a pirate was deciding not what to do... but who to start with...
  2. Roberts had a line about his waist and time and again had been tossed to the deck wit the others. He was a bit banged up, but wore the look of a man who relished the excitement of a challenge wit the sea and sky. He had his long dagger in his belt and had cut at least one man loose who'd become tangled in the lines which dropped to th deck as they were torn loose from the rigging. As he scooped one young sailor just as a piece of debris threatened the mans very head, he handed the lad his extra line and luched toward Captain Tar who was fighting the sea at the Tiller. "Mr. Tar!" he shouted above the wind and din of orders and yells on the deck.. "What''s yer plan sah!? should we raise more canvas?" as he waited for an answer, another wave crashed over the rail drowning out anything Jacky said. The crack of wood could be heard coming from the direction of the Rakehell and as Roberts held on to the tiller and the Captain he prayed it warn't the main...
  3. Roberts woke to th distant rumble which reached him as he lay in his hammock. He waited a moment gauging the sound and decided it was thunder and not cannon. This was no less disturbing to the big pirate and he lurched from his bunk, grabbin his coat from the peg it hung on as he headed out the door and to the decks. "Cat...damn" ..was all he said t' himself quietly as he made the ladder. On decks he found Captain Tar, spyglass in hand looking towards the Rakehell. Roberts threw his coat on and walked up to Mr. Tar. The wind had picked up and he raised his voice to be heard. "Mr Tar..a word..." The Captain nodded for him to continue "Ahm we'll be makin way ahead o the weather I assume" again Tar nodded. "Sir, this may seem agin th normal way o things, but I b'lieve we need ta make contact with th Rakehell afore we sail" He squinted towards the darkening horizon "An afore tha weather gets worse..
  4. After the fine repast courtesy of Captain Tar, Roberts had headed or rather staggered back to his bunk..a bit too much brandy, but he was used to that. He lay in his hammock, arms behind his head and reminisced back over some of his more harrowing adventures..chuckling now and then at a partiularly vivid memory of plunder gotten from poor unsuspecting nobility. He eyed the officers coat ..now his own personal rank..hanging on a peg across the cabin and chuckled again at the memory of the indiganant man who parted company with it ..along with his weapons and coin.. Roberts fell alseep lulled by the drink and a full stomach..as he slipped from the conciousness of day..a woman's eyes..changing from green to blue and back again drifted in and out of his dreams..
  5. At the last part of Captain Tar's statement.. Roberts broke into a wickedly wide, gold toothed grin.. "Aye Mr. Tar now that's more like it" He raised his tankard to Jacky, an after the mugs had touched, downed the libation feeling more comfortable with the idea. "Oh, I'll be on me best behaviour in Havana Sah" He quipped "But ye better keep a keen eye on the lil CAt ..aye trouble follows that one at times.." He gave a wink and settled into the fare before him..
  6. Roberts was pouring and looked up at the Captain as he did so.."Taxes" he snorted..Roberts didn't like paying fer anything legit, least of all to the Spanish who were undeserving of anything..thieves they were..He laughed at this, finding the thought amusing considering his own choice of occupation.. "Bloody Spanish.." He tipped the heavy bottle over Mr. Tars glass topping it off as if to draw them together in agreement. The Captain gave him a bried nod and Roberts settled back to hear what else the man had to say.
  7. Momentarily lost in thoughts of plunder, Roberts was brought back to the table at the sound of Silkie's voice.. which was tinged with anticipation and ..something else... He looked over at the green eyed lass and was caught by the expression on her face. It was distant as well..as if she were recalling some bit of past intrigue... and turned almost feral as a slow smile interupted the previously innocent countenance. The nervous feeling returned as he felt the hairs prick at the back of his neck. Roberts reached for the bottle and refilled his tankard..
  8. After waiting for the only lass present to take her seat, Roberts moved around the far side of the highly polished table. It was made of Cherry wood and had been a prize taken in the Orient on one of the Relentless' farther journeys. He settled in a chair opposite Tar and the steward began to fill their glasses. Roberts turned to the Captain "Mr. Tar, while the company is quite pleasurable" he glanced at Murin who turned the slightest shade of rose "and the food as well, I must ask of ye Sah what is the occasion for such an invvitation?",
  9. Along the way, Roberts chatted easily with the gerl called Miss McDonough. As they passed into the captain's cabin, he caught a look of amusement on Jacky's face. Surely at the expense of the previous night. He met this with a smile and left her to her seat. Aye this would be a good evening. Mr. Tar was a man who made people at their ease.
  10. Roberts was caught off guard by the sudden simplicity of the lass before him. She greeted him with a warm smile and he considered that perhaps he'd been wrong the other night. Mayhaps it was the new moon. He straightened a bit and addressed her.. "Ehrm..Miss McDonough....Capt..er Mr. Tar requests we take supper wi' him in his cabin. He set me t' fetch ye up" He flashed her a smile and extended a hand to help her up from her perch. She seemed shy an a little flustered in comparison with the night before. He chuckled an led her up to the deck..
  11. As Roberts came up from below, he was aprocached by Captain Tar, who bade him join for dinner. However when the mention of Silkie McDonough came up, his mood became a bit cross. Not wanting to be rude to th man who'd been so generous with his accomodation, he gave a slight bow and headed below. Along the way he fingered the coin in his pocket. She was an aluring creature but had a strange air about her. "Women don't belong on a ship" the old superstiton cam back to him as he came upon the lass who was reading perched on a trunk. He was just wishing Tar'd believed in such things when she looked up and greeted him with a smile. No longer seeming otherworldly but instead almost plain. Save for the freckles and those green eyes....
  12. Roberts had rolled from his hammock and sat on his sea chest rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He'd helped the crew wherever he could..teaching some, lending muscle to others and enjoying the daily life on a ship once again. Even though he was a guest of Mr. Tar, the crew took to him and they traded stories and song as they had worked stowing stores and folding canvas. As Roberts rubbed his face with his hands, he stood and stretched.. easily meeting the beams above with his weathered palms. He stood for a moment considering what bell it was and realized he was getting hungry. Roberts donned fresh shirt and stockings. placed his hat at a jaunty angle to reflect his good spirits and tucked a spyglass fron the chest in his wesket. Looking more like an officer now he headed up the ladder.
  13. Roberts had the odd sensation that though before him stood a smallish lass who's looks spoke of some breeding and a friendly simple air..there was something deeper, unexplained. His hands felt clammy and when she leant up to kiss his cheek it was a powerful sensation. As if she were more than a mere lass and held an aura about herself. He was glad at the arrival of Mr. Tar who seemed unaffected, as if nothing out of the ordinary took place. Johnathan Roberts shook off his doubts, as perhaps just the events of the day or the Brandy over little supper. He led Miss McDonough below to her berth and left her with a cordial wish for a good night. As he lay swaying with the incoming tide, turning the coin in his hand, it occured to him she had looked away...
  14. Johnathan Roberts had waited for the last bit of light to leave the sky and the watch to change. He walked the topside trying to appear at ease..but was decidedly not. Miss McDonough hadn't been clear about just what watch she'd arrive on, nor how. As he paced the larboard side, he wished for his pipe and almost retrieved it despite Mr. Tar's spoken rules. But he was a sailor and kept his dicipline, instead worrying a coin in one hand. It was an old habit and an old coin. One he'd gained on a trip of fortune in his earliest years of sailing. The surface had almost been worn smooth after years of his turning it between his fingers when he had not drink nor his pipe to occupy hisself. As he mused, a smallish sound reached his ears seeming to come from the water line. Roberts headed towards it and found the lass standing on the ladder above the jolly boat as if she'd appeared out of thin air. He stopped short, gripping the coin so hard it's sharper edge dug into his fingers. "Miss McDonough" he said almost under his breath. She handed up her haversack. He pocketed the coin, reaching down to take the parcel and her hand which was warmer than it should have been, had she ridden over on any boat in the evening air. Her clothes were curiously damp and her eyes held an errie sparkle. Roberts for all the fearless man that he was, felt a chill through his bones at the contact.
  15. Roberts stared into his brandy as he swirled the amber libation. He shook his head and laughed lightly rememberin Ransom in all her glory threatenin everyone on decks. "Well Mr. Tar, ye should know, she weren't in a receptive mood. The woman barely allowed me t deliver yer inquest 'fore throwin me off the Rakehell. Sorry if I left out that detail, but I believe we can still convey the plans. Long as she don't answer with a broadside! He looked up an laughed.
  16. Roberts took his ease in the handsomly appointed cabin, settlin into a heavy chair. Mister Tar had opened the bottle he'd left, and soon he was partakin of the fine smooth Brandy. Feeling more at home Roberts recounted the events on the Rakehell an said "Aye Captain Ransom says the ship'll be ready t' make sail on the dawn tide." As Mr. Tar emptied his glass Roberts returned the favor by filling it again. "So tell me then what are t' be our plans Mr. Tar?"
  17. Roberts executed a half grin an swept his arm out usherin th Captain o the ship Relentless past "After ye Captain, no better time for it I b'lieve"
  18. Roberts stared cooly at Captain Ransom..she reminded him of such a woman he'd faced before. It bore more thought fer sure. Aye he could charm th ladies, but the lass before him wouldn't be swayed so easy. "Don't go flatterin yerself Captain.." he said with the most cordial gold filled smile he could muster. "I'll pass yer message t' ... Captain Tar.." Roberts turned, eyeing the big man still glaring at him from behind Ransom and spoke once more. "As fer comin aboard, I was on me way t'deliver Catpain Tar''s messgae directly, but yer little Cat waylayed me. If ye have a problem about it. ask her wot sh's got herself is such a row abou. " Roberts was annoyed that Red Cat had once again belayed his plans. "Captain.." he said an turned t' go back to the Jollyboat. Listening as he left the Rakehell fer th sound of a pistol bein cocked.
  19. Roberts did not step away from the lass in question. He simply leaned back into a more casual posture. Turning to address Ransom with slight incredulity in his voice. "Threatening yer crew..? nay Captain.." He held a hand out to assist Jane from her perch at the edge of the hatch. To even her own surprise she accepted and daintily stepped down with Roberts leading her like a gentleman of court. He suspected that though unafraid of him, Miss Melchert strove to avoid conflict of the type which could grow out of proportion. Likely due to years of conditioning by her oft violent husband who was given to unanticipated fits of the most ill temper. With Ransom, Red Cat and himself at opposing corners and close quarters, this was a powder keg which could be easily primed.. given the right circumstance. A host of strong wills and quick tempers which at other times could be loyal compatriots. "I've come at the behest of Captain Tar" Roberts used the formal title even though Jacky had maintained he preferred the title of Mister. He knew this would get beneath the fairer Captains skin just enough to perhaps redirect some of her anger at the invocation of the other man's name. "If you would Captain," He continued in his most unaffected and official tone "May we speak of the upcoming journey? Captain Tar has need to know if you..and the Rakehell will be ready by morning"
  20. Roberts was frustrated. The smugness of Jane's comment had piqued him. Red Cat used to take great pleasure in playin on uncertainties as well. This was a game he never liked to play. He wasn't so skilled at the ruse, as he were th more staightforward type. Roberts leaned perilously close to the lass, noticing the stray strands which she kept tucking behind her ear. "And wot if I did?" he raised an eyebrow, his voice soft and steady, but the undertone was quite clear. "Would ye have told her th truth? or yer own version? Surely ye couldn't know everything that bastard husband of yers were up ta.." He leaned just a bit closer and fixed her eyes with his own. "Ye know he left owin me some coin fer th last trip..." He hoped the veiled threat would serve to prompt a hasty and honest answer from the lass.
  21. The late afternoon had started out so well or so Roberts had thought. Now beset with women again..these women..he needed t' be in charge. The pirate placed himself between the fair skinned lass and her intended escape. He kept his hands at his waist this time. If he'd made Red Cat flinch, he'd surely cause this one to scream. With Ransom somewheres about, it was the last thing he wanted. He tried to soften his demeanor a bit. Roberts needed answers. Why was Red Cat concerned? He knew the answer, or thot he did, but he didn't know what else had transpired between the women. Roberts fixed her with eyes that matched the caribbean waters just past his shoulder..and still dripping from his clothing.. He leaned in towards her. "Miss Melchert..ye mind tellin Ol' Roberts ..just wot ye shared with the Cat? and anyone else here fer that mattter?" Again as on the docks days earlier, he noticed the gerl didn't shrink back despite his towering over her.
  22. Roberts, even tho he weren't actually official, was glad he didn't have t' reprimand th men should they have had the gall t' laugh at his bein splashed. "Aye lads"..He tossed them a coin "I'll be needin ye back at nightfall. See ye stay outer trouble now. "They knukcled their brows to him in turn and continued to tie up the boat. As he called for permission to come aboard the Rakehell, he secretly wished he were headin to th pub wit Jonsey an Smithe..
  23. Smithe was a funny little feller who seemed t' take his job, an oddly his lack o title wit pride. As the Jolly sailed towards the docks, the fresh air of the evenin flapped it's canvas, an a few gulls passed by t' see if there was fare aboard fit fer a scavenger. Roberts enjoyed everything about sailin an the sea. Whether in the small Jollyboat r on a ship out in th swells..his reverie was broken as they neared the Rakehell. The big man spied the smaller Cat on decks, arms crossed and one boot up on a sea chest. He knew that look. Trouble be brewin agin....wot did I do now Cat? he asked himself under his breath as he recounted his steps in his head.
  24. "Aye that I be " Said Roberts givin a nod across t' Jonsey as he spoke. He turned back t' th diminutive crew hand an said " Mr. Tar has tasked me with makin sure we're ready t sail together with the Rakehell " He nodded towards the shore and the men followed his gaze to the other ship still at the dock. He was actually lookin forward t ' wot may transpire with her firey Captain. "Aye, when yer ready Mr. Smithe" Roberts took a seat an looked towards the Rakehell as the Jollyboat thumped once against the Relentless and headed towards the shore.
  25. Roberts headed in the direction of the Jollyboat where Tar had told him he'd find the new crewman. As he traveled aft, he spied a short jolly feller he assumed t' be Smithe. Roberts hailed th' man by name and th favor was returned. He Could hear Mr. Tar barkin some orders on deck as he climbed aboard the Jollly boat an made his introduction to Smithe.
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