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Everything posted by Roberts

  1. ^ Aye she has a cute nose.
  2. Fair Piratesses!
  3. Roberts were alternately glad t' be made First Mate an annoyed that he wasn't goin wit his new Captain. Bein First mate he knew he needed t' be where he was an in charge. He'd hoped for a chance t' see Havana, but that may still come. Still, he was glad again t' be left in charge o the green eyed lass singin so sweet a shanty. He watched the small boat an it's Captain until it reached the docks. He looked over the crew all too happily tending to their ship. Roberts took th opportunity of Tar's absence an his new position t' light his pipe as he settled on a coil of rope, pistol across his lap, and enjoyed Silkies lilting song.
  4. Roberts turned to th lass who stood firmly. "I'll be within earshot" Her expression softened a moment which more'n caught his attention. Then she straightened up an stood guard over th deck. Roberts turned to two Dutch aboard. "Awright..you two! They shrunk back visibly at his words. Roberts grinned an evil grin "Take us below t' the prisoners...r ye might find yerselves in th brig! Make haste!" He headed down after the Dutch an Jacky towards where the remaining loyal crew might be secured. "How many do ye figure t' find Mr. Tar...alive that is..?"
  5. Roberts had helped Silkie up to th deck enjoyin the benefits o bein last t board behind th lass. He nodded at Tar's request not t' kill anyone...yet. "Aye.." As the quakin Dutch crewman hit th water wi a splash, Roberts chuckled, the sun glinting off more n one gold tooth. A few more on deck looked decidedly nervous and he was enjoyin th feelin. Roberts casually draped a meaty hand over his pistol
  6. Red Cat was headed their way. Roberts winced inwrdly t' think o the tirade that would come when Tar told her she'd be stayin behind. Even wit an explanation it warn't goin t' be pretty. Red Cat were fiercely independant an proud of it. Roberts sighed.."good luck sah" he said as she approached all swagger an glower.
  7. "Aye Cap'n Tar.." Roberts said he as he looked across at the Relentless wit a gleam in his eye. He knew he'd have t' temper hisself at least till they were out o Spanish waters. But ol Roberts had a score t' settle if any o the scum were still aboard. At the least t have his feet back on th deck would be a start t rightin things. Action always agreed wit him. "Aye..I'll sail" His mind went back t' th swearin below. "Wot abou th CAt?"
  8. Spammers make good ballast.
  9. Arguin could be heard near th galleyway comin from below decks. It increased in volume followed by a final "AAargh!!" in Red CAt's tone. Roberts climbed up upon the deck lookin dark and headed off t' speak with Captain Tar now that they had weighed anchor. He was anxious t' have th insight o Jacky who seemed to know th workings of this port. As he walked he replayed th dinner conversation of several days past :::: Roberts was pouring and looked up at the Captain as he did so.."Taxes" he snorted..Roberts didn't like paying fer anything legit, least of all to the Spanish who were undeserving of anything..thieves they were..He laughed at this, finding the thought amusing considering his own choice of occupation.. "Bloody Spanish.." He tipped the heavy bottle over Mr. Tars glass topping it off as if to draw them together in agreement. The Captain gave him a bried nod and Roberts settled back to hear what else the man had to say. Jacky looked Roberts in the eye, "Ye know mate Havana is a Spanish port, an we best be on our best behavior there. The Spanish hav run this part o' the world fer the last four hundred years. Their time is almost up, but they believe their best years are still ahead. When facin' the guns o' Spanish Galleon, I'm willin' t' give 'em the benefit o' the doubt." "Aye, on wot we trade, we'll pay their taxes. But fer wot we pull up from their sunken ships, I don't intend t' give nothin' back." At the last part of Captain Tar's statement.. Roberts broke into a wickedly wide, gold toothed grin.. "Aye Mr. Tar, now that be more like it" He raised his tankard to Jacky, an after the mugs had touched, downed the libation feeling more comfortable with the idea. "Oh, I'll be on me best behaviour in Havana Sah" He quipped :::: With that conversation in his head drowning out the recent sound of Cat's yellin..she were yowlin about those "Native wimmin" he walked up and greeted TAr who was studyin the harbor wit a spyglass. "Cap'n"
  10. Roberts came about on deck wit his sleeves rolled an scarf blowin in th stiff breeze. "Aye! I'll be lendin a hand as well! " He nodded to Africa and put in wit the rest. Roberts leaned in ta Nate "Too much settin about makes a man get soft. Can't be lollin about like a lady now aye?" The last part was spoken low as Roberts chanced the comment to his own delight, out of the earshot of either Silkie, CAt or Ransom. Nate looked a little confused but Roberts gave a hearty laugh and grabbed up a line.
  11. wench ^ ta cook me meal!
  12. Roberts stood in th stern lookin out t' sea. He'd been discussin th mutiny wit Jacky Tar who was now below. Plans would be underway t'recapture th Relentless once they made Havana. He was sure the scum woulda headed tha way assuming an easy take once they'd seeen th charts plotted out. Last he remembered they were on th table in th ward room. As he considered strategy an how many they'd be up aginst, Red Cat appered in th darkness. Silently as she sometimes did. This always unsettled him as she would appear like a ghost wit naught a sound. He started at th sense o someone suddenly standin next ta him. She stood at th rail lookin out at the inky swells and said naught but one word.
  13. Roberts who up until now had chosen to be quiet..but for the occasional groan as he shifted to accomodate his sore leg, erupted into hoarse laughter at the slight lad in a heap on the Rakehell's deck. He slapped both broad hands onto his knees and stood from the barrel he'd been occupying. Heaving a sympathetic sigh..Roberts threw th limp for over one shoulder and turned lt' Captain Ransom. He'd seen his share o survivors pulled from th sea and been impressed that th lad managed thus far. Where d' ye wont th new crew m'am?
  14. Roberts stood shiftin his weight t' his one steady leg. He quickly tested th other shiftin his weight again. He winced, but th ol pirate had fought in worse pain than tha..there was th time he'd been cut near t' th bone an still held hisself against more n one, usin the pain t' his advantage t' spur him on in his attack. He saw as much blood as he lost that day he did. When th man lay aside his arms an held up 'is hands. Roberts chose instead t' look behind him, thar were the sound o those drums risin agin. He remembered now, hearin em as he had come to. Shouts an rustlin echoed, still far off in th jungle they'd just emerged from. One angry lass was enough trouble he thought..several was sure t' be bad news.
  15. Roberts limped along wit one arm on Jacky's shoulder. He'd twisted summin in th fall. He warn't aware o which one of 'em took a shot at him, but he figgered he'd wait tha one out until they got back t' th Rakehell. His limpin slowed them down a bit an he wondered if TRIBE weren't far behind.
  16. Life preserver..ok so its not PC
  17. Roberts flung vines aside as he manuevered roots an rocks hopin there were no quicksand. He opened his mouth t' call to th others but never spake a word..a shot rang out an he felt himself drop...only he kept droppin. into a pit. As he lay on his back his hat fell atop his chest havin followed him down as he fell. Through a break in th trees th moon just barely illuminated th space. He grasped his tricorn wit one hand an saw th faint light poke through a fresh hole from pistol shot. He rolled to one side an noticed he'd barely missed a nasty pike stickin up from the bottom o the pit. Roberts felt in his pocket fer th coin he carried..as always th good luck talisman be there. He brought it out, kissed it an quickly put it away agin. He pulled th pike from its footin an slunk back into a darker corner o the pit. "Blast an damn" he muttered "So close Roberts ya fool..best wait fer daylight"
  18. Water Wenches an Jokes all of em salty
  19. Roberts sat on th porch wit his heavy black boots hangin over, drawin on his mind along with the apple tobacco in his pipe. He pondered... which he warn't given to..Ol Jon was a man of action 'e was, always easier t' understand a straight attack than all that thinkin stuff wot Cat had pounded into his unwillin brain. Still...he had learnt it's merits, an even begrudginly agreed that it could be a better plan than a fist 'r a blade t th gut at times... tho that still be his preferred method. As he tried t' piece events together his eyes roved th jungle an his ears listened fer th stirrin o several tall an comely native wenches. Jest as he made t' head back in an see if said Natives could cook as well as they ..... Hell he was hungry. He heard cannon fire in th direction o the Rakehell, lookin quickly behind him it seemed none had stirred in th tree hut. He glanced down an now heard th all too familiar hushed grumblins o a certain pack o thieves in th distance.. Roberts moved agilly despite his size an headed down th ladder which he had found hidden amongst th vines. He lit out towards Ransom, JAcky an crew wot he figgered warn't too far.
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