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Everything posted by Roberts

  1. Roberts sneaks in an leaves some toast all fresh an cinnaminny..fer th CAt..
  2. Roberts swaggers into th' Kate an Piles a plate high wit crepes an sausage. He pinches Miss Ashcombe as he passes by and she swats him soundly with a spatula. He chuckles as he heads off to sit heavily at a nearby table and throws her a wink and a gold toothed grin. Miss Ashcombe just laughs despite herself. "Pirates..." she mutters with a grin and a shake of her head as she heads into the galley for jam..
  3. Roberts had appeared behind th cat t' advise th Captain th guns had been secured. For once he agreed wit her "Aye" he said a look of concern on his face. He leered at Nate "Sah I'd send th' scrawny lad wit her. He may be a wee daft...." Roberts said in a husky low tone. Nates hummin echoed behind em. Cat just glared at em both. "But he's a good shot.." Roberts knew thar was no stoppin Red Cat when she'd set her mind to a thing. "If I may sar.." Jacky nodded fer his first mate t' go on. "It aint a bad plan t' have a small boat head int' th shallows."Roberts thought if th Rakehell warn't too wounded aside from her Cap'ns pride...r'...heart..Roberts rolled his eyes heavenward an rubbed his head still feelin th scar o' their last battle..or..his last battle wit a large rock..He stood a rubbin an a thinkin fer a minute "We jes may take r'selves a prize by th end o' th day! They'd not suspect alliance from a ship wot we jest fired upon.." He broke into a wide, gold bedecked an wicked grin. "Aye sar..t'is a good plan aye?" he leaned forward t' speak in confidence wit his Cap'n "An...we'd be rid of these two fer a time sar...I'll keep a gun on em as they cross an we'll see how ol Nate does as a crew o' one" Red Cat hadn't exploded jest yet, tho Roberts had kept one ear peeled fer th' sound of a pistol cock. He didn't look at 'er but was hopin fer th' best. He knowed she'd be able t' mayhaps bring Ransom around an he knowed she didnt hear th last o wot he whispered to Captain Tar. This sort o' scheme was one they'd pulled off when they'd sailed t' gether afore. When it came t' daring he knowed Red Cat was jest foolish...r' was it cunning enough. He never could make up his mind if she were crafty or just as daft as ol Nate.
  4. Roberts had loped up on deck from th first shot. Cap'n..was all he said. He wanted to question whether Tar realized it were th Rakehell he be firin upon, but given th nature o' the two Captains, he held his tongue. He shot a stern look at Nate when he questioned Tar. But said no more. When th Rakehell turned her stern towards em he spoke agin "Cap'n we were runnin drills on th gundeck, an I took th liberty o' havin th' lads run out two when I heard th shot." He glanced over th deck toward th horizon squintin one eye agin th brightness off th water. "Wot's yer plan Sar?"
  5. Roberts glowered at Dillard, whom had just dispatched his plans fer th' wee hours. The man looked so stricken in his tired realization. He had only intended to admonish th young lady, forgetting it was the First Mate whom he had interrupted. Still Dillard was a sailor of some years experience. Experience he knew even Johnathan Roberts who now lay back in is hammock with only his thoughts fer company understood. It was no good havin wimmin berth wi men. Dillard felt it was no good havin wimmin aboard at'all. Only trouble could brew from that. Especially two as unpredicatble as Red Cat an Silkie McDunough. Roberts despite his anger had to laugh... at what, Dillard wasn't so sure. "I'll remember yer kindness Mr. Dillard..." he said in th darkness and let the last word trail off saying nothing after.
  6. Roberts walked towards Silkie an though he were tempted t' just admire th lass as she worked, he moved closer an hefted th gangplank wit her. "Now lass, where were ye headed witout the permission...and fine escort o' th First Mate I might ask? " A troubled look crossed her pretty face as she realized her mistake followed by a blush at th second half o' his query. Roberts laughed a merry laugh an gave her a quick squeeze to his side wit one large arm. His bright blue eyes sparkled wit' the promis o' mischief an his enthusiasm nearly knocked her off balance. "Don't fret lass!" His booming voice exclaimed "Ye jus call fer Ol Mister Roberts next time" Wit a laugh and a grin o' gold, he admired her once more an was off down th' deck shoutin orders an corrections as the crew readied t' sail. Now an then he glanced in her direction as she threw in wit th' others. Aye he still wan't sure about that one..but she were a firey lass.
  7. Roberts walked jauntily as he an his green eyed escort left one tavern an headed into th fresh air to look for a better place to sup. At least that is what he told the lass..in truth he did intend they eat summin, but Roberts was lookin for a smaller darker venue where he could watch the locals and perhaps persuade her to see him in a new light. Just as a promisin place made itself known about th corner Silkie grabbed him by th sleeve an pulled him again th wall. A grin immediately adorned his tanned face. Silke shot him an annoyed look. "Roberts.." she gazed off down th small avenue. The pirate's eyes followed, yet he saw naught but a burro and an old man. "I feel somethin...someone else has come aboard..one o' th' ships..could mean trouble" She looked at him now and there was a hint of dissapoinment. "We must head back " Roberts still didn't understand this "extra sense" of Miss McDonough's, but then there were certain things about a woman he didnt concern hisself wit. Long as everything else was where it belonged. Heaving a sigh he took her arm and they turned back towards the docks.
  8. As th Cat looked from Silkie back to Roberts he wore a broad grin.... Which quickly waned as she glowered at him from 'neath th battered tricorn. Changing tack he threw an arm about her and led her away a pace 'r two "Now Caaht..." ....he spoke softly.. "Don't ye now cat me ye sorry beast! We be waitin fer th Cap'n right here! " Roberts turned to her an spread his hands as if to say I've done nothin. Cat took a pace closer an leaned in pokin him in th chest wit one ringed finger "Now I know ye fancy some fun..Lord knows it aint been a picnic!..but it seems ta me ye had yer fun back on tha isle.. BAH!!" Red Cat kicked at a small bit o flotsam wot had lain on th deck. "Now listen 'ere ye little "...Roberts advanced back on her but Cat stood her ground jes glowerin, even as he towered above her. T'was an olde game t'ween th two. Roberts heaved a sigh an leaned down a bit as to address his impulsive mate. "Cat.." he looked up int' th riggin an an idea came "T'as been awhile since ye Captained a ship has it not?" He paused....She glanced about an back to him his face the portrait o pious honesty. She narrowed her eyes. "Aye...an wots yer point?!" Roberts threw n arm about her an pulled her alongside agin. "Well seein as Mister.. er CAPtain Tar 'as seen fit t'leave us for th moment.." He looked shoreward an puffed out his chest speaking oficially "I think it best we have a bit of a scout around...make sure e hasn't come t' any harm. But you've not the brief command o th native tongue here tha I has an someone needs t' take on as Cap'n if.." Cat turned sharply to th big man grabbin him by a bunch o' shirt "Say it Jon..." she hesitated.."an I'll nail yer tongue t th mizzen!! " she looked away an back not releasin her grasp "Withou th' rest o ye!" Roberts cringed inwardly for as wee an bouncy as the Cat may be she was tougher in spades..he'd see her so long ago "Nay Cat, I was abou t' say if he need's someone t'make ready t' sail as he come a runnin back who would be better? Someone needs t' Cap'n should th need arise..er temporarily..take command" As he spoke the last he turned her towards th ship sweepin his arm towards all. Roberts saw Red Cats eyes light a bit an he knew she could no more resist th temporary command o such a vessel than she could an open treasure wit none about.
  9. Roberts laughed, his booming voice shattering the whisper o Silkies proposal. "Lass...we're not exactly in friendly territory" She looked downtrodden and the big Pirate crossed his arms and looked towards th town. "Wall..." Roberts threw his gaze back upon Silkie. Her green eyes glistened with delight that he might reconsider "Seein as ye know th place...mayhaps one drink. However Red Cat'll have t' take th deck or I can nil leave wit th Captin gone n' all" At that moment a voice came up "Ahoy th Relentless! I be comin aboard" The pair grinned at each other an Roberts reached o'er th rail near haulin Cat on t' th deck. He laughed as she teetered from him sweepin her up an over. Yet he landed his mate safely on th deck.
  10. Roberts eyes Silkie..."pass th honey will ye lass...?" He raises a brow an grins
  11. The smells comin from iside are too temptin an Roberts an Silkie head back inside for their repast a'fore the intrepid adventurers again set sail. As they do Inogo passes them blushing like a schoolgirl. Roberts has never met th man, but Silkie almost trips on the way in staring at the flashy Spaniard.
  12. Roberts bright blue eyes sparkle an a flash o gold compliment em as he grins wide then laughs heartily at the whispered comment. He gives th lass a good squeeze wit one arm an lifts his tankard in th other hand. Slainte t' me fellow adventurers..aye t' has been quite a trip s far. Silkie blushes as Roberts whispers summin back t' her fore releasin her from his knee. He heads over ta Red Cat an stands as his shorter friend back agin th bar an a heel upon th rail. Aye they do make a formidable pair o intrepid adventurers at times.
  13. Roberts woke with a bullike snort. His own sawin o' wood nearly rattlin him from his hammcok. He sat up suddenly, smackin his nog on th beam t'was slung from. Swearing a particularly fav'rite oath the big man squoze his eyes shut an clasped a weathered hand o'er them. He sat just as tha for a long moment. "Roberts' ye fool" he said to himself, his own voice soundin louder than t shoulda. "Half th Cat's ration an yer head won't be all tha's sufferin. She'll be nil lettin ye ferget it" He heaved himself from his hammock an groaned a second time as th sounds above indicated he'd slept way too late. He yanked off his shirt an splashed hisself an his face from the nearby basin, wipin offf wit the clean sections o th garment. The pirate then bought a horn comb through th thick tangles o his jet black hair an tied it in a fresh scarf fore placin his hat upon his head...Carefully as it felt two times it 's given size. Roberts quickly donned fresh slops, shirt an stockins as he had a feelin Tar was back. He hefted his weapons an stretched as full as a man his size could in th small space. Baldrick an pistol in hand, he strapped them on as he made th fresh morning air o th deck which did him some good. Roberts had lost 'imself in an unnatural share o rum n brandy th night afore owin t' a sight in the clearin forg o' his brain he still wasn't sure if he did see. There he saluted Tar and nearly fell o'er as Silkie looked up at him. He fingered th luky coin in 'is poket. "Captain" was all he managed at first. "Sah I was feelin ill. M'apoligies f'not meetin ye as ye came aboard sah." He glanced at the woman ..who did nil but smile. Robers wiped a bead o'perspiration from his brow despite th cool o' th mornin ..and waited.
  14. Roberts stood a moment in the doorway decidin just wot it was he thought o th las who sat so confidently before him. At times she were shy an at others she downright unnerved him. His thoughts were interrupted by the smell o summin edible and he stalled his answer with just a hint of a smile. Roberts turned to fill his plate an tankard. Settlin at the galley table none too near, an none too far he stabbed a forkfull o meat an acted unaffected. "Thankee for wakin me Miss McDunnuh..Aye, I've had more n enough rest. This journey's been all too much talk.. a man needs sommat t' do lest he find trouble.."
  15. The lass intrigued Roberts as much as she made his superstitious self nervous. He righted 'imself from stumblin wit a muttered word 'r twp, straightened his hat an followed where th lass had gone..
  16. Roberts stretched in his hammock. He'd slept enough and was rested from the work he'd enjoyed in reapiring the Rakehells damaged shell. He stratched his belly and wondered what watch it was. Roberts flung his bulk from the hammock and considered Miss Mc Dounough, He figgered he'd see if th lass would want t' accompany him t' the galley. Roberts suddenly had a powerful hunger.
  17. Roberts heard Tar's announcement of his being First Mate aboard th Relentless as he approached waitin fer Red Cat. Roberts stood wit a half amused, half sheepish grin decoratin his face an waited. He knew it was comin...expected it...aye th CAt seemed fit fer tirades this trip an they hadn't ee'n passed Havana yet. He stood like an Oak an considered how t' calm a calamitous cat...fortunately Tar was approachin once agin t' speak wit him.
  18. Roberts casts an appreciative eye at Miss Ashcombe as she sets down the tray between them. "Aye Sah..Thank Ye Sah.."
  19. Never give a sword to a man who can't dance. Confucius
  20. Roberts stumbles noisily into the Kate almost knocking over a chair. Miss Ashcombe throws him a look that could wilt lettuce and he removes his hat and grins sheepishly. "Aye Lass, wot ye got fer a hungry pirate like meself then?" He plops a bulging bag of coin upon the table an settles back to light his pipe.
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