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Everything posted by Roberts

  1. After their last meetin wi the incensed Captain o the Rakehell and havin listened t' Dillard recount how she'd not only left him standin, but near thew him off the ship along with Relentless' letters o credit, Roberts was wont to consider how he'd fare. He already felt she didn't trust him. This should be an interestin meetin..Still, he'd no problem with goin. Gave him a chance t' see th CAt anyways. He were't scared o her surly crewman neither. Warn't much in th normal world which could shake a hardened sailor as he. It was the unseen which pricked at th back o his mind. Roberts agreed wi Mr. Tar's request. He wanted a chance t' discuss other ..matters wi Red Cat 'fore they shoved off fer th Tortugas. "Aye sah.. t'would be me pleasure" He hadn't met the aforementioned crew member. Roberts straightened a bit and addressed the Captain "An whar shall I find Mr. Smithe?"
  2. Anytime was a good time fer Brandy as far as Roberts was concerned.. but the big man respected Tar fer puttin his office of Captain first. He was surprised at the request to be liasion beween ships, but glad for it as well. Action was always better. "Aye Mr. Tar, " he said, being a man of habit aboard ship he felt he should salute, but held his hand at his side. The Captain had made it clear earlier that he was but a guest who might lend a hand. "Wot would ye have me do then sah?"
  3. Roberts made his plan to be on deck as night fell to assist the green eyed lass with her request. Until then he needed to busy himself. Bottle of brandy in hand he headed to Mr. Tar's cabin to offer a good drink to start their journey. He intended to leave Tar with the bottle so they could toast their good fortune when and if it came. Truth be told this whole thing with Miss. McDonough was makin him edgy an he could use a drink.. Roberts knocked lightly on Captain Tar's door.
  4. Roberts headed down into the cabins and set about stowing his simple gear. He traveled light. Not much needed, extra slops, stockings and shirts, a few odd articles, his journal in a leather binding and a good quill, which he treasured. Red Cat had given it to him on her return from the orient some year or so ago. It was ornate and balanced well even in his larger hands. He tucked away his pipe for the moment. Having set his things to order in the smalll sea chest, Roberts took up the basin and washed his face. As he washed away the sand and perspiration, he decided not to mention what Silkie had asked of him. He was still unsure of her motives. Laying his weapons in the hammock, the guest of Captain Tar pulled on a fresh shirt and stockings, pulled back on his baldric and tucked his pistol away. Making note to inspect and clean it later. Roberts tapped the last of the sand from his hat and headed up to speak with the crewe before supper.
  5. Roberts was glad they were speakin in private..it almost sounded like mutiny, or a stowaway. He stared at her. The lass was complicated, interesting. "Ye mind tellin me why?" he asked. He wanted no part of any misdeed to the Relentless or it's Captain. "No harm t' be done" she said blushing slightly as he continued to hold her gaze, searching her eyes for hidden avarice. "Ye'll know when th' time comes. I mean no harm t the ship nor her crew" He tried hard to concentrate only on what she was saying, but the breeze blew tendrils of her chestnut locks about and he noticed the freckles which set off her eyes. Deciding she were innocent of any scurrilous plans, Roberts smiled. "Well 'tis an unusual request, but how could I turn ye down lass?" He lingered in her eyes a moment..shouts came down the beach from the Jollyboat. "I must go Miss. Silkie, I'll be watchin fer ye" He turned and headed for Tar n the orthers who were waiting impatiently a t the shoreline.
  6. Roberts stood from depositing his bag and sundries in the boat, as he straightened, he came face to.....well he was interrupted by the form of Silkie McDonough. Right in front of him. He smiled at the lass and she returned a playful grin. Then she had removed her shoes, flipping them into the Jollyboat with other items. He noticed she was well armed for such a feminine lass. Roberts was impressed as she nonchalantly added weapons to her cache in the boat. When the shoes followed a request to speak with him in private, he was truly bewildered. But seeing she laid her weapons down he agreed. As he followed her down the beach the big pirate wondered what Tar and Dillard and the lads were thinkin and hoped they didna leave without him..Roberts ddin't like not being in control but as he followed her delightful form down the beach he seemed to mind less.
  7. Roberts had slung his coat over his shoulder as he trudged through the sand back towards th Relentless' Jolly watt. He was singin loudly and wore a grin. Feelin an accord with things once again he was ready for wot adventure lay ahead. He looked forward to a brandy wi th Captain later. Transferring the sack he carried to his right hand, Roberts smiled as he felt the heft of the goode bottle he planed to christen their trip with. He liked Tar, n hoped on a goode conversation over smooth brandy without all the wimmin throwin the order of things inta chaos.
  8. Roberts keepin her right hand in his peripheral vision, reached up towards her left hand removing it from his lapel an takin it gently in his. "Caahhht" he said his voice soft and warm. He looked in her eyes smiling. Roberts reasoned what had happened by her n Jacky's conversation. No wonder she were so angry! Red Cat released her hanger, but still glared at him relaxing a bit at his touch. He was always able t' calm her. Somehow as in th past, he gave her a feelin of security when he was this close. It warn't really a romantic notion, just part of an old memory. "Much as ye be the wee Captain," She bristled again..Roberts just smiled " ye are not one t' listen" he said forcefully. "Ye didna hear Mr. Tar ask me t' sail on th Relentless an ye didna listen t' me warn ye not t' go off alone an git yerself inta trouble. I looked t' ye when he assined berths an ye just made no matter of it. Why ye think I walked off? Ye owe me nuthin"
  9. Roberts was angy enough that he'd almost thrust th Cat agin the wall. Luckily he stopped himself. Sometimes his anger got away wit 'im. All her cursin, threats and squirmin warn't helpin. He met her gaze, waitin fer his Ire t' cool afore he said anything. She looked a little nervous, which most wouldn't notice, but he knew her well enough t' see it in her face. Hard as she tried t' be defiant. Roberts felt a little guilty as he stood there, but she'd brung it upon 'erself..
  10. Roberts was a wise man, who could be diplomatic when it were called fer, but he liked things simple. Give him his rum, women, an a ship t' sail on, an he be content t meet th day. All the fussin and nonsense was putting a chink in his demeanor and he had summat t' settle wi th Cat. Now bein as goode a time as any. She were pullin n yowlin but he wasn't givin in as he headed them for the quiet outside.
  11. He was enjoyin the company an attentions o this soft n flirtatious lass..just wot was it with Jacky Tar n the ladies herebouts? Considerin his berth f' the trip, he relinquished her t' th Captain. Roberts walked towards the pub door t' go smoke his pipe. Along the way, he passed Red Cat an her cup. Without a word or even lookin down, gently but firmly grabbed her arm and pulled her along wit im.
  12. Roberts looked in the Captain's face as he stopped him in the doorway. Were it a look of warnin or friendly advice Mr. Tar guv him? He saw seriousness in the man's eyes. Jacky Tar'd been protective o th The Cat from the start, pullin a pistol on 'im under th' table that first night. He'd wondered on that. Johnathan gave Mr. Tar an odd smile an said nuthin. He walked into th pub and over to th bar. He were a man who existed in his own way. He looked across at Red Cat who was drinkin coffee, the cup tipped back, eyes closed, lookin oddly dainty in that moment. On th other side Silkie had just entered. Dressed in shade of green n rose with an ample bodice and a quick beguilin smile..in that moment she raised long eyelashes an looked back. Roberts headed in the lass direction, picking up the strong mug o coffee Ray had handed him. His thoughts his own along the way.
  13. The Jollywatt had made short time and they were walkin up the damp beach towards the docks. Roberts was starting t' feel ancy. He didn't want t' face th Cat in front of the Captain n th others. He was pondering wot he'd say, when Jacky pointed out Red Cat an Silkie standin on the docks. This presented him with an opportunity. Johnathan Roberts didn't worry too deeply about women, but he liked t' know where he stood. He had more n' enough experience in his years t' know ye just didn't go straight inta battle wi' out a plan. If.. there was even a battle t' be had..he still warn't sure. The Cat could be damnably hard t' read sometimes.. As the women approached Roberts walked towards Silkie donning his most irresistable grin an gave her a wink an a brief nod. She would be his way out of immediate confrontation wi a tired an slightly outta sorts lookin Cat..
  14. Roberts walked up to the rail just as he heard his name called from somewhere below. "Ahoy Mr. Tar! I be commin wi ye!. Permission t' come aboard?" Permission was granted and the boat rocked one last time as Roberts climbed over the side an took a seat near Dillard..
  15. The watch began to change on the Relentless. Weary sailors passing by fresh ones silently, save for a whispered passing of information between those who felt it necessary. Revealing the happenings of the night as they headed to their bunks from duty. Roberts went in search of Dillard.....
  16. The sky was just turnin light an Roberts stood at th rail fer a time, goin over wot he'd heard an seen o the ship. He raised his eyes an inspected the yardarms and sails, masts, braces and stays. "Aye..a fine ship she be" he said to himself as he turned to face the port. He had a little time, and his own private thoughts till the trip this morning. He'd need t' decide if he were goin t' accompany Dillard ashore.
  17. Roberts lifted a knuckle t' his stitched brow . Acknowledgin Captain Tar as they were now on the ship proper. "Aye Sah," he said "Thank ye, but yer crew has already seen t' me well bein. Ye've goode men an a fyne ship. My compliments if I may Cap'n." Mr. Tar seemed t swell with a bit o pride at the mans words. Roberts knew respect an a well placed compliment always bode well and he genuinely meant wot he said. He was already feelin at home. They spoke of navigation, supplies, weather and such for a time.. tradin stories of journeys past. It was a pleasant exchange between two men with a combined experience of many years on the open sea. Roberts decided not t' bring up Red Cat fer he were unsure of her standin among the group, nor why Captain Tar wouln'dt want er sailin with em.
  18. On his way about the ship, Johnathan Roberts stopped to speak to a few of the crew. He found them mostly to his likin and saw that the Relentless was a well run vessel. They'd invited him to have a meal with em, so he left his question for Captain Tar til later in the eve. Now full and havin met th crew, he spied the Captain speakin t' Mr. Dillard who then went below. Roberts stood waitin t' be acknowledged..
  19. Roberts woke as his hammock swung wider, signaling the movement of the ship. Accustomed to the feeling, he sat up and rubbed his forhead feeling the still recent stitches there...Red Cat! He near fell out of his bunk and headed down the main companionway to the waist pulling his shoes on along the way. He had no idea how long he'd slept...only meant to rest his bones for a moment. As he came above decks, he could tell from the light that he'd been out for hours. Cursing, he stood and looked around realizing they'd weighed anchor out from the docks. He'd no one to balme but himself. Roberts stood there with the cool breeze refreshing his senses and considered mayhap 'twas better they didn't speak so soon. He still stung from her actions at the Inn and then still thought she'd shrugged off their sailing separately. But he wanted to speak to her...Roberts set his hat right and started out to look fer the Captain.
  20. Roberts took note of Stones as he followed Captain Tar over the rail, He straightened, raising his height a bit outta habit. But paid the taller sailor little mind. He'd felled bigger men, an lived t' tell about it. The crewmans expression warn't agressive an he had no reason to think there would be a problem. Sandy haired Dillard whom they'd met earlier, came about with a friendly face. Roberts recognized in him the same enthusiasm he'd had at that age. The younger man was clearly eager to be out t' sea. After bein shown to his berth, which was greater in size and comfort than regular crewmen, Roberts began t' feel more respect fer th Captain. He was grateful for th asignment and would be askin leave t' speak t' Red Cat at the next bell. For now he lay in his hammock, tryin to lay out what he'd say t' Red Cat... She were a mystery fer as long as he'd known 'er. Starting with th circumstances under which they'd met years earlier. She'd confide in him, mayhap further than she would in most, but that wern't very far. She'd seemed so alone in the bed at the Weasel..tho clearly she felt kin with those about her in the drafty room. "Aye, thar be many things unknown about ye Red Cat..many things" he said quietly an closed his eyes t' wait f' the next bell.
  21. Roberts would have told Jacky ta "shove off" but he was still struck by Red Cat's indiffference to their separated assignments. He began to wonder. She would be sailin with Ransom, who he knew little of, except that she seemed wary of him, occasionally at odds with Jacky an had a hellcat temper. His pride wounded, he figured he'd go along t' find a bunk and think it over. Roberts really had no quarrel sailing wit Captain Tar. He looked forward to being out on the sea again. Life there was easier to understand. But in light of recent events, he resolved to talk to Red Cat in private before they left. They were close, had been closer..and he needed some answers.
  22. Roberts hearing no dissent from anyone, was surprised t' hear nothin from The Cat.. He looked in her direction not realizing she hadn't heard Jacky's assignments. She simply looked back at him, shrugged noncomittaly and went back to her pocket searchin. He stood there for a moment. Well he didn't own her, she owed him nuthin, but she'd be out of the protection of both he and Captain Tar.. He didn't know much about Ransom as she had stayed a bit distant. He supposed out of distrust.
  23. While provisioning was underway, Roberts thought on the fact that so far thar were wimmin outnumberin men. Normally he had no quarrel with this calculation..he quite favored it. He did consider tha it were Captain Tar who had the map, the silver cobs, and the story from the Dutchman. He weren't askin to join them, he were askin them t' join him in this quest. Offerin his ship an crew as well. They seemed t' treat each other mostly equal, so he doubted they'd be scrapin salt off the decks or pumpin th bilge..least not unless they be breached n sinkin fast.. So it seemed natural t' him that Jacky Tar should Captain. However bein new to this small band of thieves he waited his turn. Having sailed for years, Roberts understood the chain o command in such matters.
  24. Aye happy birthday!
  25. escape bein roasted like
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