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Everything posted by Roberts

  1. In the near dawn Johnathan Roberts stepped from the treehouse onto the porch..still not sure in his fuzzy head if he were among th livin...cause the past few hours....well if that be heaven he'd take it.. As th big pirate sat and pulled his clay pipe from its nest in his belt, he smiled the smile of a man more than satisfied.. Roberts considered as he struck his flint and and watched the warm glow of th flame, that he'd always thot he'd wind up in th nether world bein a pirate an all.. He chuckled an drew in th smoke as he considered mayhaps it was all a dream..
  2. The big Kahuna (like me Ship's Master Roberts )
  3. broadside..wot side o her yer lookin at
  4. Greek Isle fer me supper what did I see? Photos of Alyssa Spoke to me mate Dan Fair Alyssa
  5. The wine helped and Roberts quickly came to, slightly dissapointed as the beautiful lasses halved in numbers. He figgerd he'd been seein double from the poison, mild as it were.. the natives all spoke in an unfamiliar but not unpleasant manner and seemed to be discussin r arguin about summin. He mentally searched his person an felt that his weapons had been removed. All bu the dagger in his boot. Aye..th CAt was right when she taught him tha one.. still he was tough and certainly more powerful than the tall but comely maidens about him. Glancing quickly around Roberts saw no male counterparts and found his hands warn't bound, nor his feet. He wondered at th rest in th boat..just then one lass put a hand to his cheek. Roberts figgered th others on th' Rakehell would fare on their own fer awhile..
  6. Roberts was dreaming....or was he? His clothes felt strangely soaked..but it hadn't rained..had it? He turned his swimmin head t' look from his bunk an realized that he was layin on a bed o straw. As his eyes focused a bit more..it warn't Goose lookin at 'im or even th CAt..a pair of deeply pooled blue eyes gazed into his an as he looked about he saw several more pair. All belongin t' the stunnin natives he'd seen in th boat. They began to speak in a strange tongue an he felt dizzy again. "Ladies, ladies...one at a time" he said laughing...still giddy from th drug. "Thar be enuf of Ol Roberts ta go around.." The talking stopped momentarily and then someone brought a cup to his lips..
  7. Roberts still imagining himself draped in tall, tanned island women, had been lost in thought. The day, the storm an several other things which begged attention from his overworked mind, blended together by fatigue which finally set in. He felt CAt touch him gently on the back..caress him. His eyes closed a moment and he relived some distant memory. Bringing it to the forefront of his thoughts from some far distant place it had dwelled. He wondered at the touch..perhaps it was compassion as she feared the worst when he was left alone on the ship , perhaps it was something else..but she had moved to the front f the boat..how could he have missed that. How could she have moved so quickly and not rocked them at all? Johnathan in the middle of his musing, nearly jumped out of his skin when again, a hand caressed his back. Roberts froze as if he were made of stone. Was he just tired? He moved only his eyes..Silkie was at the sweeps with JAcky and Ransom was too far away. A superstitious sailor like he was..would be too frozen to speak. So he sat silently, every nerve trained and adrenaline waking his sleepy brain. Red CAt spoke and he sought his tongue to answer..
  8. Johnathan Roberts assumed for a moment that he had either gone completely mad or was party to a sighting of mythical manifestation. There in the distant boat sat and crouched 6 beautiful women clad most indecently in little more than native dress and each, well.. close to his own height. As he studied the silouhettes with distraction most alarming, he imagined what he would say to each one..imagined himself king among an island of many... "Roberts!!!!" * kick * Suddenly shaken to reality, Roberts almost completely ignored a certain impatient CAt scrabbling at him about one thing or another..but through the amorous haze of his thoughts he heard the frightened tone in Red Cat's voice. It sounded simply like concern..but Roberts knew better the subtle differences in one he understood so well. "Eh?" he turned to face the others and Cat. "Nay lass..they ......they be just...driftin about and wotchin us same as we be them. There are six in all..and so tall and..." Roberts acknowledged the fact that he was in a boat with three jumpy and strong willed women and wisely decided it was better..far better to say no more. He changed his tack. "Er..aye Cat..wotever ye an th Captain an" He threw a sheepish look in Silkie's direction, catching a blaze of defince in her emerald stare. "an o course Miss. McDonough ere..wotever ye decide. aye.." Roberts turned his glass again to the waters and was lost in thought..
  9. Roberts answered Captain Ransom but never took his eyes from Silkie..he stood smoking and regarded her, trying to think of wot he should say..A wave rocked the Rakehell tossing Silkie who was still standing too close..right into his arms with an exclamation in her native tongue! Roberts caught her with one sturdy forearm grabbing the nearby great gun at his left with the other. Just then Red CAt came swaggering back...almost tripping herself in the lurch that occured. She spied Roberts and Silkie in a clench and rolled her eyes, to which Roberts gave a confused look. She began peppering him with questions about how many crew he had seen, what arms the mutineers had..if he overheard any conversation..having had several rums courtesy of the good Captain, he tried to answer her rapid questions forgetting completely that he still held the poor wee lass in his arm.
  10. As he climbed over the rail and straigtened, Roberts was met by the smiling befreckled face of the sandy haired lass who had stolen his attention. Red Cat huffed as she climbed unassisted behind him, hopped down wit a thump and wandered away a few paces muttering summin. Murin had come a bit too close in her concern and found herself dwarfed by the big man as he stood. When their eyes met, her cheeks reddened and she stepped back looking down to her shoes a moment. Roberts tried hard to quash a smile. She was a lovely lass. With a roll of her eyes, Ransom began to question him and he explained that he believed there to be some loyal crew stil lurking about the Relentless due to the armed stance of the mutineers though they were alone in the waters. Africa had soon joined the small group. At the Captain's orders, Ransom's steward brought over rum for all and they stood silent for a moment, calming their nerves with a rare drink on deck. The clatter of repair still going on all about them. Crew passed by and stared at the group, but with a look from Africa..moved on about their business. Roberts took a deep draught and held his tankard forth again until it was filled. Without thinking, he fished into his vest and was relieved to find his clay pipe had survived the fall. As he drew in and released a breath, rings of smoke circled his head and he appeared to calm just a bit. The fire leaving his eyes between the drink and his pipe. He glanced again at Silkie..
  11. Roberts was momentarily disarmed by a voice familiar to him. He turned his gaze towards the deck of the Rakehell above and was met with the sight of Silkie McDonough. Her face welcoming and framed in sandy curls and the brightening sky. Red Cat had said something. He vaguely encountered in his mind that Jacky Tar must be alive or she'd not have sounded as she did, though her words were not clear as he stared upwards at Murin.
  12. Roberts erupted into laughter so loud he surprised even himself. Somehow Red CAt always managed to resist his most immoveable moods. He wondered that she had never feared him when most others..hell..all others he encountered did at one time or another. Then...there was the way they met..their fateful past.. Roberts flopped heavily at the Cats side and leaned elbows on his knees bringing his face to his hands and rubbing away the stress and ache from his recent abuse. Sill leaning forward, he turned to face her and for a moment saw the relief in her eyes. She had feared him dead, he was now sure of it. But likened to him, Cat quickly masked the emotion and it was gone. "I'd have had th' lot of em by now." he started slowly.."They've got the few remainin O' Tar's loyals an they mean t' kill em, if we follow th Relentless" Red Cat cursed at this statement. Roberts took a deep breath wishing for some strong drink and continued "I' b'lieve they mean t' kill em either way..we must have a plan. " Roberts softened for a moment and faced her "Cat.." he just stared at her for a long moment. She didn't think she'd ever seen him look so torn..well except for once long ago. "Go on Jon.." she prompted.. wondering wot could affect th big man so. "Tar..." he started. Roberts had realized how close in friendship she'd become with the Captain of the Relentless and feared giving her this news the most. " Luv he'd been shot..I heard someone go over after him...I don't know if the man be livin or dead" He paused feeling for a second time in his life as helpless as he'd felt that night by her bedside with Ransom an Jacky.
  13. ^ Has many secrets..and flirty eyes to hide them behind..
  14. Roberts stood in the Jolly with blood in his eyes. Through the haze of his anger he saw Red CAt drop into the boat beside him. He was in the mood for no man..nor Cat. She simply looked at him. He noted her hand upon the hilt of her cutlass and almost laughed inspite of his mood. Aye she knew him well ..and she was right to be ready to threaten some sense into the man. Still he stood like stone.
  15. A coil of rope lay where Johnathan Roberts had been tied... Up on deck another mutineer was about to meet his fate and surrender his uneeded weapons....
  16. ^Still needs to buy proper shoes.. Smells good
  17. Roberts woke in the dark...the back of his head throbbed, his neck felt cold from what he assumed was his own blood trickled down. Conciousness was slowly returning and as the big pirate made to bring a hand to his aching head, he realized he was bound with rope. Roberts lay back as quietly as he could, unsure if he was alone and not wanting to invite another of what he now assumed was blow to the head which had felled him. He lay in the darkness which was familiar enough by sound and smell to be the hold of the Relentless. He remembered heading down the hatch. Roberts lay and thought a moment , gathering both wits and strength. So...there were more crew who had lain in wait for him....cowards...dogs..they would pay..the two he'd left on the decks earlier had gotten off easy.. As Roberts worked a hand loose his anger began to swell....
  18. Roberts was outnumbered two to one and the turn coated crew members of the Relentless were only slowed by the crate he sent across the deck. One weilded a cutlass the other a length of rope. He had just caught from the edge of his vision, Silkie retrieving Jacky Tar and heading off towards land. The crew already dispatched to the deck were the only ones who'd seen her slip o'verboard and wouldn't be telling the secrets they took with em. He faced off to the two men and the ship seemed eerily quiet ...empty despite the sharp sound as cutlass met cutlass..the grunts of conflict and heavy footfalls. Johnathan Roberts made a formidable opponent due to his height and strength and didn't take long to subdue one man cutting him badly across the side. He kicked the man to the deck and turned towards the other with the rope. The dog released a fierce howl and lunged at Roberts who now saw that he held a grappling hook in his other bedraggled hand. But the as the attacker lunged forward he failed to see Roberts hand flash to his waist, he retrieved his pistol catching his assailant full in the chest. He turned breathing hard as the man let out a last cuss and looked for the direction his next assailants would come from. Nothing....Roberts stood on the Relentless which now bobbed in a calm sea and the silence was deafening. There was no one in sight. Were they all dead? Did only a few survive the storm?" Was there an ambush waitin for him? Roberts tured quickly fearfull of all directions. A straight fight he could handle..but this was eerie..he looked to the rigging where a few lines had snapped from the winds, behind him and all around but saw not another man..save for those now relieved of their ability to fight. Every nerve in his body tingled. The wind crossed his damp clothing sending a chill through him. Then he heard a thump. For a moment Roberts assumed he was hearing his own heart pounding with adrenaline and fear. ....But it came again...from deep within the ship. Keeping his eyes all around him, Johnathan Roberts relieved the dead men of weapons they no longer needed, selecting knives and pistol still loaded and threw the rest overboard. He armed himself well, felt in his pocket for the coin he carried. His Talisman against the unseen and headed towards the hatch. The only sound was the canvas snapping in the wind..
  19. As the scum were levelin his flintlock at Jacky Tar, Roberts took advantage of the seconds the crewman looked away to aim his pistol at the Captains heart. Despite bein a large man, Johnathan Roberts moved with surprising speed. He stepped forward grabbing up his cutlass and lunged intending t' catch the man in the temple with it's pommel. As he lurched forward Silkie produced a dirk from her boot and made quick work o Jonas. But not before a shot flew past him and the dull sound of lead hitting flesh was heard. Roberts whirled around only to see Tar stumble back holdin his shoulder, a look of shock upon his face and fall backward over the rail..Silke was over quick behind him and Roberts made to follow. As he turned full to face the side of the Relentless, he was stopped by the sharp sound of blade being drawn from scabbard. Steel upon steel. The pirate turned in blind anger and atacked the man who stood before him with full force and more than the scum was ready for..the mutinous dog quickly Joined Jonas on the deck..two more were upon him leaping over barrels and rope. As he moved to a more advantageous position kicking a crate towards the men to slow their advance, Roberts stole a quick glance over his shoulder trying to See if Silkie had brought Jacky above the surface..His mind raced. They were too far from the Rakehell..or were they? He hoped their sister ship might have caught up.. Hoped Tar was alive..
  20. Feelin bad for insinuatin that Jacky no longer held command..Roberts imagined himself in the same position. He stepped aside sweeping his arm and grasping the hilt of his cutlass wit his other hand.. "After ye ..Captain" He fell in behind Tar as they ascended to the deck. Roberts steeled for wot may come..both as they made the deck ....and on the deck o the Rakehell..which was hopefully still intact..
  21. "I was told that fer th stafety o th ship ye'd been not relieved...but sent below 'fore th main tore itself loose....Yer men were scared.." Roberts considered the sudden ferocity with which the squall had appeared in a calm sea..enough to make any sailor question his loyalty. "There was summin right unnatural abou tha Mr. Tar..and now I must ask ye..wot are yer plans?" Roberts wanted to get underway..to know Cat an the others were still intact. He flinched at a memory though old...still to clear in his minds eye..A storm, not unlike this one , but which blew for many hours..an Red CAt..
  22. Roberts could now see that Jacky meant him no harm..the man was probably still nervous hisself. When yer crew attempts to take yer ship ye become a man wot trusts no one. Tar uncocked the flint and Roberts having satisfied himself tha the cabin was otherwise empty, sheathed his own weapon and accepted a drink. "Well perhaps ye can tell me what just transpired ..did yer men go mad wit th storm? I couldn't see th Rakehell no longer . We must go back an make sure she's whole" Roberts yearned to be at the helm right now..sailing back t' make sure th Cat was still in this world. It was too soon that he again had to face losing the wee pirate he was so fond of.
  23. Roberts was aware of the weapon pointed at him by Jack'ys steady hand...this was the second time in his life Mr. Tar had pointed a pistol at his gut. "Mr. TAr.." he began..not sure whether t' be angry or wonder if th Captain was being coerced.."How is it that ye be pointin a pistol at me when ye have a mutiny on yer hands?" Roberts made no motion to sheath his cutlass as he still wasn't sure what was afoot. He strained his senses to determine if there were anyone else in the cabin..mayhap behind a door. Roberts motioned t' Spoons who had shrunk even further behind his boss. "You! Ye heard th Captain! out! an close th door behind ye man"The Relentless' cook slunk out like a dog with his tail between his legs..all too happy t' be half a ships length from two men wit the potential and the demeanor to turn things ugly. Tar offered him a drink..but Roberts stood his ground..still angry at having been disarmed an ushered below decks earlier and unsure of what was afoot among the crew. "An explaination if ye please.... Captain" The last bit o his sentence was drawn out as if questioning whether Jacky still held his station. His speech was not lacking for a menacing tone ..There would have to be some quick convincing and Roberts hoped all was as it looked on the surface. However, he could still feel the hairs standing on the back of his neck..
  24. Roberts

    ^, <, V

    ^ So far.... < I really need a pillow right now... V Can you do period dancing?
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