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Kate Souris

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Everything posted by Kate Souris

  1. Yarrrrrr
  2. Much like last year, the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is taking place on Saturday morning in Downtown Columbus. Last year we had alot of talk about forming a pirate team to walk the half marathon before the ship opens. I looked into it a little bit and it looks like it would cost $30 per person to register as a team. That in mind, I have a couple of ideas: 1.) I can set us up a team and whoever wants to join the team can register and pay the $30.00. I can't personally afford to pay for everyone (or I would), nor can the ship....which is why we do the pirate weekends in the first place. :) 2.) We can just meander up there, in garb, to cheer the participants on. I really, really, really don't want to take away from the reason the marathon is going on, which is to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer, but if people ask why we're all dressed up, well....no reason not to tell them. :) What do you all think? Hit me up on facebook and let me know what any interested parties would like to do!!!!
  3. 93...if you count the monkey....
  4. I agree with Mission.... But also, If we are facing the street, that would make our group seem more inviting to those walking by on the sidewalk. Dontcha think?
  5. Consider us there. But you already knew that, didn't you?
  6. I started a group on Facebook for anyone that rsvp's to the Santa Maria event. I am hoping to use it for meal planning and demo planning and the likes. I've invited, so far, eveeryone thats rsvp'd on the events page. :)
  7. Yes, Mickey drives 13 hours each way with a wife that gets carsick, especially in the back seat. And the last two years we've made it a 4 day trip. This year, we're taking a week and vacationing and then ending it all with Searle's. It's quite possibly one of our favorite (I know it's Mickey's favorite) events of the year.
  8. Happy Birthday!!!!! mmmmmmwwahhhh!!

  9. I think between Jeannie, Trish and I, we have food figured out. If anyone would like to bring anything and contribute to lunches/snacks, please contact me either here or preferably by facebook or email because I rarely get on here anymore. Email is faereygirl@sbcglobal.net Put something in the subject so i know who you are and don't think its SPAM. I do have a list of things that folks could bring, but again, contact me off list.
  10. Happy birthday to my favorite twin-friends. :)
  11. Oh and..... Kate's Photos
  12. He did indeed. Everyone was always doing something that was interesting to the people coming by. It was really awesome. :)
  13. Uhm. We're home. We're still damp. My car smells like wet sheep and Prof. Death. I have a blister on my toe the size of Kentucky. We had a great time! ......Stupid M.A.d'Dogge.
  14. Can't take M.A.d Dogge anywhere....

  15. Just spoke to Trish....she is going to bring a couple bags of salad, some bread, and a couple of giaganto cans of baked beans for supper. Jeannie said she would pick up sausages and butter. I am going to -try- to bang out a rum cake tomorrow and I will bring the fixings for the rice dish. Anyone else????
  16. So where would you suggest we finish the planning for the Put In Bay Island event this weekend? I don't know how to contact everyone who is going other than here...oh, and our attendee list is there...and....and....and... I'm open to a recommendation.
  17. Jennie and I discussed meals this evening and came up with what might be a bit of a plan. Michael says that the event is providing us some sort of continental-type breakfast, and then some sort of lunch, so all we really planned for was dinner. Though if anyone wants to bring things to go in addition to the breakfast and lunch, feel free to let us know? So dinner... Smoked sausages Rice (some sort of tasty rice side...) A veggie side of course....bread Jennie and I would be VERY much appreciative of anything that anyone would like to bring to help with the supper meal (Or as snacks, etc for the rest of the time), but please post anything here so that we don't have too much of one thing and not enough of another. Of course, if anyone has better (or easier) ideas, let us know that too. We were just trying to think of something with the least amount of being over a hot fire as possible. Thanks, Kate
  18. Bo- thank you for the use of your wicked cool stuff. The boxes added alot to the camp. You're a dear for the loan. :)
  19. Nope.
  20. Mickey and Kate's Photos
  21. He said he accidently deleted it. Would you send it to me?
  22. William? Do you happen to have a link to the article? I'd love to send it to my mother.
  23. Michael and I are home. Dropped the Professor off at home a while ago, and scampered home ourselves. Still a little hot...a lot tired...and going to bed now. Had a great time, all!
  24. Wow, those are great, Papa! Thank you so much for coming out!!!
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