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Everything posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. oh yeah.....i flyin down....but on the flight to keywest proper...the planes are so small...that last time they weighed me...(just me)....then made me sit in the back...(to offset the engine)...and on the left...and made everyone else sit on the right...for ballast no really
  2. can either of them actually get THAT drunk? believe it or not.....there are several women out there that find me goodlooking charming and irrestable....especially while they are drynkin
  3. i can think of a LOT of things...... ......tehetehetehe... giggle....snort
  4. yur sailing down???...cool...wanna pick me up in Detroit???...wot...it's a port!?!?!
  5. quoted quatable quotes????.....tehetehe
  6. yeah.....but i'm still goina keep an eye out on e-bay....just ta make sure and you should thank me....for there was about 150 durty things that came to mind when i saw the picture of yur "kitty" on my "junk"..... but i shall refrain....this time....
  7. Like that is anything new???? And about size, you are taller than me and even though you are on the right track with the battle of the bulge ( as if I have anywhere to talk), you still outweigh me. I was complementing on your stealth Your humble master at arms, Animal ya know Ani.....yur Capn sure is a'round alot fer bein gone....!?!?? !?!?!?!
  8. thats was my plan...until Lily called me out on it.....damn it so...its just cuttin off a ponytail....can always git it fixed after...thats me plan...until then where a hat
  9. WHOOOHOOOO!!! revelin reveling....... ahhhh....... silence
  10. smell of the kitchen after fryin up some country ham (salt pork) fresh lavender spent gunpowder pipe tobacco babies down home the nape of a womens neck......actually i dont really care what this last one smells like...i just like to smell it...
  11. so ok...this started over at the Tavern ...under "pyrates help fight cancer" posts.....(tanxs Syreen) http://z10.invisionfree.com/Ye_Olde_Tavern...ic=231&st=0 ....but i thought i would also post here too for maximum exposure.... for those who havnt been keepin up... many of ours freinds,loved ones and fellow pyrates have in one fashion or another been touched by cancer...and many of us have generously donated time, money, effort or support for many worthwhile orginizations to help "fight cancer"... Diosa has a wonderful idea of "stuffin the chests"....tehehehe..... So Haunting Lily and Me-self were jabberin on'bout how to help....and mentioned that we have both have in the past ....cut our hair...to be donated to certain groups such as St. Judes Children Reasearch Hospital....Lock of Love....and various other groups...that take your hair and fashion wigs for children who are going thru treatment..... so ....one thing turned into another....pretty sure i got called out.... So....sometime durring the PiP event....we shall make a public spectacle.....And have our hair chopped to be donated..... it was discussed that maybe we could have monitary donations for the deed....per inch...etc.......but then...in the mean spirit of...one up-idnes....and to up the anty....and to cause me as much un-comfort as possible..... we are now having an auction....for the honour of ....WHO....will cut me Hair!??! i know i know...wot the hell was i thinkin!?!?...and before i could figure out the edit tool....damn if Lily and Diosa jumped on the oppurtunity to cause great mischief.....and since i'm not one to back down...(damn it)..... the BIDDING SHALL CONTINUE....... rules.....this bidding is for the "Honour" of being the ...."Demon Barbour of PiP Street" 1. cut off a managable length to be donated 2. with "Cutting Instrument" choice of the "Deamon Barbour".....(just remeber the donated hair must still be usable)...so NO BLOW TORCH....or RIPPING OUT OF HEAD 1 AT a TIME..... 3....Least amount of Blood as Possible.......no really!!!! 4.....Barbour must be present....but you can bid for someone else to be the Barbour..... 5.....payment must be present on or before end of PiP event....no credit...(heard that one before!!!) 6.....the winner shall be determined by majority rules vote.....all in favor says aye...and so forth..... details are still bein worked out....still need to talk to the PiP folks....abulance...and possible support.... so...in the meanwhile.....the bidding started over in the Tavern.... so thus far..... 1. Hauning LilY.....I'll start the opening bid at $5.00 *evil grin* 2.Diosa de Cancion.....I've got a machete and an obsidian knife i was hoping to try out... I'll up that to $10 muahahaha 3. Haunting Lily....My dearest Edward says, He's got a boarding axe and $15 dollars. 4. the Black Syreen.....I have a cutlass and $30.00.... bids shall be taken from both the Pub as well as from the Tavern..... lookin' for others who would like to Bid on Barbour...just donate...or also donate Hair..... yur brethern Methusala Aluitious d'Dogge.....(de'-Doh-shay) M.A.d'Dogge
  12. I wouldn't recommend it... yer skirts will be enough of a challenge, and just think, ye drown and Maddogge will have to jump in and save ye and give ye mouth to mouth... and I mean just the thought of Maddogge...giving... ack... gag OI!!!!!.......i CAN read ya know!!!!!! oi...HurryCaine....hows we gittin back after we're pushed off the boat???....sure swim ta shore....then wot???? ....swim back to the boat???...swim back to camp?? how far we got to swim???? really startin to re-think wearrin the armour....how hard is it swimin' in a corset??? You have two options. You can swim to the back side of the Wolf and climb back aboard. Most swim to shore because that's where the awards are presented at the end of the event. Otherwise, you have to wait to sail back to the seaport and walk back to Pier House. Pier House is right at the water's edge of Duval, near the Conch Train station. So, you can do the math on how far it is from the fort. I know you can do the math. Come, on. I know you can do it. Even Animal can do the cyperin'. -- Hurricaen yup, yup, I can cupherin wit de best o dem. Let me show you. If your buyin shots, 1 fer me and 2 fer you = 2 If I'm buyin shots 1 fer me and 2 fer you = 0 fer you cause I drank them first. A case of rum is 12 bottles. Divide that between Dogge and Animal = 2 (passed out pyrates) Animal not sure 'bout the rest o' ya...but whene'er i puts "1" & "1 " togever...i gits ...11....
  13. i know wot ya mean....my wif's pregnant...havn't got any in nearly 4 monthes.....i'm 'orney as hell
  14. .....Yellowbeard..... ...stuble stumble crawl crawl wretch....
  15. somehow....absinthe ends up in one of my onion bottles...tho not a flask but close... i'm staritng to suspect a certain little "green fairy"...!?!?!
  16. You been watching Surviving History?LOL! actually built one of these for a american cival war event years ago....simpler tho...just 1 board on edge...called the "mule"....had to sit on it with me hands tied behind me for a scant 30 mins.....i think i barely lasted 10!!!
  17. I wouldn't recommend it... yer skirts will be enough of a challenge, and just think, ye drown and Maddogge will have to jump in and save ye and give ye mouth to mouth... and I mean just the thought of Maddogge...giving... ack... gag OI!!!!!.......i CAN read ya know!!!!!! oi...HurryCaine....hows we gittin back after we're pushed off the boat???....sure swim ta shore....then wot???? ....swim back to the boat???...swim back to camp?? how far we got to swim???? really startin to re-think wearrin the armour....how hard is it swimin' in a corset??? You have two options. You can swim to the back side of the Wolf and climb back aboard. Most swim to shore because that's where the awards are presented at the end of the event. Otherwise, you have to wait to sail back to the seaport and walk back to Pier House. Pier House is right at the water's edge of Duval, near the Conch Train station. So, you can do the math on how far it is from the fort. I know you can do the math. Come, on. I know you can do it. Even Animal can do the cyperin'. -- Hurricaen OI... i says i can READ...nobody sayd nuthin 'bout Math....
  18. i tend to be more....provacitve....more fun that way!!!
  19. i agree...but they are usually talkin 'bout me!??!
  20. why not??? information and learning can and should come from anywhere!??!...from anyone!?!? speacially the archangel crewe...where we are always tryin to better our impressions....even to the style of coffins....for the intention of having a coffin in the first place...is to educate the public on history..... so...in my humble opinion(or not so humble)....any and all quick comments...that lead into discussions of history....are welcomed as well as warrented....as long as they stay amicable and not uppity
  21. wot do ya mean ya "lost me hammock"..????...."...but not to worry, we have other sleepin arrangements for ye..."....?????? startin to feel REALLY cloasterphobic....!?!?! ???And ye have been drinking what??? pray tell??? sorry.....musta been dat darn "green fairy" whisperin in me eer 'gain.... .....just be sure NOT ta make the coffin...M.A.d'Dogge size!!!!
  22. wot do ya mean ya "lost me hammock"..????...."...but not to worry, we have other sleepin arrangements for ye..."....?????? startin to feel REALLY cloasterphobic....!?!?!
  23. I wouldn't recommend it... yer skirts will be enough of a challenge, and just think, ye drown and Maddogge will have to jump in and save ye and give ye mouth to mouth... and I mean just the thought of Maddogge...giving... ack... gag OI!!!!!.......i CAN read ya know!!!!!! oi...HurryCaine....hows we gittin back after we're pushed off the boat???....sure swim ta shore....then wot???? ....swim back to the boat???...swim back to camp?? how far we got to swim???? really startin to re-think wearrin the armour....how hard is it swimin' in a corset???
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