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Everything posted by theM.A.dDogge

  1. we are truly goinna miss Paula........ oh...and you also iron john....
  2. Can I smoke for him too?? only really cheap cigars...those are his favorite...
  3. La Fey Verte...is awaitting you....kiss,kiss... :angry: ...and yur doppleganger has some catchin up to do me thinks....she'll have to drynk fer Brother Billie since he will be no here?!?!? :angry:
  4. Auuuggghhh! I just got a vision of Madogge pole dancing in that chemise! Auuuggghhh! Must flush out brain with rhum! Auuuuggghhh! Were his jingly-jangly bits intact?!!?! Aaaaauuuuuggghhh!!! hahaha...laughed so hard...just fell off another pole...(telephone that is).... :angry: and yes deary...the jingly jangleybits are safe and in tact...had em packed away... :angry:
  5. it not nice to mess with Mother Nature....why do i always crave muffins when i here that??
  6. yeah...i was out in the rain today too..... ...but then the rain froze in my beard...... i cant wait til wed....
  7. Damn, now I have to play the hero again and actually help these poor fellows... long as yur jest play-actin...otherwise youd guve us pyrate hunters a bad name!?!?!
  8. i got a flu shot last week...now i got the flu...and so does me family.....fell off a pole earlier in the week an still got crink in me neck that just wont go away....and me thumb is still dislocated....and i on call so no rest for the wicked...no slepp either.... but.... in a mere day or 2....i shall be in keywest...balmy warm breezes carressing me to sleep....bathing every morning in the ocean...gittin shnockered everynight with good friends.... and all shall be right with the world..... until i git back and freeze me arse again!!!!
  9. really it depends on your intentions within the hobby/lifestyle??......are you in it just to have fun?...are ya plannin on educatin the mis-informed while your havin fun??...you wanna try an feel what it mustof felt like??...tryin to relive a movie moment??...just like men in tights?? as far as goin to all events...then save some doh...and spend some time first...and git a baisic pc...shirt/pants/hose/westkit....then add to it....movie version or pc...depending on what your prefferences as far as the shoes....tend to be a big ticket item...first get some cheaters that are at least comfortable...the shoes are generly the last things folk look at.....then save up for a really good pc pair....its amaasing how a simple pair of shoes will set off a pc outfit.
  10. clean!?!?? and i thoughts yous wuz a real pyrate?!?! :angry:
  11. it's snowing....i hate you...til next week ...then nevermind....all's forgiven in the keywest sun!!! but until then ...i hate you..
  12. i have the same one....one of my favorites...now everytime i needs to sling it....i simply tether it....cloth...extra bit o' leather...i have a woven "tape" that i tie 'round the barrel end...and one round the stock...just enough to keep it outta the way...i dont think i would permantly attach any hardware to it tho...but thats just me prefferences....
  13. i have anise...got some nefews too!!
  14. has anyone noticed the coincidence between the state of the general population of somalia today...and many parts of the world durring the GAoP?!?!? no money or trade....no jobs....high shipping traffic thru their waters...high tarriffs on trade....ransoms and bountys....pyrates vs the un-armed merchant sailors who once boarded simply give over the ship to be ransomed....safe harbour for pyrates in secret ports...faster lighter more manuverable boats vs huge trade laden ships....better weapons vs the unarmed ships..... and who says history dosent repeat itself??
  15. Hey Greg, It was the plain natural Linsey-Woolsey socks that I was after.... I'm a bit uptight when it comes to stripes...won't wear them in real life or as a part of my re-enacting gear.... I second the motion. If you bring oatmeal colored L-W socks, I'll snag a pair from you. (No stripes in my costume, thanks. It's too Mr. Smee for me.) yes...but i thought Vertical stripes were apropriate??.....they make me look taller...just picked up some grey silk hose down at smoke & fire...it's those dam-blasted horizontal stripes be the death of me
  16. sure...take all the fun oughtta bein a pyrate!?!?! i was kinda thinkin fer display purposeses..... ....tho tryin one out!?!?!.....hmmmm
  17. i concur with Mission an Harry...at least 1 sunset must be from Mallory Square....and experience not to be found anywhere else.
  18. welp...considerin thats where i take me mornin bathe....and presently i am sportin a ..."Michigan Tan"......you might be up for one helluva burn.....considerin last year me arse worked a kin to a reflector!!!! i aint proud...i'm just sayin
  19. personally i liked the view from me hammock....from where i had an unubstructed view of both the sunrise and sunset......damn i love PiP!?!?
  20. yep....actually takes alot fer me to ADMIT i'm drunk too...tho me wife seems very quick to announce me non-sobreity heck of a lot quicker than i.....
  21. life preservers thrown overboard????....i thought ya'll threw rocks at me?!?!?!
  22. I don't expect smut ...I expect a a recipe ...I keep seeing "How to COOK a Hat" ...sort of like what Graydog gave us ...THAT is exactly what I was expecting. i was expectin a recipe for smut...?!?!?! but i thiunk thats called ...ruhm
  23. anybody in for some authentic...."portugeeze punch"...... burns alittle goin down....burns a helluva lot commin out!?!?! okok...secret ingredient..... portugeeze-man-o-war...found on the beach 5' away from where we were bathin?!?!!
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