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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. Don't care what kind of panties they be so long as they are thongs. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Scupper
  2. I'll be there Merry darling. The first tankard be on me Scupper
  3. I be going the 2nd to the 5th. That be of help lass? Scupper
  4. Well lass it be your Berthday. So you rest there in the Captain's chair. be enjoying the food and i be making you your favorite drinks Scupper
  5. Congarts Royaliste! Give em the dirty! Scupper
  6. Scupper loks at the front of his slops. "INVISIBLE!" "Was the water that cold?" Merry darling, perhaps you should render aid my love.
  7. Something wrong with Pirates from CT Lady Barbossa? Scupper
  8. WHAT!! NO SPIT!!!! Takes Merry in his arms and kisses her fiercely. There lass now you be moistened again. Scupper
  9. rather have another main course. But she be hungry so i have to wait
  10. How bout enough treasue to make my wishes come true? And enough to solve my family's problems Scupper
  11. ye were missed luv. Welcome back. The usual mayhem here abouts. Scupper
  12. Wakes up and sees pie. "mmmm" Scupper be a happy pirate now
  13. happy Berthday luv! May your plunder be great and your day be filled with wonder. Scupper
  14. well me dear merry i be thinking i can help you with that later. For now let's eat and be content before the festivities
  15. Who needs them white gooey things love. You, me and a fire. We can find our own snacks darling
  16. Sounds good. So how do we go about it mate? Scupper
  17. Well love i say we swim then snuggle and see where we are in the morn. Sound like a plan?
  18. I hope to have a copy soon. Since the writer, director, producer and actor is one of my best freinds. Scupper
  19. An independent film by a local writer, director, actor done guerilla style will air OCT 30th at 1130 pm on the local state channel CPTV. The film is called Kidd's Gold - The legend of Belltown. captain Kidd, Evil tiny, Blade, Curly and myself star in the first 15 minutes as pirates burying our treasue n a secret chamber. It is discovered later by 4 intrepid college types who must face the spirit of old Capt Kidd to win the booty. Scupper
  20. me thanks to the lovely frollicing mermaid. twas a lovely tune ye be singing. So merery darling? what say ye. Some skinny dipping before we retire?
  21. Ah me thanks Merry love. But you are the wind in me sails, the seas that boyant me ship, my love or you is like the stars I navigate by. Bright and always there. Scupper
  22. Will be good to see you Coastieo4 as well as your lovely mate. i have some pics for you. You are most welcome Greenighs. How can you learn until you swash your buckle with a rowdy crew like us. LOL Scupper
  23. well Rogue seems you have a keeper there. Tok me 42 years to find mine. :) eh Merry? Scupper
  24. What more can a pirate ask for. A lovely lass by his side, a heart full f love, a moonlit night reflecting on the sea, a nd his mates close at hand. I know. A Guiness to toast his good fortune. Scupper
  25. Well lad ye be a bit small for this stout pirate. but I be looking for hats as well as boots. Email the style and sizes and perhaps we can come to an accord mate Scupper
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