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Everything posted by Scupper

  1. I think I'd take a Tern Schooner. They were fast and able vessels that could catch a merchant vessel and still have the size to scrap in a fight ship to ship. Scupper
  2. I've been interested in pirates most of my life. Watching the old Errol Flynn and Tyrone Power films with my dad. While doing genealogy research, I found I'm related to Grainne O'Malle and I had a relative go down on the Wyhdah. So, I guess you can say it be in me blood. I've been a histocial re enactor for 15 years and finally came to me true vocation. Pirates! Scupper
  3. LOL I'll have to ask if they can do a Scupper doll. He be stout and strong. Just like his Guiness!!! Scupper
  4. Happy berthday Mr Longarm sir. may your plunder be bountiful and yer rum be strong. Scupper
  5. Now why can't stuff like that happen on this coast. Scupper
  6. Tis a beautiful dress Quill. You be telling Sabre he's a lucky pirate. Scupper
  7. Seen it? Hell we were doing reenacting like Rocky Horror! Scupper
  8. Wish I could join you, but me ship be too far north at present. Be giving the tars a broadside for me. Scupper
  9. I played the drums in the band then in a fife and drum corps. I haven't played in years though. i just last week started learning the bagpipes. I'm waiting for my chanter now. Scupper
  10. Give me enough warning and i'll try and make it down from Connecticut. Scupper
  11. Check out this site mates. It be worth it. You need to join and then go to files. You wenches will like it too. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pirate_Girls/ Scupper
  12. LOL I think not. That be some wadding or a piece of hemp I be thinking. Scupper
  13. The captain.s Roost The crow's nest Treasure cove Bucaneer's haven The hanged man Pub Here be a few ideas mate Scupper
  14. Sounds like fun. i'll see you there Scupper
  15. Happy New Year mates! May all your wishes come true. Scupper
  16. Well i'll be there. Sorry you can't make it Coastie. I'll drink one for you. We'll have another sometime and be sure you can attend. Hope you can make it Mr Hawkyns. Looking forward to meeting you. Scupper
  17. Aye. We may be pirates but we be humble struggling pirates. Too many gold pieces. Scupper
  18. There will be a meeting of the Pirate Brethern, in garb, at 730 PM EST at the tavern at the Armory. Located at The Inn on Main St in Middletown CT. I invite all pirates of the Northeast to join us. I'll buy the first round to all that come. ope to see you mates. Scupper
  19. In honor of the occasion i say I buy the round instead of the newbie. Welcome aboard!!! Scupper
  20. Now we need a pic with you wearing them lass. Scupper
  21. Beautiful art as always lass. My thanks for sharing. Scupper
  22. LOL Paisley. Well done lass. I wish we had something like that in CT. Scupper
  23. Many thanks lass. May old St Nick be kind to ye. Scupper
  24. And the same to you lass. be well. Scupper
  25. What scale you be building? Scupper
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