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Lucky Penny Hawkings

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Posts posted by Lucky Penny Hawkings

  1. The Land Shark was thereby christened in blood and Lucky Penny earned the highly sought-after title of MVP, for having sustained a grievous injury and didn't shed a single tear. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR whata fine pirate!

    No tears, you're right.

    I think the summation of it was..


    *grab glasses, pitch forward*


    *straighten up, look at Claire*

    "Oh no, you're bleeding."

    "I am? Oh..shit. I am. Aw hell....sonofabitch..dammit..."

  2. Heh.. I figured that'd get out eventually...

    *rubs nose a bit*

    It's a wee bit sore and bruised, but otherwise still attached. It was admittedly quite funny to just walk up to the security table all nonchalant and while blood is running down my hand and face, "Any of you happen to have some paper towel?"

    The looks on their faces was along the lines of "Uh....."

    *grins at Royaliste* Aye, a wee sippin' o' rum and we just forget anything happened. :lol:

    Yep, blood hit the decks, but the rain got rid of it so as not to frighten anyone the next day. How convenient.

    Oh, Claire? I still say we make the little red-cross picture for the website... :lol:

  3. (a worn, crusty note is tacked unceremoniously next to the TP dispenser..read: towel dowell)


    One cannon, preferrably heavy, with accomodations for bootstraps. Lost last one in mutiny unfortunate accident.

    Interested parties, please leave contact information.

  4. :) 'Tosses Saber a bottle 'o the potion, :ph34r: Grins at Penny'... :huh:

    *Starts packin' up another grenado mysteriously resemblin' a certain 'pineapple'... :ph34r:

    (Considers 'stuffin' their turkey wif' it!)



    Behold: Pineapple Alert!


  5. There will be a Jones soon 'nough I'm sure. *chuckle* Just a matter of gettin' somewhere that I can find him an' all.

    Probably not all bad that he didn't happen yet, since life at home is still utter mayhem...

    (not to mention that working around a lot of easily snaggable fabric may be detrimental to a kitty's health....)

  6. UPDATE:

    I got some news today...

    Recently, Jones came down with a bit of the sniffles, so he was taken to the vet to be checked out. It appears that some word got around, and to make a long story short, Jones was reunited with his former owner...

    I am sad, but I'm happy too..since it's always good for a kitty to be with the person they truly belong to. Doesn't mean I won't sniffle a little in my corner. Hopefully I won't get snot on the dress I'm working on.

    This does not mean, however, that Jones does not still exist in the cyberworld...kitty eyepatch and all. In fact, I think he's sharpening his claws on the door of the head as we speak.

  7. *looks over to Jonesy's box*

    OH M'GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    IT CAN'T BE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BUT HOW?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    I guess he's creative, Quill... You would think guys would have that sort of aim...

    *Jones looks amazingly proud of himself*

  8. 'Notices Jonesy strollin' out from under the wall, wonders if'n 'e's one 'o them kitties wot learns ta use the 'ead, an laffs some more!!!  :lol: ....(careful wif' that dirk, lass!!..the dentists are a real bitch in this century!)


    If he be a pirate cat, then 'e kinda 'as no choice when 'e's on a ship, aye?

    *checks teeth*

    *runs to the privy to whittle s'more*

    A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

    ..but a Bird in the head is just messy.

    *etched in the floor turned towards the privy, in very small letters.*

    Must be hard t' do yer business bent up like that.

    *then, adds a quickly-cut plaquard to the wall that reads the following*

    LADS: Stand closer, mate; it be shorter than ye tell yer friends!

    LASSIES: Keep yer arse planted for th' entire perfomance, missy.

  9. *pulls out dagger, picks at teeth a moment before scrawling*

    Now ye sit 'ere

    Broken 'earted.

    Tried t' crap

    But ye only farted.

    *giggles to self*

    If ye love yer bonny wench

    Ye know t'would be a farce

    T' etch yer twoo luv's name

    Where ye wipe yer arse.

  10. *points to the orange tabby who has made one of the fabric piles his bed*

    Ye do realize that eventually we'll be wantin' to see a picture of yer cat...

    ..and I'm supposed to GET pictures sometime here soon..

    *makes an expectant look at Jonesy's current caretaker*

    If I don't get them before he arrives, then I'll definitely take and post them afterwards, because I know that people want to see him B)

  11. Yes.

    Lucky has been a quiet little pirate of late. I won't go into the messy details o' me life at the moment. Some of ye know what's been goin' on. Th' rest o' ye..suffice t' say it's been a bit rough on th' edges for the Penny o' late.

    As a result, I've been sort o' lurked back from the cyber-haunt. Jus' been spendin' me time away from the keyboard an' all that. How long it'll last, I cannae say for sure. M'hopin' that it won' be too long, because I like ye all an' all that.

    Th' good news is that it's not all me personal life that be suckin' me in. I've also been at me sewin' again..which explains why there be all the new piles o' cut fabric around in me corner..

    *points at her well-established little area where there are piles of scrap fabric, needles all over the place, and a shiny new sewing machine, along with a blue-gray velveteen dress that is obviously under construction*

    I'll be more active again once the fur an' fabric stop flyin'. Don' worry. Jonesy's safe. He's figured out quickly that th' sewin' machine's not somethin' to play by...

    *points to the orange tabby who has made one of the fabric piles his bed*


  12. 'Scratches 'ead, ...."HMMMM...Methinks that'd be more to the tune 'o 'Davey Jones Litter Locker, eh???"....


    Perhaps Cap'n :) But I'd love to be able to tell someone I'm sendin' 'em t' Davey Jones' Locker..and not have them realize until it's too late that they're about to be playin' in some buried treasure...

    This suddenly makes me think of an advertisement I saw once..for one of those automatically cleaning litter boxes...that had a cat in a pirate outfit....

  13. On black Persians- I had one and he was a sweetie- Black with vivid green eyes, so we named him Ninja. But be prepared to pay the vet bills that go with a pure breed like a Persian. They have extremely sensitive skin and are prone to rashes and other skin issues, among other health troubles. My vet refers to Persians as "hot house flowers" meaning that they need a lot of special care above and beyond that of a typical cat.

    Interestingly enough, until recently it was declared that the only way I'd get cats is if they were not one, but TWO Black Persians. Needless to say, I stared at my former as if he was on crack. I like the idea of a cat that is low-maintenance (or as low as any animal can be), and two "hot house flowers" are the LAST thing on my mind as being low-maintenance.

    But yes, Jones appears to be, from all indications, a good candidate as an adoptee. It's a matter of when, however..and I'm shooting for the first week or so of next month...

    Arr. Pirate kit-tee!

  14. Interestingly enough, my last true kitty is living with my ex roommate's parents in Michigan. Apparently she was destined to be an outdoor cat; she had a lot of bad habits when she was living with me that seemed to eliminate themselves when she was moved there.

    When she arrived, there were three other cats in the house. Over the course of time, however, two died, and the third disappeared. For a long time, it was just Meikah by herself, until a couple of adopted "kids" were brought in shortly after I moved to Seattle.

    I've been in the company of other people's cats over time, but it's been a long time since it's just been me and another critter. So this will be interesting.

  15. A little while back I was informed of the need for someone I know to place a kitty in a new home. At first, I had to say no, for a variety of reasons, the least of which being certain people's necessity to have two black Persians if we had anything at all. Feh.

    However, some changes in the winds for the Penny have made it to where I can hopefully open my home to this wee beastie in the not-too-far future. YAY!

    From what I understand, said feline is an orange tabby, and has been addressed in the male gender. I need to talk to the person who told me about him before I can get any extra info.

    It's been over three years since I've had a kitty, and this little critter comes at a time when the presence of an animal would be extremely theraputic.

    Regarding a name: yes, I've thought of a couple. However, so far, the one that has real sticking power at the moment is

    drumroll please...

    Jones. The name of the cat in Alien. And also short for...heh. Davey Jones.

    Does this mean that the litter box can be called "Davey Jones' Locker"? :lol:

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