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Lucky Penny Hawkings

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Everything posted by Lucky Penny Hawkings

  1. Won't be likely makin' this one, but ye can very much expect me for next month's Return of the King Ball. Wow. Next month. SO much to do! *yie!* *and I just put away the stuff for that dress too!*
  2. Whee! Looking forward to the Lady coming back to the Bay. We owe her a few more rounds. *snicker!* Did I just say that? *PirateInnocence!*
  3. Okay..an actual picture of what I think SOMEWHERE I mentioned I got.. http://www.lara-goth.com/stupidstuff/DSC03040.JPG Mmm. Shiny anteeky stuffs!
  4. What time are ye lookin' for people to arrive, Cap'n? As for bundling up, I plan to do just that. Have a sort of cold trying to build itself and I'm fighting it.. *pops more general supplies of Vitamin No*
  5. I think the only thing I have was the gig I went to in Vallejo right before I started doin' Seven Seas stuff...afterwards, my friends and I hit the Castro, and while I was walkin' down th' street..someone yells somethin' about "Johnny Depp!" *blinkblink!* I didn't think to tell 'm "Sorry, mate, m'not that bloody tanned!"
  6. Is that sayin' there will be a Helluva on board? *perk!*
  7. Well, my booty, such as it were, went something like this.. One present was a ticket home to see the family in Michigan for the holidays. Of course, I turned this gift into one for the family by not telling them I was arriving, so needless to say that when they saw me they were quite surprised (My MommySan: "Cheezes, where's my inhaler!!") A little surprise from Mommy (she hadn't been able to shop for me yet) was her gifting me with two brass filigree tallship figurines from the Azores that she's had for MAAAAANY long years. Needless to say I was REALLY happy about these little guys. I have pictures, but I have to get them posted online. They'll go up in the living area here, just have to finalize where. One friend of mine made me a cloth "vampire mallet" in a bag made of nautical-themed fabric, and another made me an essential oil sugar scrub thing (which makes me a bit dizzy to smell it, but it smells gooooood!) I also got some moolah from my Grammy to help with moving expense stuff as well, which has been invested into new down bedding for my long-neglected bed, as well as some Ravenclaw-blue towels (yes, the bathroom got Ravenclaw, the kitchen got Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, of course, get the living room. I'll explain later for those unaware of my decorating agenda for the new apartment...). I still think my best present was my new apartment..but that's minor
  8. Cap'n, I was HOPIN' ye'd say ye'd sail the Royaliste on New Year's! *bouncie!* An' what a better way t' see the fireworks....Which was my plan, by the by.
  9. I have but one thing to say: Jason Isaacs. *firm nod* He can hop in me bunk with a bag o' crackers, he can...though I'd prefer he'd arrive with a bottle o' Private Stock.
  10. *peeks in the tankard* An' what d'we have in here eh? *peers curiously* Mmmm. Booz.
  11. All is OK in San Francisco as far as I can tell. We had a little bit of a wiggle, but at least as far as I could tell, nothing more. Wow..that's not much off of the one I was in when I lived in Seattle a few years ago..but I think I was much closer to its epicenter.
  12. Many thanks to you, Cap'n, for everything, especially puttin' up with me. I would feel safe sayin' some o' me best memories of ths year are on the decks of the Royaliste.. *slides over the Private Stock...as if the Cap'n needs more rum! * To many more, mate... especially now since I'm closer to the ferry!
  13. You know what's interesting? I am hearing stuff GALORE about LOTR Oscar parties and all this stuff.... Has anyone thought out the idea of a Pirate Oscar/Golden Globe party? As much as I love the LOTR stuff...I have to say that they've had THREE years to get stuff...and I wanna see POTC get something demmit!! Who's with me on this one, eh?
  14. I commissioned the cane to be made for me after I saw it on eBay. I let the girl know that I was putting the costume together, and she was fine with making me one as long as she got pictures. That reminds me..I need to dig up some other recent pictures I had taken in that costume and send them to her.. Something that you might not be able to see very well..I have a brooch that is a replica of the two Lucius wears in the movie (the coiled snakes on his cloak)..I had to pay a pretty coin for it, but it was only made in Japan and I have yet to see another one!
  15. Yes. Drinking good. I must, however, buy Rum. My rum is gone...alas!
  16. *LOL* Ohboy. Someone went wandering in the other directories! I wish that I could have done the premiere stuff, but being in the middle of the week like that (and not having made a lot of plans for it) I make up for it tomorrow. It kind of worked out nicely this way...if I would have made it for all the midnight premiere stuff, there would be a lot of things I would be scrambling to do at work AND at home, and it's very likely my dress would not be wearable. The move was a big dent in my schedule, to say the least.
  17. I wanna do this, I just haven't had the time to grab my things together an' submit it. Yie. Must hurry. Soon soon...after this stupid dress...
  18. Aye, he be a right b@stard when he sees fit to it. But I give him a few points for good taste. Reminds me..I 'ave t' do some touch-up work on that cloak and send it to the cleaners at some point.. Ah, a stitch-n-bitch's work is never done... *is also reminded of somethign ELSE that she needs to do too! GAH!*
  19. Lucius: "It is NOT perfect..." Oh shoosh. Get outta here. This isn't your forum. Lucius: "You and these...pirates.." Yes. Now go away. Shoo! *handwave*
  20. The little voice of Lucius in the back of my head is already sputtering at the idea of wearing fuzz cowprint slippers..... The expletives are ...quite creative.
  21. That would be Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. :) For those with only a vague familiarity with things Potter, he's Draco Malfoy's father..y'know..the bratty little blonde Slytherin kid? :) Gee, no family resemblances at all. Hee.
  22. Ah! Caught me there too!! In fact, the project I am working on this week is finishing off the embroidery on a very cool Elvish dress... It won't be entirely done when I finally wear it, I'm sure, but no one will be the wiser I hope.....*wibble!*
  23. Every time I see Saddam, I think of South Park. "Heeeeeey Satan! Relaaaaaaaaaax!" My former suggested that we should force him to watch the South Park movie over and over, but that doesn't relate to the idea that the scallywag looks a bit like Blackbeard at the moment...
  24. Ah, me word, it be a McGonagall and Harry Potter! *beam!* Aye, I was sucked in about a year ago. Strange how time flies. A flag with an owl an' a wand..or perhaps an owl's skull in place of the human one...twisted, aye, but we be pirates an' all... Hmm..or in my case, per'aps a snake's skull... Actually, if ye wish t' see somethin' scary...feast yer eyes upon this, if ye will.. This was from back in June for the Order of the Phoenix release...we had a full Malfoy family, but my Draco and Narcissa weren't in this picture.
  25. *commences with making the most silly sour-patch-kid eating face you could imagine!*
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