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Lucky Penny Hawkings

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Everything posted by Lucky Penny Hawkings

  1. Quiiilllll...m'blushin' again. *wibble!* Bloody rosy cheek problem...
  2. Have yet t' 'ave those...Hmmmm... *shifty-eyes* It's not far from where I be goin' today, though the sticky rice with mango is a'callin' today toooooo....
  3. Even if I bring ye back somethin' better, luv? *points at Ghiradelli, then at Godiva, then at See's* Pick yer poison, luv!
  4. Hehe... *sneaks another..and two more, then RUNS!*
  5. *an' while all this is goin' on, sneaks a piece o' candy outta th' candy bowl!*
  6. Redd Oktober brought some o' that grub on the Halloween gig at the Royaliste. It reminded me of Sugar Puffs. :) I should go to Walgreens and get some today.
  7. Huh??? How come??? *chuckle* It's cause ye said the "M" word, luv!! An' it always 'as a habit o' makin' me a lil' dopey...an' not as in th' dwarf!
  8. Both, really. And over the years, she hasn't been easy to find things for. I'm still lamenting the loss of a 3-D plate that I got at the Disney store called "Maleficent's Curse"...it was my pride and joy until she was broken by my then-kitty. I'm still very surprised I found the Maleficent pins that I did when I was at Disneyland in October! In a turn of my luck though, I was cleaning through my footlocker here recently, and discovered a plastic bag that held a Maleficent costume I bought about five or so years ago. I swore that I got rid of it in one of my moves! For having a foam headdress and collar, it was a REALLY neat costume..the polyestery material was light enough to have a lovely flutter to it. May need to do some work to it and make it better. *gets a 'deer in headlights' look at Bess*
  9. On me off pirate'n hours I work for the REAL Pirates Rumba... That is part of me office alright, I'm in the Old animation building on the Disney lot. Too bad she missed taking a picture of the side board with the haunted lighthouses and the rocking ship that fires it's cannon! Yo Ho, Yo Ho.... and all the rest. What's funny is when I saw all the Maleficent dragon stuff, the first thing I said was "BUCKY!!!" Because that's the name given to the Dragon in the Fantasmic show, from what I was told *wistful sighs as Lucky looks at the dragonstuff, because Maleficent is her absolute favorite Disney villian, with Captain Hook in very close second*
  10. Addendum to the Violence: "Is it done yet...?" Ka-BOOM! "No. But you are." At home I have a nice little jar that says "Ashes of Problem Customers." I want to get one that reads "Ashes of Problem Employees" for this job (the customer one was for my tech support job) One that actually HAS ashes in it. Maybe even a fake fingerbone or two.
  11. Yes, in fact he did. I came in at 7 AM to finish the last bits of a web presentation that needed to be done at 9 AM, and was assigned to me, sight unseen, around 3 the day before. So here I came in with a white chocolate mocha in one hand and my motivation in the other, an' set to work.. 8:15 rolls around. Manager notices me in the office. "Is it done yet?" "Almost," I tell him. Which it was quite close. I was uploadin' and troubleshootin' to make sure it was workin' proper. Ten minutes later. "Is it done yet." "Just about..." Five minutes later. "Is it..." "I'm troubleshooting it, but I need to be left ALONE so I can pay ATTENTION!!!!" Yes, Lucky went from 0 to Beeeyatch in 1.2 seconds.
  12. Those thing'sre evil, luv. M'not a coffee drinker m'self, mostly because coffee an' I make a terrible match in term o' me attitude. I become a salty lil' expletive if I do say so m'self, an' there's a manager somewhere that still bears me bite scars! But I don' think ye can swing a dead cat by 'er tail in the Seattle area without 'ittin' a Starbucks. Or a Tully's. An' usually the two are within a block o' one another!
  13. Actually I think it was somethin' along the lines of "M'never wearin' anythin' like that again!" To which I replied. "Well, if you didn't try to commandeer MINE they might have fit you better!" There was no response after that for some reason. You know, there are too many voices in me 'ead, there be....but at least they be interestin' ones!
  14. That knee was done by a friend of mine who was along for the ride and had her film makeup with her. She does a lot of work on movies and such. I should email her and see how she is doing. I miff her, an' I haven't talked to her in a bit.
  15. Speakin' of me other "occupation"... I still have much o' me stuff from this...but I want a better costume. I'm considerin' somethin' from th' Cradle o' Life movie....
  16. It's depraved! It's dangerous! It's hostile! It's....Spanish for turtle! ARR!!!! Yep, those turtles are dangerous they are, they are :) Now..all the sudden I want some picture of a turtle wearing pirate gear.
  17. Th' voice o' Jack that's been hauntin' me noggin' the last few days (commentin' on everythin' from my office to th' whyfores and whereto's of thong underwear) says th' followin: "I expect no less of a pirate than t' be off-shore..." An' before ye ask...I am not tellin' ye what he says about thongs!
  18. Yep, me an' Photoshop are good mates, we are... Now, where'd I put that info...*trudges about in her stuff* Interestingly enough, tonight when I was at the theater to see Peter Pan, there was a poster up for a Spongebob movie, though I'm not for certan if it's the same one...?
  19. I've already had one person tell me that if it weren't for the sailboat in the background, that picture could be mistaken for something straight outta POTC2. Hmm..wonder if that Spongebob movie's still takin' recruits...
  20. I got too nosy for me own good, that's what! That, however, would be the short and sweet version. Th' rest is longer, an' can be blamed on this forum, Quill, me Cap'n Royaliste, an' Jack Sparrow.
  21. Tight corset? Got the quick an' easy solution for that problem, mates... Now..where be m'seam ripper..... *on the hunt!*
  22. Wow. That 'urt me 'ead, Quill..... *staaaaaaaaaaaaare!*
  23. Not necessarily, luv. I have a penchant for green, m'self. :) So what if it doesn' hide blood stains
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