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Lucky Penny Hawkings

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Everything posted by Lucky Penny Hawkings

  1. I'd offer to carry him, but if all goes well, I think wee Unded Jack Sparrow will be coming with me on this excursion. He missed the last one on account of body parts fallin' off every mess o' steops. I've since glued him a bit more properly, and he should be ready to go for tomorrow. If I wasn't arse-deep in other stuff, I'd make 'm a wee green pirate coat to wear.
  2. Will do as best as I can, luv...because it's all about havin' people to find once you're on the other side of the gate.
  3. I should be there at least once this season. Not quite sure when yet, but I've been asked to drag m'self out to it... I'm not sure whether I'll be piratin', wenchin', or a combination of both...but given the tendency for faire to be HOT, I'll likely leave the sea-gear in the closet and be all feminine and purdy. Penny. In A Dress. Pheeeaaar.
  4. Of course I won't be able to get out of the hotel much (too many things going on at once) but the bar doesn't require you to buy admission to the con! *makes a lamented look towards suitcase* I think I'm going to be very overloaded...
  5. Hee. Which house? *waves a little green and silver flag* Temptin', I say. Now mind you, I don't know what I'll be up to for that presently, but it's a thought I will keep in mind. The problem with this costume, however, is that there are several layers: cloak, suit jacket, inner jacket/vest, and shirt...and thus when I'm all in it warmth is NOT a problem. In fact, it's almost TOO much of a problem, since I also have to wear a bald cap to work with the wig. And given that it's San Diego we're talking about here...yie! I'd be a very cookin' Malfoy, and I don't mean figuratively.
  6. http://www.cc22.org Tickets jumped up to 80 for the weekend recently, but it's a 3 day weekend (Friday to Monday) so it's probably about right per day. I don't think they currently have day-pass prices..
  7. The kid looks amazing, dear..very much like the young Mr. Potter indeed. :) Though I am curious...what would he do if he saw THIS coming at him in the hallway?
  8. As ye scurvy dogs are well aware (be it by seeing or because ye stepped on my pins in the pub..OW!), Penny's got a sewin' kick in her, particularly in the realms of costuming. Anyway, yours truly has been convinced by a friend to go to CostumeCon 22 in Atlanta in a little less than a month. Now...I KNOW that there has to be some pirates about in that end of the water. May'aps some of ye are even going to be ATTENDING this fine event. I couldn'a say for sure. I say if this be the case, then there needs to be a gatherin' in the bar or somethin'. Perhaps a good proper gang of scallywags needs to gather together and haunt the halls...because this convention NEEDS pirates! An' if nothin' else, ye can wish your Penny good luck as she enters her first Masquerade costume competition. *readies the space in her suitcase for the possibility of piraticals!*
  9. Whee! I'm there, I'm there. Hoo dee hoo! *dances about* *even though I'm tired as heck*
  10. I've got the scraplets at home, but I believe it was 6.99/yard or 7.99/yard for 53 inch width. Cheep cheep, says I. I'll correct this if needed once I get home.
  11. YAAAY! Money is good, Cap'n!!! *oogles articles in the Smithsonian that she stumbled on today..mmmm....shiiiiny...*
  12. So..as some o' ye know, Penny was in Reno this weekend...home of wayward slot machines and everything, apparently, that couldn't fit in Las Vegas.... Anyway..no sea as far as the eye can look, unfortunately. However, piracy was to be had at the Evanescence show on Sunday. Knowing my propensity to end up somewhere with poor viewing of concert goodness, I brought my spyglass with me to the show so I could see a little bit better. I caught myself quite a few odd expressions....and a couple of requests to borrow said spyglass by those nearby :) I believe one of my cohorts that was with me got a picture of me with it...I'll have to have her send me a copy. Arr.
  13. What's really amusing is that my departure to Reno ran a touch late, and I was considering making the girls take me to the Pier to look for you guys. The only problems were that we were already running behind and..well, I didn't have Claire's cell number in my phone!! Stupid Penny.
  14. Arr, Cap'n! Th' hill be not too bad, luckily! (livin' up t' me name, I am!) M'here, m'safe, an' all is well....*nodnod* I got to play in the snow a little bit, which I haven't done in ages...and I will be off shortly to watch Eddie Izzard, I suppose....
  15. Alas, Cap'n... no Penny this weekend. Goin' t' Reno to visit a dear girlybud o' mine on th' morn... Y'know I'll miss ya though. *BIG hug for her Cap'n!*
  16. Alas, luv, I'd be there, but I'll be in Reno this weekend Ye'd bet yer bloomers I'd be there otherwise.
  17. I didn' see any, Cap'n, at least, not in the nylon. But o' course, when I looked I was looking for the black in particular..found the black and red. I could go tomorrow an' looksy for ye. :)
  18. *blinks* *looks around* Why's it all I can think of all this sudden is "Saucer o' milk, table for many...." *eyes into her rum t' make sure somethin' isn' in it to make 'er cranky* *guzzles*
  19. ...ow. Won't be hearin' outta THAT ear any time soon... *pokes at ear with finger and winces a bit....*
  20. Aye, an' the cotton was this ribbed stuff too. No real drape to it at all. In other words, perhaps a little TOO sturdy. As for the nylon stuff...y'know, I remembered you saying that the nylon drapes well, but it gets beat up quicky. At the price I saw it for, perhaps we oughta consider makin' two identical flags..that way there's always a backup! But that's jus' th' Pirate Scout in me! I have samples of both, though. We'll just have t' work out a time to get them to you.
  21. Three words: I. Saw. Bootie. Of course, they say all's fair in love and war.. ...an' I dare t' say there's a bunch o' both in a good seabattle. Well, at least the "war" part.
  22. ALSO... Lucky went to Britex yesterday. Checked on prices on fabrics for certain new flags.. Not sure if I liked their "heavy cotton" selection, but they at least had the black and red in their heaviest nylon. An' they looked at me mighty amusedly when I told 'm it was for a flag going on "a real pirate ship". Arr
  23. ..always willin' t' make things go BOOM, Cap'n.... Less people means I can jump further away from the cannon before it goes off. At this rate, people are gonna start callin' me Froggy.
  24. A wibble is...well, it's kind of a variant of a pathetic look. Sometimes associated by noises similiar to a sad puppy. SOMETIMES. Pirates are NOT supposed to wibble. But I do...SOMETIMES :)
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