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Captain Emerald Shaunassey

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Everything posted by Captain Emerald Shaunassey

  1. Congrats to you and Boats on the new acquisition my dear. Nothing like owning your own piece of the "American dream." And the satisfaction in knowing no one can kick you to the curb or that you could paint the walls pink and green with no one to say "NO!" but yourself. Nothing in the world beats that feeling. Please PM me with the new addy so I know where to send cards and such, ok? CONGRATS!!!!!!! Emerald
  2. Greetings to ya Jack. I look forward to seeing what ya do with PIRATES in m' next issue. What be your ideas/direction for the mag? Nosy... er... inquiring minds wish ta know Fair Winds an' Followin' Seas, Emerald
  3. May this day bring you every wish and joy possible as you celebrate another year of pirating. Many happy returns to each of ya! Emerald
  4. Greetings, Just wanted to ensure that those who are interested know that this coming weekend, October 4th & 5th, is the last weekend of Middlefaire in Hillsboro, Tx. I had to miss last weekend due to having gallbladder surgery so I'm looking forward to joining m' crew at this new event for us. So, how many of you are making the trip out? See you at the faire! Emerald
  5. I have to agree with ya GoF - Stynky has done a wonderful job on the new pub. I too am enjoying the sleek look and easy to use features. Well done indeed Stynky and thank you very much. Fair Winds Emerald
  6. Huzzah and well done to those who have gotten the pub back up and running!!! Glad to see just how much you all were able to save from the old boards! Here's to you! Emerald
  7. Greetings Mates, Just wanted to spread the word about a brand new event opening up this coming weekend, Aug 16 & 17, at Chandler Park in Tulsa, Ok. This is a first year event backed by the City Parks Department. Come ou and join m' an m' crew as we perform both days of the faire and help us support another faire in N.E. Oklahoma! For more information see the faire's website: www.kingschampion.com See you out at the faire! Emerald
  8. I dunno if'n m' an the crew will have the finances to travel up to the fest - we'd hoped to be picked up to perform but alas, the weekend they want us, we'll be down in TX performing at Middlefaire! Such is the luck, no? If finances allow, we might attempt to invade opening weekend. Emerald
  9. Rumba darlin', I know I be a week late in well wishing ya but, I wish you all the best this life has to offer - now an' always! Many, many happy returns my friend. Emerald
  10. Renfairepirate, Those are absolutely beautiful pins! What a craftsman you are! You have an e-mail from me. Gladly will I sport these beauties and have passed this topic's addy onto my entire crew. With Respects, Emerald
  11. Tho the wishes be late, the still carry all the hopes and well .. wishes you could ask for m' friend. May the next year be one of happiness and fullness for you! Emerald
  12. Come out and join The Ladies of the Salty Kiss as we invade the 9th Annual Jefferson City (Mo) Renaissance Festival this Saturday, June 21st. This one day festival opens at 12pm and runs to 6pm. Located at Binder State Park, admission is just $2.00 per person (ages 2 and under are FREE). For more information go to: http://www.mrrl.org/renfest/index.html Hope to see some Pubbers out this weekend! Fair Winds, Emerald
  13. Oi! First (and only) car was 1983 Chevy Malibu that gold/light bronze/sand color - good lil' car as cars go. But I *really* wanted the Lady's Sportster Harley Davidson - step dad threw a hissy and said no. Oddly enough, mother was supportive of the bike. Rolled the car and totally destroyed it - after taking it mudding and running through flooded areas. From there it was my 1977 Chevy pickup in 1992 - bad paint job (orginally 70's Chevy red but had faded by the 90's to a burnt orange color). Kept that truck until 5 years ago. Then, 1993 Red Chevy 4x4 work truck - wiring harness was allllll messed up so after a very hot conversation with the dealership & sales manager; I traded it off for ... 1996 Chevy Cheyenne black X-cab in 1996 (got remainder of factory warrenty and VERY low miles). Had that truck until the ex-husband refused to work and it got repossessed. Back to the 1977 Chevy for several years and several motors until I finally traded her off for ... 1998 Chevy Silverado black X-cab which I still have. Just put a new motor in her last fall and she's well over 240,000 miles and still going. Added external tranny cooler and reciever hitch so I can safely pull cargo trailer for my performance troupe. It is a tie between my 77 and my 98 as to which truck has been the best of the lot.
  14. Yup, noticed the pub was down but, was on my way out the door to St. Louis for a great weekend of fun (despite the heat and humidity) so didn't worry. It was back when I got back so things are good. After the trouble Renaissance Forums had with hackers (and very nearly loosing that board!) I was a bit worried. Heck, I miss my daily romps through these boards and reading what ya scurvy lot be up to! Indeed, this pub be a welcome harbor in a life of stormy seas (mundane world in general) To One an All at the Pub! Emerald
  15. Greetings All, Rumba dear, if you need to, feel free to remove/repost this request elsewhere. I've been asked to pass the word to any interested folks and thought I'd post here as well as 'Beyond Piracy.' This is posted on behalf of Elvendrums; for inquiries and information contact Devan at: Devan at elvendrums dot com Elvendrums is seeking a full time guitarist!! Elvendrums (http://elvendrums.com), a long standing drumming/vocalist band of the ren faire circuit is currently seeking a guitarist to perform with them. Elvendrums are based out of Jefferson City, Mo and as such, the guitarist would ideally be based in the same geographical area. They have a couple of studio/session guitarists that play with them but they are looking for someone who likes to travel and perform live performances with them. Devan has all the bands needs and can readily tell any interested applicants more. If you or someone you know would be great for Elvendrums, don't hesitate to send Devan an e-mail. But do bear in mind that this is the last weekend of the St. Louis Ren Faire (Jun 7th & 8th) so she may not get your e-mail read until Monday. Thanks so very much for helping out one of my all time favorite groups! Fair Winds, I'm off to pack for Lawton (Ok) Ren Fest! Emerald
  16. Aye indeed Clay m' dear, it did so warm m' heart to clap eyes upon ya at the faire this past weekend. Tis entirely to long since last I had such a treat! An' Diamond has the right o' it - yer Grog Tea is heavensent, especially on hot, humid days! Too bad we cannae load ya and Arrbucks up and take ya with us to Lawton for the next two weekends! Take care m' friend and thank you SOOOOO much again for the passes! Give m' luv to Mick and Jeremy when ya talk to him next. Fair Seas, darlin' Emerald
  17. Dinnae forget, the Lawton (Ok) Renaissance Festival kicks off it's 2008 season June 7th and runs through June 15th! For more info see: www.LawtonRenFest.com! Come out to the fest, stop by one of our stages and say 'Hello' to The Ladies of the Salty Kiss Fair Winds, Emerald
  18. This is posted on behalf of Elvendrums; for inquiries and information contact Devan at: Devan at elvendrums dot com Elvendrums is seeking a full time guitarist!! Elvendrums (http://elvendrums.com), a long standing drumming/vocalist band of the ren faire circuit is currently seeking a guitarist to perform with them. Elvendrums are based out of Jefferson City, Mo and as such, the guitarist would ideally be based in the same geographical area. They have a couple of studio/session guitarists that play with them but they are looking for someone who likes to travel and perform live performances with them. Devan has all the bands needs and can readily tell any interested applicants more. If you or someone you know would be great for Elvendrums, don't hesitate to send Devan an e-mail. But do bear in mind that this is the last weekend of the St. Louis Ren Faire (Jun 7th & 8th) so she may not get your e-mail read until Monday. Thanks so very much for helping out one of my all time favorite groups! Fair Winds, I'm off to pack for Lawton (Ok) Ren Fest! Emerald
  19. Clay m' darlin' - the plans are for Diamond, Ruby, and m'self to leave on Friday and head up to St. Louis. We plan on coming out Saturday and part of Sunday before we have to head back home. We shall be 'incognito' as 3 Scottish lasses - that tis if the tickets come through from the office! ::crosses fingers:: And rest assured dear one, we shall be stopping by Arrrbucks! Ruby has n'r been to Petit Lyon and I cannae wait to show her about the place. Here's to the weekend, luv!! Emerald
  20. For those of you who didn't make it out to this 'phoenix faire' - you missed one heck of a show! The owner is a bloody hard working guy and very much a blessing, his management team are miracle workers. The cast is absolutely phenomenal, the vendors are warm and welcoming. The stage shows that performed with us are truly talented folks. This faire definately has heart and warmth to it - more so than many faires we've worked in the past. Honesty, integrity, a very big lack of egos and "diva-ness" - a faire where you can come in, do your job in harmony with the rest of the group, and go home feeling you made a difference and that you matter to the owner. Memorial Day was an experience that was so wonderful it is hard to describe to you. Having never worked any of the Nebraska faires before, I was truly blown away by this one. It definately sets the gold standard for performers! Plans have already begun for the 2nd Annual Midwest Renaissance Festival; contracts have already been signed by performers AND vendors. The owner is making plans to enlarge and improve what's already there. So, don't hesitate, come out and join us May 16, 17, 23-25th, 2009! You won't regret coming to this festival! Fair Winds, Emerald
  21. Ahh but it be good to see Clay's mug ... and to know the lads be running "Arrrbucks" at St. Louis again!
  22. Any chance you fellows are vending at either Lawton's Ren Fest or at Jeff City? Those are our two next gigs. Though I am contemplating a "vacation" to St. Louis the weekend of the 31/1. Have you guys gotten any word or emails from Columbia's faire? None of my emails have been replied to and now their website is down. Just curious if that faire has fallen apart or if it's still on for this year. Miss you all and can't wait to see you again.... Emerald
  23. You mean you *aren't* sleeping, Clay??? Truly though it tis a good shot of ya! ::hugs:: to you and all the other lads Emerald
  24. For those of you who dinnae know - Midwest Renaissance Festival at Giles Castle, Omaha, Ne has purchased everything to do with the former Renaissance Faire of the Midlands that reigned for 23 years across the river at Council Bluffs, Iowa. All that being said .... who all is coming out the next two weekends (May 17, 18, 24 - 26) to support and celebrate the rejuvination of this long standing faire? And meet up with me an m' crew, who be performing there. Tis Roll Call Time, it tis so, sound out!! Fair Winds Emerald
  25. As the owner of a stage show that does travel, I second what Callendish has said. Not all in my performance troupe make good wages and every one of us has bills that must be paid each month. So for us to feasibly "do" an event, we have to recoup our gas there AND back, have a place to stay that doesn't cost (and yet provides those wonderful amenities like hot water) and allows us to solicite tips and sell merchandise to make money for the company (again to pay for fun things like a website). Yes, with gas prices hovering near $4.00 a gallon here, it is taking a toll on far out from the home base we travel. Sadly, there aren't that many events; historical and non, that a Tudor era based comedic all female privateer crew can perform at around here. Something about a sea of waving prairie grass that inhibits a maritime theme .... go figure. Dutchman ... I'm still trying to figure that one out myself! When you figure it out, would you let me in on the secret?? Fair Winds Emerald
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