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Captain Emerald Shaunassey

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Everything posted by Captain Emerald Shaunassey

  1. DarkMalkin, tis sad indeed that you shan't make it for this coming week'd end. Howe'r, I do understand needin' to turn a few coins with which tae line one's pockets. I plan on revisiting Canterbury several weeks ends during the course of the festivities. For sure, I shall bae there 1st, 2nd & 7th weeks ends. Strangely enough, the last weeks end tis "Irish Weekend" rather than the traditional "Pirate Weekend"; they seem tae have flipped e'ry thing this year. Ah well, keeps everyone upon their toes, no doubt. Alvilda, indeed, I look forward to the day when our paths do cross. And, should you hae any questions, please dinnae hesitate tae ask them o' me. I shall do all in m' power tae aid you. I must away for the eve (night/morn) in order tae finish preparations for departure on the morrow's evenin' tide. May you all have a wonderous weeks end, nae matter where the hours find you. With Respects, Emerald
  2. Greetings, Alvilda ... Indeed, there be more "Midwest" Pirates/Privateers than ye think. M'self an m' crew, the ladies o' The Salty Kiss, hail from a southern land; some ken it as "The Land o' The Red Man". (For those that dinnae ken .. tis Oklahoma). The Salty Kiss shall be at Canterbury (KCRF) this coming weekend as Weekend Performers (so they think) but in reality, we shall be claiming all o' the shire for ourselves, o' course. :) I look forward to makin yer aquaintance as well as the others that reside within this landlocked area. With Respects, Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss & Flamin' Rose
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