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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. ugh! Getting cards printed off to have available at RAGBRAI this Thursday since I'll be a "Street character". On top of that calling around to get rent assistance. Getting papers around to take to General Assistance. At least I don't have to deal with DHS any more. That was painless. Getting around to run up to Sedona Temp Staffing to get a little something to bring money in as practically the only jobs available now is flood clean up. And to check in with a Church about getting some rent help. Hope that the Unemployment check comes today so I can put a little more gas back in what I wasted in running around and also importantly, EAT! As well as give a little something to pay rent. Ugh... I do so hate floods. I really do. Oh, how they mess up yer life!!! Then it's working on some outfits later and cleaning. And whatever else pops up that needs to be done. ~Lady B
  2. Oh, already I am amused. At least with Lady B she won't be after Sterling in that manner. Just as long as ye don't be puttin' her into th' hangman's necklace, she'd rather have thy friendship near o' far. But... tis that feelin' ye know. Again, girlish desires and dreams I suppose. Either way, just don't want t' be gettin' m' hopes up for some Love in m' life considerin' how deprived I have been. Cause at m' own fragile state and stresses, I don't be needin' heartache. Anyways.... At current, tired. Feelin' like a mac truck hit me! Not really sleepy, but exhausted and fatigued. Also hungry. And getting incredibly annoyed with trying to jump through all these damned hoops. Uuuh... I suppose I'll take this to The Whine Cellar. ~Lady B
  3. Oh, my heart is mended. It's been well over a year since Mike. So... it's not that it just happened yesterday. Don't be worrin' 'bout me by any means. Tis why I'm trying to slap myself from falling too deep into hopes and wants for this to go further. ::le sigh:: Aye, I know, Bess. But likewise here. I've had too many guys online who are just after one thing- Sex. HA! Please. The dude needs a life! Thinking with the wrong head obviously. And from what I understand, men go for and marry a woman just like their mom. One who's just the super woman and very successful type I suppose. ::Shrugs:: heck if I know what the devil some of these people talk about. I just want a Gentleman to fancy me as I am and allow me to be me and not something like a provider as the head of the household income breadwinner, etc. Jill... I'm at the point I no longer want fantasy though. 34 years old here... my bio clock is ticking. And I certainly don't want to have kids when in my 40s.. that is IF I have kids! It was my honest hope and desire to have been married for sure BY 30 and have kids by then, too. I honestly wanted 5 of them. I'm from a Mennonite community where women were housewives and such. Men were honestly men, did a lot and so did women. Equal terms. Hell, here... I see women doing it all and men are so damn passive it's pathetic! So... anyway... I'm exhausted with all this running around. Stressed cause I could get that eviction notice tomorrow and I haven't any help coming in yet despite my running around and wasting gas just attempting to get funds to keep a roof over my head. No real "purchases" for attire at all. Lots of talk but nothing concrete. At the moment... I am feeling incredibly raw. Hungry. Exhausted. And yet... I still have to keep going. I haven't a clue how I am able to continue. Hell if I know if I will have a roof over my head by the end of the week. So... aye... fantasy. I honestly can say... I can't really think of fantasy at the moment. I'm just going about the daily motions, even online. Who knows, Jill. Maybe it will go further. Maybe it won't. I'm crazy, but I am still hoping that someday I will find someone to spend the rest of my life with. This Pirate Bachelorette is getting sick and tired of singlehood. It's also dragging me down, too. :::le sigh::: ~Lady B
  4. Hmm... Terry mentioned somewhere that he and Ted hadn't really thought seriously about a 4th film. It was more of an afterthought. After reading some fans posts and hopes for a 4th... he's been contemplating it.. But nothing more really. At least those were the words from him So... don't be holdin' thy breath as of yet, mates. Granted there be a lot they can work with... still a couple elements in the ride they can still use... but. Terry and Ted... they have other projects to work on besides PotC. So... I'm siding with Iron Bess at the moment. And that Atlantis BS is just that. Tis fake. Tery mentioned they didn't really talk about all that and was rather taken aback with hearing that. Rather amused actually, too. ~Lady B
  5. Damn I've a wedding I must attend that weekend. ::le sigh:: this year is just NOT my year with events, is it? Paynestowne? :::knocks on wood; goes to look at that thread:::: ~Lady B
  6. MadL.. History is just repeating itself... again. For the umteenth billionth time. ~Lady B
  7. Huzzah! A very wonderful happy Birthday to ye, Captain! And many more trips upon the Royaliste! ~Lady B
  8. Maybe so, Jill. I just feel so foolish taking a fancy in a gent I honestly haven't met face to face. A couple of days of some fun wordplay on MySpace, his genteel manner and civility, he stating how impressed he is with me, his sweet words in French of affection (most likely misguided), the general play and even more Out of Character chat as one would call it on more real aspects of one another such as he travels, and would fancy spending time at events, collects antiques, and has this desire to die in battle (strange, I know), etc. That's why I feel foolish is just a cute smitten chat over a couple days and I absolutely feel foolish to jump in over my head to feel such affection towards someone whom I honestly haven't met, and dare say most likely won't. If it materializes into something (never usually does in any of the cases), then splendid. Just as long as my heart isn't trashed again after being used intimately and then dumped! I be a fool and I shan't allow my heart to be carried away but such girlish fancies. I'd allow it only if it's real and meant to be. But at the moment, such foolishness is not good with my poor state and situations. Just makes me all the more emotional. ~Lady B
  9. aye, Hurricane. What, but a few years ago the minimum wage rose from $5 an hour to $6... Now it be $7.25... still not enough. Heck, I'd LOVE to make $11 an hour at 40 hours a week! But to get that, ye have to be this "perfect" employee that NEVER complains, has perfect everything and even a degree. Oy! What's up with that?!? Hurts my situation more with the recent flood and released wrongfully from work cause I was unable to get to work cause of the floods. Now, attempting to conjure up money and get any job is tougher than it really is... eventhough places say they are hiring. But, aye... it's sad how much everything has increased and for those who make $50k or definitely less a year... we can't keep up. Last I read, the average income in Iowa as around $35k annually. Can we say OUCH! So, yes... as much as I would LOVE to attend more events, to visit with many of you and have a great time, great vacation... the means financially is just not there. Not when as Hurricane stated, everything else has gone up in price. And this hurts most of all those on fixed incomes. I know some retirees both attended our events, supported and even a few would participate. Now... they can't. Someday, mates. Hopefully soon. Relief. ~Lady B
  10. Ahh... true.. true, MadL. :angry: At least th' itch from the ivy has been remedied. What about the other itches? Well, without a vehicle... at least he still kept his pants on! Thanks for the link, Anne. ~Lady B
  11. Could have sold each one of the cigs for a couple bucks a piece. I know, I be horrible. At the moment... not sure what I'm feeling. Sad and upset I suppose. A fool to have been smitten, and a bigger fool to have picked up the phone to talk to my dad. Well, it wasn't talking when you are screaming at him cause he's ill supportive, demeening ya no matter what you do. Yeah, I really want nothing to do with my family any more. :::le sigh::: And I'm mighty hungry, too. ~Lady B
  12. I keep hopin' an' prayin', mates. Apparently, some of the new "threats" being done by our government to open up more avenues of oils for gas has brought the price back down. I think those making oil are getting the hint as fewer and fewer travels are made, airlines hurting bigtime, and people are desperately finding more efficient if not different means of travel. The sad thing be... with these small, fuel efficent vehicles.... they do very little for a roadtrip with a few people AND equipment. Leaves us hobbyists in the dust. Sorry, ye can't haul a horse trailer with a Yaris or one of those wee fuel efficient cars or even some 4 door hybrid. I'm no firm believer in this or that. But, if one is careful, go for the off-shore drilling. Yes, other countries need to mellow as well and use their gasoline wisely by using more ecofriendly gasolines. I've been using ethanol for a few years now and have had my vehicles run amazingly well and smooth as they run well past 200,000 miles on them. I've heard much about hydrogen and how far better it be. If so, let's convert. But ye know it's bad when Donald Trump barks at the high gas prices and even Mr Pickens (big oilman) is offering major solutions to helping with the crisis in offering other energy alternatives besides oil. It's been pushed since the 80's to use environmentally friendly fuels and energy since the fossil fuels are depleating swiftly and are not so clean. But it's the realization that they are depleating swiftly, yes, we need more sound means of energy. And alas, the world so over populated doesn't help any either! Just think how much CO2 a person emits! But it's a severe and sad pity how these gas prices and energy issues have really, really hurt the reenacting and portrayal hobby. In the NorthWest Territory Alliance, their attendence numbers have dropped and they asked what is keeping people away. I simply told them for the distance to drive, I cannot do as many events as I would fancy. What once cost me no more than $30 round trip per event (chicago and back) now costs me triple to quadruple that per event! That's major ouch! for someone who doesn't live within an hour of an event. And that price at every other weekend? Mates, it adds up! The lower prices allowed me to travel and attend and even spend and put in my good part for the economy, either locally or elsewhere in the nation! There IS a way to save out economy AND have the lower gas prices. Cause face it... were are NOT Europe in size nor good public transportation. (among other things) Cause I would LOVE to visit friends all over the US, attend these events... and even go visit family members who live farther away such as eastern Kentucky... Memphis, Tennessee... Phoeniz, Arizona... or even visit my grandma more often who lives an hour away from me (since she's not doing so good)! But how in the devil can I do all that when I am forced to limit my spending of gasoline, my travels. Oh, hell no, your job place WON'T up your salary, too much of a bloody damn cost to them and their greed for profit! Protesting is one thing, but when usage and travel is cut, the economy running into the ground... that speaks louder than anything else. Cause I know I would LOVE to help boost the economy by traveling more and going to more events. ~Lady B
  13. A fine coat ye have there, Anne. M' compliments to ye. Aye, we 'll do a fine job in "convincin'" the hubby t' dress up. Indeed, intreguing image, PirateSoul. Dutch!... I am NOT gonna touch that statement by ANY means! It would come out SOOOO wrong in a rather too wicked manner... if ye know what I mean. Fantastic pictures, MadL. Warm pistol and fine lass an' a soft bed? Or should it be a fine pistol an' a warm lass in a soft bed? Again, great pictures. Sterling! OMG, Ye've spotted Peter Pan! ~Lady B
  14. Welcome back, mate. An' happy Bday early. Granted we will celebrate such in the Rabble Rousing. But, I says there be no such thing as too much of a celebration! Grace me with whatever drink ye wish to bestow upon this Lady. ~Lady B
  15. Ooooo... a musician. :) A pleasure t' make thy acquaintance, Seamus. Ye've come to th' best piratical place 'round. Do sit an' enchant us with yo'r wonderful music, mate. In th' meantime as ye do so, I shall have a good glass of wine. ~Lady B
  16. :::wince::: Ouch! Prayers to yo'r Bro, Lady Seahawke. Smitten and infatuated! Yet exhausted. God help me! ~Lady B
  17. OK all!... Here is a Youtube link that a friend of mine sent me. It shows a great amount of damage of the aftermath of the flooding. BE SURE YOU HAVE KLENEEXES HANDY!!!! [url) [/url]Don't forget to take a look at the Related Videos as there are more and more posted of areas devastated by the flooding. So many still need help and half the jobs in Cedar Rapids were cut in HALF because of the flooding. So please, please, please help out anyway you can! MerryD, report from Waterloo if you are able to, hun. Waterloo was hit just as bad as well as Vinton, Palo, Columbus Junction and many other smaller towns around Eastern Iowa. ~Lady B
  18. Oh, now THAT's a bummer, Rumba. Sorry that the house deal fell through. I agree... that's WAY too much money! Do they honestly think people make more than $75k a year?!??!? Ridiculous! I'm on the bandwagon of exhaustion. Running my bum off just trying to get some money to keep my apartment since I was wrongfully released from work as I had come to find out. So, between running around and calling to get financial help, applications and resumes sent in and interviews for jobs and unemployment, working on outfits, and the normal household care.... I'm exhausted! ~Lady B
  19. Tis unfortunate about the whole mess. But at the moment, it does honestly reflect the issue here and he did make a very valid point. I have been told many, many times how the flooding here is FAR worse than what happened in New Orleans with Katrina. That's bad. The politicians are busting their butts to get what funding they can to help residents, businesses and other places affected (churchs, museums, hospital, government offices, etc) There has been plenty of looting here, but you will never hear of it. Why? No one cares. The levees and the dikes... well, that was the stupidity of the government. They DID put on a tax since 1993 to help rebuild the levees as they were very structurally weakened since 1993. The levees DID break in two places in the Timecheck area of Cedar Rapids. So, people ARE wondering what happened to that tax money and why were the levees NOT dealt with before hand? They knew this was coming but did nothing about it. True... now you don't hear about he flooding in Iowa unless you live around here which you hear about it all the time! It's a constant. As to debit cards.... Red Cross handed those out. But folks are not given enough. At least Red Cross handed them out faster than what FEMA was doing! Perhaps he said something wrong that offended those of NO. But at the moment, I'm sure they will fell offended to hear that Cedar Rapids was hit WORSE than New Orleans! I can't condone other courses of actions he may do. And I'm not defending the guy. I'm more apt to defend the reality of the truth that is happening here. All in all, some disaster will soon show up and leave CR in the dust ... or mud and muck. Welp, mates... Update from me. I've file Unemployment so as not to get evicted (or try not to) and let folks know I was still looking for a job. And at the same time (after much urging from a few others) that something wasn't right upon my release from work. Aye, they were right. I was wrongfully released from work all because I couldn't make it to work. I know a few others who were unable to make it to work for at least a week cause the roads were closed and the only route was for emergency only as well as SOOOO congested traffic it was incredible. So, now... I'm checking with a Lawyer and working on getting some help so I don't lose my apartment. The Property Management is not being merciful at all. They said they were merciful but I don't see it as merciful at all. They claim their "clients" need money now. HA! Don't we all! The more places tell me stupid stuff like this, the more and more I'm sure the Lawyers are going to have a field day! I have an interview tomorrow. Hoping that it works out cause I need something bad! Finally have my comp working better now. And starting to update my website so I can get my business back up and running. June hurt me bad in making money via The Captain's Share. So, hoping to belt out a few pieces to sell on eBay and get something to put food on my table, gas in my vehicle, and other necessities that seem a luxury around here. Since my comp is back up and running well now... I'm back to getting the photos of the before, during and after flood pictures ready and will be putting them in a photo album online somewhere. It's heart-wrenching. The stench is not as bad as it was two weeks ago, but the damage and trash is EVERYWHERE! I had to pass by a couple other areas yesterday. Downtown just a complete disaster and finally drove into Czech Village area and I cried. The Saddle and Leather Shop where I bought a lot of my horsey stuff for school was completely destroyed and gutted. The historical Czech Village area is just so damaged it's being torn down. Hopefully it will be rebuilt. The City Hall is on May's Island in the middle of the river as well as the court house and the jail. Those are surrounded by many trucks and equipment trying to clean the place out. Downtown is busy but not with business as usual, it's all clean up of dumpsters and trucks and trash everywhere! Businesses and theaters gutted out looking worse than a ghost town. House boats are STILL being removed from Ellis and the docks area where those that didn't break away and go down river were piled upon one another causing incredible damage. The train bridge that collapsed during the flood is now totally visable since the waters receeded and it's an incredible site! So mangled and twisted and filled with debris. The Landfill that's affectionately called Mount Trashmore has been reopened again to handle the massive amounts of trash for the disaster. It's completely unbelieveable folks. Over and over again I keep hearing how we are worse than Katrina. I guess that says something on the magnitude when you don't realize yourself how bad it is. If you can.... donate to the Red Cross. I know people still trying to get help, still needing help. There is a massive call for volunteers, too. Some clean up crews will be wrapping up in two weeks but still, there is such a need for help it's incredible. Will keep folks updated and will post pictures hopefully soon now that my comp is back up and running well. :) ~Lady B
  20. Brilliant photos, Cheeky! Thank ye for sharing them. T'was sad on Saturday for not being able to make it up. I was thinking of Bristol the whole day and wondered who all were able to show up. Mr Bellows... be that a Queen's Ranger (Rev War) outfit he's got on? Too funny. The amount of times I've shot at him on the battle field! ~Lady B
  21. Hear hear, Bess! Aye Ransom, nothing pathetic at all. Especially if it brings a smile to yo'r face. Now THAT be sweet that old dad is eager to tell his tales to his daughter. Ya know that's TRUE adventure when a dad can tell tales and stories instead of using a book or a movie. Kudos to him! ~Lady B
  22. Ooo.... Cheeky... just gawked at more of the pictures ye had from RF4... and excitedly anxious for RF5. I'm working hard away on finishing my new gown. And may sport a couple new outfits. We shall see though. Depends upon if I can get rolling soon enough. I see more folks dressed up in their finest for the Ball! Smashing! I admit... it's more than a thrill to be gawking at a wide variety of fine attire. Ya know... if it keeps up... may have to change th' name to... DROOL FEST! Ye know we'll all be droolin' over one thing or another! ~Lady B
  23. Red Witch is yo'rs t' commandeer, Ransom. I jus' may commandeer th' Niagra for a fellow pirate who fell in love with th' vessel. I fancy th' Bounty, but I do mean t' go after other grander vessels Awwww... now, Bilge.... just means having TWO Maritime events. How wicked would it be t' view a sea battle? B'sides the glorious one we have that ship vs land. I know ye's be droolin' over a particular vessel, Bilge. Which would ye commandeer? And I be presumin' ye'll be at the Maritime Fest promotin' the Pirate Fest? ~Lady B
  24. I shall be there in spirit but unfortunately not physically in person. Do have fun all ye. ~Lady B
  25. :) Completely understand that Ransom. ~Lady B
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