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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. ::::Glances over at MadL & Will with a solid quarky glare::: I be leary when someone claims they not be a pirate and more in "good business" an' yet comes here. Far too Beckett-like t' me. No offense t' ye, dear Abdikarim. But th' key is t' stay AWAY from th' Navy. An' the Navy t' m' understandin' be mighty strong in that vicinity. I've no desire t' end up like Blackbead, Rackham o' Kidd, God rest their devilish souls. Again, I'll b' stickin' with galleons with cannons, flintlocks an' swords, an' a certain flair fo' certain attire of an age past. Lest.. ye plan t' "donate" this fine vessel into our hands, m'dear Abdikarim. I'm sure there be a good number o' pirates here eager t' commandeer such a vessel of fine propriety as their own property t' bring about in their possession th' amount o' desired.... items of old as stated and requested. My guess though, that this vessel ye wish... manned... be NOT wooden? ~Lady B
  2. Nooo, MA d'Dogge. Not even. I not be that lucky or unlucky, which e'er way ye puts it. Nay, m' current situation would be involvin' other issues that would... restrain me from making it to St Louis. I do wish an' want t' go. Truly I do. But again, we shall see. ~Lady B
  3. Tis an interestin' want ad ye be writin' here, sir. But I dare say... tis not th' type of piracy we be doin' let alone dealin' with. A bold Lady I be indeed, but I stand here t' state our weapons be with flintlocks an' swords, with cannons on a wooden tall ship of old, wearin' attire not of this era but of an era far gone of 300 years previous. Again, tis an intreguin' offer ye peddle here. Where, pray tell, would ye sail upon yo'r ventures? What waters would ye set course through? And would yo'r heart and soul be truly with th' Brethren... an' no other? :::a hard gaze::: We be pirates of the Golden Age... not th' Modern Age. ~Lady B
  4. I may or may not go. We shall see. :::Shrugs::: ~Lady B
  5. :::Shrugs::: hard to say. I know that rumors have been circulating since Far Side of the World was out. But, never will know until it's official of the Production starting I guess. As to the Rose... tis a sad story indeed. I think the Black Pearl has a good spot right now. Well, the one renamed the Unicorn that is. I believe there are three other Black Pearls out there besides the one made and used for the movies Confusing to be sure. ~Lady B
  6. I've a pair of bone colored shoes I purchased a year and a half ago for a gown I no longer have and most likely will never used these shoes again in the bone color. So... now I want to change them from bone to black. I want the heel though to be red. Anyone have suggestions? Ideas? what works, what doesn't? Must I strip the color? Or just use a black leather dye over the white? Help? Please? ~Lady B
  7. Why, thank ye, Skinner. BTW... that picture Rumba posted... that be th' one that was on the front page of the Cedar Rapids Gazette and also on GazetteOnline main page. Here be another one, this picture from the Press Citizen. Again, I was surprised an humbled. M' family & friends are rather excited beyond words. ~Lady B
  8. Not sure yet, Count. But will keep thee advised. I'd like to attempt to make it. But, depends upon my current situation. ~Lady B
  9. awesome, lass! Excellent photo. Ya know... I had some gents say I needed an parrot. I laughed and said, nay, that I would leave up to a fellow pirate. Since she has th' parrot. I'll stick with m' pirate kitty. I wasn't sure if other pirates had arrived for the event besides ye or I. I know several wanted to come but informed them also to talk to the heads of the event so as to get special accommodation and a fair warning to them that they were coming. Instead of people just showing up to entertain and not know what's going on. Granted ye could have done that, but then again, it's best t' let Peg know what was going on. I don't think any more pirates showed up which was a bummer. T'was a perfect opportunity for many other pirates to come out and entertain in various piractical manner. T'was only us I believe who took advantage of this moment. ~Lady B
  10. Huzzah! Happy Bday to ye, Wolfe! Hope ye had a grand birthday and obtained what ye wanted and hoped t' plunder. ~Lady B
  11. Oooo... sounds VERY pretty. Can't wait t' see pictures of it, Bess! :) ~Lady B
  12. Ahoy! And here be a very merry Happy Bday wish to ye, Mr Tarr! Hope ye gots plenty o' rum! ~Lady B
  13. I know! I had folks say "good", "nice", "sweet", etc.. I told them, "Shhh! Don't let that reputation get 'round! I'm a pirate, I'm not nice or good!" Funny enough, I had more folks who knew the Barbossa name (take a guess from what character) than from those who fancied Jack Sparrow! T'was hilarious! Poor Jack. Though a few folks wanted me to say Hello to Jack Sparrow next I cross paths with the wily Captain. At least everyone had fun. And we pirates are about fun... that's fo' sure! among other things... ~Lady B
  14. It's incredibly humbling that's fo' sure. And to hear from Charity that she heard about the event on Yahoo news! Wow... that's mighty impressive to say the least. But better yet... North Liberty is getting the publicity for all this! Tis a great small town between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City and it is actually known as "the Corridor". I remained at the festivities until 9:30pm when most everything was winding down and everything was moving to the beer garden and with all my weapons and LOTS of people drinking... I WAS NOT going to stay. Pity. But I tell ye what... never expected this much publicity. But as I said... look how much is mentioned of North Liberty though! It was a great event for the many thousands who came through that small town. And I'm glad that everyone had fun and enjoyed having me there cause I was mighty glad to be there. ~Lady B
  15. No, MadL... no faces upon a milk carton. T'was a couple characters that almost were... but they bloody well would have deserved it fo' bein' overly drunk, riding a bike AND stealing the Pirate flags that were dotting the roadside. All in all, this is rather extraordinary and I'm blushing more and more! Very humbled by this. I was told I would be in the local newspaper, too. But didn't expect to be on the front page! Let alone on TV or even on Yahoo news! wow... very humbling. It was indeed incredible fun. Especially when several thousand cyclists ride in, exhausted and long faces suddenly smile upon seeing a pirate welcome them. Many of them stopped to take a picture with me. And even MerryD when she was there, too. I've a picture here of MerryD and myself with Team Captain Morgan! Jumped at the opportunity to have a photo op with them! Myself with that archway. It was nicely done and swiftly put up early in the morning. Kudos to those who worked hard on that archway to welcome the cyclists. It was indeed incredible fun. And I had a great time entertaining the thousands there. Oh, ye will be glad to know, Bess... that someone had music playing. A mix of some intreguing songs from Muppet Treasure Island to random pirate songs and even "Pirates Life for me" from PotC ride. Oh, I had so much fun with that. Even danced the jig with some kids who came out to welcome the cyclists. They had fun dancing. I gave them some gold for their good dancing. I was at the event for 14 hours and enjoyed every minute of it. Many a story from the young kids who showed up to welcome the cyclists and got them all involved in some piratical fun to the press having a field day and cyclists with their pictures (too many to count!) to even helping a mom with her wee son freaking out over a large inflatible Herky (the mascot for the University of Iowa Hawkeyes) which I pulled my pistol and sword upon (much to my dismay) to defend the wee spooked lad from the monster inflatible. Poor Herky! I hope Herky 'll forgive me! Many, many stories, much fun. And now... I'M EXHAUSTED! I'm sure, as one lass said there, I'll be all over the world in people's blogs and photo albums. Alas... I didn't procure or obtain gold or silver... much to my dismay. ~Lady B
  16. Ahoy to all. Thursday I was in North Liberty, Iowa to help with festivities. RAGBRAI (Registers Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) rolled into North Liberty yesterday with at least 20,000 cyclists. Granted only about 15,000 stayed in North Liberty the rest either stayed elsewhere in surrounding communities like Coralville or Iowa City or Cedar Rapids or elsewhere. Or even called it the end of the line for them. North Liberty came up with a theme for this grand event... that theme was PIRATES! Yo'rs truly couldn't pass this up when she learned of it and have been in contact with someone for a couple months to help out with the grand event. Yesterday it all materialized and it was absolutely fantastic! Riders were greeted by many North Liberty residents, a "pirate ship" arch and yo'rs truly! Exhausted riders immediately perked up upon seeing the great welcome and just as they entered into town with smiles and had yet to see what North Liberty had to offer... already they were saying this was THE BEST stop on the RAGBRAI so far! Highly encouraging words for a small but swiftly growing community. I stood out at this entrance starting from 8am til 7pm, welcoming riders as they came into town. MerryDeath came for a couple hours to welcome these riders as well. Strong woman she be! Huzzah t' MerryD! And many HAD to take their pictures of the Pirate ship arch and with the pirate. LOL... I have NO clue how many pictures were taken of people with me, but there were A LOT! Warmed my black heart to see them with smiles and already enjoying themselves and they JUST arrived! Had one lass there who laughed and was amazed, said "You'll be ALL OVER in everyone's blogs and photo albums from all over the world!" She may very well be right as I know there were a couple gents who stopped and got pictures with me who were foreigners! It was absolute fun to help out and entertain the many thousands who came to this small town. To read more about RAGBRAI in North Liberty, go to: http://www.gazetteonline.com/ And if the picture is not there, here is the front page picture on GazetteOnline: http://goimg.sv.publicus.com/apps/pbcsi.dl...63440120&Ref=AR Huzzah for th' pirates! ~Lady B
  17. HUZZAH!!! Time t' celebrate that be fo' sure! Here's t' ye, Iron Bess! t' one of th' grandest Ladies I know. ::: hugs::: thank ye SO much. Many a grand cannon salute to ye, lass. Plenty o' gents fo' ye and drinks galore! Time t' celebrate in GRAND style! Come one, come all.... let us celebrate Iron Bess' Birthday with a rousing bang and much carousing! Again, here's to ye, Iron Bess! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! ~Lady B
  18. Welcome to th' Pub, Mr Wilde. Glad ye graced us with thy fine self. Alright, now... clarify fo' we poor prate folk HOW ye knows of Dutch an' Sterling? So.. now.. does this mean Sterling's buyin' drinks fo' all? Hmmm... ~Lady B
  19. Aye, tis true, MerryD. Still prayin' for ya. More troubles today. But a surprise in the end.... Though a church is willing to help out with some of my issues (paying past rent) it's all up to whether the property management accepts it. So, we shall see. But, I had to do more running around to take some papers back. No check, no nothing. My mail apparently has been getting screwed up after I had to talk to Unemployment, DHS, the bank and found out that mail hasn't been getting through and returned. Why, no one knows. I talked to the post office about this and they were incredibly bewildered. All this crazy stuff with the flooding really. Well, then next to General Assistance for a final attempt after a month of running around for these bastards and they STILL want me to run around more, waste my gas, etc... and I had had it! I broke down, growled at them and said process my damn application or forget it and stormed out incredibly and visably upset. Cause at that point, I was desperate for help... NOT getting it... haven't eaten in a couple days cause nothing was getting to me and now was without gas cause I had used what little I had left to bend over backwards and go everywhere that General Assistance wanted me to go. No gas made it impossible to continue to do all this stuff they needed and would NOT help out until I filled out EVERYTHING they wanted and asked of me. I gave up. After a very good cry out in the mall (which is where most things are located now)... I went over to plea my case to the offices of Senator Harkin and Senator Grassley. I did leave my story with them, my name and number. Grassley's office at least also gave me a number for Catholic Charities which is not offering mental health services. In this time, it's mighty important cause of all the crap everyone is going through. So, yes, I will talk to someone about my struggles. Plus, will be filing a complaint with the Linn County Supervisor about services not assisting folks who's homes were not flooded but they are still flood victims nonetheless. And there are plenty out there like me. So, about that time, I had a gent from the post office call me to let me know that they are ensuring my mail will reach me. But asked me how I was doing, and if I'd run out of money or food which I told him, I hadn't eaten in two days cause nothing was getting to me, and no one was willing to help! In which, he had me pick him up at the post office, and he filled up my vehicle at a local gas station then bought me two weeks worth of food! I was incredibly stunned and am incredibly humble. Wi swear it though, I will find a way to have him recognized for his random and very well accepted act of kindness. Of all this crap happening, someone has a good soul. What I don't use, I will give it to some friends who are in desperate need of anything right now cause they lost everything in the floods and are in the same mess where they are getting the stupid run around and no help, no money or not enough money and just kinda left hanging. So, I'm rather humbled by this act of kindness and easing myself into a bite of cheese and a piece of bread with some water. Otherwise, I'll be sick as a horse since I'd not eaten in two days and for two weeks barely eaten. Keep up the prayers mates, I'll post on the other thread of places to donate do in which flood victims will get 100% of the money donated. Tomorrow (thursday), I shall be in North Liberty doing some pirating as RAGBRAI rolls into said city, will do some entertaining and hoping to urge flood donations to help friends. ~Lady B
  20. No comment upon that one. I'll feel odd when next we cross paths if I unconsciously glance at yo'r legs, Sterling! I will try not to. At the moment, I am rather grateful but exhausted. I'll explain it all in the Whine Cellar. ~Lady B
  21. Oh, I bet that was indeed a joy and unexpected surprise. Do take care o' yo'rself though, Seahawke. Tis a bad time for them Colds, too. ~Lady B
  22. Bleedin' devils. I had hoped I'd be able to make it this year. But recent issues have made it impossible for me t' do so. I do hope to make it next year though. ~Lady B
  23. :::comforts Cheeky::: There there now, m'dear Actress. Perhaps we can find ye a young handsome dragoon fresh from the battles of war? ei like Tarleton? with those spray on breeches look and the build to die for. His every flirtation towards ye, pampers ye... and it's wild to boot with boots! Sterling... then ye've set m'self at ease. Very well, this Pirate Lady will consider ye a good ally. And will most definitely cut ye a good share fo' thy friendship. Again, as long as ye don't betray me to some means of trial or gallows or the firing squad. I'll have ye gutted faster than ye can scream. Ooo... now THAT would be a fun scenario for next year at Port Wash! Ooo.. ooo! We MUST do something! Thanks Jill. Tis comforting yet frightening at the same time. I'm most definitely a black sheep and a pirate. And I'm the one who didn't even plan it let alone attempt to be so! I was the good kid and perfect sweet teen! Not even a rebel! How, how roles reverse! ~Lady B
  24. Yes... it is stupid. I know Tom Harkin is busting his arse to help obtain funding. And it's mighty necessary. The city officials... I haven't a clue about. Ye hear lots about buyouts. But at the moment, what are those buyouts gonna do? Cause they aren't putting food on the table right now nor offering shelter right now. Nor helping with getting supplies for clean up or clothes or for some people who lost cars and whatever else... it's not helping to replace those right now. I honestly wanted to hit someone on YouTube who barked about we were exaggerating on the price of Flood Insurance in Cedar Rapids. Said it was only $40 a month! Hell, we all wish! it seriously is $300 or more a month but ONLY in the 100 yr flood zone which is a very small portion of the area along the river and not even offered to folks in the 500 yr flood zone. So, a LOT of people were just crapped on and lost it all, etc. Again, not enough help through FEMA if anyone is able to get help. SBA is a little slow but moving faster than FEMA but only with some businesses. Red Cross can only offer so much to those ONLY with homes in the flood zone. But ye are right, Rumba. New Orleans is a huge tourist area especially for Mardi Gras. Iowa, especially Cedar Rapids really hasn't a thing to offer. Iowa City has the University of Iowa. And that's honestly about it that's a world attraction of sorts. I do know that farmland was hurt in the flooding. Especially land where corn was growing. And I stress WAS! A friend of my parents who lived out by Palo owns a farm and his farmland was just destroyed. No crops there at all now. So, expect higher prices on any corn products. Just like they said last night on the world news on ABC. Ripple effect has already begun. And just think... Quaker Oats was badly affected by this, too! Everyone here is barely clinging onto a thin thread of sanity. ~Lady B
  25. Welp.... my comp virus issue has now been rectified. Hoping to keep it that way. Hungry though and stressed in dire need for rent assistance and honestly awaiting that Eviction notice (don't want it) cause maybe, just maybe General Assistance might accept my damned papers! They currently won't cause apparently one paper HAS to be signed by potential employers stating that I applied and had an interview or something. Now, unfortunately, this doesn't count Temp Agencies, Online applications and emailed resumes, or jobs not hiring cause they can't sign off. So, what does that do? Leaves me in a damn freakin' pickle cause that's what all the jobs are pretty much doing is going to online applications and interviews via phone, most jobs now are volunteer services and temp agencies and the sort to fill the workers who have been displaced by the flooding (like me), and if no one is hiring they can sign it so that's just stupid! I'm infuriated with this cause where has my applications been? Online! No one does walk ins any more except for Burger King! So, I'm severely up a creek. But heading back to growl at them cause if they refuse to help me, I'll talk to the lawyer. Which, I need to contact today about my dire situation. Between released from work cause I couldn't get there as roads were blocked off (bastards)... and they took my tips to give to someone else for the Employee of the Week fund crap... then the apartment place is NOT being kept up well as the driveway is worse than the grand canyon it seems with SO many pot holes and the drive way is buckled and desentigrating plus a couple trees STILL in the driveway since I got back from Port Washington Pirate Fest back in June BEFORE the flood happened.... And the lass who was gonna be my roomie left me stuckin a 9 month lease.... and being threatened with an eviction... Trying to get a job and not getting ANYTHING in return, I do so LOVE to waste my gas, time, energy and phone minutes, money ... just attempting to find something.... with General Assistance being overly demanding and refusing to help unless I do that one little paper that is impossible to fill out. And whatever help I have been promised is NOT getting here fast enough. I'm falling into the cracks like the rest of the Cedar Rapidians who are just getting screwed left and right. It's starting to look like Hooverville around here with desperate people just doing what they can and saying "fuck the law". Seriously. I'm not kidding. It's a desperate situation here. Yeah, I never really bargained I'd be in this hellish mess. But apparently, I'm in it. And damnable I'm getting pissed and highly stressed over this all! No money coming in, how the hell am I suppose to do anything that these damned bastards are having me do?!? FEMA won't help nor the Red Cross... my home wasn't affected directly in the flood zone. So, I'm screwed. I'm pissed, I'm fatugued and exhausted, hungry, stressed, and over-extended. Pushed absolutely to the max and my limits of physical capabilities and mental sanity. Flooding sucks! :::le sigh::: alright... off I go to at least attempt something more today. Hoping desperately for that unemployment check to come in today so I can get something to eat and more gas. ~Lady B
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