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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Oooo... I've never really had t' opportunity t' try this game yet. Not many places that have a good surface to play. Cheeky... I'd play with ye when next we meet, lass. Just another version of bowling to me. hehehe Ye bring th' skittles, I'll bring th' draughts. ~Lady B
  2. :::whimpers::: I'm drooling over the outfits as the V&A already. ~Lady B
  3. LOL... add spurs to th' boots and no one 'll mess with ye. Didn't I see on Costume Manifesto an image of what looked like period half-chaps? I was absolutely bouncing out of my chair when I saw those! Damnit... too many projects. OK.. I'm diverting... must take this to the Market or Twill. :)
  4. As always, enjoying th' pictures. Lots of fabulous outfits! ~Lady B
  5. :::Steps away from Sterling; waiting for Syren to "whack him in the shins"::: Bios downloaded? I'm not touchin' that one. Intreguin' story Mad Jack. On a slightly more serious note. A Bio or profile is good to conjure up to help you portray yo'r persona/character better. There are a couple books out there for living historans to help you create a better impression. Helps to take a person from someone just wearing a costume to a memorable character. ~Lady B
  6. Hmm... thanks, Nell. Will check out th' site. It's rather difficult for me to lose weight. I've had horrible eating habits in the past (such as not eating more than once a day, drinking lots of soda, etc) and generally under LOTS of stress ALL the time which I know does NOT help. Rather desperate to lose weight for multiple reasons. ~Lady B
  7. By danglin' him :::points to the Barbossa set:::: before m' eyes. ~Lady B
  8. Very nice chest there, Bo. I'd ride with ye, Bo. But the matter is... at least a 6 hour or more difference. So, not really possible. HOWEVER, if God be willing by that time things shape up for me, I'll caravan (follow or ye follow me) to Columbus. Either one of us can swing by and pick up Perkeo. I'm sure he'll fancy going again. Oy, curious to know if we can bring a wooden cot to use aboard the ship at night. Yes, I can collapse it and fold it up. Just not sure if there will be room or if it's allowed. Figured I'd ask first. As to cooking... I'll be glad t' let someone else cook. I'll bring m' silverware, plate or porringer, and some sort of drinkware. ~Lady B
  9. Such a game would be a hit at Port Wash then. :) I just hope this person in charge moves a bit cause oddly enough, no news is starting to worry me. At least by this time last year and the previous year I had at least 5 emails concerning Port Wash. So, yes... I'm mighty concerned. And the website hasn't been updated in a while, either. ~Lady B
  10. LOL... Ahhhh! Taste th' wrath of th' Syren! :::evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  11. Yo'r plan? or my plan? who's plan? Woodes plans t' have us all hanged an' dead! Tis the fun thing about persona bios, too, is that it's possible to connect a persona to another especially if ye crossed paths at events. I've incorporated that with Sparrow as well as members of the Archangel, and others... it helps to add flavor to a character. Fascinates people when a persona talks about someone else or who to avoid, etc. ~Lady B
  12. Ye be a very, very evil man, sutlerjon. ~Lady B
  13. Good. Tis m' goal t' stay away from th' Hangman's Necklace an' not perform th' hempen jig. ~Lady B
  14. Each to their own. Some can sew, some cannot. And yes, merchants sell what people buy, mostly to the general public and so few to th' more historically correct. Being correct takes a bit of an investment (time, money, etc) :::points to signature::: Though new to business, tis m' goal not t' make "cookie cutter" attire but attire that fits YOUR persona. (yes, shameless plug there) Those who can sew, what Patrick Hand stated is very good advice, too. Keep yo'r eyes open, you can find said fabrics at discount prices or even on the remenant table. Trust me, there are PLENTY of period fabrics out there. And if ye know where to look, you can get them for a fantastic price. It's always up to th' person if they want to look the way they want in pop culture costumey look or if they want to be more realistic and historical. ~Lady B
  15. LOL... Great background history, Sterling. :) But ye have yet t' deal a deadly blow t' this Lady... and is NOT one of his Mistresses. :::evil grinz::: But them damned slavers in them parts... they do call fo' some dealin' with, do they not? ~Lady B
  16. LOl... I'm still knocking on the wood of the Black Pearl, too, Christine. Always. Welp, I've m' old comp hooked up at the moment. The other comp is still not done yet. It's a SUPER nasty trojan. And though was told by the people who are fixing the other comp that it's mainly through eBay and it's affiliates... it can come through ANYTHING and gets around Anti-Virus programs. Apparently it's going around and not really spreading like wild fire but it's not something to take lightly. If you get a window popping up from Antivirus 360 saying you have a virus, trojans, or anything else.... then you switch off the comp immediately (within 24 of getting the window) and take it into some professional. Don't do anything yo'rself, cause that's the hook, line and sinker for yo'r comp and you will lose everything. So... FYI... It has been horrid without a comp. Esecially when stuff needs to be done on the comp. ~Lady B
  17. LOL... :::shakes head::: Welcome to th' Pub, sir. Tis a pleasure t' have ye with us in this fine establishment. Aye, tis not an obsession. Obsession is an unhealthy lusty addiction to someone to th' point of stalking. It's best t' call our fancy for piracy as a fun-loving and inspirational HOBBY! After all, we do bring smiles t' face both young an' old alike. An' plenty o' rum... and many other spirits as well. ~Lady B
  18. Ahoy an' welcome Bosun Red. Quite th' story there. :) And glad t' have ye joinin' us here at th' Pub. I'll have a wee glass o' HYPNOTIQ please... thank ye most kindly. ~Lady B
  19. Us... mind our manners? Awww, come on, now, Bess! Ye know better. Do enjoy yo'rself. Ummm... hopefully th' chill hasn't bothered ye any whilst there. ~Lady B
  20. WOO HOO! Tis great t' hear, Rumba. Shall continue t' say some prayers for ye. ~Lady B
  21. Happy belated Bday to ye, Sea Rover. :) And may yo'r Bday wishes and more wishes come true, mate. Many blessin's to ye. ~Lady B
  22. Ahoy to all. Apologies to all who have been wondering where I've been. My comp is in the shop getting fixed as it has unfortunately obtained at VERY nasty torjan virus (package as I call it since nigh 200 spyware, viruses, trojans, etc showed up). I'm at the local Library checking email swiftly. It will be a couple more days before I am back on... at least. I'm hoping I may be back online this weekend. Hoping is the key word. :::knocks on the wood of the Black Pearl::: Shall see th' lot of ye soon. ~Lady B
  23. hehehe.... ye wily pirate. LOL Tis a nice design...and an interesting one, too. ~Lady B
  24. Aye! A mighty happy Bday to ye, Diosa. Hope ye have a mighty one. Now if Hurricane doesn't give ye a whirlwind of a time... well, will just have t' make up fo' that sometime, aye? Here's to plenty o' plunder t'day, oh great Goddess. ~Lady B
  25. Nice scabbard. Nicely done, Michael. I like how it holds a sword and even a dirk or some form of smaller bladed weapon so one can fight florentine style. One thing I'm working on - and unfortunately it's on the backburner - is one of those sash-like baldrics. I've a purely decorative foil that is mighty lightweight I'm fitting for this type of baldric. Cause I doubt a cloth baldric would hold the weight of my massive saber. Bastian had or has one and it looks FABULOUS! ~Lady B
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