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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Welcome, Welcome, CJ. Glad t' have ye with us on th' Pub. And a hearty welcome it be, too. Thrilled t' see one from th' vicinity of ol' Charlestowne joinin' our wily lot. By all means, buy us a drink an' regale us with yo'r piratical tales. ~Lady B
  2. Well, I began working on this a couple months ago and haven't taken much time to work on it. But... here is a halfway picture of the sleeved waistcoat I'm working on that looks somewhat like the one from the V & A museum. Granted mine is not in silk, but it's as close as I could come and afford. *shown with cotton shirt and black pantaloons ~Lady B
  3. Lady Brower, email me as unfortunately your PM inbox is full. I'll send you pictures of those bowls and other stuff. Ok? ~Lady B
  4. $2.49 for Ethanol blend; $2.59 for regular. That's most places around easter Iowa. Some are higher. ~Lady B
  5. We do with what we can in this day and age with what we have. But that is a fabulous document, PoD. Kudos. ~Lady B
  6. A hearty welcome to ye, Captain Kase. Pleasure t' have ye on th' Pub with th' wily lot of us. Enjoy thy carousin' here on this fine establishment. Make m' drink a glass of fine sweet wine thank ye kindly. ~Lady B
  7. I don't think Sin is new to th' Pub. If she's who I think she is... WELCOME BACK, LASS!!!! Ye've been missed! Come on now an' pull up a chair t' have a tankard with th' rest of us. Tell us thy tales. I hopes Davy Jones hasn't gotten to ye - oh, wait, t'wasn't there a pic of ye a couple years ago of ye lookin' like Davy Jones' crew? Frightfully wickedly awesome, too. :) ~Lady B
  8. Dates to hold events are ALWAYS the toughest. And really, just tough it out. A Rev War event this weekend at Bourbonnais is cold and rainy. Will that stop people from attending? Some it will, some it won't. But... the show must go on. It only stops if we stop. Weather is a hamper for Port Wash, that's for sure. There are good things about it and bad things. But either way, I've greatly enjoyed this festival and will be sad if it goes belly up. ~Lady B
  9. Neither side was black or white, nor good or bad. After all, Blackbeard when he beseiged Charlestowne, SC... did he not gain medicines for his crew? Despite their immoral things pirates did, there were other moral things they compensated for. So, Piracy is not an all black-shaded, bad, impure area to be involved in. It wasn't as black-shaded and impure as many governments then ... and even now. Piracy is the result of what one is forced into doing after they haven't much of a choice at little else. It's the last hope when all hope was lost. And a rare opportunity for some. Despite the consequence. Yes, they could kill everyone on board, rape the women, etc... but ..... I've yet to read everything about these being 100% evil encarnate. ~Lady B
  10. Yay! She made it! Aye, splendid piece, isn't it? I've half th' mind to send her my fake pistol to tarnish. LOL But again, Gertie... ye did fabulous, lass! I'm beyond impressed... :::falls down at her feet and worships::: the gun make-over queen! Bilgemunky... you and I... next event... drinking contest... what ye say? I hold my liquer all to well and don't get drunk easily. :::Evil grinz:::
  11. :::hugs Iron Bess::: Oh, I'm sure ye were there in spirit. Indeed it's a fun festival. Heck, even with the tornadoes, it's still fun! Especially last year with the Midwestern Hurricane Party in Pete Straw's hotel room! OMG, what a hell of a party! LOL I shall be looking forward to 2010 with great anticipation. ~Lady B
  12. As always, Cheeky, ye and Sterling look mah-valous. Fine coat ye have there, Sterling. Mighty fine. Might want t' keep that one close and hidden. Might come up missing. :) ~Lady B
  13. Welcome to th' Pub, Mac. Tis a pleasure t' have ye here at this fine establishment. Please, by all means, sit an' buy us all a pint or tankard or glass of somethin' we desire. Shall look forward t' seein' thee about th' Pub. Enjoy the vast info and the endless comradery. ~Lady B
  14. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it. Will check more on it though. TJ ( the Jack Sparrow most of us know from Port Wash) mentioned something about a pirate fest at Dubuque after hearing about it from MerryD. So, in a hunt to learn more about this and see if it was true... sure enough, eventually found it! Pirate Festival & Buccaneer Bash June 20, 2009 - June 21, 2009 National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium | 11 am - 5 pm Pirate themed activities for all ages, pork roast, treasure hunt, professional Captain Jack Sparrow impersonator, costume contests. Buccaneer Bash Saturday 6pm to 9pm Live Music, A Pirate Over 50 & Mississippi Band, Boat Decorating Contest, Costume Contest, Food and Drinks. Admission charged. For more information, call 563.557.9545 or visit http://www.rivermuseum.com ~Lady B
  15. Here, everyone.... tis on the Brethren of the Great Lakes website but here is the link to it :nonetheleshttp://www.brethrenofthegreatlakes.com/events/mpf/2009/mpf09.htms This event is August 3rd - 8th. ~Lady B
  16. Anyone making plans to attend this event? ~Lady B
  17. Ye bring the popcorn, Goodie Bess, I'll bring th' soda. Make sure ye bring LOTS of popcorn though.... I'm a hog with popcorn, it's one of my main staples of daily eating along with string cheese. Hehehe. Rats.... we look forward to th' movie. :::whips out chair and gets settled in for the movie::: Popcorn popping yet, Goodie Bess? ~Lady B
  18. ROTDLMAO!!! Oh, I bet that was a hell of a sight to behold. ~Lady B
  19. Please do, Patrick. Greatly appreciate it. :) Too damn tired right now to attempt to figure out what th' hell ye did in the first few posts of yo'rs. ~Lady B
  20. ROTDLMAO!!! Tis a nice set there, Callenish. I'm jealous. A good choice, Silkie. :) OMG, I do have to add this. Found at a local antique store a huge table cloth of natural linen and bought it for less than $4! Has to be enough there to make at least a nice fancy shirt with ruffles or a pair of breeches or slops! ~Lady B
  21. (Iron Bess *High Fives* the back of Ransom's head and runs like Hell!....) At least it wasn't a high-5 to the face. I'm rather... stunned with the list. It's almost stomach churning. About half those films I saw and the other half I've not seen... and frankly I thought some other film mariners would make better on this list than those named. Sickening. But at least PotC was #1 on the list. But Jack? Well.... memorable indeed. I have to hand it to that. Yes, Captain Ron deserved to be on that list. ~Lady B
  22. Dude! I'd be high in a tree bombarding the freakin monster with any sort of weapon to kill it dead! No WAY one could outrun those evil bastard pigs. High is best while trying my best to kill the damn thing before it uproots the tree! ~Lady B
  23. Aye. Kudos, Sea Rover. :) Ye look fabulous, shipmate. ~Lady B
  24. Blackthorne.... A LOT of people "deserve" the Title of Pirate Lord or King or whatever else... but they aren't so arrogant as to take it on, whether self-proclaiming or voted in. All in all, I'm stepping away from the issue of said titles. All I say is many others have been in the "biz" far longer than you... or even I. Especially those who've been at the piracy for 10 years or so. Being a good pirate doesn't come from titles... but ones actions at events and participation. And how long they have been attending events. ~Lady B
  25. I could say a lot but I won't. ~Lady B
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