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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Eyeing some of these weapons with intreque. Loving your stuff, Pat. Is this Brass Googles a good place for future Steampunkers to start? I'm interested in getting into it. More for the reason of the Transformers comic series "Hearts of Steel", set during the Victorian times and has a great Steampunk feel. So, In due time, Victorian outfit (I've one in mind) with some Steampunkish Cybertronian Tech. Keep the images and info coming. ~Lady B
  2. Oh, eager to see Star Trek to see what Riverside Iowa looks like in it. I've heard a few things... one major thing that baffled us around here... was the canyon. Canyon? What bleedin' canyon? Where the hell did the canyon come from? Hell, been pondering how the hell it formed even if it was caused by another New Madrid massive earthquake. Just... baffled. But cool that they placed a massive Starship Yard around here. LOL, Maybe it's atop what use to be the Casino? LOL. Or perhaps the region of where the old Observatory. :::Shrugs::: Still want to see Transformers 2 terribly bad. Pity that ye didn't fancy it, Oderlesseye. But, after all, the major thing is... it's a Michael Bay film! Pray he does NOT do the next PotC! PLEASE, Do NOT let him! Oh, God, if that happens! Ahhhh!!! Anyways... Again, grew up on Transformers so.... this is not as half bad as Beast Wars or Beast Machines. ~Lady B
  3. A Sterling Engine, hmm? Oh, dear God. ~Lady B
  4. Not sure where this goes and not sure if any of ye have seen this yet. But guaranteed, this WILL drive Bilgemunky bonkers! [steampunk Pirate Ship ~Lady B
  5. The title says it all. (thought we had some topic about this already. Can't find it) So... what films have you seen so far and what do you want to see that's coming out soon? Whimpering big time right now. I want to see Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen... but haven't gotten out to see it yet. Grrr... Missed seeing Star Trek, Night at the Museum 2... Doubt I will see Ice Age 3. But I swear I will NOT miss seeing Transformers 2 in the theater, damnit! Grew up on Transformers. ~Lady B
  6. :::le sigh::: Hopefully I can get over there to see it before it's gone. ~Lady B
  7. HUZZAH!!!!! :::Fires off carbine in a salute:::: Fabulous posting of the Declaration, Satan. Doth m' eyes see right? T'day be yo'r Birthday? Original beloved son of Uncle Sam ye be, aye? To all m' fellow Rev War reenactors out there... Huzzah and kudos to ye for keepin' alive the war that created this nation. May all ye have a blessed and fabulous 4th. ~Lady B
  8. That question would be far too strange for anyone to know. And one most people wouldn't get; people would think me a complete nut case. But it has something to do with a past life. Just haven't had the time nor money to do a past life regression. ~Lady B
  9. Magellan, my cat. Hanging out or a simple chat with my nephew. A car ride. Just simply seeing horses. Seeing a hawk, eagle or falcon flying. Flipping through a catalog that has home accessory stuff in it. Freshly made chocolate truffles at my friend's store, Simply Divine. ~Lady B
  10. Tis a fabulous truck, Rumba. Nice.... very nice... and all the more special of where it came from. :) ~Lady B
  11. Alas, Sterling... the image of the cravat is not showing. Someday... a cravat. Just... haven't gotten the nerve up to wear one. Worn those bleedin' black leather neckstocks at Rev War reenactment... not the nice cloth cravats though. ~Lady B
  12. Very loverly, Cheeky. Can't wait t' see ye in that finery. Yo'r summer daydress I suppose? ~Lady B
  13. Helped m' sister paint as lay carpet at her new place until 3 in the morning, moved her into the new place today, blew out my knee and was sick, no sleep.... I'm in good spirits. :) Pint? Forget th' bloody pint... just gimme th' damn bottle!!!! ~Lady B
  14. Pirate Ninja, huh? Why does that bring t' mind that one scene bit with one of the musketeers (don't remember which one) in the most recent "3 Musketeers" movie... where the oriental Ninja like guys was showing off some fancy moves then the Musketeer made mocking motions and then sliced the rope causing the Oriental to go immediately into the water. Perfect image. Anyways... a hearty Happy Birthday to ye, Roberts. Plenty of rum, rum cake and carousing to be had in yo'r honor. ~Lady B
  15. And a happy birthday to ye, Mae. Hope ye also got what treasures ye wanted on yo'r dear special day. ~Lady B
  16. Happy birthday to ye, lass. Hope ye got what treasures ye wanted. ~Lady B
  17. I'll raise ye on that hat wager. and yes, it's a massive challenge to keep th' hat on one's head. I'm sure there are many practicalities to this fashion. ~Lady B
  18. Sterling... ye have some other examples of dorset or other style buttons somewhere? I think ye showed at one point in time (hell if I have the time to search through all those threads) a frock that had a very nice thread button with a most interesting pattern. Jack... fabulous work, mate! Fabulous work. Ye inspire th' rest of us to give it a go. ~Lady B
  19. Despite his issues... he made some awesome songs. Thriller was indeed my favorite cause it had Vincent Price's voice in it, too. It's a Halloween Classic and will be played with more sobber heart than it's ever been. Indeed a massive shock to me when I heard it. I was stunned with Farrah Fawcett's passing. Less than 36 hours two super celebs gone. Wow... stunning. ~Lady B
  20. Aye, I'll second that! Very nice. Kudos an' good job. Extra ration o' rum for this man. ~Lady B
  21. Granted I know ye barely saunter by and carouse with us... but ye still be fresh in our hearts... and pockets, mate! LOL So here be to ye... a hearty Happy Birthday to ye, Zephyr. Plunder well, my good man. ~Lady B
  22. Oy! I know he's barely swung by here... but, gotta give th' man his due I suppose. A hearty Happy Birthday t' Slappy. ~Lady B
  23. Can ye believe it? It's Blackfoot's birthday! We miss ye lots but know ye be enjoyin' life with thy family. We miss ye and Blue Mermaid lots. But for now... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ye devilish Scallywag! Here's to ye.. to have a fine piratical day with yo'r loved ones. And may ye plunder what ye desire. ~Lady B
  24. A hearty Happy Birthday to ye, mate. Hope all be well, have a fabulous day and plunder much. Here be offerings of rum cake and rum for ye. ~Lady B
  25. Rat and Dogge stuck with the Bottle? Hmmm. Oh, I'm sure there won't be a problem with getting Rats his due airtime. On a more serious note... BTW, those interested in uniformed soldiers... who are they to contact for more info or whatever? Besides going to the website? ~Lady B
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