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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Blackbart... is there a certain look you are searching for from the illustrator? As to how realistic do you want it? I presume you wish a little ... example? Huzzah!
  2. Well... I had picked my copy up at Wal Mart just at midnight... cheaper than I thought... around $16. Very cool. DVD is VERY well worth it! I LOVED watching the Diary of a Ship! I awaited watching that. Very grand there. As well as with Mr. Arenberg. He made it seem SO fun.. hard work obviously, but very, very, very fun! The special features are just grand! Love 'em! As to the gold that was sold at Wal Mart.. which a good majority did not sell since they were not open in some areas around the country. A few other places.. well... lost the gold. I got lucky... I guess if that is what you call it... to get the gold. It's a gold doubloon.. & by the looks of it, possibly one of those from the set. :: shrugs:: I could be mistaken. Alas... not the cursed Aztec gold coin. Which a good amount of people was hoping for. Though, I am resigned to have the gold doubloon. But.. hopefully, someday... will get the Aztec cursed gold coin. :) Huzzah!
  3. OMG!!! That is SOOOO cool! Pardon the silliness... I'm sure it will be a blast.. literially! I envy those of you who will be down there. I must ask.. no.. BEG for pictures! PLEASE! Plus.. Iron Bess.. did me eyes read that correctly? The Black Pearl will be arriving & bringing the DVD to port?! Plus.. I hear that Wal Mart has a promo going on as well.. hopefully, nationwide... as to between midnight to 6am... they will be giving swag out & /or the Aztec Gold coins! This is absolutely great for all this... despite I am sure Disney is being bombarded for more PotC merchandise.... I should know.. I hear about it from other fans... demanding more & more.. wanting the stuff. McFarlane should make the figures, they do such a fine job... I love their Sleepy Hollow figurines... Again... WE WANT PICTURES! :) PLEASE! Huzzah!
  4. A rather fun quiz... hehehehe.. only challenge I saw in it was about the ride. Missed that one, actually. Oh, well. The other one I missed (only missed 2 actually).. was about the head on the ring of Barbossa. Now... it's to my understanding & all... even from a certificate of authenticity & close up views of pix of the ring.. that it's a lion's head, not a bear. A bear would make little sense to me. But a Lion would. My friend thinks it's a tiger.. which by all means I would LOVE it to be a tiger, since it's my fav animal of all & being born in the Year of the Tiger according to Chinese Horoscope. But.. best it be a lion. In my opinion, I think that is one question that is actually wrong. So... between the ride question & the Barbossa's ring question.. the rest were a breeze. Heck, they better be after seeing PotC in the theater 19 times ! But.. again.. the animal head on the ring I am most certain is wrong. So, if those of you chose lion's head.. consider yourselves correct. Huzzah!
  5. Indeed... it will be amazing what the writers & all come up with. However... obviously it's about Jack & the Black Pearl... again.. as it was mentioned that the writers had a couple more adventures in mind & would like to tell of Jack. Now.. what it involves this time.. who knows. The Curse of the Black Pearl was with cursed Aztec Gold. Perhaps it's another New World legend of sorts... or something more contemporary to the time of the story... again.. maybe Jack Loses the Pearl once more & needs Will & Elizabeth's help. I hate saying it.. I can actually see her getting more & more into the piracy thing... how 'knowledgable' she is.. plus, she is the Governor's daughter, btw... Her influence being a great help. Maybe involvement with French.. or Spaniards... But.. I admit.. my heart still is set upon & praying that eventually Barbossa returns. The little clip at the end of the credits... has me rather bewildered.... we see Barbossa lifeless on the gold on the mound the chest is on... the monkey swims up, climbs up the mound to the chest.. the lid partially open & takes the gold, becoming cursed... now.. I get the part that any mortal shall be cursed... but.. how in the world did the lid get opened up once more?! We saw it was shut the last shot when Jack told Will "If you were waiting for the opportune moment.. that was it.." & he walked off as he said "Now, if you'll be so kind as to take me to my ship.." It was there we saw the chest lid was closed. How in the bloody blue blazes did that lid open back up?!?! that monkey is not THAT strong!!! Huzzah!
  6. Awww.. blast... Well.. always another time & chance to meet up, correct? A friend & I are having our own little PotC party on Dec 2nd. But.. yes... would love to meet up & such... see where the winds take us.. though, the way it's getting here in Iowa... best not to let lose the sails! Geez! Ya tell me when & where.. I will let ya know if I will be there or not. Huzzah!
  7. I've been a lookin'.. not findin' a group... but people... sort of... Just a wonderin' if there is a pyracy groups/crew around the eastern Iowa locale. If not... I'm more than willin' to spearhead & captain a crew for the eastern Iowa around even into Illinois ( as I have a person or 2 interested in joinin' me fine crew).. perhaps northern Missouri & a corner of Wisconsin & Minnesota as well.. ( know there is a crew or 2 up in Minnesota.) I have a couple gents here in Cedar Rapids who may be willin' to join up.. plus a lass here as well & even in Illinois. Maybe another body or 2 here in Iowa. If we do get to gether... first even would the Ren Fest there in Amanas. Still an idea.. a thought... but I be a serious one. Drop me a line & sign articles with me.. if ya dare! Huzzah!
  8. There are many people a wonderin' about that .. about bootstrap Bill. Being as he is cursed... perhaps forced to take the gold or took it of his own free will. But if he is cursed... found a way to free himself of the cannon & make it to shore somewhere... staying out of sight from Barbossa & his band of cutthroats.. maybe he's off in Madagascar, or elsewhere. Maybe somewhere in the New World. As to Rush... Hehehehe.. Yeah... that sounds like it. That's actually better than the one I heard with Selma Hayek... that one was supposedly told by Orlando Bloom himself. Silly, is it not? I'm patient. I'm sure the writers will come up with something good for the 2nd & even the 3rd movie. I'm sure there are a lot of stories that can be used, legends about the new world... & more. Plenty of pirates to use, etc. & with as wooly as Jack is.. I'm sure he's made a good amount of enemies as he has friends. Let alone... how many people would LOVE to get their hands upon the infamous Black Pearl. Huzzah!
  9. LOL Rumors are a flyin', as it were.. all around the net. I've heard a many pathetic story here & there. LOL, a good majority of them still having something to do with Barbossa. Even one that was sadly pathetic with Barbossa's daughter played by .. :: thinking:: dear God what is her name.... Oh, Salma Hayek ... who takes revenge upon Jack & Will for killing her father on some silly Spy Kids like island against some oddball 2 headed monster, etc. Had a lot of people cringe at that idea. But a good portion of the people would love to see Barbossa return.. somehow. I think I can find ways to make him return, that's for sure. :: Evil grinz:: Especially when dealing with the Gods of the Aztecs. Funny though... is that Veracocha was on the chest. I didn't think he was Aztec. Kinda led to some interesting fan fictions & role playing stories thus far. Involving ancient legends, more involvement with Pizarro as well, even Marinche - Cortez's lady - & more on the New World that opens ups SO much more. But.. I'm presuming they may bring in something new. fresh ideas & new blood would work rather well. Ooooh, unless they use the idea of women pirates... Anne Bonney, Mary Read with Jack Rackham ... something along that idea. Some are hoping more detail on how Jack came into possesion of the Black Pearl. Maybe Jack will lose the Black Pearl again. ::: Shrugs:: ::gasping for breathe:: can't wait to see what happens. Though... I'm patient... usually... & would rather wait to see what happens when it comes out.. LOL.. unless I get darn lucky to be in it. Huzzah!
  10. AYE! Carrie.... what inspiration! Looks wonderful & I dare say you will have pix of this fine vessel from it's maiden voyage at the parade? Again, such inspiration to those of us with boats that have no more use. Now we can find a use for it! Huzzah!
  11. Eager for the sequel as well. :) Red Maria... tis amazing & fun is it not? Actually ... I cold see a tad or part Portugues or Spanish in him... with some Dutch &/or English. Either way... Barbossa was just overly delightful! Captain Wolfy... keep us informed. I know plans change often with a movie. The idea to be in the movie would be pure heaven. It's not the desire to act with such big names... but the amazing fun to be in such a fine pirate movie! THAT's the fun part! As for Barbossa.... one can only wish & dream. A few people are thinking he didn't really die. But... as much as I wish it were not true, he did. Unless the script writers come up with something rather good to bring him back & torment Jack. :: evil grinz:: Maybe in the 3rd movie? Hmm? HUZZAH!
  12. Ooooh, my goodness. Lady Eliana.. why thank you, m'lady! :) I have been waiting for this movie since I heard he was doing it nearly 2 years ago. I & other ladies knew he would look delightful as a pirate, considering how charming he was as Colonel Tavington in "the Patriot". But.. Oooh, this is is far better eye candy than watching Jack Sparrow. Now.. Barbossa... that's border line there. But... all the more fine pirate captains to drool & swoon over. HUZZAH!
  13. Aye.. tis the Year of the pirates! With Treasure Planet kicking it off, to PotC, Master & Commander, Jason Isaacs as Hook in Peter Pan (Dear god help me! )... & I suppose one could include Survivor Pearl Islands... if one wanted to. I dressed up as a pirate, made my own costume. Had a lot of compliments, a few people take pictures of me. Unable to go to any contests anywhere, working the whole time. Had a Halloween event open to the public on Thursday night, wore the costume then. Then wore it all day & night Friday as I worked more than 14 hours... in a manner of speaking... however, I did plunder some candy, threaten a tavern wench, get some root beer in place of rum... & was gracefully 'given' a silver spoon! LOL... was a hoot & a riot! I would have enjoyed going to the mall where a friend stated that if I were able to go I would have won a $500 gift certificate hands down! No competition... but.. alas,.. working. A pirate has to gain money somehow, be it honestly or dishonestly. Hopefully, I will have pix of meself soon. Huzzah!
  14. AYE! I LOVE the soundtrack! Said many times before, I know. But it's what a friend o' mine calls :: has to do it, the amused Barbossa eye roll:: .. pissy German music. Klaus did a fine job with the assistance of Hans Zimmer. For something so short notice, it's amazing! My fav track.. being track 7. Just makes you stand tall, want to take what you can, etc... The title is rather approriate to it - Barbossa is hungry - eventhough all the others really don't match up that well. The soundtrack is well worth it. I heard the Import is supposed to have more tracks on it.. thus far, I haven't seen any difference. I was told the Import was availabll via Spain, France, & South Asia. However, I did find it available on Amazon.com .... I believe. But.. I agree with my friend... it's pissy, bold music that can stir more than the soul! It's stirring with the beginning which for those of you who have seen the movie God knows how many times :: raises hand, has seen it 18 times::: you can pretty much remember what scene goes with what score or track. I've even caught meself talkin' along with track 5 at the beginning & end, where Barbossa tells Elizabeth about the Aztec gold. Rather fun. I had to speial order it, since it was not shipped in troves here, let alone once it hit the shelves, it was gone! No joke! Mine took nearly 3 weeks to get! It's nuts! But.. I love it... wearing it out.. eventually will have to buy another I am sure. PotC soundtrack is definitely a must have! Huzzah!
  15. I know I'll be a pirate... halfway done with my costume now. I'll have pix taken of me in my fine attire. Rather .... dark & wicked I do hope. I'm swooned with the idea of a gent who will be at the Renfest in NC this weekend, joining another gent. I'm sure both shall be very familiar. Keep yer eyes wide open, ladies & gents. Huzzah!
  16. I'm excited for the sequel. Ok. I'm going to be rather cheesy about this.. but I would LOVE to be in the next movie.. or the 3rd one.. maybe both! Alas, still working on the fine details of becoming an actress. But... re-enactor is close at the moment.. I hope. One can only hope. How much fun would that be? huh? Sure .. rub elbows with the stars, sure whatever... it'st he fun of being in a pirate movie that would just kick butt! A dream of mine since I was young. Crossing my fingers to be able to be in a local play of Treasure Island here in Cedar Rapids Iowa. aka landlubber heartland. Enough to make any landlubber want to turn pirate! Keep us updated... Please? Huzzah!
  17. Hmm.... very interesting. I know I would LOVE to have a replica of Barbossa's pistol. That's for sure. The sword maybe.. but not necessary, although it is quite nice. I know other people, besides myself who would LOVE to have Barbossa's pistol.. more a replica of the pistol. Now.. if we can only find someone willing to do Barbossa's ring! Thank you very much for the insight, mates. Oooh, I'm sure this will also come in handy for someone who will be dressing up as Barbossa & the costume I have seen via pix online.. DEAD ON! No kidding.. the person who made a replica costume did one hell of a job! exact material as well which I was highly impressed. Huzzah!
  18. Aye, Cap'n Grey! Saw this on the forum of www.captnjacksparrow.com ... another young missy had bought a few & will give us a 'review' as to how good they are. But by the looks of the pix there.. they be fine & dandy. I'm more than tempted to buy a few, knowing a few peeps besides meself who want those bits o' shine. My other search, besides the coins.... which now I whimper at the thought... was Barbossa's ring! DANG! It's final closing bid was WELL over $3,000!!! I'm hoping someone will make replicas. Cause not only myself, but many others would LOVE to have that ring. It's still a debate with several peeps if that is a tiger's head or lion's head. It's been stated as both. I keep hoping it's a tiger's head, since I LOVE tigers. The other.. is Barbossa's pistol. Again, besides myself, I know a couple other people wanting that pistol. Well, a replica would work. I've been searching for a gunsmith who may be able to make a replica of the pistol only to turn up empty at the moment. Anyone have any suggestions.. ideas... etc? Huzzah!
  19. I be with ye, Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts... I'm lookin' at doin' as much as humanly possible to work of me fine outfit,... bought some makeup with stuff t' make yer face look like it's peeling, .. some latex, etc... try to be like the cursed undead from PotC. I highly doubt there will be many from around here that will dress up as such. Despite the box office hit that PotC was. I was looking at being a pirate anyway, if I didn't have my dragoon uniform by this time. Which I don't yet. :: le sigh:: All I know, is I've heard from friends that a couple people have dressed as Jack Sparrow (only Jack Sparrow) at some conventions. Including a PotC party this coming Thursday night at some convention in St. Louis. My friend has promised pix. So.. we shall see how good these young cub will be. I look forward to seeing pix of pirate costumes ... somewhere. "Take watcha can! Give nothin' back!" Huzzah!
  20. I'm curious.... will there be any more pirate gatherings this year besides Avoca in Iowa? If unable to do anything this year, perhaps next year I will get more involved. Huzzah! "Take watcha can! Give nothin' back!"
  21. Alvilda... I know what yer meanin' with the attire. I'd allow ye to use mine... if that was possible. Doubt I will be there, though. Maybe next year I will be there as well. Different attire than what I use for the Rev War. Too fine & dandy Gentry for that. I'm actually working on a Barbossa like outfit. I just finished the hat (the easy part), now it's the outfit such as the coat, waistcoat, shirt (which is my next project as is needed for my Rev War), breeches or the sort... & the boots! yyeeeessssss... the Jack Sparrow type boots.. but black! Hopin' to met up with ya next year. Huzzah!
  22. :: tries to recall:: I think I was truly dazed that day. Anyway... Nishna... unfortunately does not ring a bell. The one in the Amanas always does since it's talked about every so often here. Where is the Nishna one held at? What part of the State? If I may be so bold to ask. I'd LOVE to join ye with all the fun. Depends on what weekend I suppose, whether I have plans or not that weekend. If not, perhaps next year somewhere or another time sooner than that. My fear about such faires is not being proper enough, since I am more an 18th century type.. since that's the majority of what attire I have currently. Keep in touch! Loving the idea of becoming a pirate. Goes well with also my being a dragoon! Huzzah!
  23. Rosalinda... I would think your friends have more issues than you. Piracy is history. Now, if they themselves get way in over their heads about other things or don't do anything at all.. THEY are the ones who need rehab.. if not return to school! It's those interested in history that get he most satisfaction in life.. let alone the best rewards. LOL.. Cap'n Flint! I've been ponderin' whether to re-read Treasure Island. Need to get another book. Lost my others sometime back. I did recently rent "Treasure Island" with Charlton Heston in it. I think that's the closest to the book as it can get. I may as well buy meself a book of Treasure Island. Add it to my collection of classics like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. As to Rev War... :: whimpers:: LOVE reading those books. I'm not sure if I heard of that Rev War book. Right now.. I am just reading up on as many Pirate historical books as possible. Refresh my memory about pirates, ships & more. Huzzah!
  24. OY! :: whimpers:: such a pity! I jumped in here a tad late. Maybe. Well, seeing as I have to work on Monday, having been out of town already on Saturday & Sunday (Old Threshers in Mt. Pleasant)... maybe I will be able to show up Monday evening? I'll try to search for y'all. I'd like to join up with those around here. Need more non-Civ War stuff around here. Which, I pray constantly that it be possible in the future to have an 18th century re-enactment of sorts here. Wishful dreaming at the moment, but very fun nonetheless. Well.. I will search for ye pirates if I make it in time to the Amanas for the Ren fest there. If not, then perhaps... another time. Huzzah!
  25. Hmm.. I'll toss in my Pieces of Eight in this. I haven't had much thought about a pirate movie. I think that PotC was pretty much it. The music is fantastic! I constantly listen to the soundtrack. Pissy german music is what a friend of mine calls it. :) Treasure Island with Charlton Heston was rather well done. The music was ok. I'm hoping that if they do do more PotC, that they expand a bit more with pirate legends. I know a few peeps that still pray that a Goonies 2 will be done. Not sure about that one though. I guess PotC would have been my perfect pirate movie... & it currently is. :) Glad they did it. I LOVE the 18th Century! I especially LOVED seeing a ton of men in breeches! Has a major affect upon us women. Huzzah!
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