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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. such a nice lily white ass, MerryD! Rather cute. ::looks at the gents:: curious how these gents will like it.
  2. Aye! Meade.. rum.. or whatever we can get our pirate hands upon!
  3. Wow! RumbaRue! I am highly impressed, mate! Some fine attire ya have there! I'm sure you'll make a good majority of Pirates right jealous! Nothing yells "Grand Pirate" than some fantastic threads! :)
  4. :) Working on a Jack Rackham for Barbossa II.. it is a challenge to make. But not as bad as that damned Union Jack! AAARRGGGHHH!!!
  5. Interesting... & highly amusing.
  6. HUZZAH!, MerryD! Fav Parible or tale? Ooooh, dear. Only 2 words, mates: Hot tub! Kinda funny to see how many people you can cram into a hot tub. Aye! Next time we sail out to another port for an invasion, we be celebratin'!
  7. ::rolls in with a bottle of wine & a keg of rum:: Barbossa! Happy belated Birthday! Hope it was a good one! Full of rum & gold & wenches galore! & plenty of lap sittin' or dancin'.
  8. You sure do find some interesting thing, m' dear. Rather... entertaining, nonetheless.
  9. Still havin' fun with the high, huh, Charity? Sweet.... I have to admit... "Quills" shocked & stunned me. I was NOT prepared for that full nudity thing. Scarred me... not that that's a bad thing on Mr. Rush's part... just was NOT ready for that. I guess that's what makes a good if not great movie ... is one that stuns ya. Though... my fav part he has done thus far... is the very beginning of "Shakespeare in Love" with Tom Wilkenson.. with the screaming.. I was laughing SOOO hard! I like Mr. Wilkenson as well. Both in the same scene let alone movie was great! But to hear Tom torture Geoffrey was just priceless! "Banger Sisters" was just fantastic as well. LOVE the behind the scenes of Mr. Rush dancing! He SOOO dances WAY better than my dad! I can't say how my dad dances.. it's REALLY, REALLY bad though. Rush deserves an award or something for at least dancing good. Looking forward to more movies by Mr. Rush... that is IF they are shown here! Since PotC, the only one that has been shown here that he was in was "Intolerable Cruelty".. which was funny as well!
  10. Yeekkk.... Rumors run amok. I think Star Wars has proven that many times. At least now, Lucasfilm kinda gives out a little tidbits to satisfy the multitudes. However.. the PotC fandom is rather small compared to Star Wars. Rumors should just end up as that. Even when the script is finished & all, the general plot should remain secret. Cause.. lord knows... I know several people who would just go insane if it's not who THEY think it should go! ::rolls eyes in annoyance:: I have faith in the Writer's with what they do. Let's hope that all goes well there, Bess.
  11. M' compliments there, Black Skot! A right fine frock it be! ya look finer than many Civilians of the Colonies! :)
  12. Yankie actually. Name given to us by the Natives, if m' memory serves me correctly. Anywho.... I be with ya there, Tito! Same goes with ya! Have a fantastic 4th! Happy 228th, America! ::Sings the Chester; cannons fire from the Continental Artillery; flag of the 13 stars waves with the "Don't Tread On Me" colours::: HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! To all those who I fight along side with to bring about this great nation... to those who fight to keep this nation safe & strong. To all ye patriots out there who hold yer heads high at the sight of our mighty flag! For all ye Patriots!... don't strike yer colours... SHOW THEM WITH PRIDE!!!! HUZZAH!
  13. Bummers.... Hmmm... ::Crosses fingers for something else or stroke of incredible luck to pass along:: VERY struggling actress wannabe here. I suppose I need to get my butt in gear to see what I can do to get in, huh? I know it's not easy here... maybe out that direction. Getting an Agent around here is rather difficult as well. As those I've spoken to are local & do commercials for car dealerships & such. Not that I don't want to do that, I just don't want to ONLY do that. But.. good to hear that, Bess.
  14. This new adventure is worth mentioning, mates! I greatly enjoyed it... & thought it was well redeeming from the previous flop story. Let's just say.. pick it up, grab it, plunder it, do anything you must to get your hands on this particular one.... being in 3 chapters... has a rather wicked surprise in it that all pirates will enjoy! I won't give out the story or anything. Cause you all HAVE to get this adventure! It's fantastic & worthy to call Pirates of the Caribbean!
  15. Hmmmm.. fantastic idea, Redd! I truly do look forward seeing pictures of you adorning your LJS attire! & of course.. need a pic of you as LJS with the Sparrow person... make it a fantastic pic of 2 great Disney pirate personalities. Looking forward to those pictures. :)
  16. Or Madagascar. Or even up in the Bahamas... maybe along the southern Colonies like Georgia, SC, NC or VA... even FL... along the Yucatan & the Gulf... that seems most likely. I can see Asia as a flashback or whatever... but nothing more. Hope they stick with the Caribbean.. or the surrounding area.
  17. Only the Wil doll will be! The Barbossa one will be quite....BIG! Oooooo.... ::: trying to keep mental picture off until later; attempting to keep mind clean;:: Barbossa.. you scoundrel.. Now you've gone & done it! :::Hissing through teeth:::OOoooo, the thought... oooh, dear God... Wicked, evil, devilish, horrible man... Tempting a poor lady like I with such.... fine thoughts... :: le sigh:: Again... evil, wicked, devilish man... ::le sigh:: Gives a whole new meaning to "Twice the man" they ever will be. :::Fanning self::: Talk about curses....
  18. Aye! We heard it first from you, Bess! The woman who makes Silver & Flint quake in their boots at the mere mention of your name. A powerful pirate ye be. ::gives ya a keg of rum::: an' whatever poison be your pleasure. Though, Eisner makes the likes of a bilge rat appear tame & likeable. ::shakes head:: Somethin' needs to be done, Bess. I miss watching a good ol' magical Disney film. :: le sigh:: Or even getting some of the old ones on DVD release. Would LOVE to see the old "Swamp Fox" series. Or any of the old classics... need more films like that. Now.. how to drum & beat that into Eisner's think numb skull....
  19. Rock on, Bess! If you can, tell them "Hi" with a :::wave:: Hopefully, they can get their work done. But... what about the other future projects? I've seen some of the recent Disney labeled films. They just don't seem to have that Disney magic in them. PotC did... I didn't watch "Haunted Mansion"... but still... the older films had that Walt Disney magic. If Eisner can't see that... then hopefully the Shareholders & everyone else does & will.
  20. Whatever happens in the next film will happen. As to back to back filming of the 2 sequels... I agree. Another great example was "Matrix: Reloaded" & "Matrix: Revolutions" (which I HATE the both with a passion! Hey, you guys didn't have to watch it nearly 3 times a day 5-7 days a week!). Lots of people are rather iffy with sequels anyway. Cause they SO compare them to the 1st film. I think... as long as they stay true to pirate lore, myth & legend... all will be well. So much can be played with there. It could play out rather well like an animation I watched as a youngster - which I have all 39 episodes - "The Mysterious Cities of Gold"... taking history, mixing some fiction in it... was so fantastic! If PotC can stay along the same lines & use that old Walt Disney magic! It WILL do wonderfully! Hello! Walt DID intro PotC... & I noticed that in the ride still offered more to have fun with. I still have great confidence in the Writer's as well.. despite a couple (cocky) amatuer fan fic writer friends I know. I've seen a couple scripts from other films... PotC:tCotBP was written rather good I think. Granted despite the MANY, MANY revisions. So.... looking forward to the sequels... & maybe so close together in release is not all that good... maybe a year apart would be ok... or whatever.... but 6 months, that's again what Matrix did... a lot of people thought Revolutions was Reloaded... this is what they told me. Plus.. they also didn't like what happened with Revolutions either. Oh, well.
  21. ::le sigh:: I'm SOOO buying Barbossa. I plan to buy them all... But BARBOSSA IS MINE! :: Greedy as all get out::: :: evil grinz::: ::clapping & rubbing hands together:: Plus curious as to what else will be available..
  22. Aye... read that article, too. All I can say... WHAT THE BLEEDIN' HELL IS HE DOIN'?!?!? In my opinion.. the reason why the live action ones that they have been doing.. minus a few of them... are lacking that Disney magic! Look at the ones that Walt put on in the past! Granted, some of them were not blockbusters... you can always make a blockbuster or Academy grade film... what matters is how it grabs your attention... takes you away to that far off place full of adventure & excitement! Just like the old live action films! They had that Disney Magic! I'm sorry... but is a horse racing across a desert ("Hidalgo") magical? It can be IF it was made to be. But.. it's a bloody real life drama that is short of being something magical. & what makes it worse... they can the 2D animation! again.. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS HE THINKING! Walt... I'm sure... put a LOT of work into creating these depts & such. & Eisner wants to kill it! ^*(**(&*%^%&@#@$*(*#@(!!!! Darn right I am furious! VERY little Live Action... no decent & true to for 2d Animation... what does he expect Disney to do then? Hmmm?
  23. Aye... true enough there, Redd. But .... From what I have read from these places... tis no different than from what Iron Bess has told us.. other than a couple spots. The areas that are NOT in the Caribbean... that's a little wild I think. Tortuga is close enough... being as it's north of Hispaniola.... but.. somewhere on the other side of the world? Starting to sound like Master & Commander. Somewhat. But.. as I mentioned elsewhere. One never knows with Barbossa. As pirate myths, lores & legends that some kids learn about... pirate ghosts are possible.. & to a kid... a pirate NEVER dies!
  24. here ya go http://www.cmt.com/artists/az/clark_terri/videos.jhtml Thanks for the offer & thought. But.. Still can't view it. I've a dinosaur of a comp, can't view movies or videos with this comp. ::: le sigh:: Nor do I have cable or any show that will show that Terri Clark music video. Which is a bummer.. cause I would even LOVE to see Gretchen Wilson's video & a WHOLE bunch others as well. ::Le sigh::
  25. Wish I could. ::le sigh:: alas.. STILL no way to watch it. Oh, well. But.. that's great that "Sparrow" was in the music video - even though it wasn't Depp. Still goes to show the grand scale of PotC, how huge it is & that it's now along the lines of a fandom albeit rather new & young compared to some others.
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