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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. That was just FANTASTIC! Oh, Lord! I loved them all! What a find that was! Makes you want to go create a whole actual pirate society, doesn't it?
  2. Hey, Morgan! Aye, it's the State Street Thanksgiving Day Parade there in Chicago. Not Macy's. I won't say if that is good or bad. Alas, I won't be there. I've other Thanksgiving Day plans... cooking & enjoying it with some family & my Aunt's friend who is coming in from California. So... it will be a fantastic Thanksgiving nonetheless. Though... I WILL be watching to see if that one shows up on our local station. I hope to see Toby & the whole lot. The Stealth Trio won't be much of a trio without me.. but they can manage (Long story short, Stealth trio being Lady B, Darth Vader & an black armor clad character - anyone all clad in black). I've been informed that Toby will be in the carriage ( all he needs is Elizabeth).. with Stormtroopers flanked around the carriage & whoever else in & around the carriage. They will be positioned just in front of Santa Claus.. saved the best for last, as Toby said. Though... he has his eyes upon Santa's sleigh... Alas, I won't be there to either restrain him or urge him on.. so, we shall see what happens. :) Maybe another parade or something else if they have something between now & then.
  3. OK, ya lot... here's the info that Toby forewarded to me concerning the Thanksgiving Day parade: They have also just added us to the Thanksgiving Day parade, National syndication; available in approximately 90 million households. Not only that, but we will be positioned directly ahead of Santa Claus (they're saving the best for last). They're going to have a horse drawn carriage, with 4 of us up in it, some troopers flanking it, and maybe a few people in the crowds, handing out more of those bloody glasses. lol The glasses are of the kind you wear. They do a parismatic effect, meant for the fireworks for THIS weekend's parade. I guess they figure to have plenty leftover. Toby The pirate that stole Christmas When I receive more info, I'll pass it along. I'm sure he'd like to see some pirates show up & not be the only one.
  4. Hey, Elaina. Umm.. :: Glances about:: Last I knew.. Bess is overly busy due to some unexpected issues. Unfortunately, I haven't a clue where they are filming. Giving it a shot, too?
  5. Someone mentioned to me that the Bounty was up for possible picking for the sequels. That would be awesome. She's a fine ship! Though, I know that sometime in 2005 that they will be going up the Mississippi I hope to volunteer upon her upon her Ol' Miss voyage. But if she's in the sequels, a fine choice indeed! My thumbs up for that... LOTS of space. She's a hell of a ship! If god & Eisner be willing... several ship... big epic sea battle.. WICK shots.. People amazed, Oooing & Ahhhing... many things go boom!... Haven't seen epic sea battles in... how long? Hehehehe.. be like The One-Eyed Willy story that Mikey told furing "The Goonies"... "There was this WHOLE Armada..." "... Guns bursting here, cannons bursting there..."
  6. March/April be just before the re-enactment season. Closer to Bristol.... I'm sure we can come up with something else, too.. depending on people's schedules. MORGAN!! Mate, I'd pounce ya.. but... :: Hands ya IBC:: have one on me. We know you are a pirate, but bloody hell! You don't have to get a peg leg & hook! Aye... we'll celebrate your being home alright! :) As we promised. Ooooh, fantastic Pub indeed.
  7. Not much of a fear, m'dear.. it's more I can't. No way to. So... I'm tough out of luck. I just like walking into a place, picking out the items that looks good to me, buy it & walk out. For someone like me... unable to just buy & buy & buy online.... unable to buy them at the local Suncoast or Walk-Mart... get's to be rather difficult & also leaves a good chunk of the marketable community out of the picture. Which is why I am unable to buy any PotC merchandise, be they official or pirated.
  8. RumbaRue.. the pictures of the costumes & accessories are under Files, They should be seperated out between each of the characters. Were they able to show up for ya? As to the medallion... Alas, again, I am unlucky enough not to have that around here. Just checked the only Hot Topics here... & they have a few PotC items - a couple stickers, a logo badge, writing paper, pen, blanket throws & magnets. That's all they have here. I'd LOVE to get ahold of the medallion.. true enough. I have a cheap resin one that is next to my clay Medallion of the Sun in Inca gold paint. A copy of Barbossa's ring would be awesome. The original - scarey as it would be - wuld fit my right 3rd finger also. big boned knuckles, what can I say.
  9. Yahoogroups PotC Costuming chat list has a picture of the necklace in fine detail that the picture was "saved" from eBay. Along with various other items. It's been beyond helpful to recognize these items from each character. Youd have to join the group in order to see it. But well worth it for all the info that is in it. It's under the Files... Barbossa costume pics ... Barbossa pendent... Barbossa pendent/necklace Or let me see if this can be done... Pictures of his ring & earring is also here as well as his attire, boots, hat, glove, headscarf... It's rather invaluable. Same with Jack's attire, Will's, Elizabeth's, Norrington, Gov Swann, AnaMaria, Ragetti & Pintel, etc... The discussion on recreating the attire is the major fun for costumers who LOVE to recreate the attire & wear them to conventions. Me.. I'm in the beginning stages of making the Barbossa dress. Will take some time, no rush on it. I have Duiponi eggplant/burgandy 100% silk, homespun weave.... & the black lace. That's as far as I have gotten. I'm still looking over the black fabric part since I have not seen the gown face to face unlike the gold gown which I have seen. True enough, props beat mershandise... unless like me & eager for the Barbossa figurine... But for the po' podunk pirate unable to get their grubby hands upon such treasured delights... I have to settle with what's tossed my way. Alas, that be very little for a PotC fan here. The Fandom has not really been acknowledged well & it's starting to dwindle cause the PotC Fnadom is being ignored. Making the fans feel... unappreciated.
  10. I enjoyed each episode. Truly fantastic. :) Better than watching PokeMon in my opinion. .... Don't ask...
  11. Ok.. been PATIENTLY waiting for some time now for PotC merchanise. However. what is the deal? either keeps getting moved back.. but worse.. the stores around where I live... say they will not carry the items! Why not?!? I just don't want to order online.. period! I would rather go out.. & buy the bloody item I want! Instead of pay $5 or more for shipping. Why is it SOOOO hard for PotC Merchandise to be released to the public!?!
  12. Where abouts in MO are ya again? The HMS Bounty will be making it's way up the ol Miss in 2005. Tis on her website.
  13. Nay... just well aged to perfection like a fine bottle of wine or good barrel of rum! I think it's always a good/bad with this era & then. Granted in this era.. we've become rather... complicated & over stressed. I'd rather be like a Jimmy Buffett song.Which is pretty much like most us pirates.. even the fictional ones like Jack Sparrow.. drink in hand, will sleep on shore!
  14. True enough, Silver... alas.. if you are lucky enough. A fine dream it be, eh, Christine? How many times have we discussed that? Again... as I stated before.. with my bad luck.. I'm actually resigned to just wait for the sequels. Only if some act of God, would I be utterly lucky enough to get into it all. Even an extra would be fantastic. Can't wait, Bess. I wish all those involved the best of luck, no illnesses, nor accidents, etc.
  15. I believe ya both. Though I have heard of some casting agencies getting wrong info or whatever. Plus heard of some of them over the summer with some lawsuits & such. I can see how Bess can be right with getting the original Actors & Actresses back. Though.. some of us wish we could be in the sequels.. just wasn't meant to be.. :: raises hand:: like myself. I've just horrible luck.. always missing the band wagon on everything. Even when I hoped to be in this when I could go for the local lay of Treasure Island cause I had seriously hurt myself back in December. :: Shrugs:: I'm resigned to be paitent & eagerly await for the release of the sequels. I'm sure those caled back will have LOTS of fun.. & I will keep them all in my prayers that all goes well & smoothly for everyone working on PotC 2 & 3.
  16. Oooooo! Bess you are SOOOO cool! I have no idea how many times people tell you that... but YOU ROCK! So, yes.. please tell us the details.. inquiring pirates want to know. :)
  17. Scurvy Dog.. you scurvy dog! A spyglass, eh? Oooo... would love something like that. Damnit man, wish you were closer to this direction! Would have so much fun at the re-enactments at the tavern there! :) Psst... :::looks around:: if ever you get that chance... grab something for me from the sequels. If you could? Rather partial to Barbossa. :) As long as I can use it at the re-enactments. ::Ponders:: Not sure what I could use actually.. besides a carbine & 2 or 3 Dragoon pistols.... a horse...
  18. In the Toy Review article back in July, they mentioned that the 1st series they were putting out Jack, Will, Barbossa & a cursed pirate. But for the 2nd they were not sure yet.. but were thinking about Pintel & Ragetti... possibly Elizabeth... a cursed Jack... a cursed Barbossa... & someone else. though... Norrington would be a good choice as well. :) They have to immortalize everyone. Like Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. LOL.. how many figurines have Johnny been immortalized as? The Black Pearl would be nice to get our hands upon also. :)
  19. Aye.... tis sad news indeed. How would pirates mourn the loss of one of them? I'll be wearin' a black ribbon as an armband on Halloween as I wear my black pirate outfit in memory of this great fellow pirate.
  20. Gotcha! Awesome! I will get to work on your hat then, Christine. 1 Barbossa hat, coming up!
  21. I've had some disturbing news last night as I checked with our local Toys R Us.... They DON'T intend to sell the Jack Sparrow 18 inch doll! Disturbing as to this would be the only place in town that would sell the doll! Most disturbing & frustrating as this type of BS can hurt the merchandizing figures & possible sales of PotC toys in the future! How can one buy these items WITHOUT buying online? I don't like to buy online period! Ummm, Bess ... or anyone out there! Is there SOMETHING that can be done about this? If the stores are supposed to carry them, don't they have to since they are contracted to do so & it's in some respects advertised? Oh, & advertising of the products. How's one to know about them other than word of mouth? I can get re-enactment supplies easier than getting the PotC merchandise!! ::Shakes head:: I won't ask what this world is coming to.
  22. Awesome. Thanx for th' info, Silver Steele. Aye, I'll definitely be buyin' it. When is the issue.
  23. Aye.. I'd say that's the real thing there! Looks just like the one that I saw there at the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago for the Action! exhibit. Wow.. the whole kitncaboodle.. wicked!
  24. ::removes big black feathered hat; bows deeply;:: ye b' most welcome, Christine. I'm kickin' m'self I didn't have a little extra cash to buy ya a hat black at Cantigny this past weekend. But.. tis ok... since I was not impress with them. Let alone I haven't an idea you hat size... that's a must before I start working on it. :) Let me know what it is. & I can make you your Barbossa hat.. cause I did spot some more items that would make it more like the actual Barbossa hat.. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  25. Well.. I was able to figure out the lyrics since I posted this. I have yet to memorize it.. for it's a PERFECT pirate song - if you play the cursed pirate - for this month. The "helms" I wrote there is a typo.. it's actually "Hells" ... & the 2nd line in the 2nd verse I believe it's "We set.." I adore this song. There are other songs that I have sung by Wylde Nept on their CD. Good sea shanties.
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