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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. As I have heard time and time again, this is a Hobby. Simply fun time in one way or another for people. So, people have various ideas of what is a pirate. Only thing you can do is do your best at portraying history by yourself with an encampment or with a crew of your own. If others attend the event that are likeminded, by all means, interact if you wish. Interact nevertheless with anyone. But don't fuss too much about how others portray pirates. It's really like bashing you head against a 24 foot wall of concrete and reenforced titanium. Each to their own. And.... just like Michael and Ransom and the others have said. We have indeed had verbal battles like this in the past which, unfortunately, cause a lot of bad tastes and bad blood. ~Lady B
  2. Hmmmm... rather interesting, Ricky. ~Lady B
  3. Welcome to th' Pub, good sir. Tis a good thing they urged ye to stumble into this here establishment. I guarantee ye'll find no better pirate establishment than this here Pub. Shall look forward to conversin' with ye. ~Lady B
  4. Thank ye, Bellamy. Shall look foward to some funs stories with ye. Aye, Elena. Been role playing stories online for over a decade. And have been involved in some great stories, a couple of which have been included in Lady B's past. Especially the part of her whisked away from home into a war. Role playing stories REALLY do help out in creating a character and their past. Just the same way as attending events helps to create a character. Just one more aspect to add to the depth and dimension of a character. ~Lady B
  5. Ahoy to all! Yes, now I have gone and done it. And figured this was the best place to post it. The Age of Enlightenment is an online role playing story forum site specifically set during the 18th Century, plus the late 17th c and early 19th c. Both historical and fictional characters are welcome. You write a progressive story that lasts as long or short as you wish with no real limit on characters involved so long as it's realistic. It's the realistic setting that will make it all the more enjoyable. This is a perfect way for some to develope or continue their past history for their personas. So, come... join in on the fun. Create some fantastic stories filled with adventure, romance, and every other element of a great story! All at the Age of Enlightenment ~Lady B
  6. Let the ragging of the hair begin! Hopefully will have that awesome period style hair. ;) ~:Lady B

  7. Hoist yo'r tankards high for a long time member of Pub and the Coxwain of the Resurrection... Perkeo Flarg! Offer yo'r best wishes and some rum for the shipmate. Happy Birthday to ye, Perkeo! ~Lady B
  8. AYE!!! Here's to ye, Hawkyns. ::: hoists tankard::: to one of th' finest gents on th' Pub! And wishing ye many more birthdays t' come, m' good man! :) ~Lady B
  9. Bummer. Pity that this event is the same weekend as Port Washington Pirate Fest. Perhaps another year. ~Lady B
  10. LOL.. Oh, heaven's no! I'm talking about the Navy Pier in Chicago. ~Lady B
  11. Aye, I'll second what Will just said. Best to have a decent name as a pirate. All the best pirates had a realistic name. ~Lady B
  12. Ahoy, and welcome, Jimmyrum! Glad ye made way to th' Pub. Ye'll find no finer place for pirates. Oh, and... LOVE the avatar! Right fine an' proper. ~Lady B
  13. Now, now, Gents. Simmer down there. Tis a bit premature to be dissing Ian McShane's Blackbeard, especially the height. This is Hollywood, they hold tricks. Let's see how McShane places Blackbeard before we take notice of anything else. I think they wanted this look so McShane doesn't look like all the mass amounts of paintings and characters of Blackbeard already. There have been several Blackbeard characters on screen that have looked like the paintings and engravings. I think Disney wanted to go a different route with Blackbeard's look. ~Lady B
  14. Thinking about having a Pirate Invasion at the Navy Pier the night or weekend PotC 4 is released. Anyone interested? What ye think? I've already contacted the Pier, IMAX, and even Captain Bruce of the Windy. ~Lady B
  15. Hmmmm... reminds me of that coach gun from "Pawn Stars", the one everyone was drooling over. :) Right nice. ~Lady B
  16. Ooooo... another Frenchy! :) Glad t' have ye here with us, good sir. Thrilled to hear yo'r plans and more of the sort. Shall look forward to some pictures of ye in full attire and more conversations with ye in th' future here upon th' Pub! Ye've come to th' right place, m' good man. And don't ye worry none. There are a few here who speak French right well, too. Also, yo'r English is right fine. :) ~Lady B
  17. Miss ye somethin' fierce, Siren! A belated Merry Christmas to ye and Happy New Year! May this 2011 year bless ye and yo'r family. Again, miss ye! Thought 'bout callin' ye t' wish ye a Happy New Year. Ye always be in m' prayers and thoughts, lass. Hope ye return soon to us. ~Lady B
  18. Nice find, PoD! I like this place, too! Kudos, mate. :) Wes! Look... SPOONS! Even forks. :) ~Lady B
  19. Tis a nice table setting indeed, Iron Jon. I think Jen had hit as close to the nail as one can get. Pewter like this wasn't nailed down to a decade. Aye, Gertie! I've found a couple pieces that can be close enough if not spot on! I recently purchased a plate from a thrift store that was white with the period appropriate blue florial design! It's perfect to the period style. Sometimes, you can find them. If I get the opportunity, I'll take a picture of the plate and post it here. I have found that the pflatsgraf Yorktown and Villiage plates are pretty close, too. The yorktown more an off-white with a dirty blue painted floral while the village (which is what I have and have been using at events, even Rev War) are yellow with the same floral design but in brown. PoD, I have not found anyone yet. But, perhaps you can check with Gibson Pewter. They specialize in Colonial Era pewter. Perhaps they can do a special order of that same fork for ye. It is a really nice fork. I wouldn't mind having a replica or few of that fork, either. Generally I've been googling and finding a LOT of great stuff on period appropriate items for the table. ~Lady B
  20. Oh, ye be right, McCool. Hector has ulterier motives, to be sure. Granted, perhaps the absense of the monkey, and the familiar outfit with something a little more proper and a peg leg, will seem incredibly odd and not right for many fans, that just is the way Barbossa is and how his life path went. Oh, and it seems Gillette and Groves have returned for this one as well. Two of Norrington's Officers that just never seem to die. Not that we want them to. Hell, I really thought Gillette died in the hurricane between Curse of the Black Pearl and Dead Man's Chest. Nope, looks like the both of them survived. Ironic and amazing. And back in their proper military attire under the crown with Groves rather than the "military" look of the EICo under Beckett. It would not surprise me any that the lad is Will and Elizabeth's boy. We can only hope... or not, depending upon if you think the lad should be in the story or not. But one thing is for sure, from an image I spotted... Barbossa has NOT lost his touch with the sword! NEVER cross a master Swordsman... let alone a master Swordsman who is a Pirate Lord! ~Lady B
  21. Most needlework hasn't changed over the years. What most do by hand was pretty much the same way 300 years ago. Best book I love most on period embroidery is "18th Century Embroidery Techniques" by Gail Marsh. I've enjoyed theis book greatly. Shows many techniques on the tools of the trade as well as whitework, quilting, crewel work, hollie point, tambour, and so much more! Even the details of knotting and gold/silver work. It's all there. Glossary on terms, plus great photos and artist renditions of various period outfits. But add onto this book at least a good sized detailed book on needlework in general. I was gifted a couple years ago a "Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework" and this book has EVERYTHING you need to know about EVERY type of Needlework out there and every step of the techniques possible. Simple and easy to use. A tad difficult to see the stitches but it looks like crewel work embroidery in satin stitches and backstitching with some couching. Looks more like goldwork to me rather than gold silk thread. But Constance is correct there. Use gold silk thread, best yet, metallic gold silk thread. YLI Corporation out of Rock Hill, NC has some fantastic silk thread I swear by. Check with a store catering specifically to quilters for this thread. Most carry silk thread. Also recommended, check with Hazel Dickfoss with William Booth Draper. She's brilliant! If she doesn't have what you need, then she will most definitely know what to get, where to get it, who to talk to, and how it was made. ~Lady B
  22. The V&A has some incredibly amazing outfits. Both for men and women. NYC Met Museum has some great stuff, too. Many museums have some incredible pieces well worth obtaining pictures of. They really give a sense of the time period. Thanks for the heads up, PoD. The second Gentleman's outfit you sported there, I think it said it was King Charles II wedding outfit. I like the pants as that's similiar to the style of my own breeches. More baggy rather than close fitting. I haven't seen that black and white-ish damask gown before. Am eager to have more of a further look see. ~Lady B
  23. Received my gift on Christmas Eve. Opened it that night. Thank you, to whomever it was. They are interesting. Ballast stones from what the little certificate stated that came with it, from the shipwreck of the El Rubi. ~Lady B
  24. Wow... dizzying. :) Ahoy, Beth! Glad t' see ye hangin' about still. Just like Cheeky stated, keep a weather eye upon the Raids and the posts here on the Pub for upcoming events. Some are at the last minute, some are pre-planned. Port Washington, just north of Milwaukee, had their Pirate Festival the first weekend of June (3-5), so you might not want to miss that. And of course, with Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides released in May, keep a weather eye for some invasions ye can join the lot of us at! I'm checkin' around, lass, on a place or two to add some atmosphere at. And as Mark mention, there is Pirates of Paynetown in August on Lake Monroe in Indiana. Worthwhile from what I hear. I know I've been begging to attend that event. Oh! Reenactor Fest! Well, Military History Fest is what it's called now. That's one event you should not miss. Lots of fun, and many folks there love the pirates! I can't remember if ye be in northern Illinois or southern, but as the gents have stated Fort de Chartes has their Rendezvous and received the pirates rather well. Plus St. Louis has a Pirate Festival, too. Not sure how far ye wish to travel. As to anything else? Well, again, keep a weather eye out. I'm also adding Pirate events in the region on the website for thePirates and Buccaneers of the Resurrection.So, by all means, look there as well. Will keep in touch with ye if there is something upcoming, too. How's that, lass? ~Lady B
  25. Ahhh, forget th' list. We should make our own list. I know m' neices and nephew enjoy "The Goonies" and would watch it over and over and over. It's one fun adventure that will never grow old. ~Lady B
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