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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. A few here know of my "Love Life" and lack thereof. Beginning to believe that Love is nothing more than a JOKE! I've fancied a couple men, Loved one (who literially f***ed me over and dumped me off like tea at the Boston Tea Party). A few have fancied me but I let none but one near me. I often wonder if slimming down and looking gorgeous would make a hell of a difference. If so, I tell ye, I'd be the most evil woman any man had crossed pathes with! HA! PIRATE!!! Aye, I'm vicious. A few can account to that but I've a heart, too. All I can say is my heart still breaks every bleedin' day. And often wonder why the pirate wannabe bastard decided to do what he did and does now. As I mentioned on another forum... tis easier to Love and fancy a fictional man than to Love a real one. Cause the fictional man can't f*** around with you and leave you high and dry on the gallows! I know at least 2 other gals who were treated like shyte by men who just wanted a f*** buddy. Let's just say... the gent I Loved be on here. Not sure if he still visits, bloody well don't care. But I am incredibly bitter over what he did. Cause when he came around, I had given up upon Love, ever finding ANYONE who was decent enough to be a MAN enough to live with ONE LOVE for a LIFETIME. I'm not a boring Lady nor am I out of control. So why gents toss me aside is beyond me. Better not be m' looks cause damn them all t' Hell as that usually is the case I see everywhere! Guys hasn't a good look to him, rather bland and comely or homely. The gal or wife is slim and lovely lookin'. Ticks me off cause that woman looks like she can't smile at all! I best back away... cause I am utterly furious right now about the issue with LOVE! I'll back up Davy Jones on Love... it's nothing but a joke! Tis a dreadful bond so easily severed. And whomever stated tis better to Love and lost than to never have Loved at all... is a liar! Love hurts worse than any torture in the world when lost! And can make the most meek and mild and innocent person in the the very Devil himself! Best to protect yo'rself from any that be out there. Love tis not worth any price. ~Lady B
  2. Wicked! Aye, will do just that, Sally. Thank ye. Aye, I hope he does come. Updating his costume (don't know how cause it's already wickedly awesome and dead on!). Hoping others come, too. ~Lady B
  3. Spectacular, Kenneth! Likewise with Chris! Both ye gents look splendid. Charminglu devilish... and ready t' plunder! My compliments to ye both. ~Lady B
  4. Very wicked! :::Drooling::: Though, careful on the seals. Somehow, no matter how you ship them, they seem to break up and apart in the mail. ~Lady B
  5. Awww.... very wicked, Christine. :) Both you and Marjon got some nice items from Mr Rush as Barbossa. Priceless to say the least. ~Lady B
  6. I like my best prop being a fake heart I obtained from Wal Mart. I'm eyeing the Dead Man's Chest from Master Replica. The heart would look fantastic inside that chest. Fog... always a nice touch. :) ~Lady B
  7. The fancy buckles are a toughy to come by. I've seen a couple of real belts at the local WalMart I've been tempted to purchase just because of the buckle. Cut off the buckle and put on a different leather belt. But, haven't. Yet. I'm checking on a gent down in Florida if he's willing to do commissions for buckles. He's made some AWESOME buttons and buckles for a lass. I know I was highly impressed with his work. I don't know, Pogue... I generally search all over for ANYTHING that could possibly be deemed as 18th c or piratical. But, will always keep m' eyes open for whatever might be online. Check out the local stores and thrift shops. Never know what you might find. ~Lady B
  8. Labels are never endearing. Aye, but it's out there. :::shrugs::: The labeling does bother. Aye, Bo. Ya do look good. I'm gazing mostly at that pike! :::Hands are reaching out to grab it from ya and take off with it::: What can I say... I like weapons! One makes an effort into whatever look they want to portray... one should offer fair if not positive comments upon their appearance. ~Lady B
  9. Sally! Hey, lass! Tis good t' hear from ya! Glad ol' Davy Jones hasn't gotten ahold of ya... yet. What conjures up in my head is not really PG-13... far from PG. LOL... :::Attempts to look innocent::: I've done so with the Resurrection. And, aye, do let me know - and I will try to keep in contact with ye - about the street theater or scenarios. Interaction between the Militia would be fun. And other pirates. Ooooh, what crazy ideas we all can conjure! BTW... I know most are going to groan over this... but I am aware of a rather good Jack Sparrow that will be attending 2008 and his wife is a rather great looking Elizabeth Swann. Trying to convince a couple others (including a gent in Michigan that has a hell of a Davy Jones outfit). Knock on wood that they folks make it. :) I'm a spreadin' th' word 'round! ~Lady B
  10. Been doing a little reading here and there when I can. And one book was having a blurb in it about the sea shanties. A variety of them were used depending upon the task at had aboard ship that kept the sailors in sync and in rhythm. Recommendations on what shanties out there are good period style chant to keep the deck hands and the rigging rats unified in their tasks and work? ~Lady B
  11. There is a page on Tribe: Port Washington Pirate Festival. The discussion is moderated by Bilgemunky. I like Tribe okay, but it goes down pretty frequently: be warned. As for terminology, could we not gather all people attending in a visible fashion, actors, reenactors, variety acts and musicians as "Participants," versus "Guests?" That's not official, just a suggestion. Yeah... I hear ya. I've tried Tribe a couple times with the Port Wash stuff... and generally have been lost in the problems. So, that's why I was asking if there was some where else besides the Tribe. I'll TRY to slip back onto the Tribe group. But the majority of the time I've not been able to get in, always getting their error and that it's not there. I'll try to relay the message to those in the NWTA about it. Thanks, Dean. Otherwise, again, there is always Reenactor Fest. Aye, Participants does sound better. Sorry, kept hearing "Entertainer". I'll spare ye the details what it conjured in my head. ~Lady B
  12. Mick... I consider any pirate, honest or dishonest, to be a valuable asset and ally. Until they decide they wish to cross me and stab me in the back then I'll lettin' loose m' fury upon them. I dare say, I pray that we may cross paths someday, mate. ~Lady B
  13. GoF... what does NQG site say about some events? Are a lot of them mentioned with dates and location and a summary of what it's about? I say, we all just compile some event information with dates, location, and a summary of that event and send it to them as a list to let them decide. Doesn't hurt to put a rating with the events, too. I hear Tybee Island has a Pirate Festival now. I can't really recommend PyrateCon or Ojai or PiP or various other places as I've not been to them yet. Related to Pirate, Port Washington is really the only event I've attended. All other events have been non-pirate events. Oh, with the recommendations... perhaps a price estimate? Considering that with PyrateCon... involves the hotel, food, transportation, the troves of events that require a fee, etc just like any other convention. Or a reenactment where there is camping (if there is a fee for the camping), if food is taken care of or not, transportation, other additional stuff. Tis my two doubloons on the issue. ~Lady B
  14. Beautiful rings... but incredibly pricy! Ouch, WAY too much. I wish I could say over priced.. but they probrably are not. Appears it's more the craftsmanship plus the ruby as well as the Platnum. Aye, that Janus is lovely. Would make a grand Engagement or Wedding Ring for a Piratess. ~Lady B
  15. I really wish I could attend this event. But not sure if I will be able to. ~Lady B
  16. Aye, it's well worth it. Now, m' question be... is there a Forum or some chat list somewhere for the "Entertainers" (bloody well hate that word) to discuss about Port Washington? Variety of reasons, I suppose. Or is this it? Jib, entertainer or not, I'd say show up anyway. :) I hate to think of this event as anything else other than a fun time for Pirates to get together. Some 'll use it as a chance to show reenacting skills and others will provide some Entertaining. Also, I'm hoping that the 4th Mass 'll be at Reenactor Fest in February. I know they were this past February at RF2. I think this'll be a great opportunity for those who'll attend Port Washington to get in touch and disuss some things. Perhaps convince more in the NWTA to show up. :) ~Lady B
  17. Ooooo... How wicked! Heard of that series. Not seen it. I find it absolutely intreguing how those uniforms were awefully close in likeness to Simcoe & Tarleton's Legions uniforms. Can't wait to see what more is in store! ~Lady B
  18. Thank ye. Though surely not just for me? :::le sigh::: tis another item of desire I'll want for Christmas. Not that I'll be getting it. But, tis a wishful hope. Again, thank ye, Bess. ~Lady B
  19. Just never believed it until now. I'll keep m' weapons closer to m' body and m' eyes sharp keepin' ye in sight with caution. ~Lady B
  20. Are ye indicatin' t'wards Davy Jones? :::dreamy look::: Ahhh... Unless ye think an' plan otherwise, Sterling. :::Runs to get carbine and pistol::: Primed an' ready fo' action, Siren! ~Lady B
  21. Oh, dear Lord... Sterling's gone mad. All in all, I'm sure it will be a blast! Naturalist. Hmm... Why do I have the words playing within my head of that wee lad from "Master and Commander" becoming a "fighting Naturalist". Tis a good thing I obtained my room then, eh, Cheeky? ~Lady B
  22. :::whimpers heavily ; sniffles and whimpers some more::: Bess... ye taunt an' tease terribly, m'dear! ::le sigh::: oh, how galant th' Captain looks. ~Lady B
  23. Room is booked and ready for RF4. Will be starting on my new gown soon to show off at RF4. And will be purchasing those tickets soon, too! Oh, I do belive the 4th Mass will be there, too, at RF4. Would be a GREAT time to discuss with them Port Washington. Perhaps a couple others from the NWTA to convince them to come. Maybe do some scenario planning so to speak. Showcase more reenactment and realistic stuff at Port Washington. Hehehe... Sterling being like the Mercer baddie... having all the Soldier's backing him up and arresting the pirates. Oooooo.... Oh, what fun it will be! MUST DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!!!! ~Lady B PS.. :::looks at Sterling;:: Naturalist?
  24. Tis a cheap price for Indentured Servatude. Count me in, RumbaRue. What be the rules? Other than what you already posted at the beginning. ~Lady B
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