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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Very cool, Alyx. Eager to see pictures of them. :) The hat I have needs to be reblocked. And with really nothing other than a boiling pan of water to work with possibly (outside stuff is out of the question due to the weather)... I'm looking at all this to figure out how to do it. I need my hat to look like what Amanjira had in his thread, what his hat blank looked like before he trimmed it. Yeah, that means my hat needs to be reblocked, loosen and steamed, stretched and molded. It is wool felt and I've worn it for a few years. Anyone who's seen me in person has seen my hat. Ideas gents for stretching and what equipment I need to use for the restretching and reblocking of the hat? ~Lady B
  2. Oy, dear God, Johnny's in the region. Run for cover! I can just hear all th' girls now screaming over Johnny. Don't blame th' poor man for wanting to keep secret. I guess if we see some chaos and mayhem (LOL, yeah, I know, MORE chaos and mayhem, worse than the tornado) at Port Wash... we know who's in town, then. Rather spooky though, wouldn't you think? I don't know how many museums are up there, but Old Threshers in Mt Pleasant Iowa has quite a collection of cars. All running. Some owned privately, some owned by the Old Threshers Foundation. Ahhh... how I LOVE them cars. Love the steam engines even more so! Especially when you walk away from them looking like a dalmation! ~Lady B
  3. :::hugs Siren::: I'll always be prayin' for ya, Siren, m'dear. Indeed, those things are not one to mess around with, they sure mess with you badly though. Cheeky... will it EVER get warm again? Let lone... will we ever see green again! Just got a snow storm yesterday. Causing havoc here in Iowa (which oddly didn't see it on the news); highways, interstates, roads closed and impassible, vehicles of all sizes in the ditches, jacknifed, everywhere you can imagine; towns and farmers out in the countryside are snowed in and stranded, can't get anywhere. Blowing snow causing whiteout conditions. Yeah, more snow tomorrow (light) then Thursday (major storm again) and then another on Monday! Better not get something in April again! Christine, hope ye be doin' better. Feeling better myself. Somewhat. Achey as hell to the point of near ovedose of asprin to null the pain. Coughing some and a tad bit congested in the chest. But not as bad as it was. At least this time I can breathe. ~Lady B
  4. Or worse, think "Captain's Quarters"... alone with someone. ~Lady B
  5. Oh there be others who sail replica vessels. Silkie... LUCKY lass! I do envy ye. She's a fine vessel t' volunteer upon. Definitely the image one gets in their head of what a pirate ship looks like. Keep th' stories comin', lass! And hopefully some images of ye onboard? ~Lady B
  6. Aye, a fine bunch indeed. Our compliments, Sterling. I'll agree with Cheeky, Kate... tis a great signature banner! ~Lady B
  7. No rum? No red wine? No port (granted ne'er fancied th' stuff)... Nothing?!? Oh, poor Sterling! That IS a tragedy! ~Lady B
  8. Oh, dear! Thank ye kindly, Cheeky. I swears it... 'll drink t' all at Port Washington! ~Lady B
  9. Thank ye for th' images, Count. Very nice indeed. I pray that some time I can make it down there to that Fest. ~Lady B
  10. Ahh, lemme guess... she was a Lacemaker? I know there is a lady here in the Midwest she makes period lace and does a fantastic job. That is a hoot, though! ~Lady B
  11. :::Starts singing::: Bones, Bones, Bones, Billy Bones, Send 'em off t' Davy Jones... :::end of song:::: Here's to ye, Billy Bones. May ye have a grand Bday with complete honors to ye... full compliment o' cannonfire with ladies upon thy lap and drink t' satiate yo'r gullet! Huzzah! Happy Bday, Bones! ~Lady B
  12. Oh, yes... a year to plan RF5... but also a year to plan Sterling's SURPRISE Bday Party! :::evil, wicked grinz::: Impressive... most impressive. ::: sounding like Darth Vader::: :::Clears throat::: Aye, most impressive t' dance about an not spill a single drop! Ooo.. an' I miss droolin' over said lace. Bein' a pirate, I just might take off with th' lace... Now, that would be an interesting scene: Lady B races down the hallway a la Jack Sparrow style. Following behind be Sterling crying out "LACE! Stop her! Bring back my lace!" ~Lady B
  13. NOTICE... Sterling drinking WHILE kicking! Now THAT takes talent!!! Cheers to ye, Sterling! Oh, dear... Cheeky! Hit th' wall?!?! What th' devil did those gents put in yo'r drink, girl!! Pete... as absolute as ever! He certainly stands out in the crowd. And in a VERY good way, too, Pete. Ahh... Mr Bollows. Aye, Thought he was familiar. Queen's Rangers Rev War, aye? He did mention on the NWTA chat list good things 'bout the lot o' ye. :) He did mention this link: Metromix , there is a clip of RF4 and apparently there be some of ye on it. Alas, I can't view it... comp is bein' a pain. Ooo... that wee girl is indeed cute. Looks like the Hess grandchild (one of them at least). If so, aye, she's been the subject of many a photographer in the past couple years at events. She's a perfect photo model. Such a doll. Oh, what a tragedy I didn't make it. Oh, well. There be next year and I WILL make that one. Guaranteed, mates! Sterling... I'm STILL amazed at your drinking while high stepping. Now THAT's a Captain able to drink (anything) in high seas!!! Did ye spill anything? ~Lady B
  14. Oh, dear that would be an interesting image in one's head, Sterling. Aye, will do. I'll search for it. If I lost it... I'll try to remember what the devil I wrote. I'm fairing a tiny bit better but not as well as I had hoped by now. I feel like ol' Billy Bones from Treasure Island in his last hours! Oh, but DO keep th' images coming. I'm having a hay-day lookin' at them. ~Lady B
  15. Do so look forward t' 'em, Count. ~Lady B
  16. :) I look forward t' seein' 'em, Cheeky. Aye, it happens when you are having too much fun. Easy to forget to eat. :) Done that MANY times myself. And that gown was gorgeous, Cheeky! Looked absolutely smashing on Mae. Always fun dressing someone up, isn't it? Again, "CHECK THE GATE!!" Now, did anyone give th' good "Governor" a kiss fo' me? I do so look forward t' seein' him an' his Lady fair at Port Washington. ~Lady B
  17. Ahoy, mates. I've some fabric I have yet to be rid of. The images are too large to post here, as the smaller the size, the less the quality of the designs. But, first off... what needs to really go is 7+ yards of purple silk Dupioni. Purchased at $75... I'm willing to let go of it for $50 or best offer or trade*. Also, I've remenants of the gold jacquard I used for the gold gown I wore last year at RF2. There is about 2 yards of this left, enough to make a nice waistcoat, mates. I'll take best offer or trade* on this. Red paisley fabric at least a yard and a 4th with remenant. Enough to make a nice waistcoat. Best offer or trade*. I've also a pair of black felt looking shoes I altered/made so to speak. They are suppose to be a size 10 but I'd say are more a size 9 or 9 and a half due to the insole cushions. I've gotten MANY compliments on them. They are used and distressed due to time, but still look fantastic. I'd keep them but I can't fit into them any more. If interested in the fabric, Email me off list, I'll send you pictures of the fabric. I also have a cheesy maroon, green and white plaid petticoat (about 2 yards worth) that needs to go bye-bye. Need some straw cocked hats? I've about 3 of them to go. I distressed them and look might... tropical. :) Other items to come as soon as I take inventory again. * Trade items. What I be looking for in trade is blue velvet or velveteen. or of even 2 yards of this fabric: again, email me if interested in these items. Especially the purple silk Dupioni. Need that to go bye-bye asap! ~Lady B
  18. Dressing... undressing... missing moments... LOTS of smiles... tons of fun... and everyone plan likely got sick! Ya know, I didn't wish t' go to avoid gettin' the lot of ye ill! Bugger! Didn't work! What th' sam hell did ye all do?!? Well, I shall indeed look forward to next year with grand anticipation. Lily... very nice, m'dear... very nice. Now... wait... I noticed in th' images ye didn't wear th' circus tent! Captain not let ye wear it? MA d'Dogge... I forgots mate... I am SOOO sorry 'bouts th' house with the pipe troubles. that's just bloody God aweful. Completely sympathize. Here be hopes that they fix th' problem swiftly, mate. ~Lady B
  19. M' sympathies, Count. But upon th' seas, ye'll find some safe haven. An' pray that th' Pyrate Hunter spare ye or miss ye all t'gether. Not want t' see ye loose thyne head at th' guillotine or dancin' at th' end of th' Hangman's necklace, good Sir. ~Lady B
  20. Oh, what a bloody hoot! LOVE th' pictures, mates! Absolutely fantastic. God, how I wish I could o' been there. Oh, well. Lookin' forward t' next year already. Oh, Cheeky... I'd say, aye, hang on to the "blackmail" pictures. God knows if someone might get ahold of some blackmail images of ye. An' I swears... it would NEVER be me. ::: innocent with a halo above head::: Great butt shots though. Aye, Sterling... I DID notice that... Pete bein' in both pictures. HAHA... oh, dear God! Billie be a hoot! The hammock, OMG... how th' devil did ye keep that thing up there?!? Too funny! What's this about Pete and the parot? What? No shark?!? Where th' devil is the shark!? Nor will I ask about the missin' pair o' breeches! Uuuh... not gonna show back up later on like as Port Washington as we notice a familiar pair o' breeches flyin' from th' top of a mast? ~Lady B
  21. Haha... he is a classic, isn't he, Silkie? :) ~Lady B
  22. WWAAHHHH!!!! Parrot? Pete has a Parrot? What happened to the shark? Oh, I SO wish I could have been there. This is one of those times in my life I will regret unfortunately. Granted I had no choice in the matter. but.. DAMNABLE! :::whimpers::: Oh, it does look like everyone did have so much fun. I see Billy made it in. Now, did someone gives him a kiss fo' me? I'm with Cheeky... another gathering just for the hell of it! ~Lady B
  23. Ooooo.... dashin' an' right smashin', Captain Midnight! Ye'll b' makin' we Ladies swoon!!! I likes th' first one. Gonna put one up on yo'r MySpace page? Oh, how ye gents look absolutely sexy in the attire! ~Lady B
  24. A Count?! Oooo, we's a Count here on th' Pub! Might smashing it be! Glad t' have ye on th' Pub, Count. And, aye... pirates are nay alone let alone dead nor dyin'. Tis a pleasure t' meet thee. ::: removes big black plumed hat and elegantly bows::: Lady Barbossa I be. Port o' Saint Louie, eh? How blessed! I be straight north ye nigh 6 hours in Iowa. Always grand t' meet another midwestern pirate. Not been t' the Pirate Fest there... yet. Hope to someday, though. How's 'bout a drink, Count? I'll take somethin' mild at the moment since I not be doin' well health wise. Sweet red wine, thank ye. ~Lady B
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