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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Ooo hoo! Found this and decided to post something on it... Has anyone every had a new drink out called HPNOTIQ or even Destinee? LOVE HPNOTIQ! fantastic stuff. One of m' new fav drinks. It's Vodka, cognac with tropical fruit juice. Smooth! :) ~Lady B
  2. Hahaha.... Greg! He's so thrilled that he's become a model for the hats. LOL... Aye, I've not seen yo'r hats with m' own eyes, but Greg has indeed vouched that yo'r Barbossa hats are the best. I've feathers already, just been lookin' 'round for the right sized hat. And most sites sport the brim too small by an inch or two. I'll PM ya... ~Lady B
  3. I'm LOVIN' th' coat, William. Very nice. Careful. Ye may want t' hold ont' that one mighty tight. Someone may obtain that coat from ye. :::evil grinz::: A very charming picture of th' both of ye, William. M' compliments to ye both.
  4. Fairly good site, Captain. M' compliments to ye. Look forward t' seein' more an' updates of the site as time progresses. ~Lady B
  5. Aye, but those of us who won't be attendin' it doesn't settle with our rowdy souls. William, do hope t' see ye in 2010 then. Til then, return safe t' us so we can carouse all proper pirate like. Huzzah t' ye, m' patriotic pirate. I do expect plenty o' pictures upon th' end o' PyrateCon. :::le sigh::: Oh, m' poor pirate soul be achin' t' go. ~Lady B
  6. Hmmm... This is a tougher question than it was but a few years ago. Currently, now... I just pick events, see if it's doable or not. Then pray to God I can go (hopefully nothin' 'll happen to where I can't go). mostly now it's see about travelling with someone, rooming with someone when needed. I prefer the reenactments where they have the camping, and some pitch in for food or food is provided, etc. All ye have t' do is get there (gas expense). Use to be pretty darn cheap vacation. Not any more with gas prices shooting so high. So, at the moment, it's a hit and miss deal. Outfits, they take a lot longer to make as I purchase items and materials a little bit at a time now. Instead of in bulk like I use to do. Anything to find a good deal on something I could use for events IF it's something I REALLY need. It's getting harder and harder to support a hobby especially if you can't deduct it from your taxes. That and most places around here... good luck bein' paid t' perform as a pirate. Cheap devils. ~Lady B
  7. No.... :::Stunned beyond belief::: You are joking, aye? I'd not heard this. Bloody hell!!! He'll be greatly missed in this world. M' first fav movie he graced was "The Ten Commandments". I'll need see ANYONE play Moses better than he. And he made a hell of a great John Silver in Treasure Island, too. M' hat's off with a sorrowful black heart missin' one o' the greatest actors in history. May th' Colours be flown at Half Mast. An' salutes made much like t'was done fo' Morgan's funeral. ~Lady B
  8. Aye, that be MerryD. Aye, I spotted Mary Diamond, Cheeky, and Mad Grace O'Brien in there. And recognized a couple of the NWTA faces, too. There's a YouTube slide show of someone who attended last year. A picture showing MAd'dogge and Rats posing with a spectator. :) The Windy 2 is a fine vessel. And if ye work it right if ye takes a ride... ye can hoist a sail! Sea Rover an' I did that last year. I tell ye what... oh, what a thrill that was for us both!!! Felt true an' like I was home on th' water, an' hoistin' the mailsail up, too. Already I be whimperin' with eagerness fo' Port Washington. Hopefully th' weather 'll be cooperative this year. How's about weather like we had for 2006? Hopefully? Duchess.. ye returnin' t' Port Wash this year? Would be grand t' see ye again. Tis amazin' what images ye pull up when googlin', aye? ~Lady B
  9. Sounds like a plan, Captain. Hopefully th' Fates 'll be kind an' blow me down in thy direction for some piratical carousing. But, still.. an impressive ship... an' an impressive crew. ~Lady B
  10. When lack and luster be unobtainable... when the ambition coils in one area of your life above all others... when donning the attire of days gone by and ye feel more than comfortable wearing it along with a pistol in yo'r belt and a sword by yo'r side... when ye gain a twisted form of respect and demand some form of attention... When it all feels right... and ye feel like you are out of time, like th' modern era is not yo'r place to exist... You know yo'r a pirate. When yo'r ambitions an' desires are of a time and era gone. ~Lady B
  11. :::Shakes finger at MerryD::: Shouldn't be doin' a thing, missy. Doctor's orders I'm sure. Well, m' spirits are still... ehh. Bloody well snowed again today. Had a bad day in general. Luckily didn't get into an accident, almost did when some young gal pulled right infront of me at some over the speed limit speed. I wanted to hit her after she didn't hit me. Or worse, could have knocked me off the road, slippery cause of the rain. Oh, CR is FILLED with idiots like these. They be EVERYWHERE. On top of that, just having a bad day as one of my bosses is easy to jump on me, nagging about duties when I'm doing them. Always interesting how people are quick to demeen ya and nag, even if they do it nicely, it's still demeening.... but never quick or easy to give you a compliment or appreciation. Not ONCE have I been employee of the week. But I've bent over backwards all too often for that damned place. ;::le sigh::: Always like this no matter where I go. Apparently whatever I do is never good enough. And worse of all... Hoping I can make it down to see my Grandma before she passes away. She's in the hospital and it doesn't look good. Pneumonia with the early stages of Heart Failure. :::Le sigh::: On top of all the other things that have been piling up that won't allow me to go to PyrateCon. Tax issues, home repair, car troubles, family issues, etc. Sorry if I sound like I'm complainin'. Trying not to. Just need to vent. Too much on my plate and chest at the moment that I almost have no desire to pirate any more. ~Lady B
  12. Ooooo.... Fantastic images of ye an' th' crew, Captain. Fine ship, glorious Colours... ye must be one proud Captain. An' as ye should be! Huzzah to ye, Captain Stifler. M'hat 's off t' ye. Splendid lot. Splendid. I pray we cross paths sometime. I'll owe ye a drink in honor of yo'r fine crew an' fine vessel an' o'course th' fine vessel's fine Captain. ~Lady B
  13. A hearty welcome to ye, MacKenzie. Ye've come to th' right place. There be no better establishment 'round for a wide variety o' pirates. Aye, tradition does state as ye said... newcomer buys a round fo' all. I'll be havin' a larger glass o' that new mix HypnotiQ. Rightfully good stuff. So, do tell more 'bout yo'rself and th' whereabouts ye piratin'. awww, tis fine an' well t' say it 'round here, mate. Ye've nothin' t' worry 'bout. None at all. Curious t' hear what tales ye can spin t' us. ~Lady B
  14. alas, mates... I am unable to go now. Some problems have arisen in which are inhibiting me from attending this event. I hope I can attend any event this year. Maybe next year, mates. ~Lady B
  15. Working on a couple new pirate outfits. Taking a break on here every so often. Then it's to finish up taxes. And then god knows what other surprizes today. Just trying to mellow my emotions. ~Lady B
  16. I'm beginning to feel like that line from the Lion King: "Life's not fair, is it?" Nope. It's not. A couple more no so fair things popped up this evening in which... well, family related (as always). ::le sigh:: I REALLY need a break from life. And REALLY desperately trying not to let anything get to me or get me down. I swear mates... I swear I'm cursed.
  17. And they wonder why we women swoon over ye gents when dressed like that. Why did this fashion go out of style? ~Lady B
  18. Aye, Black Fox. Just keep me informed of what goes and when those photos will be done. ~Lady B
  19. Aye, ye've come to th' right spot, mate. Welcome to th' Pub, Faad. Don't worry 'bout yo'r English. Ye be doin' mighty fine. Tis good t' hear ya returned to yo'r fascination o' Pyracy. An' hope t' hear more o' yo'r exploits an' studies. Sounds like ye'll be takin' some Pyratology "classes", eh? ~Lady B
  20. ::: hugs to Jill, hugs to Cheeky, hugs to Kendra, hugs to all::: Jill, I completely understand. Cheeky... likewise... Kendra, hope that hip mellows out soon enough. I feel for ya. Trying not to let the mounting stress (big things and little things) get to me. TOO much of it that happening and I'm having to revert to some odd means to keep a lot of it from tearing me down. Despite a wee snap earlier today that is threating the great wall to topple down upon me. yo ho yo ho ~Lady B
  21. Are ye talking about around the GAoP? Or any other era? Indeed a toughy, too, cause of the wide variety of cultures along this Sea. ~Lady B
  22. Aye... a little... and a lot. Nice weapons, mate. ~Lady B
  23. :::hugs::: Thank ye, Rumba. You are gem. Perkeo offered as well. I'll keep your offer in mind at the moment. After all, you are the reason (Haha, granted amoung many others) that I made the decision to hoof it to PyrateCon. I'm SO excited... and nervous as hell now trying to get my things finished up in time and make sure vehicle arangements are finalized (need a backup or two just in case, yes, it's possible that things go wrong with me). ~Lady B
  24. Oh, now we can't forget this lass either! Such a joy to us all and a sprightly lass she be, too! Who wouldn't enjoy her presense. So, here's to ye, BriarRose on yo'r blessed Bday! Come on, mates! Hoist yo'r tankards high for th' lass, carouse an' celebrate in her honor. Don't forget t' leave her some Bday wishes. ~Lady B
  25. Hehe... in Hell, outta Hell... takin' a tour around Hell. Then straight to th' moon on th' Express from Hell! Hey, but like most here on th' Pub... I be survivin'. Good to hear and see you are doing better, m'dear. :) :::big hugs::: ~Lady B
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