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Everything posted by Hawkyns

  1. So get down to stores and draw a cammie bandana like the grunts wear. Hell, you can probably get Uncle Sugar to pay for it, Hawkyns
  2. OK, is it just me, or does any else hear Tom Jones singing "You Can Keep Your Hat On" whenever I see this thread? Hawkyns
  3. It was kind of piratey, but also very Old West. It's available on DVD. The recent movie Serenity was the same cast and crew, but I'd advise watching the series first. Hawkyns
  4. No, it makes sense to me, at least on this board. think about it. We are all pirates, free thinkers, not particularly bound by convention or rules. That pretty much describes Firefly. Pirates in space. Hawkyns
  5. Top 3 Serenity 100% Galactica 94% Babylon 5 88% Babylon 5 would have been my first choice, especially if I got to work with Garribaldi. Now there's a guy with his head screwed on right.
  6. Damn straight. Leaving when Scarlett gets out of work, just about an hour from now. We'll get down there no problem, and the fair is on, snow or not. If we can't get home on Sunday, cest la vie. I don't quit for weather Hawkyns
  7. Won't be wearing the pin, but look for a leather haversack with a white heraldic rose and the the letters R H. Other than that, black leather pants and jerkin, cutlass and black head rag Hawkyns
  8. Haven't done it for PiP yet, (although it's looking very promising ) but I have flown with the camp before. Tent (7x9 wedge), a couple of blankets, weapons, and various odds and ends of gear goes into one of those plastic golf club cases. Basic kitchen, eating gear, and assorted odds and ends goes into a military parachute bag. Clothing goes into a small carryon. No, I don't take furniture, but I couldn't document it, anyway. A log or two become stools. Likwise for a table. If I take a piece of canvas for a fly, I tie it to whatever trees or fences are available. Not much comfort, byt very doable. I've found that paring down to absolute basics makes the camp more authentic, anyway. Hawkyns
  9. We're trying to decide if we want to go to PIP or Fantasy Fest this year. For those who camped in the fort- 1) when were you allowed in? 2)what facilities (water, firewood, straw, bathrooms, etc.) were provided? 3)did they allow cooking fires? 4)how authentic was the camp, ie was it done right or did they allow coleman lanterns and stoves, coolers and chairs with merely a throw over them, and more concerned with comfort than authenticity? Thanks guys. I'm seriously considering it, but if I take the trouble to get my kit down there, I need to know if it's being done right or if it's a farbfest. Hawkyns
  10. Hawkyns

    Gold Age Food

    I used to do a fair amount of hopping around the Caribbean, as it was my region as an agent. I got to eat a fair amount of local food, as opposed to the stuff you get in the resorts. I'm now hooked on a number of things. Jamaican curried goat is top of my list, followed closely by jerk chicken. I think the question comes up how much of these spices were available in period, or what were the equivalents. Certainly there are references to spicy food being popular, as is the case in most hot climates. Saltfish and ackee was another dish I learned to like, but not at the resorts. The local diners served a much better version, probably because it was not fancied up or Americanised for the tourists. Turtle. Now there's a real yuck fest. Greasy, tough, stringy, and tasting like overripe fish. I tried it in Cayman and never wish to do so again. I think the only thing I've ever had worse was beaver tail stew. You'd have to be really desperate, or the ship's stores absolutely crawling with vermin for turtle meat to be an improvement. Hawkyns
  11. Captain Jim Of the pics you posted, I've got to make a couple of comments. The first horn is great, no problem. The second, the copper flask is mid 19th century, so OOP for most of us. the third, the leather flask has been shown to be correct for the period, but I'd question how dry it would keep the powder in a maritime environment. The last, the loading block is an item of huge debate. There is exactly one exable that dates from the French and Indian war period, and the provenance has been challenged a number of times. The loading block seems to date from the Rev War period. This would actually make sense as it's really designed to load a rifle. which were not really common until the latter part of the 18th C. The patch and small caliber don't really work well with the large calibre weapons of the GAoP. Hawkyns
  12. Aye , Duncan, I'll be there. Don't look for the pirate kit or the Elizabethan rig. In keeping with the slightly off kilter theme, it's mostly likely that Gwen and I will be dressing fantasy for this one. Think schlock sword and sorcery like The Warrior and the Sorceress or Deathstalker. Maybe even Xena. We don't get many opportunities to do the fantasy schtick so I'm taking this one. Hawkyns
  13. If you want a real good selection, where you can actully swing one before buying, might I suggest you go up to the Fetish Fair Fleamarket near Foxboro, Mass, this weekend. http://www.nelaonline.org/fff.html Hawkyns
  14. Well, I guess I've got a different take on this. My mate and I have been married 30 years in September, more than just about any of our circle of friends and aquaintances. For about 25 of those years, we've been polyamourous. It is my opinion that being poly is what has kept us together. I think it's just too much of a burden to put on any one person that they are now your 'everything' for the rest of your lives. Different people can supply different needs. Also, we are humans. We are sexual animals, fairly unique in the animal kingdom in that we don't have a specific season for sex but we are ready all the time. Most of the couples that I know that have broken up have done so because of cheating. Accepting and acknowledging the fact that eventually, we will wish to try someone different, and keeping it out in the open, eliminates all those ugly cheating moments. We have rules, certainly, and we discuss new partners first, but knowing that we don't have to sneak about, removes a huge amount of stress and tension from the relationship. Hawkyns
  15. I'm off to Blighty for a few days. Mary Rose, Victory, Fort Nelson, my favourite tobacconist in Charing Cross Road, lunch with Foxe, and a few gallons of cider. Kass, the quarterdeck is yours. Hawkyns
  16. Have you tried the centerseam kits from Smoke and Fire? Lots cheaper than shoes and pre-cut, ready to sew. www.smoke-fire.com Hawkyns
  17. One point of interest for you. I see your tompions are long and straight. If you get serious rain, or even humidity, they can swell and stick fast in the bore. Had it happen at Pennsic last year. I had Nightingale 2 days in the rain and the tompion stuck solid. Took almost a month before it dried sufficient to fit properly again. Now, all the plugs are tapered, short, and slightly subcalibred. Hawkyns
  18. Well, the big projects just got easier. I got a bandsaw for Christmas, so the two new gun carriages will progress a lot faster. First is building a 3 truck, Dutch 17th c carriage, like the ones at Lelystad. Second is rebuilding a 15th c veuglaire carriage and increasing it to a culverin type carriage like the ones in Gerry Embleton's "Medieaval Soldier". Currently handsewing a pair of deerskin pants for faire. Not documentable, but since I'm using them for the Wicked Faire, it's not an issue. Rebuilding a cutlass so that it has a schiavona hilt- mostly done on that. scabbard and baldric needed for the above. I think that's the immediate projects. There's the wheelock pistol, the 1690's coat, and I'm thinking about building a pirogue but those are all on the back burner at the moment. Hawkyns
  19. I'm going to be needing a ruffle front shirt in either purple or black velvet. I've seen a couple on various Goth clothing sites, but I know nothing about the businesses. Has anybody done business with the Goth suppliers and have any ideas about who is good and who is not? Thanks Hawkyns
  20. You mean you haven't objected to where they've led you!! Hawkyns
  21. Can't help with Ireland, but I was born in Yorkshire and go home as often as I can. I know a good many pubs and castles around the north country. I always get a car, because most of the places I get to are not reaaly accesible otherwise. Matter of fact, I'm going over next week for a couple of days. Staying south on this run, though. Mary Rose, Victory, and some shopping in Camden Town, London. What do you have in mind? Besides the basic knowledge, mundanely I'm a corporate travel agent, so I can probably help. Hawkyns
  22. Ronald Hutton? The guy with all the books about early Pagan Europe? One of the profs at Bristol U? I know he does some 17th C because he was doctoral advisor to one of my friends who was doing his thesis on ECW sieges. Din't know he was into the pirate world, though. Hawkyns
  23. Wotcha find out, E? Will we see ya there? Hawkyns
  24. And you, the soul of indecency.......... Got to try harder, Lass. Hawkyns
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