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Everything posted by Littleneckhalfshell

  1. Heck, you ain't asking for much are you? my library only has a third edition, which includes the biography on Kidd that was in the 1726 edition, but when was the last time the first edition was printed? It seems you are looking for one very old book.
  2. First off, I am glad that the pub isn't down for the count and once more has risen from the murky depths of unforgivable waters known as the internet (some kind of fishing net for 'inter's' whatever they be) But Wot happened? and what the heck is a 'go daddy' sounds creepy.
  3. Yeah, wot happened? one minute I was drinking in the 'atmosphere' yeah that was it, 'atmosphere', and went to see about the tide going out, and when I got back the Pub had disappeared! must have been some bad rum.... Naw, can't be, how could rum be bad, must have been somethin else.
  4. would seem like a good task for Mission, I am sure that there must be some period nasty medicine or surgical proceedure that could be worked into a verse or two.
  5. I'd like to hear more about how you hide modern Kegs inside a wooden vessel (and by wooden vessel, I assume that you don't mean the ship ;-) ) also, what do you use for the 'tap' ? What kind of modern Keg are you using? The stainless soda syrup containers that some home brewer's use? or the small 5 liter mini kegs that also some home brewer's use? or are you talking true comercial kegs? I once years ago put up a quarter barrel comercial keg of home brew just for the heck of it. The trouble is keeping it cold when you have those large amounts, most people with kegs of any size usually keep it cool if not cold to keep it from 'going off' at least for beer that is, wine or mead would I guess be a different matter altogether. I have give thought to putting one of the 5 liter kegs into a 3 gallon wooden barrel with some ice and just plumbing it out to look like the beer was coming from the wooden keg. I have a stainless tap for the 5 liter kegs that uses a small detachable CO2 source that hooks up to a tire valve fitting on the tap. When you need it to pressure, you just pull the trigger. It uses the small disposable CO2 cylinders, although I have the large CO2 tank and regulator from when we used to keep half barrels in the old refrig in the garage.
  6. Ran across something interesting that was bugging me about a mythbuster episode, the one where they test if you can slide down a sail using a knife. The problem was that they would have the knife pulled loose from their hand when they hit the reef band. Well I ran across the following bit of information in a book that I got my dad many years ago. I was checking out the section on sail construction and found the following. from "Historic Ship Models" by Wolfram zu Mondfeld Page 260; speaking of Reefs and Bonnets, ""The Bonnet came from the Mediterranean area ............and by the beginning of the 15th century it had displace the reef. The latter was reintroduced in the middle of the 17th century, and had, in its turn, virtually superseded the bonnet by the end of the 17th century"" So, from roughly 1650 till 1700 there were many sails without reef bands! Since hitting the reef band was the major problem on the Mythbusters show, the test was flawed. The G.A.O.P. (golden age of Piracy) was 1650 to 1720 so it falls within the period that many ships may have had sails without reef bands. Can anyone add more about the use or time period, since it is related to a time period, those using sails for their camp tent may want to check out more on this question of reef bands or Bonnets. Since making a sail for a tent without reef bands seems to be a more simple construction, I just thought it might be nice to know that it has testimony as being period correct. There is more on Bonnets and Reefs on page 260 of the book. does anyone have other references?
  7. http://www.anthro.fsu.edu/research/uw/rese...nnon_fowey.html this site documents the raising of a British 9 lb cannon. It states the following.... ""On the top of the cannon was inscribed the British Broad Arrow, an arrow mark that designated official British royal property. Adjacent to the broad arrow are the numbers "26-0-23," which signify the weight of the cannon in hundredweights (112 pounds) and fractions of hundredweights. The weight of the cannon, according to its inscription, is 2,935 pounds. This exact weight was confirmed in the laboratory.""
  8. I would guess the numbers are the weight of the cannon in hundredweights ""English anvils were often marked in hundredweight, the marking consisting of three numbers, indicating hundredweight, quarter hundredweight and pounds. For example, a 3-1-5, if such an anvil existed, would be 3x112 lb + 1x28 lb + 5 lb = 369 lb So 22-2-11 would be (hundredweights) 22 x 112 = 2,464 (Quarter hundredweights) 2 x 28 = 56 and 11 additional pounds adding up to 2,531 pounds The number four on the trunion I believe to be the casting number, I assume that there was a one, a two and a three, or maybe the two xx's mean this was number 24? but I am pretty sure on the hundredweight system, both my anvils are numbered that way.
  9. Different alcohols and esters etc. usually boil at different temperatures, so 'theoretically' if you used a thermometer and kept watch, you would see when you get into the Ethanol bandwidth (78.4 °C, 352 K, 173 °F) Discarding all that came before and everything after the temperature starts to rise again, and then distilling what you saved again, would give you a relatively, 'close to pure' ethanol, theoretically at least that is. ;-) Anyway, that is how my great grandfather did it with his copper milk can still back in the 1920's. I think we still have his still sitting around somewhere, purely decorative of course, copper and lead solder joints is another area you have to worry about. Even pure ethanol can be contaminated with some nasty copper and lead bad stuff.
  10. ""The alcohol content will only reach about 12% then the yeast will die off."" Well, actually the alcohol content is dependent on two things, the amount of sugar in the juice to start with, since the yeast will use the sugar to extinction while it is still able to, so if your fruit does not have a lot of sugar, it could yield a low alcohol Dry wine (no residual sugar present). On the second hand, alcohol content can also be affected by the yeast strain used, some are more tolerant of alcohol and will produce a higher alcohol wine, providing there is sufficient sugar present. I have seen many 'non-fortified' wines up around 14% though some of the richer reds can go as high as 16.5% (though my family and I prefer the lower alcohol content wines, below 12%) Historically wines in the past were roughly between 8% and 12% and of course fortified wines like Porto were up around 20% due to the addition of Brandy. See http://archive.supermarketguru.com/page.cfm/965 for a quick run down on "Alcohol in wine"
  11. actually in all fairness to men, there is a rare holiday on march 29th i believe.... it is truly a mans holy day.. i mean holiday.... steak and BJ day.........{ do i need type the latin/ medical term fellat_ _ } of course, being pirates, i say it is a monthly thing... just assign any random day you desire to make your beloved's day........ :angry: Actually there seems to be some confusion regarding the proper day of the aformentioned holiday. March 14, March 20, and March 29 all seem to have testimony. http://www.anitarowland.com/gmarchives/00000885.html
  12. sloopprovidenceonline.com is a near defunct link, I get a page that says "under construction" Carronades? No disrespect, having working guns is a great thing, And the Royaliste is 1755? but the Carronade was not invented until 1759. Was there ever any thought of going with any 'long' guns to simulate an earlier period aboard? or is the smaller gun crew for the carronade a major consideration? Also pardon me for a further question, I always thought carronades were larger smashers, usually starting at 12lb or so. Are the carronades on Royaliste downsized, or where there at some time 3 and 4 lb carronades? Thanks for the reply. I just love Blackpowder guns, from whatever period. And the smell of blackpowder smoke. ;-)
  13. I am not currently in the market for anything, just would like to know who has what. Do any of these ships carry 'Quakers' (fake cannon) with only maybe one or two that can fire, or are they all capable of broadsides? Also curious as to if any have actual original pieces or are they all reproductions. Likewise, I am curious as to the number and size of the various ships guns. In historical novels you read of nine pounders, twelve pounders, etc. But the ships guns I have seen on TV usually look a lot smaller than that. What is the size of the main armament on these ships? I'd like to know.
  14. Happy 6th Anniversary to the Pyracy Pub, at least I think we have been here that long, anyway I know I have been here almost that long. I will celebrate 6 years at this establishment on February 11th, having joined back in '03. I wish to raise a tankard to all who have made it the wonderful place it is.
  15. there are quite a few tall ships out there, Rose, Kalmar Nykel, schooner Virginia, Pride of Baltimore, Pride of South Carolina, Maryland Dove, Continental Sloop Providence, etc. And aboard many of these ships are cannon. But is there a listing of the guns they carry and what exactly do they carry? Are they reproductions, originals? (doubt it) or Quakers? and if reproductions, who made them? Also as a side light, is there a current valid contact for the Continental Sloop Providence? All the ones I find are broken.
  16. ""Last year, a story based on the Three Little Pigs fairy tale was turned down by a government agency's awards panel as the subject matter could offend Muslims. A digital book, re-telling the classic story, was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues"."" Hey, Scooby Doo, Huckleberry Hound, and any other Dog's out there beware.... It's not just pigs, the Muslims don't like dogs either. Hmm... Wonder if that means a 'doglock' is in danger from political correctness too?
  17. yes, very interesting. checked out the site, but didn't see anything on a release date, is there a tentative one?
  18. Don't know if this is best here or destinations, but at least it is Pirate Movie related. I got this in the latest DisneyInsider. "" Dead men tell no tales, but what about pirates in the flesh? Uncover the real story this spring as Disney Cruise Line features an event sure to send shivers up any seafarer's spine. "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend Lives On" cruise will take Guests to World's End and beyond, led by actors Lee Arenberg and Martin Klebba - better known to fans as Pintel and Marty from all three "Pirates of the Caribbean" films. This high-seas journey promises an earful of behind-the-scenes movie lore, tomfoolery, and exclusive treasures ... dare ye listen to the yarns these superstar scoundrels can spin? Setting sail March 8 to 12, the Disney Wonder will host this pirate-themed party, traveling to Nassau and Castaway Cay. With 10 distinctive decks, the ship offers luxurious staterooms, restaurants, pools, shops, and first-class family entertainment. Guests must register for the event to participate in the scheduled pirate-themed activities. A private welcome reception with Lee, Marty, and renowned artist Dave Avanzino will kick off the first day ..."" Wish I could go, but unless a fat merchantman comes within reach for plundering, I'm a bit short on coin. Could use some Warm Weather Wishes about now, we are in the midst of another winter storm here in Northern NJ.
  19. Did they happen to say WHERE it was intercepted? Or WHERE they thought it was headed? I remember a few years ago where a chinese freighter grounded on the NY/NJ shore and a bunch of people jumped ship. It has always been my opinion that it is just too easy (or appears to be) to pull up at any point of our coast line. And with the proper short range missles, they would not even have to get too very close.
  20. Ok, just a quick question, Left hand or Right hand laid rope? That is the difference and I know that left hand laid rope is the rarer of the two, but something in the back of my head says that left hand laid rope was often the preferred one for Gun Tackles as it was not as stiff, but I can't seem to find the reference. Most Normal rope is usually laid right handed. And just another note, Rope is usually an inch or more in circumference anything smaller is called a line or cord, etc. So a quarter inch diameter is a line and a three eighths inch diameter is a rope.
  21. http://www.holytaco.com/if-i-die-bacon-rel...d-it-be-because My son sent me the above site, Wow, a new way to serve bacon! put it in a basket weave, fry it, add cheese, Roll it, cut and serve.
  22. ""How many buckets of dirt does it take to get to Oderlesseyes Cove from yours?"" Just the odd workings of my mind, the above sentence set the gears turning..... Put the dirt in a Jar! An Old gallon pickle jars would work best Then put it on the shelf with the other odd 'pirate' items, and you can sing "I've got a jar of dirt, I've got a Jar of dirt!" You could sell the jars of dirt on E-bay or if you use some real dry dusty dirt, you could put a inflatable bladder in and just under the dirt and connect it to a intermittant air supply so that it would appear as if Davy Jone's heart was beating just under the dirt Some day I hope to have half the pirate cove you guys have been working on, This is one thread that I really look forward to continue.
  23. At WDW, the part I like best is the battle between the ship and the fort. I love the rush of air as the cannon ball goes by (if your in the right spot at the right time) and the splash of the shot in the water next to the boats. Also the banter between the ship and the fort, "we will sink your stinking boat!" "give them another broadside lads and they'll go down with the tide" etc. I used to like best the pirates chaseing the wenches around in a circle and the girl in the barrel, but that all got changed with PC and again with Capt' Jack Sparrow.
  24. wow, who knew I was already on the way to being truly period correct! I already have at times the ‘psorophthalmy’ (eyebrow dandruff) and now, since I do sport a beard, I hope the politicians are not students of history and don't get the idea to renew the tax on beards, after all, they seem to be ready to tax everything else! I guess that is why I turned pirate
  25. Arrrrr we really back? I was concerned that Talk Like a Pirate Day was going to get here and there be no pub about to celebrate in. Looks a little bit like a Hurricane went through here, but a little bit of brush up and paint should set it all aright. as long as we don't sink again But glad the pub is back. A round of Rum to all responsible for the return, and a broadside to what caused it.
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