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Everything posted by michaelsbagley

  1. This question came up on another forum as well, and got me to thinking, I need a set and preferably by the beginning of March. Sykes is aparently back ordered (6+ months wait). I will be looking to place my order mid-January, anyone know a source that I can rely on receiving these from by the end of February? I'd prefer to avoid ordering from overseas (as I know England has a fair number of sources for these), but if I see a strong enough endorsement for an overseas vendor that is good about rurnaround and shipping times, I would consider it. Cheers, and thanks in advacne for any help or advice.
  2. Actually Dutch, your not disagreeing with me at all. I fully agree with the idea of gun safety... My concern here is ensuring that all hopeful participants have the opportunity to be included. I was ONLY disagreeing with the concept of gun training/safety lessons being held at a seperate event or prior to the festival. As long as those who are unable to get there early have an outlet to have the same opportunities as those who can, I'm more than happy. I'm not sure how my objection to having safety lessons prior to the event got interpretted as an objection to having any safety standards, but hopefully this will clear the matter up. On asimilar note, I was thinking this morning on the drive in to work.... How and when could a safety meeting/training session be held at the festival without interfering with the copious other activities and ideas for activities? One idea I came up with ties in with one of my more favourite memories of PiP. The sunset salute. It takes place at the end of the day, so it would not likley interfere with anything else. As long as said participant arrives by Friday afternoon, they will not get left out of any of the battles, and those arriving early Saturday would only miss one battle. There are many experienced shooters on the wall with their weapons and ready to fire anyways.... Anyways, I thought it was a decent idea, thought I would bounce it off of the rest of you. Cheers. P.S. I love you too Dutch.... (teers and slurring).
  3. Mickey, no hornets nest stirred up. Perhaps I have come across more negatively than I meant to. Like I said in my previous post, black powder instruction is a great idea... But that whole thing leads to a potential mess of "who" gets to decide who is safe or not. As has been expressed many times in many threads, one of the most magical thing about PiP, is all the people coming from all different places working together well and happily, a soon as you place anyone in charge of decision making like who can play and who can't... That magic is likely to disappear.
  4. I'm all in favour of classes should there be any willing to teach and take them... It was the intonation that one needed the "merit badge" in order to play that I disagree with. Some of us may not have the option of travelling early to take a mandatory weapons class.
  5. Not a bad idea in theory, except when you take into consideration that many of the festival's participants travel from half way across the country to play and might not be able to make an extra trip to earn a merit badge.
  6. Hey Nell, I don't speak for Kass in any official sense... But I haven't noticed her on this forum in quite some time. I strongly recommend emailing her direct (via the link from her web site), or calling her during her business hours. There has been some unpleasantness in the past with people leaving Kass messages here during spells where she isn't checking on this forum... I'd hate for any misunderstandings to arise from a failed attempt to contact her through a forum she rarely checks into. Cheers
  7. Hey M.A. d'Dogge, if mean old "One-Eye" is going to give you a hard time, you can rely on les Souris to help cart your crap.... Although you will have to sign liability waiver in case it all doesn't get returned... Back on topic though, wasn't there a really good thread about chest some time ago? With lots of images from period paintings and such? Perhaps digging that one up and if we are lucky and the images are still there....
  8. Work is slow, and I work on a computer... So I can keep the pub open in the background to help stave off boredom.
  9. Joyeaux Nöel! Et fermè tes bouches!
  10. Gift has been sent... I wish the receiver would have a hard time guessing who it is from... But I doubt it.
  11. Speaking of tents.... One part of the Buccaneers Of America that I remember fairly well, is the description of a Buccaneer having a tug of war with a crocodile(?)/alligator(?) over his "barraca" (tent) when he was trying to clean the "barraca" in the river. It's fairly early in the book, mayb chapter 2 or 3? A quick search found me the citation... You can Read it here. if you so choose.
  12. 6-7 oz. should be more than fine, I tend to prefer my belts to be rather stout as I carrie a lot of accessories on it. 6-7 oz. should be more than good enough to support a sword and a few accessories, but I would strongly recommend against overdoing it. Alternatively, you could back the leather with some stout fabric to make up for the difference... Ot if you have a nice looking fabric, cover the front with it to make it more decorative. I've seen images of what look like fabric sashes/baldrics, there is no saying the fabric didn't cover leather for strength underneath. Albeit the fabric sashes/baldrics tend to be a more upper class thing judging from the images I have seen.
  13. I can't help you with patterns... But I do usually use 8 to 10 oz. leather for belts/straps/baldrics, I find the 3-4 oz. a bit light for that sort of application. However, you could do it in two layers so you will have the smooth side out on both the outside and underside of the baldric, which would wear a lot nicer than single sided baldrics. There are some decent images of baldrics in the book "Swords and Blades of the American Revolution", my copy is currently loaned out or I could scan and sen you the images from that... Or maybe someone else here has their copy on hand, or perhaps your local library has a copy. Cheers.
  14. 1700 - 1715 Waistcoat pattern The above pattern is for a long waistcoat... But if you are good enough at scaling patterns to fit it to yourself, shortening the coat to a shorter style should be a cinch. There is also great information and pattern basics to be found in the Arnish Moor Archeological Survey and the Quintfall Hill Archeological find and/or Gunnister Man find (which I can't find my link to at the moment, but know is online).
  15. Bump!!! With the year ending, and all the events being wrapped up for this year, a lot of people are turning their minds to next year, including a fair number of people new to the scene or those considering trying out re-enactment... So I thought I would resurrect this thread in hopes that it may help. Cheers.
  16. I just talked to wife and we are in! Anyone wishing to exchange photo CDs please PM one of us with the mailing addy. Mr. Thatcher and Mr. Dutch, will PM you both with our address in due course.
  17. And I still like this idea and plan to be developing it over the course of '09, but with the loose scheduling of PiP, I'm thinking it may be the only event I don't try this at... It worked great at Deltaville, I could see it working at Blackbeards (assuming battles are a bit more tightly scheduled this year, last year there were a few scheduling problems), and there are other events I can see this going over well at... But anywhere that is not on a strict schedule, this is setting the kids up for disapointment and frustration, which will only reflect badly on us that try to pull this off. People expect entertainers to hold up to their word even when they are not paying for said entertainment. Jaded spectators won't give a rats backside if they are being asked to wait an extra 30 minutes because we have to wait on the ship for the battle. If they are told the battle will be at "X" time, then it better be at "X" time give or take 5 or 10 minutes at the most.
  18. I post this for two reasons.. 1. There may have been some good suggestions from the last time aroundthat couln't be done this past year, that may be do-able next time around. 2. To illustrate how the same discussion this year has degraded into the same debate over when and how as it did last year.... 2008 Living History Display Thread This seems to be a still very divided issue...
  19. I just picked up the cart pattern last time I was up at Smoke and Fire.... I'm just patiently abiding my time until April or May until the weather turns nice again and then I can put one together.
  20. I've got the Smoke and Fire pattern for the trestle table with collapsable benches that all bundles into a chest. I don't believe there is any actual historic provinance for it, but it does have a VERY period look and feel to it... That and it is very functional and useful. I'd highly recommend that pattern for anyone who is willing to comprimise a bit of historic accuracy for practicality.
  21. There is an image of that in one of the ".... of the American Revolution" books, but it is in black and white... How ever did you find a colour copy of that photo? Ahh.... Never mind, thanks for sharing it!!! Wife has some decent photos on her old Flickr account of 17th century furniture we took at the Royal Ontario museum a year or so ago, I can't find the link, but maybe I will get her to post that later. Now granted most of the furniture is permanent furniture (chest f drawers and other non-portable stuff) but it may be of interest for style etc.
  22. Soldiers on Horses?!? But I don't have a horse... Now if you can find someone to loan me one ... I would happily change my portrayal from infantry to dragoon...
  23. Anytime M.A. d'Dogge waves it in my face I always take a sip....
  24. Another event I am considering, but less sure about for next year is this one... King Philip's War Event This would be a great event for those of you who are trying to put together gear for the 3rd quarter of the 17th century that would like to use it for militia portrayals as well. My main reservation about this event is that it falls very close to another event I went to last year that I hope to attend again this year. And that much traveling in that short of a period of time doesn't seem likely at this point. As a side note, I have talked to a few people about the possibility of portraying Captain Samuel Moseley's unit for this event. Samuel Moseley was a celebrated soldier in King Philip's War (although reportedly VERY ruthless). I have also found many references to the possibility (probability?) that Moseley and many of his soldiers were former buccaneers that had sailed with Morgan and the likes in previous years. Edit: This one is in Maine...
  25. While this is NOT a pirate event, this is an event that pertains to the period, and I believe some of the participants planning to participate usually portray pirates and are just playing the role of "militia" for this event. But anyways, in Media PA on the weekend of April 4th and 5th, there will be a "what if" battle between the units of Maryland and the militia of Pennsylvania. I believe any military or militia (or civilian at arms) portrayal from 1680 to 1720 will be welcome. Forum where the event is being discussed I plan to attend in my Red Coat digs, as the Independant Company of Foote from Albany New York with anyone I can drag along with me. Anyone interested should log onto that other forum and talk directly to the organizers there, or if you would like to put together a Red Coat uniform between now and then, please speak up here and I will help as much as possible. Hope to see some of you there. Cheers
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