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Posts posted by Kenneth

  1. If you do damage your sword, the smith will tell you, "You were fighting with it wrong" or "You weren't fighting in the fighting guidlines."

    Someone else will tell you, "You should have bought your sword at super duper swords and that wouldn't have happened"

    Whatever super special sword you wait 10 years for, it's gonna get damaged and/or break somehow or another if your fighting with it on a regular basis.

  2. In my best singing voice......

    Ooooooo...Ok! lahoma...where the wind comes sweeping down the plain!

    Welcome Miss Scarlett Morgan! I'll have a tall glass of Ovaltine...and pour one for yerself ;)

  3. Red-Handed Jill...!

    How do we find your crew on Saturday? Also, can we bring an ice chest and stash it with yours?

    I was gonna bring Hotdogs and potato salad and soda and other misc...for the potluck, is that fyne?

    Also, do we need to adjust our costume in any manner or is GAoP alright with the Rennies?

    This would be my first ren faire....very nervous...Is a guy in dressed like a jester gonna rip my tricorn off my head?? Cause I will pee on people if I have to! :lol:

  4. I forgot! I would take one of those fish finders/depth giver things and trade it for like 100,000 acres of coastal front property, put the land in my families name and then come back and sell it! Oh! And also, I would buy up a ton of those dutch onion bottles and stash em' in a cave and then come back and sell them to you guys at a discounted rate($150) cause I'm such a nice guy! Maybe trade some tennis shoes for diamonds?

    I'm not kiddin'.... :P

  5. #2  While working in the coroner's office, we had a jumper that had been underwater for a while.  With the muscles decaying, the stomach tightened, forcing the air and gases to expel and the body sat upright and made a loud moaning noise.  Scared the sh!t out of us.

    Freshly dead (30 minutes) with air in the lungs, maybe a little moan, like a bagpipe drone! But sitting up? Come on now.....

    Were you guys by chance smoking anything before work?

  6. How come"fighting" swords all look so crude? Soft steel thats bulky and have no cling sound when they hit? Did pirates carry mushy swords so they would't get a ding in em'?

    Also, you know how your sword gets all knurled and chewed up along the edge? Wouldn't that be like an added bonus when your striking with the blade edge? You think it would be like getting hit with a chainsaw!

  7. At the last pirate faire in Ojai, Cascabel was walking out of a camp and wouldn't stop mad dogging me! Even though I'm taller and younger and have watched way more Kung Fu movies than he ever will in his entire life....He kinda scared me.... in a good way! True story.

    I better work on my pirate glare, cause the baby face squint thing isn't working! Cascabel, can you help me out on this one?

  8. The Whydah is about the only "solid" proof of a pistol hanging on a long piece of ribbon. Makes sense.

    I don't see pirates throwing their pistols away after each shot.

    Maybe there were mounted horse pirates with oversized pistols running around on the ship with their oversized guns stuck in their holsters? Sea horses? That would explain the spurs at the pirate faires and the rifle sized pistols!

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