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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. For dinner I baked Hawaiian Chicken which was breaded then I added pineapple and passion fruit chunks with brown sugar and cinnamon, and a bit of pineapple juice. Then as a side dish we had some sweet Hawaiian bread. I must say it turned out quite delicious.
  2. Welcome to the Pub Laughingcrowe. Here is a tankard of Rum to quench yer thirst.
  3. Oooh, How I wish I could help be apart of the restoration. What great fun it would be.
  4. LOL, aye a fabric whore, that I am. My poor husband, Dorain, cringes when ever we go in to a fabric store. He knows there is no stopping me once I start. The one side of our basement is nothing but bins of fabric and then some. I could probably open up my own fabric store if I wanted to.
  5. According to one of my books, "Virsuses, Plagues & History", by Michael B. A. Oldstone, the yellow flag began being used by the following reasons: " As trade by ocean-going vessels continued, yellow fever struck Brazil in 1686, Marinique in 1690, Cadiz, Spain, in 1730, and later Marseilles, France, and the port of Swansea (1878) in Wales. Knowing that victims of yellow fever must be isolated from other patients and the general population, the staff of Greenwich Hospital of England dressed the segregated patients in jackets with yellow patches to forwarn others about the contagion. They were nicknamed "Yellow Jackets," and a yellow-colored flag that flew over the quarantined area was referred to as the "Yellow Jack." I hope this helped you some. I will look thru some more of my books that I have concernng flags, quaratines etc. Diseases of history are one of my main interests and specialities.
  6. Thank you dearest William for cleaning up the picture. Wow, it looks like an actual post card now. Thanks Black Siren for such a wonderful idea. And thank you Captain Sterling and Callenish Gunner for the compliments they are humbley appreciated. Kisses to both of you..
  7. Aye, now here is a word you don't hear to often: Juggernaut - n. an irresistable force Now that is interesting.
  8. Why does it always seem that when your toddler wants to play with his toys and almost every one of them won't work cause the damn batteries are dead??? And you can't find no other batteries in the house???
  9. The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed- It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes. William Shakespeare
  10. Very tired and weary after a wonderful weekend away.
  11. I am so sorry for your troubles. Dorian and I just got back from being away for the weekend or I would have posted to you sooner. I am glad that your father is now home. And I hope you are feeling better. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Many Blessings and much Love. I will ask that the Angels surround you all with Love and Light.
  12. Here is a picture of me at Fort Niagara at this weekend event that Dorian and I went to. How I love the water. My Heart longs to be sailing upon it.
  13. Ah, very fine garb M.A.d'Dogge. I especially like the wig. You look mighty fine in the garb you have on. And I like the work coat you are wearing too.
  14. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I have lost several of my own and it is very painful. I am sure your Cat is now happy in the summerland once again bouncing around like a kitten. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love and Light, BriarRose
  15. and long finger nails
  16. Thank you for the drink dear sir. Welcome aboard! I hail from Pennsylvania.
  17. Welcome aboard! Please pull up a chair and tell us all some more about your self. And what beautiful craftsmanship!
  18. Welcome back dear Siren. Nice to have you back on board. You were greatly missed.
  19. ghost pirate there was
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