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Posts posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ

  1. don't kill him,Black Jack...I kinda like some of my cabin boys in dresses,gives me easier access.


    and we don't want ta go into all the issues that makes a pyrate the way we are. go to some head shrinkin forum fer that. suffice it to say that most of us are social outcasts.the only societal profile I fit in is of me own makin and I like it that way.

    Captn' Weaver,

    The lil' welp is all yers to do what you wish....Just keep him off my ship please....

    Black Jack


    Why are ya so mean to me...Yer a savage. And i'll decide who I wanna shack up with ...not you mister. Are you drunk again?


    Hey you lil' chamber pot,

    I got some news fer ya. If ya think shackin' up wit' Weaver is yer option, think again. And don't think of it as shackin' up as much as it's "shacklin' up". As in, yer shackled n' side spurred! HAR HAR HAR.

    Black Jack :P:P:P:P:P:P:P

  2. don't kill him,Black Jack...I kinda like some of my cabin boys in dresses,gives me easier access.


    and we don't want ta go into all the issues that makes a pyrate the way we are. go to some head shrinkin forum fer that. suffice it to say that most of us are social outcasts.the only societal profile I fit in is of me own makin and I like it that way.

    Captn' Weaver,

    The lil' welp is all yers to do what you wish....Just keep him off my ship please....

    Black Jack

  3. Now, it's true that I'm new to this forum, and 'ave tried to avoid stepping on toes, wif me weakened condition an wot, but if I may, I'll make a case for gin. As it has been well-noted by the notorious city pirates Milk & Cheese, gin makes a man mean. And as I've discovered, gin and turpentine are close cousins. And if ye absolutely must treat yer malaria, quinine is the classic mixer for gin. And when ye've had so much to drink ye sweat booze out yer pores and smell like a distillery, at least ye'll smell like a distillery AND a pine air freshener.

    And that's me twopence.


    Bloody Jack,

    Well, let me tell ya somethun mate. I don't care if yer a sunday school teacher (which I kin tell yer not). That is an excellent observation you gave on a very"GINgerly" subject. You keep yer knoggen gears churnin' lad, n' Ol' Stynky Tudor" will move up in rank!

    Black Jack :huh::huh::huh:

  4. Hey Nasty,

    I'll just bet yer one of those poindexter types ain't ya's? Yer one of those kids that got beat up in school then went home whinnin' to yer ma n' hid under her apron. I'm pretty close ain't I? Instead of gettin tired of gettin' whipped up on n' fightin' back, you classifiy yerself as a "victim".It's easier fer ya to piss n' moan about it , instead of mashin' the bully's head with yer lap top. Trust Ol' Black Jack on this one kid. Busted knuckles heal . They heal faster if ya wear some brass knuckles too! God I hope you don't look good in a dress. I'll have ta kill ya then.

    :lol: Black Jack

  5. HA HA HA HA HA!

    Thar still people like you out thar? Pirates don't wear pocket protector kid.You need to get out n' see the world son. Join somethun else besides the chess club or a church group. Captn' Weavers got a club you kin join online and it's FREE! She'll bring ya right up to speed mate!

    :D Black Jack

  6. well mates,

    It appears we over loaded me liquor cabinet n' she went down to da deep six. >>>>Sadness n' remorse<<<<<. All hands were saved thankfully. It seems the survivors lashed hundreds of empty bottles together n' floated ta shore. They woulda made it to shore sooner if it weren't fer them drinkin' da bottles empty first. some of me mates couldn't tie knots being that they were too drunk. So they stuck da bottles on thar fingers n' toes. The cabin boy shoved a bottle up his a**and floated to shore face down n' a** up (he's comfy wit that position). The only good part of this tragedy is all the cases of Bud Lite that sent her to da bottom will stay icy cold down thar.

    Oh well.... :D:D

    :D Ol' Black Jack

  7. It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,

    who has given us freedom of religion.

    It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,

    who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the VETERAN, not the poet,

    who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,

    who has given us freedom to assemble.

    It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,

    who has given us the right to a fair trial.

    It is the VETERAN, not the politician,

    Who has given us the right to vote.

    It is the VETERAN,

    who salutes the Flag,

    who serves under the Flag,




  8. After digestin' me turkey, I was told by a couple 'o well informed charter captains that the powers that be are talkin' no more sea battles around here....Surely it ain't legal, but.....anyone heard anything similar up or down coast?????...MEbbee 'tis time to make sail......


    The answers tis simple mate. Lay thar homes to waste n' asunder!

    Make da bastards see things yer way!

    Just tryin' ta help mate,

    :huh: Black Jack

  9. As a veteran, I was touched by this story and the Solidiers dedication. I saw it once before during the Blizzard of 78 when they had paced there post during the storm and at the end you could just see the tops of their rifles as they continued their vigil. I had forgotten that. As always as the holidays draw near, I think of my fellow sailors and the men and women of the other services serving in harm's way. I wish and hope for the eventual peace that will allow them all to come home safe and sound.

    Kevin Scupper Burke

    US NAVY 1979 to 1985


    If you wanna see somethun' that puts yer jaw on the ground , you must see the USMC color guard go thru thar silent drill. AMAZING!

    -Black Jack :lol:

  10. In case you haven't seen this .........

    The Third Infantry Regiment at Fort Myer has the responsibility for

    providing ceremonial units and honor guards for state occasions, White

    House social functions, public celebrations and interments at Arlington

    National Cemetery....and standing a very formal sentry watch at the Tombs

    of the Unknowns. The public is familiar with the precision of what is

    called "walking post" at the Tombs. There are roped off galleries where

    visitors can form to observe the troopers and their measured step and

    almost mechanical silent rifle shoulder changes. They are relieved every

    hour in a very formal drill that has to be seen to believe. Some people

    think that when the Cemetery is closed to the public in the evening that

    this show stops. First, to the men who are dedicated to this work...it is

    no show...it is a "charge of honor". The formality and precision continues

    uninterrupted all night. During the nighttime, the drill of relief and the

    measured step of the on-duty sentry remain unchanged from the daylight

    hours. To these men...these special men, the continuity of this post is

    the key to the honor and respect shown to these honored dead, symbolic of

    all American unaccounted for American combat dead. The steady rhythmic

    step in rain, sleet, snow, hail, hot, cold...bitter

    cold...uninterrupted...uninterrupted is the important part of the honor

    shown. Last night, while you were sleeping, the teeth of hurricane Isabel

    came through this area and tore hell out of everything... We have

    thousands of trees down...power outages...traffic signals out...roads

    filled with down limbs and "gear adrift" debris...We have flooding...and

    the place looks like it has been the impact area of an off shore

    bombardment. The Regimental Commander of the U.S. Third Infantry sent word

    to the nighttime Sentry Detail to secure the post and seek shelter from

    the high winds, to ensure their personal safety. THEY DISOBEYED THE

    ORDER...During winds that turned over vehicles and turned debris into

    projectiles...the measured step continued. One fellow said "I've got

    buddies getting shot at in Iraq who would kick my butt if word got to them

    that we let them down...I sure as hell have no intention of spending my

    Army career being known as the idiot who couldn't stand a little light

    breeze and shirked his duty." .... Then he said something in response to a

    female reporters question regarding silly purposeless personal risk...."I

    wouldn't expect you to understand, it's an enlisted man's thing."

    God Bless the rascal...In a time in our nation's history when spin seems

    to have become the accepted coin-of-the-realm, there beat hearts...the

    enlisted hearts we all knew and were so damn proud to be a part of...that

    fully understand that devotion to duty is not a part time occupation.

    While we slept, we were represented by some damn fine men who fully

    understood their post orders and proudly went about their assigned

    responsibilities unseen, unrecognized and in the finest tradition of the

    American Enlisted Man. Folks, there's hope.... The gene that George S.

    Patton...Arliegh Burke and Jimmy Doolittle left us...survives. Now, go

    have another cup to pop rivet your eyelids I've got to go to work. DN

    From a subvet friend in our nation's capital

    ...More.... Nina Swink adds.....

    On the ABC evening news, it was reported tonight that, because of the

    dangers from Hurricane Isabel approaching Washington DC, the military

    members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were

    given permission to suspend the assignment. They refused. "No way, Sir!"

    Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they

    said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment; it was the highest

    honor that can be afforded to a service person. The tomb has been

    patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930. Addition to this e: I saw an

    interview on Fox News Channel with the Commander of the soldiers who guard

    the Tomb of the unknown. He took the shift when Isabel was unleashing her

    fury, cause he did not want to ask any of his men to do this - he felt it

    was his highest honor to be on duty during that time. Very, very proud of

    our persons in uniform!!!!!! I don't usually suggest that e-mails be

    forwarded, but I'd be DAMN proud if this one reached as many as possible.


    Black Jack

  11. That wasn't a prayer, it was an unpaid political announcement!


    Capt. William

    It was a prayer......God and I had an understanding back then. I killed the bastards n' God judged their souls. In 1991 we worked out a....volume deal.

    ;) Black Jack

  12. Quote; EP - the SQUID wannabe in the Army.

    You Mister ,was a UNITED STATES SOLDIER. A walkin' talkin' tightly wound, family sized can of death n' destruction. You fear nuthin' for you are fear itself. Besides, squids just drive the bus. It's the foot soldier who gets off it on the bad side of town.

    ;) Black Jack

  13. Sir, I'm amazed the virus can live in yer blood!  :huh:

    Much less multiply!

    Get well soon!

    (stepping up me water and C/Bcomp and zinc (but not too much)...was wondering if I should put the effort into finding a place to get the shot.....I don't get sick (shouldn' t have said it....) but the news started to get me a little more concerned.....thanks for saving me the time

    EP...vitamin M? Ye lost me.....minerals ....... magnesium?manganese?molybdenum?.................................marshmellies?

    This Black Jack Fella.....Who the heck is he? They allow infected tyrants on the here board?

    :huh: Nasty k


    To answer yer first question. Who am I?....I'm trouble.

    Second question...Yes, They allow tyrants on this here post....yer here.

    :rolleyes: Black Jack

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