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Posts posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ

  1. Me Father swore by Bourbon, an lived to his eighties. Afer he died, they went ta cremate him, and the concussion took out two city blocks, a florists, and half of a perfectly good bawdy house.

    Me, I never drinks anything ya can run a car on....... :lol::lol:

    Ha ha ha LOL LOL LOL,,,

    I had a crappy day mate and you made ol' Black Jack smile with that post.....Thanks! :lol::lol::lol:


    I just want to point out that though we were attacked, there were numerous lives lost on both sides, an' just as our soldiers do what they are told whether or not it's for the best, so did those of the forces we fought against. Lives are precious, and I would hope that we don't hold a grudge against the soldiers that were just doin' their jobs, when it was their leaders that made the decisions. Families were destroyed on both sides. Lives ruined on both. We are equal in war, because we are equal in death.

    --Mab, who doesn't want to get into an arguement, only wants to ensure that respect is kept for our "enemies" as well as for our own.

    I understand and respect yer opinion. And we ARE all equal in death except the fact that if I'M going to die....I WILL take more of them with me. Which in the eyes of my brothers in arms that survived the fight, MY death was more glorious than the bastards I killed.

    I'm unfortunate enough to see REAL battle and my brothers and I killed our foes by the bushel baskets and DIDN"T think twice about it til' afterwards. And even afterwards I felt remorse for me and my own . But not once did I respect the S.O.B's we killed. I guess I'm a real low life cuz I kin still sleep thru the night in peace. I did what I was trained to do...kill. I did my duty. I survived and the bad guys are DEAD n' rotted away and to HELL with them. I don't expect you to agree with me, nor do I want you to. It's YOUR God given right to disagree with me. And your God given RIGHT TO DISAGAREE WITH ME IS WHY I KILLED THOSE BASTARDS. At this moment My oldest son is in Iraq, and I beleive him when he tells me that's where he belongs. He knows n' excepted the dangers over thar as I did. I pray every day for the young man's saftey. But if he must make the ultimate sacrafice, I will cry as his father but at the same time I will stand proud as his "Brother in arms" too. So, in closing "Mad Mab". You are not offending me nor am I angry, cause I helped preserve your rights as an AMERICAN. IN DEFENDING THOSE RIGHTS, SOMEONES GOTTA PAY THE PRICE. AND WITH THE GRACE OF GOD HOPEFULLY IT'LL BE MORE OF THEM & THAR FAMILIES THAN OURS. Just try to keep in mind just one ugly thing mate.... No one out thar likes us. Governments may tolerate us for the sake of our money and power , but those governments general population hates us for those very same reasons thar government tolerates us. The British people, The French n' German, the damn Japs. The entire world wants us to fail n' faulter. I've experienced this in my travels in the Corps. Now let me tell you somethun' wonderful mate. You, me, all of us live in a country of liberty, which means we won't fail....WE CAN'T FAIL. For if we do....God can't even help us. Failure is NOT an option!

    :lol: Black Jack

  3. I'll agree to disagree.

    I had the my "pucker factor" go past the 10 scale flying in CH-47's and C-130's. I was real happy to have my ass safely wrapped in steel n' tracks. churnin' up dirt n' sand. Yes sir, I'll take diesel fumes over J-1 anytime.


  4. I don't know about pipes, but marijuana and hashish have been known in the mibble east for thousands of years and were definitesly smoked by Barbary Corsairs. Hemp/Marijuana was probably one of the earliest crops in most colonies for it's textile value so I would expect that a buccanneer could likely get a pipeful of the stuff. Indian slaves were made to chew coca leaves to get them to work harder by at least the 1580's, and it was also a significant component in a lot of snuff.



  5. Ye mean that I have wasted 1/4 of the hourglass readen tis rant that has no use?


    Well, At least we found out you kin read n' write. So we know ya ain't a squid. Kin ya finger paint mate? Maybe yer a fly boy.....

    Thars n' old sayin' mister, Don't start no s***. Thar won't be any s***.

    If ya don't like this post, start yer post. Also...It took you a whole 1/4 hour to read 20 seconds of post? Whar ya go to school Lil' Abner? Dog Patch?

  6. I called the homefront and my father has the same variety of Flu you had Black Jack. 

    Speaking of which, Since you are Black Jack, could we call you BJ for short?

    Well mate,

    I've been called every name in the book n' been slapped afterwards. If ya wanna call me by one of my favorite sex acts (that I love to RECEIVE by the way n' NOT give....AT ALL :ph34r: ), have at it! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


    PS. I hope yer pappy fairs well thru the rot!

  7. Me, I prefer the K-Y. It is silky and smooth .....

    Now, if you add a dab of toothpaste, well that just tops it all off! Make sure it is the mint PASTE, not the gel!

    Hey Puddin',

    Ain't tooth paste suppose ta prevent cavities? With no cavities, how are they gonna get filled wit fun stuff? And if ya had no cavities in other places, wouldn't dat cause some other health problems. On top all dat, it would really frustrate yer lover....wouldn't it? Hmmmmmm sounds like the makins of another poll .....yeah....

    Black Jack's thinkin' too much ain't he?

  8. I prefer Crisco put in a pastery bag and shoved into the dry orfice.


    Hey ya lil' welp,

    Leave yer pastery bag in yer foot locker cuz Captn' Weaver has a pneumatic grease gun attached to a 55 gallon drum of good stuff. I'm sure you'll fit right into her game plan.

    I'll just bet you got beat up alot on the play ground when you were a kid, didn't ya?


    -black jack

  9. mmmm

    you got it Black Jack!

    I just love ta tie up my boys and show them how insignificant they are as they grovel for release after I've given it to em good.

    and your next BJ. just hope your ...uh... equipement holds true to the Corps motto



    Oh Captn'

    Ol' Black Jack's equipment tis' like my beloved corps. A lil' old but plenty of it to curl yer toes! As far as that spineless whelp Kanasta goes, I hopes you don't use all yer good stuff on him. Save it fer me...yer gonna need ALL yer talents (and then some) ta make Black Jack beg.


    :ph34r: -Black Jack

  10. What can I say, mate? God designed wimmim like a good engine. Tho' here are two rules to remember. The first one has dual purposes and applies to manual transmissions and wimmim: If ye can't find it, grind it.

    And here's another rule one of me shipmates lives by, which I've never had the misfortune to test: If she don't know yer name, ye ain't the father.


    Yer gonna fit in proper here mate!!!!

  11. Big, fat, thick or thin, vasaline gets it in...

    El Pirata Ol' Mate,

    I'm tellin' you this as a cyber mate n' a brother in arms. You've been in da Army too long mate. Vasaline is like vitamin "M". It's used for everything from personal lubricate to greasin' firing pin's in 90mm cannon breeches (been thar ..done that) :P

    :P Black Jack!

    PS. I'm showin my age...They phased out the 90mm field implement didn't they? I was a tank commander on the old M-60. The main gun was the 90mm.

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