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Everything posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ

  1. Let's see.....Yup, I'm still in Marble Head, Ohio USA !!!! "The North Coast of America" HOORAH! Black Jack Shalaq
  2. Black Jack n' first mate Sooz call Marble Head , Ohio home port. Born n' raised a Ohio Buckeye! Black Jack Shalaq
  3. A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA LASSIE! Since yer still a lil' niper....I'll have a snort fer ya's! BJS
  4. Even on ye rear ummm I mean yer ear?
  5. Umm.....Where on yer skin lassie?
  6. QUOTE; hiya cutie not been sailing these waters much lately. been busy with life and such. I am happy to say that I have made an alliance with Mad Maudlin McCrumb and her crew... our ships now sail together in sick and twisted ployamorous bliss life is just so good sometimes .. Yo Ho Captn' Glad ta hear ye happy n' "IN CONTROL" of things! Let Maud be a good girl n' let her drop a thread or two my way...Pleeease? :) BJS
  7. Well Well Well! I was wonderin' when you were gonna put yer two cents in.... How ya been Captn? BJS
  8. HEY! I just knew you guys n' gals were out thar hiding in the nooks n' crannys of this post! I'm also impressed by your.....imaginations! I'm writing this stuff down ya know!!!! Hemp lovers unite! (or should I say...untie) Black Jack
  9. I KNOW I'm not the only twisted sickie in this room! Ol'Black Jack
  10. I heard ya missed me.....I'm baaaack! BJS
  12. Ya know somethun Hawk..... I got dat same problem! I take a bath n' brush me choppers...hell...I even shave me head n' comb me beard, n' I still kin clear out a room....Well...I ain't gonna worry about it. I think I'll go finish off me pork n' bean dinner!! It just don't figure Black Jack
  13. >>>Heavy pantin' n' anguish on Black Jack's part<<< "OWWWWW"! >>Black Jack struggles to his feet not knowin' which lump ta rub first<< >>He closes one side of his nose n' blows a snot rocket of blood on the floor then spits out a tooth then looks at Rosalinda n' smirks<< "Okay Lassie...now it's my turn"! >>He grabs Rosalinda by her waist n' bends her over the tavern table n' pulls her breeches down<< "Yer toes will curl n' yer knees are gonna buckle lass, so let the table hold ya up"! OH YEAH BABY! BJS
  14. Alright, Black Jack. I'm in the mood for a couple of black eyes, a broken nose, and a bloody lip. While you're at it, knock a few teeth out, if you don't mind. Go on, hit me with your best shot. Rosa Baby! Ol' Black Jack can't hit ya's til' the lady hits me first! >>> Black Jack hands Rosa a club and graciously lowers his head n' sticks his neck out<<< Have at it puddin', Black Jack
  15. Har Har Har! That felt good lassie! If I weren't so busy stompin' swabs into da deck, I'd 'ave ya's do it again! >>Black Jack picks up da taverns HOG HEAD" n' throws it at EP<<. "This rounds on me mate"!! BJS
  16. HEY! Any of ya pond guppys wanna get thar knoggens cracked open, Ol' Black Jack's all wound up n' sweaty! Step right up mates! Black Jack
  17. Thorr, That H2O stuff.....They make beer wit dat don't they? BJS :)
  18. If my arthritis tis botherin' me....I don't feel it now! BJS
  19. Rumba, Great pics! THANK YOU FOR THE EFFORT! BJS
  20. El Pirata ol' mate.... I fergot yer in da Army... SA10 666 sa ten 666 Satan 666
  21. I got Ohio plates "SA10 666". Ha...It ticks people off too!
  22. A penny fer a gumball Popeye!...Thanks fer da gumball! I still have my Popeye gumball machine!!! Got it when I twas 12...Yup...they had plastic back in the day....
  23. Ol' Black Jack's from da North Coast of Ohio but I kin plot a course due south ( I-71 that is). Kin be in Dublin in a hour n' 45 minutes wit a good wind to me back. So, what's da scam lassie? Black Jack Shalaq
  24. It musta been my karma. As a lil' nipper, while all the neighborhood kids were pretendin' they were "Spacemen" n' "Indian Chief's".I was stealin' thar marbles n' toys n' havin' my way wit thar mom's n' sisters n' gettin' into thar old mans liquor. And in me spare time I started my tattoo collection. Ah....The Sweet Trade! Still doin' what I do best! Black Jack Shalaq
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