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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Oh, Lady B, I'm here to tell ye that fortress is filled with many spirits of years past. More than 400 people died at the fort during its active duty period from 1860-1947 as well as during the period it was being built from 1845-1860. We experience the spirits during the day and the night. Just about all of the park staff have experienced "voices" or have heard the distinctive "footsteps" of a soldier or two or three walking a guard mount. We've had a local ghost hunter group in the fort with their instruments and they recorded many interesting items. I've got pictures of orbs that are definitely not dust particles nor can they be pegged to atmospheric conditions. I began experiencing these spirits in 2001 when I started working at the fort. Didn't quite understand what I was experiencing until 2005 when I and one of the local ghost hunters witnessed an aparition walking a guard mount inside the sally port. I called to it to "report." It stopped, faced us and took a step forward. I freaked, snapped back a salute and exclaimed, "carry on, sergeant." It about faced and disappeared. The following morning I restocked my brochure rack inside the fort before the park opened. As I left the post, I heard a voice say "thank you." I freaked again, because I knew there was nobody around. My kids suggested the "thank you" was from the soldier who I relieved from guard duty. Those who stayed at the encampment Tuesday night after our event ended reported seeing and hearing all kinds of activity out there. I guess the spirits weren't finished partying.
  2. A cow on the beach??!?!?!?? This must've been somethin' ye were tellin' me about as ye were pumpin' Mead into me in the Pub or on the beach or someplace else........
  3. If I may add to what me cappy stated (yeah, I know ye see a pic of me as a bloody Englishman)... 1. The staff of Fort Taylor Historic State Park thanks all for everything--especially leaving the campsites and the fort looking like they were before camps were set up. I wish we could train our regular visitors to be like our visitin' pyrates! Maybe all it takes a cannon to two pointed at them ! 2. The incidents we had were few and remained minor--and that's amazing considering the number of people attending. Everybody helped with keeping all on the "same page," so to speak. 3. THERE WERE NO BLACK POWDER ACCIDENTS!!!!!!!!!!!! That's testament to all of you. 4. The all-female cannon crewe was most impressive!! 5. MY FEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know there's more I would like to say, but I seem to have been dealt a round of the crud and can't focus the thoughts as well as usual (and for those of you who really know me, you're probably saying, "and what else is new..."). My new computer's hard drive managed to crash and soon as I figure out how to get back on line with it (I'm stealing the use of wife #1's computer), I will adjust the number of days until our next meeting at Bone Island on my forttaylor.org web site. And, I have some surprises in store for you for our next gathering!
  4. Don't forget to pack yerself, sir!
  5. The plan is to present all the "treasures" we've received to our young man prior to the start of the Anne Bonny/Mary Read trial inside the fort Saturday morning. The trial is scheduled for 11am. So, the presentation will be just before that.
  6. Sunset during the time of our event is in the vicinity of 5:38pm. And, yes, the best view is from the park--either the fort or along the sea wall. If you need a show with cats jumping thru hoops and escape artists (no kidding!) go to Mallory Square.
  7. You want to talk about excitement and such down here?!?!?!?!? I am working with the South Florida Make-A-Wish Foundation to make a wish come true for a young man who's wish is to come to our event. We will "dress" him out as a right proper pyrate and he and his family will have their entire trip taken care of by the foundation. I've received donations from businesses for his clothing and donations for restaurant and museum visits. He's 18-years-old. It's been a real pleasure to work on that in addition to all the "madness" surrounding putting together this event with the Bone Island Buccaneers. Today we begin the build process--constructing the entrance gate, the shipwreck, installing the games inside the fort, putting together the trebuchet and the list goes on...
  8. Ghostbusters? Aye, or any of the spirits in the fort... they've had some experience with shell phones...
  9. There are a number of new signs up at Whitehead St and in Truman Annex pointing the way to the park. Of course, everyone who is coming has my cell phone number, so if you get lost, you know who to call .
  10. Well said, HarborMaster. I, too, have seen a number of so-called "firing" cannon on e-Bay and elsewhere. All the cannon I have for pirate purposes have been made by a friend of mine in Key Largo who is one of the few people in the country who manufactures cannon that can be used to fire blanks or "live." He has also made a number of carriages for our 8-inch and 10-inch seacoast cannon at Fort Taylor. We just purchased a sweet bronze tube from him that will be proofed this weekend. I sold another bronze tube for him to a group of investors who thought about buying something on e-Bay until they got in touch with us and we explained the same things that the previous post stated.
  11. Glad to hear you'll be able to make it! Call me when you get here and we'll get you taken care of with the paperwork.
  12. Flash guards are always a good thing to have, but required only for military firing lines.
  13. Here's the Mapquest link to the park: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?city=...y=us&zoom=6 Basically, we're located on the southwestern tip of the island. E-Z driving directions: Stay on US1. When you get to Whitehead Street, turn right. Whitehead is one block past Duval. Continue to Southard St (first traffic light after turning right on Whitehead). Turn left at traffic light, go thru Truman Annex housing area and follow the signs to the park.
  14. The estimation from the US Postal Service is that many of you should receive your packets by this Monday. If, for some reason, you have not received it before you leave to come here, email me soonest and I will send you the goodies via email. Some of you will have a vehicle pass and the regular participant pass included in the packet. That's because I only know of a couple of folks who will be driving. So, the bottom line is that either pass will get you into the park early. Those who need the vehicle pass can get it when you get here. Its purpose is to inform park staff that your vehicle is supposed to be here after hours (so you don't get towed outta here!). And, you can always get all the stuff when you get here. My cell phone will be super charged up and waiting for all the help calls!
  15. Glad to hear that you'll be here, Greg! Put away the knives!
  16. Please disregard the earlier posting of the operating hours of the events at the fort. The hours of operation will be 10am-5pm. The park closes around 5:30pm each day of the event. There was a miscommunication regarding how long the event may stay open. Again, it will be open to the public from 10am-5pm.
  17. Here's the link to the raw video shot by the Miami CBS affiliate at Capt. Tony's memorial this afternoon. You'll see our cannon firing a shot in his memory. Cannon fired on Greene Street--another first for us!! http://cbs4.com/local/key.west.conch.2.859713.html
  18. Got his form. Mark attempted to fax his form through first thing this morning, but later saw an error message on his fax machine. He is unsure whether the error was related to his faxed form or perhaps another fax sent by someone else after him. Could you please send a confirmation email to either him, or me at "michael AT re-enactmentevents DOT com"? If the fax did not go through, we would like to get it in ASAP as he is already a day later than what Harry said would be okay (there was no fax machine in the hotel he was at while on the road). Thanks again for your help and patience regarding this last minute addition!
  19. I will check and let you know. I will be sending out to all who pre-registered the package containing the re-enactor schedule, info about the park rules, maps, gate combo, vehicle and individual passes to get into the park at no charge and gobs of other valuable prizes. The package is expected to hit the carrier pigeon tomorrow (Friday).
  20. His funeral takes place this Saturday. Our Conch Republic Army, Air Force and Navy forces will participate in the parade, along with the public, from St. Mary's Church to Captain Tony's Bar. Once at the bar, the Army will fire a cannon salvo to remember our late Prime Minister/Mayor.
  21. Deadeye is our Fight Master.
  22. Yes, I will accept the forms faxed to me thru at least Tuesday.
  23. To all, last year I made a pledge to you at the end of the event to improve our communication for '08 regarding event scheduling and such. After attending a few events where I saw first hand how communication between organizers and participants was handled, I am more determined to make sure all will know what is going on--whether it be schedule changes or where the meetings take place. This event cannot be successful without that communication. Regarding fight circle participants, we will check blades or whatever is used prior to getting into the fight circle. Our Fight Master will be in charge of that. I like the idea of combining that inspection with the black powder inspection. I will get with our Fight Master to work out those details.
  24. I drove from Arizona to North Carolina in 36 hours. 'Course, I was in my 20s then. Don't think I could do that again! Drive safe!!
  25. Friday, Saturday & Sunday 3pm to 11pm. I scheduled those hours well after the times anybody would be shooting weapons. Plus, it gives the public a chance to party with us, as it were. The re-enactor/participant schedule will be mailed out with the rest of the information about the event next week.
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