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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Yeah, if y'all could hold off on contacting other groups for the moment. I'm 90% finished creating an additional web page specifically for PiP on my Fort Taylor.org web site. The page will feature a description of the event, some photos, and pertinent information for vendors wishing to sign up. It will also have the reenactor sign up form. I'll be asking Hurricane to redirect all sign-up info from the main PiP web site to this page (when it goes "live") and remove all sign-up info from the main PiP web site. That way I can make necessary changes right fast without having to bother Hurricane. I expect to have the page finished by this Sunday. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  2. Most excellent idea!!! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  3. Those who wish to arrive early, can look at as early as Monday or Tuesday of the week of the festival. However, there is a new wrinkle in all of this. We had a visit from folks out of Tallahassee today to talk about the construction that will be going on in the fort. Here's the background: The park service commissioned a study to come up with a Master Plan for rehabillitation of the fort. This is something that's been a long time coming. We started working on this a year and a half ago. Basically, what the plan will encompass is fixing up our Barracks Building--stabilizing the walls, putting on a new roof and such. This is a five-year, $18.5 million project. What this means is that the parade ground will be somewhat restricted with its use for the '07 event. So, what may happen is that sutlers will have to set up outside the fort. I'm going to try and make it happen that our encampment will still take place inside the fort. And, the pub will still happen inside the fort as well. But, no matter what, the Barracks Building will be not available. Between now and then, we have to relocate a number of artifacts that are being stored in the Barracks Building. I understand this construction may put a slight crimp in the festival, but please try and understand, the rehabilitation of the fort has been something that we've been trying to get accomplished for many, many years! There's a chance that the entire festival will have to be moved to our "open field" which is the fill land between the fort and the shipping channel. But, I won't know if that will happen until this summer when construction is expected to start. I am awaiting an email reply from the school superintendent regarding pirates going into the schools to present a program. If the Super tells me we can't get pirates into the school, we'll drop back and punt. At least there's a lot of lead time here. I will keep all posted. But, let's continue planning and I will make damn sure we have a place to do our thing! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  4. 2007 dates are: Nov 30-Dec. 2 If some with to come early, for example the week of the event, that is possible. I will ask that you help out by getting the word out around town or speaking to schools (that program is in the works). Arriving earlier can also help with airline fairs as it is usually cheaper to fly mid-week than on the weekend. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  5. I will reiterate this one more time---I am not a stitch counter or thread counter, or whatever one wants to call it. I know my history and I know just how I want participants to look in the festivals I produce here. If someone happens to be a bit off on their clothing or whatever, that's not a call for them to leave. Look, we're all adults here. We educate them on what works for the particular period. The only time I've ever asked someone to leave my event is when they have become unruly and/or are threatening participants or visitors. And, I will make that decision to toss or not to toss. There will NOT be any renfair types accepted whatsoever. Last year's mix included some folks portraying rennies (no disrespect to those who portrary that period!). The mix didn't work. I saw people in fairy costumes with magic wands running around, I saw people with animal tails hanging off belts, I saw weaponry that was not around in the 1700s and so forth. By the same token, there is no need to send in a picture to see if your character/equipment is right for the period. That's absurd, in my view. You're supposed to know if it's the correct equipment and such. I only require photos from merchants because I've been burned a few times by some in that group. Again, the period that is to be represented is 1675-1725. Whatever mixes within those years is good to go. I am not about segregate people during the event. All should be able to mix with everyone. We are interpreting history here folks. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to get entangled in the small stuff. It is for those reasons that I do not attend Civil War events that cater to the thread counters and such. I want everyone to be as accurate as possible. Once again, as accurate as possible. William, Patrick Hand, Capt. Jim and Capt Rusty have an excellent idea of where I'm coming from with this. Hurricane and his crewe also have an excellent idea of where I'm coming from. As William mentioned, this is only the encampment we're talking about. In my mind, the issue is settled. The parameters are there. Let's build the characters and equipment AS HISTORICALLY ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE (emphasis added to reiterate that I am not a thread-counter). Harry Fort Taylor.org
  6. No offense taken, Greg. Our mission in the park service is to provide resource-based recreation, while preserving, interpreting and restoring natural and cultural resources. I'm not sure what the point of the event has been over the years. I became affiliated with PiP in 2004 when our park hosted the Thieves Market. At the end of that festival, a couple of us came up with the idea of holding the entire event in the park--specifically in our fort. Sure, the fort didn't even exist in the 1700s. But, we believed we could create historically accurate scenarios about pirates to interpret to the public and have some fun doing it. A bit of literary license, if you will. We made our case to the organizers and sold our idea. In fact, the organizers liked the idea so much that they "passed the torch" to our group to produce the entire event. Not exactly what we were expecting, but we were up for the challenge. We do Civil War events (the fort played an important role during the Rebellion), so we believed we could apply the same methods we employ for those events to this event. It's all about interpreting the history of the period. Yes, we want to drive traffic into our fort. We want as many people as possible to understand our structure, it's significance, and why it's a National Historical Landmark. Preserving the structure, of course, requires money--lots of it. Monies earned from these events aid in that effort. Among my goals for this event: 1)Host a gathering of folks who understand history and enjoy reenacting a particular time period--in this case, pirates covering the period 1675 to 1725; B)Accurately as possible interpret the historical period to our visitors. Showing that through the use of "living history" is a great learing tool; 3)Raise money to aid in the rehabilitation of Fort Taylor; D)Have fun! There was some talk earlier regarding juried events. I'm not so sure I want to see this event go that way. I've been to Civil War events that border on that idea. A juried event may tend to become an exclusionary event. However, I strongly believe a set of standards is important. It's also necessary. By adopting a time frame as a standard, all who participate know immediately what's acceptable and what's not regarding characters, clothing, weapons and equipment (by the way, nylon tents have a place--in the modern camping area). Hope what you've read helps you understand a little bit of what we are about. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  7. All comments thus far are right on the money. The picture posted above is obviously NOT what we are striving for. If memory serves me, she was a partner of one of the sutlers. Which brings to mind another question: While everyone here is on track for for the camp portion, what are your thoughts about how the sutlers present themselves? My sense is that all would like to see the sutlers conform as we do. If that's the consensus, I can make that happen by informing potential merchants that they must be in period clothing--not Hollywood/Halloween clothing. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  8. Again, we're looking at an expanded period of between 1675 and 1725. I would hope that can encompass as many interpretations and impressions as possible. If the crew that camped in '06 would like to stick to 1720, that's okay. Hurricane and crew can do their period. And William and crew can do 1704. I don't see a problem with a set up like that. That will allow for numerous interpretations for the visitors. But, when we do the trial, the time period is 1720 since that's when that actually happened. In Civil War reenacting, we have only a four-year period to portray. But, uniforms did change after 1862, so there is a school of thought out there that doesn't want to see uniforms from the 1861 period. I don't subscribe to that school of thought. We also have to ask ourselves just how much credit are we going to give to the visitors to exactly what period we're doing? I'll wager that the general public when thinking of pirates is most familiar with Blackbeard and couldn't tell you about any other pirates, ships or anything else from the period. My point is: The general public will be interested in whatever period we show them. So, why not offer up three distinct periods? Also, when planning, don't worry about what will need cleaning up or whatever. I'll have staff and volunteers available to make the place look like nobody was in there. Our local planning committee will make sure of that. The folks working with me on this are charged up and want to bring the event back to the level that it used to be. We've already had one meeting and will meet again tomorrow. My vote for a ship name is: Damned Compass. Fits right in with the Key West "thought process." Harry Fort Taylor.org
  9. I don't thing the Callahan's are back home quite yet. I've emailed them and have been checking their web site for pics. So far nothing. I'll give them another week and give a ring and see what's up. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  10. My vote would be for 1720. That would coincide with the tryal of the women. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  11. Ran out of time and personnel to put together the fire circle. It's on the notes to include for the coming year! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  12. This is a great idea! It allows for excellent historical interpretation for the visitors! I may have a barrel or two to add. Also, I do have a good collection of iron cookware that can be made available. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  13. Me thinks we wouldn't necessarily have wanted to recruit this particular lass.... Harry Fort Taylor.org
  14. Now I understand why this "lady" was so insistent on seeing Silkie! And, when I told her Silkie would be back later, I could see much disappointment in her expression because she wouldn't be around when Ms. Silkie got back... Harry Fort Taylor.org
  15. There isn't a solid historical background as far as a battle or that sort of thing goes. In fact, the U.S. Navy was sent to Key West in 1822 to rid the area of pirates. And our fort wasn't constructed until 1845. But, that doesn't stop us at the park from developing an historically accurate portrayal of what might have occured if the British had a garrison at Key West. We know that the British had garrisons throughout the Caribbean, so we key off of that to create what we create. The period that is represented is from 1675 to 1725. One might think that it's easy to get folks to travel to here. In fact, it is not, given our distance from the mainland. There is a redcoat gathering in St. Augustine the same weekend of PiP. We did not realize that when the park took over most of the event organizing. I'm not inclined to change the already established dates of PiP either. Last year was the very first time that redcoats appeared in this event. That allowed pirates to fight a common enemy instead of themselves. We have a year to entice redcoat units to take a trip down here. I have contacts in that community as well. If anybody else has other contacts and you want to share them, I'll be happy to make contact with your groups. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  16. Agree that more redcoats are necessary. Tough to find folks who have the necessary garb and are willing to travel this far. But, we're working on it. Would appreciate muchly if pirates who have redcoats could do "double duty," as it were! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  17. The 2006 event was scaled down significantly from years past due to a number of reasons I won't get into here. My intent is to build the event little by little. Don't want it to explode because then it will get out of control. A big THANK YOU!!!! to all who were able to make the 2006 event. We were able to spend some quality time together and talk about how we can improve the 2007 gathering. And, the suggestions made by Patrick Hand, Silkie, Capt Jim and Capt Rusty and others will be incorporated. Thanks for helping this Civil War guy get a better handle on the period we're trying to interpret!! Also, I met a gentleman from England who was here in '05 and had a blast as it were. He's retired Royal Artillery and promised to send me an authentic Union Jack (5'x8') to fly over the fort (until y'all bring it down!). Corporate sponsors will be sought for 2007. We will have more activities for kids. We will have more entertainment thoughout the day. And, yes, there will be more publicity. There's been some initial talk about expanding the event to five days so we can present the Bonny/Read trial twice. A lack of budget nipped a lot of things out of the planned program. My local committee is already working on these items. I'm not sure I want to expand on the number of sutlers. There were 15 sutlers here for '06. But, I will be real picky now on the type of sutler that comes to peddle their wares. Smoke and Fire was here and they plan to come back. Most importantly, the encampment that was set up by Pubbers from here was most excellent! I will be adding a page or two (or three or four...) to the Fort Taylor.org web site about PiP. I also have a message board on that site. I closed it due to a lack of traffic, but if it's more convenient to cuss and discuss PiP on that board, I'll be happy to open it back up. Just say the word. I'll just have to get some piratical icons. Just wanted to let Pubbers know how much I appreciated you coming to our event. Your input will help put the spark back into what PiP had been a few years back! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  18. Check your pm box Capt Rusty. Harry Fort Taylor
  19. If you plan to attend any of the parties going on down here, piratical garb is certainly welcome. All (reenactors and vendors) will need to check in with either me or my volunteer worker BEFORE setting up any tents. Check in will be at a small tent situated right near the fort parking lot and entrance to the fort. Those who have pre-registered will merely have to pass on their name and then be on their way. However, those who have not pre-registered will have to take the time to fill out the forms. The entire process should not take any longer than 5 minutes. But, it's a necessary process as far as the park service is concerned. Harry Fort Taylor
  20. Hope you all had a wonderful turkey day. I recommend you bring some medications to ward off the crud that seems to be going around town this month. All of us at the park have had it and it's a bugger to lose. I realize that some of you will arrive on Wednesday. Once you get into Key West, contact the park office or our ranger station at 305-292-6713 and have them get a hold of me. Or leave your name and number with them and I'll return your call. Don't really want to give out my cell phone number to the world, as it were. We'll be setting up our tents on Wednesday as well. For those arriving on Wednesday (29 Nov), you're invited to a party at one of the marinas the next island up. The Conch Republic is getting its own navy base and this will be a USO-style party that evening. Tickets are $15 and proceeds go to help pay for PiP. The entertainment will be a swing band and an artist appearing from that era. On Thursday (30 Nov) will be the End of Hurricane Season party at the Pier House. Be attired in piratical garb and help us ward off the evil blows! We'll be burning the hurricane flags and if I can get city approval, I'll launch of a couple of cannon or mortar rounds. The important thing is that when you arrive in town, contact the Ranger Station and leave your name and number so I can get back in touch with you! Harry Fort Taylor
  21. I can certainly understand the financial situation of getting to the "end of the road." It's unfortunate that many who want to attend will be unable to because of finances. I've been there as well. But, we've always got next year to plan! For everybody who is attending (even if you're not quite sure yet) please make sure you've been to the Pirates in Paradise.com site and filled out a registration form and sent it to me. I'm in the process of setting up the inside of the fort so all will have a space. Harry Fort Taylor, Fla
  22. Thanks for the heads up Patrick! Got it posted. Harry Fort Taylor, Fla
  23. Sure, we'll get you hooked up! Harry Fort Taylor
  24. An excellent point. I'm game for that. That way all participants are on the same bus, er, boat. Harry Fort Taylor
  25. As far as how "authentic" one should be, please allow me to clarify. I do a lot of Civil War reenacting. Many events I attend have these so-called "thread counters" who come down on folks if they don't have the right kind shoes, the right kind of shirt and so forth. That doesn't help those who are trying to gain experience in portraying an historical figure. We don't do that at our events, plain and simple. We understand that the hobby of reenacting--regardless of the period represented--is a costly hobby. What we ask is that you be as authentic as possible. Nobody here is going to "count threads." If you have modern day items, all we ask is that you keep them out of sight of the visiting public. Our aim is to represent a period of history to our visitors--and have a good time doing it! Harry Fort Taylor
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