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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Need permission to link that video to my update Fort Taylor web page about the pirate fest, Fort Taylor Pirate Fest.
  2. We shoot an escaped prisoner in our Civil War event, so the precedent has been set. Keep that idea on the burner and we'll figure out where to implement it.
  3. I thought the gallows would've made an excellent addition. So did my boss, the park manager. His boss, though, is the one who nixed the idea. So, what we've already discussed wit the gallows crew is to secure stills and/or movie clips demonstrating what it's all about, i.e., the safety and such. That way I will have more ammunition to present to our district chief. Apparently one concern was the impression the gallows would leave on children. Bah, I say--turn on the ion bombardment tube at any time and see what kids are watching. The gallows are "G" comparitively speaking. In talking with the gallows crew, I'm satisfied they cover all the necessary safety aspects and their follow-up explanations with the public on how it all works are perfect.
  4. We generally have a bunch of scrap lumber sitting around the park shop. We also are able to acquire pallets from our local K-Mart. And, we do have group of plywood sitting about from other events that could possibly be used. Note taken on the idea and will be brought up to the Bone Island build team.
  5. Already working on that . We've got the uniform order put together and are awaiting the check from our "benefactor."
  6. I cannot tell you how much I would love to fire a ball from the cannon! The problem is the state (of course) does not allow us to fire projectiles whilst on state property. We are working on a plan to have so-called "trailing charges" planted to simulate a "hit" by cannon and/or blunderbuss and long rifle. The gate idea has merit. I will bring that up to the build team. Having more Royal Marines continues to be a problem. We would be guaranteed at least a company (if not more) of Royal Marines if they didn't hold a mandatory muster in St. Augustine the same weekend as our event. There have been pleas to change the dates of our event so the Royal Marines could participate. I shy away from that since our dates have been established now for a couple of years. We will continue our efforts to recruit more redcoats. Utilizing a script for the battles/skirmishes is not a favorite thing of mine. That comes from my experiences at Civil War events where each group must follow the history of a particular battle/skirmish. To me, that's boring--fire a few rounds, run out of ammo, then fall down dead or be captured. For me, there's no fun in that. In our just-concluded event, we did utilize a script of sorts for the attack and capture of the fort, but it was very generalized. The aim here is to keep as much action inside the fort as possible (since that's where the spectators are!). Since this was the first time we've done that, I can see where some fine tuning needs to happen. But, overall, I think that concept went well. At least from the comments I heard from visitors, reenactors, vendors and others. Getting more ships involved is yet another challenge. Our battles involving the ships have to be keyed to their sailing schedules and if the weather doesn't cooperate or something unknown happens with the ships, we have to move to plan B. Having said all that, we are wanting to expand the ship battles and if what we are working on this early indeed comes to light, me thinks you will be most happy and impressed.
  7. In the just concluded meeting with the Bone Island Buccaneers, we have found that many of us have the same ideas as to how to allow the event to properly grow. All of the ideas brought forth earlier were discussed and will continue to be discussed as the event date nears. To put it another way--we are all basically on the same page. I passed along the comments from pub members. Most comments will be looked at. The one comment that won't be discussed is the alcohol policy. We have a state regulation that must be adhered to without exception. The Bone Island Buccaneers are most grateful for all the kind words expressed. Their intent, as well as mine, is for the '08 event to surpass what you experienced in '07.
  8. All valid ideas that I will bring up at tonight's meeting with the Bone Islanders. Regarding the drinking issue. The absolute only way drinking will be allowed inside the fort during regular park hours is in a controlled environment such as we had. That's a state regulation that we have no choice in dealing with. The reason the pub didn't open until 3pm was to dissuade participants from drinking and then discharging black powder. I will not allow anyone to fire a weapon who has been drinking, period. On that rule, I will not bend. I am not so naive as to think some people were drinking before our battles--I know some were, but the safety officers were satisfied that there wasn't a serious issue. I just don't want any safety violations to adversely effect what we're trying to accomplish.
  9. I will collect all of the ideas thus far and present them to the Bucs tomorrow night when we have our first "official" post-mortem meeting. Good ideas all--these are exactly the ideas we are seeking to make '08 and beyond better!
  10. Yeah, we sort of didn't think about our participants who are vegetarian. That will be remedied for '08. Have to think about the closure of the parking lot. That spot is one of the most popular places for our visitors to park. I doubt my boss would approve, but then again one doesn't know until posing the question. Extra signage highlighting the Careening Camp would also add to our visitor's experiences--especially those who are only there for the beach. I think it would be an enticement to get them into the fort.
  11. To all: A big THANK YOU for your participation in the event!!!!! Only 364 days until Pirates in Paradise '08. And, before you get in a ruckus about my avatar, just remember you need the bloody English to keep from fightin' amongst yerselves!
  12. Ay... the trunk will be buried DEEP and no map to show its location! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  13. Finally leaving the 1860s and going back to the future... The rogue pictured is, indeed as Capt. Jim said, one our rangers. He's also my Chief of the Piece for artillery. Always had a problem with getting him to dress down ... And... he realizes that garb is NOT acceptable for future PiP events. I believe it was just what he pulled out of the trunk for the day...
  14. It's certainly an idea that warrants discussion. Our local group has a meeting set for early this week. I'll run up the idea and see who salutes! They (being organizations down here) already do a number of pub-style crawls. One pays a certain amount of money which covers the costs for an "official" t-shirt and a drink or two at participating pubs. There's a huge event here during St. Patty's Day when everybody is Irish! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  15. Didn't mean to be vague about the number of barrels... I have three (which I agree isn't a large number), but I know there are more in storage and I know of at least two that are in need of repairs. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  16. I've got some barrels you can use. They measure about 29" high. Replicas of what black powder would've been stored in. I've got wood crates of varied sizes as well. You will have a fire pit or two. Crews... you're doing a great job on making this encampment look as realistic as possible. You tell me what you need and I'll find a way to make it happen. Don't worry about sending me money. Y'all just worry about getting here. Ship me your chests, weapons and whatever else and I'll store it for you. We (the state/Friends of Fort Taylor) will make the rest happen! I haven't had a chance to hit the hardware store to check on drop cloths/tarps yet. I've been up to my *&$ in getting my Civil War event organized, which happens in TWO WEEKS!!!!!! Once that's over, I can devote my full attentions to PiP. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  17. Adding to what Hurricane was talking, THE locals bar here is The Green Parrot. It's the HQ for the Conch Republic Army and has THE best happy hour on the island. Schooner Wharf is HQ for the Conch Republic Navy. But, if you're looking to save some bucks, come early and we'll get a fire pit built for you. Lay in supplies from Publix or Albertson's and cook over the open fire. Those camping in the park during PiP will have a much more enjoyable time sitting around a fire and enjoying a rum or a beer than "wasting away at Margaritaville." I understand wanting to do the "Duval thing" for one or two nights. But, it gets old and expensive real fast. What better way to enjoy life on this rock than sitting around a camp fire with a rum (or two or three...) or a beer (or two or three...) and sharing some stories and getting to know one another. I've been on this rock for the past 15 years. If y'all want to organize a piratical adventure, let me know. We'll start here, adjourn to the Parrot and then hit the Rum Barrel, where the "plastic" pirates hang and show them a thing or two, then hit Schooner and finish up back at the park. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  18. I spoke with William today about securing some canvas drop cloths. I'll hit the local hardware stores and see what they have and report back to William. I also have some cast iron cookware that can be used for the camp. And, I also have some rather heavy duty line (can' t remember the exact thickness) that could double as anchor line. I am happy to store as much as I can for all. As we get closer to the event, I can also enlist (or impress!) some folks to build various sizes of boxes that can be used. I do have a number of boxes already constructed that we use for our Civil War event. These would have been ammo crates. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  19. Thanks for the info. I'll send them an email to get it corrected. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  20. Here's another name to toss out: Gullah My first sailboat was named "Gullah." Here's a link to its reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullah Harry Fort Taylor.org
  21. FYI... The Bone Island Bucaneers are the local committee that's helping organize the event on this end. We held a meeting last week, set some parameters of where we want to go, and will meet each month (and weekly as the event nears) to make sure the event is on track. BIC will be securing sponsors for the event to help with costs and doing a lot of the necessary "scut work" to make the event happen. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  22. I'd have to nix the idea on portraying a character out of the time period that's been established. There's no doubt that piracy has been around for centuries and still exists today. But, I'm of the mind that when the general public thinks of pirates, the images that first come to mind are the "swashbucklers" of the late 1600s and early 1700s. That's not to say that a character, when talking with visitors, couldn't mention people and events from the past. After all, stories have been passed along through the ages... Harry Fort Taylor.org
  23. I'll start searching for a berth for ya! Harry Fort Taylor.org
  24. Regarding "modern day" camping: An area will be set aside for folks with RVs and modern day camping tents. It'll be along the shipping channel side of the park where one will have an unobstructed view of sunsets! We don't have any hook-ups because we're a day-use park. And, we don't have hot showers, but the showers near the beach area in the picnic spots will be available. Anyone who wants to camp in that fashion will be taken care of! Royaliste: If you even think you'll be able to make it down this way for '07, let me know as soon as possible! We may be able to find a berth for the vessel unless the preference is to throw a line in a sheltered area in the harbor. Harry Fort Taylor.org
  25. Yeah, that's in my other "official" role as the Commanding General of the Army of the Conch Republic. I took my mortar down to the End of Hurricane Season Party and fired off a charge ward away those evil blows! Funny thing about being promoted to "General..." It was one of those things where I didn't step back fast enough! Actually, it's quite the honor to lead our Republic's army and mitigating world tension with the use of humor! Harry Fort Taylor.org
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